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Falling for Dr. Kelly: A Falling novel

Page 17

by Gallie, DL

  “But I need to find her, Flynn. I need my twinsie back.”

  “She will be back before you know it. Now, back to bed. Let's go.”

  We walk inside and are immediately met with Marvin. “No need to call the popo, I was just in the nursery.”

  “If I thought that would work, I would call them but I’m pretty sure you’d evade them too,” Helen says. “Can’t wait until you are back at the home.”

  “You’ll miss me,” he teases.

  “Yeah, like a hole in the head. What’s going on here?” Helen questions.

  “Ave’s sister was taken.”

  “You okay, babycakes?” Marvin asks her, shoving me aside and wrapping her in a hug.

  “When Bay is back I will be.”

  “How about I hang with you for a few hours…as long as that’s okay with my keeper?”

  “Do you promise to stay with Avery and not wander off?”

  “Cross my heart, hope to die. Stick a needle in my eye.”

  “You leave her room and I might just do that. I’ll come collect you just before lunch.”

  “Thank you, Helen,” he says, his tone super cheeky. Helen shakes her head as she walks away. “Come on, let's get you into bed.” He says this with a suggestive eyebrow shrug. Ave and I both laugh, but we follow him back to her room.

  Avery does as she’s told and climbs into bed. Marvin takes the chair by the window and I climb on to the bed with her.

  “Young love, it’s so nice to see,” Marvin says. “Now, what are we gonna watch while we wait for your sister to be rescued?”

  “Your choice,” Ave says, her voice quiet. I can tell she’s shrinking into her head again and just as I think that, her body shakes in my arms, she’s crying again.

  “Ohh, Avie,” I say, this causes her to cry harder.

  “Bay is the only one who…who calls me Avie,” she blubbers; pushing her head into my shoulder, letting it all out.

  “I’m so sorry, Ave.”

  “It’s not your fault. It’s those guys’ fault.” She lifts her head. “What if I don’t get her back? I don’t know how to exist without her.”

  “She’ll be fine.”

  “Doc’s right,” Marvin agrees, “If she’s half the woman you are, then those fools are in for a treat. She’ll be back before lunch.”

  But Marvin wasn’t right, it's now been three days since Baylor was taken and she’s still yet to be found. It’s like she disappeared off the face of the Earth. Avery is beside herself with worry right now, and I’m worried about her. If we don’t find Bay soon, I don’t know how Avery is going to cope.



  She’s been gone for four days now. Ninety-six hours and there’s still no sign of my sister. I’m going out of my mind. I’m sick to death of hearing people say, “Everything will be fine” or “Bay is tough.” I know she’s tough, but my mind is racing right now. One minute I’m calm and think yes, she’ll be home soon, and the next, I’m screaming and crying with fear that she’s dead. I’m on an emotional roller coaster right now. Everyone is hovering around me like I’m going to fall apart at any second, I’m fine…ish, apart from wanting my sister back. I want some space. I just want to be left alone and with Flynn heading into work today, I might just get some peace. But noooo, I can’t be trusted on my own so I agreed to go to the hospital with him. I’ll hang with Marvin for the day.

  I’ve been here for three hours and Marvin has kept me entertained, and my mind off Bay. He’s just drifted off to sleep, so I take the opportunity to get some alone time. I head across the road to Starbucks since the coffee in the cafeteria here is toxic waste. With my coffee in hand, I’m walking back to the hospital when two men in suits approach me. “Avery Evans?”

  Hesitantly, I really. “Yeeees. And you are?”

  “I’m Agent Hall and this is my partner, Agent Oates.” My eyes pop open at this, and I giggle. They both look at me in a ‘yes we know our names are funny’ way. They are talking but I’m not listening, I’m singing “I Can’t Go for That (No Can Do)” by Hall & Oates to myself. It isn’t until Hall, I think, says, “Ma’am, can you come with us, please?”

  “Is this about my sister?”

  “We aren’t any liberty to discuss that here with you.”

  “Just tell me if she’s okay.”

  A look passes between the agents. “Yes,” one of them sternly answers. With that one word, I can finally breathe easily again. “Avery, if you come with us, we can tell you more.”

  “Can I let my boyfriend know what’s happening?”

  “No, not right now. Time is of the essence here, Ms. Evans.”

  “Fine, I’ll come…but I’m texting him as soon as we leave.”


  “Actually, can you show me ID before I get in a car with you? Stranger danger and all that shit.”

  They both show me their identification, and much to their amazement, I quickly grab a snapshot of Hall’s. Thank you, Cress, for teaching me the art of the quick sneaky pic. “For security,” I say and I quickly send it to Flynn.

  AVERY - Going with Agents Hall and Oates, yes that’s their names. It's about Bay. Call you soon **attach ID picture**

  No sooner do I send the message and my phone starts to ring. I answer but before I can say anything, Flynn bellows down the line, “Are you fucking crazy going off with strangers?”

  “They aren’t strangers. They are agents, Hall and Oates, and they have information on Bay.”

  “You are making me fucking crazy.”

  “It’s about Bay and I’ll be fine. Besides, you have a pic of Hall’s ID. If this was a setup, they would have taken me like they did Bay, rather than talk to me and ask me to come with them.” Just as I say this, the police station comes into view. “Look, we’ve just arrived at the station, see I’m fine. I’ll call you as soon as I’m done here.”

  “You better. Please be safe and remember I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  Hanging up, I sigh. Suddenly I’m nervous. “Is Bay here?”

  They ignore me and quietly we walk into the station. They take me into an interrogation room and when the door opens, my eyes well with tears. “BayBay,” I blubber as I take her in. Her clothes are torn, her hair’s a mess, and her face—her gorgeous face—is black and blue and swollen. Racing over to her, I wrap my arms around her and she returns the gesture.

  Together we cry with relief at seeing one another. Pulling back, I gently grip her cheeks in mine. “Are you okay?”

  She nods. “Yeah, I am.”

  “What happened?”

  “Long story.”

  “Bay,” I warn.

  “I’ll tell you, but first, I need you to sit and listen to what I have to say.”

  I sinking feeling develops in my stomach. I’ve never seen Bay like this before. “I’m not going to like this, am I?”

  She shakes her head. “Probably not, but, Avery, I need to do this. I need to make amends for my actions.” She swallows deeply. “I need to do this for Kye.”

  “Who is Kye, Bay?”

  She sniffs. “He was ‘the one’ and because of my actions, he died. It should have been me but he protected me. I tried to walk away after that but I was in too deep. Way too deep.” She licks her lips and looks at me. “Avie, this is my chance to put things right. This is my chance to make up for his death.”

  “I’m so proud of you, BayBay.” And that’s the honest truth. Last week, I was broken up and hurt over my sister but this week, I could not be prouder of her. This the Bay I know and love. She’s taking charge and trying to put things right. “Okay, now, tell me the plan.”

  Taking a seat next to her, she tells me what’s happened over the last four days. My sister is one tough chick, not many people would have survived what she went through. Then she tells me what’s going to happen next; I’m a mix of unease and pride. For the next several hours, I’m brought up to speed on what’s going to happen now. The more
I’m told, the more I don’t like it. To say I’m scared is the understatement of the century. I’m beyond frightened for my sister right now, but everyone assures me it will all work out and Bay will be safe.

  I’m scared shitless with regards to what she’s about to embark upon, but at the same time, I’m one extremely proud sister.



  The last few weeks have been crazy, my life feels like something from the movies. I’ve had identity swapping, mistaken identity, an attack on Avery, kidnapping, undercover work, but there’s also been happiness, joy, and love. Avery and I are hopelessly in love and we are happier than ever. As much as she’s putting on a brave face, I know she’s worried about Bay. Bay going undercover was a shock but at the same time, it's not a surprise. She likes living on the wild side, and if I’m honest, I’m impressed with the turnabout in Avery’s sister.

  Life is simply perfect at the moment, and this weekend, I’m going to whisk my girl away for the dirty relaxing weekend we need and deserve. Looking up from the chart I’m finishing up, I see Helen walking toward me and smirk, clearly Marvin has gone AWOL; again. “Has our resident Houdini escaped again?”

  She shakes her head and as she steps closer to me, I see devastation written all over her face. I know what she’s about tell me isn’t good news; so much for our perfect life right now. “No, but I wish he had.” She swallows deeply. “Marvin passed about an hour ago.”

  Standing up, I walk over to Helen and wrap my arms around her. She hiccups a sob and breaks down in my arms. “I’m going to miss the old coot,” she blubbers.

  “I think we all will. The hospital just won’t be the same without him here.”

  “I know,” she sniffles and steps back, wiping the tears from under her eyes. Our moment is interrupted by a beautiful angelic voice that breaks the silence. “Hey, guys.”

  Helen and I both snap our heads toward Avery and without saying anything, her face drops. She knows. Her eyes well and she shakes her head from side to side as the tears break free. She drops to her knees and breaks down. “No, no, no. He can’t be gone.”

  Helen squats down next to Ave. “Avery, honey, he’s in a better place now. You know how much pain he was in these last few days.”

  “I know, but he’s gone and I didn’t get to say goodbye.”

  “Avery, he knew how much you cared. Since he met you, he changed. You gave him the best possible last few weeks anyone could have asked for. He loved you like a daughter.”

  “I know but…” She shakes her head sadly. “He wasn’t just my friend, he was my family.” She looks up at me and my heart breaks when I see the devastation on her face. “Flynn, Marvin’s gone.”

  Dropping to my knees, I pull her into my chest. She lets out all her grief over the loss of her friend.

  We have just returned to Avery’s apartment after Marvin’s funeral, today was tough, but it was also good for her, it allowed her to say her goodbyes to Marvin. As we were leaving, the funeral director gave me an envelope for Avery. I’m unsure as to when to give it to her. She’s an emotional wreck right now. I’m glad that Bay and Cress are here for her. Bay can’t be as much as she’d like, due to her predicament, but Ave is pushing everyone away at the moment.

  Ave heads into her bedroom and I stand in the living room, unsure of what to do. Removing my suit jacket, the envelop falls out, just as Avery steps back into the room. She bends down, picks it up, and looks at it. Her eyes widen when she sees her name scrawled on the front.

  “What’s this?”

  “The funeral director gave it to me to give to you.”

  “Who’s it from?”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I admit, “I don’t know. You’ll need to open it to find out.”

  She swallows deeply and stares at the envelope. “Will you stay with me while I do?”

  “Of course I will. I’m here for you anytime you need me.”

  She sadly smiles before taking my hand and pulling me to the sofa. She sits down and I sit next to her. She slides her finger under the flap, tears it open, and pulls out the letter. She begins to read and tears well in her eyes.

  My dear Avery,

  You reading this means I’m up in heaven with my harem of angels, running amok and finally living pain free. You were the light that kept me going these last few months. Your friendship meant everything to me. Thank you for keeping this old geezer smiling in my last days.

  Please don’t dwell on my passing, live for the both of us. Focus on Flynn, name your little boy Marvin, after me, and keep that evil doppelgänger sister of yours in line.

  Avery, you have the biggest heart and I’m so glad to have known you. If I had a daughter, I hope she’d be like you. Don’t ever let anyone dull your shine, continue to sparkle each and every day.



  “Ohh, Marvin,” she says, wiping away her tears. She looks to me and sadly smiles. “He was the sweetest man. I’m going to miss him so much, Flynn.”

  Placing a kiss on her temple, I pull her into me. “He sure was. Will you be okay, lass?”

  “Yeah, I will be,” she says. “Can you take me to bed and snuggle with me? I just want to be held.”

  “Anything you need and I’ll do it.”

  We walk into her room and strip out of our clothes. We climb under the covers and snuggle, her back to my front, just like she wanted. “Marvin wants us to name our son Marvin.”

  “Marvin Kelly, I like it.”

  “Marvin Evans has a good ring to it too.”

  “Dr. Evans, I like it.”

  She rolls over to face me. “You’d change your name for me?”

  I nod my head. “Yep, whatever it takes to have you in my life is what I’ll do.”

  “You continually amaze me, Flynn Kelly, but it will be me who changes my name, it’s tradition.”

  “Your strength continues to astound me, and I thank the heavens every day for allowing me to meet and fall in love with you.”

  “And I love you too. Now make love to me, Flynn. Show me how much you really do love me.”

  And that’s exactly what I do. For the rest of the afternoon and evening, Avery and I make love until we blissfully fall asleep wrapped in each other’s arms.



  …six months later

  After the incident of mistaken identity, ending up in hospital, Bay’s kidnapping, and the undercover sting thing, everything changed. The day Agents Hall and Oates—I still laugh at that—came to get me from the hospital, my world was turned upside down. After Baylor was rescued from B1 and B2—Bozo one and Bozo two—she was arrested for her part in the drug racket, but she offered to go undercover to help them bring down the biggest party drug operation in the state. Her offering this reduced her overall jail sentence. Had she not been arrested when she was twenty, her sentence could have wholly been suspended, but a dumb drunken night and a stolen garden gnome changed that for her. Luckily for Bay, B1 and B2 were killed when’s she was rescued. They were high as kites and stood no chance against the team that was sent it. Their deaths, however, helped Bay in more ways than one. With no one to dispute her story, it played into the undercover setup and sting. Bay used them as her scapegoat with the drug leaders. They were impressed with her tenacity and she quickly worked her way into the inner ranks of the chain. Little did they know, she was gathering as much evidence as possible to bring them down.

  The day it all went down, it made headline news. Bay and I hadn’t spoken in a few days, so I was antsy and on edge. When it hit the news, and I knew she was safe; I could finally relax. The three months it took was nerve-wracking but with Flynn by my side, I was able to cope.

  I’m so proud of my sister, but when it was all over, it was time for her to head to jail and serve out her twelve-month prison term. She’s been inside for three months now and without her at the apartment, I’m lonely. I miss her like crazy, we’ve always been together—twin thing—so it’s weird
to not see her each and every day. I visit her every weekend, if Flynn isn’t working, or sleeping, he comes with me since I’m generally at his place anyway. I spend most of my nights at his penthouse, basically we are unofficially living together.

  Last weekend, when I went to visit Bay, Flynn had to work and it was just me. After a lengthy discussion, and a few raised voices, Bay and I decided to give up our apartment, as long as Flynn would officially let me move in.

  That afternoon, I was excitedly awaiting him to get home from work. I baked to keep my mind occupied and I also cooked a lasagne big enough to feed the hospital. He stepped through the door and my excitement bubbled over. As usual, he went and had a shower to freshen up. I was a bundle of nerves while I waited so I opened a bottle of red, and I was on glass number two when he emerged, freshly showered and looking mighty sexy.

  Handing him a glass, I top up mine and we head outside to watch the sunset from the patio. We are snuggling on the outdoor lounger, one of my favorite things to do. Looking up, at him, I take a deep breath and broach the moving in topic. “So, um, babe, today Baylor and I decided to give up our apartment.”

  His head snaps in my direction. “Okay, but where are you going to live?”

  “Well, I was kinda sorta hoping you’d let me move in here…with you!”

  He stares at me. Not saying a word. The silence is deafening. I start to think he doesn’t like the idea of us officially living together when his lip lifts and he breaks into the biggest smile ever. “Does this mean that officially you’d be waking up naked in my arms each and every morning?” Nodding my head, I open my mouth to agree, but he raises his hand and presses his finger to my lips to stop me. “So three hundred and sixty-five days of the year, you will be waking up naked in my arms?”


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