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Ecstasy Unbound (The Guardians of the Realms Series)

Page 8

by Jay, Setta

  “Speak! And it had better be damned good!”

  “I already told you I was attacked by three possessed. I had to bail before I could get the syringe. I broke one of the bastard’s wrists. I appeared to have been targeted, seeing that I was in an unpopulated location, not their usual locale. Add that to the Intel Gregoire and I gathered earlier at Cynthia’s compound, and it’s not looking good. Seems too much like a strategic effort from the Tria. They’ve always seemed so scattered and chaotic in their attacks before. But, earlier today Cynthia had possessed assholes watching her place.”

  Drake appeared to ponder the situation. “I’m hoping P and Sander will have some answers, I’ve called everyone in for a meeting at the end of their shifts, should be in the next couple of hours. For now, get to the part that has to do with hellhounds on Earth.”

  “Not multiple, one hellhound and he’s here because I brought him.” Uri waited for it… His brothers just raised eyebrows, Gregoire included.

  “Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me? This had better be your idea of a fucking joke.” The contents of the room shook with the power of Drake’s bellow, and Conn put his laptop screen down and moved it to the center of the table while telekinetically turning up the super powered exhaust fans installed in every room. A necessity for any location Drake inhabited. The smoke billowing from Drake’s scowling lips started filtering up through the vents overhead.

  “I saved the pup in Hell Realm a couple months ago. There was every chance I was going to have to kill him, so I didn’t say anything. I was going to come clean tomorrow at the meeting.” Uri drug his hand through the back of his hair, knowing he sounded like a dumbass. “I fucked up. He’d just been born, mother killed moments after birthing him. Dragon ate her and almost took the pup as an after dinner mint. He was newborn, untainted by Tria blood bond. Each day I thought he’d go bad, but he didn’t. I blood bonded with him myself to keep control of him when I was on shift, spelled him at my place. He isn’t evil. He instinctually hunts those with dark auras.”

  “Wanna tell me how you know that?”

  “He needs to hunt. I take him. Don’t get your nuts in a twist. I haven’t let him kill anyone and the good news is that I don’t suffer when he mildly injures a human. Sirena’s going to be thrilled to check him out. Trust me. Havoc somehow siphons off evil from the humans he hunts. My guess is it’s like he can metabolize the darkness without it draining into him. He seems to have no interest in those humans with neutral, or pure, auras.”

  Jax almost choked on his shocked laugh, “Shit Uri. A Guardian with a hellhound for a pet, that’s fucking hilarious.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Jax!” Drake bit out before he pinned Uri with a pissed off glare. ”You brought a hell beast into this Realm without telling me? Then you went out walking him? You have to be yanking my chain; because if you’re not, the mats are not big enough for the ass kicking you will be getting for this.” Drake didn’t look like he’d shaved in days. He stood there with blonde, almost shoulder, length hair, and piercing emerald dragon eyes, looking at him with irritation burning in their depths.

  Uri nodded, gritting his teeth. He deserved the ass kicking, “Agreed.”

  More smoke billowed, “When this is done, you and I are going to have a little time together.” He said ominously. “Are you sure the possessed didn’t track him? And what are you doing about the fucking humans seeing him? Fuck, I can’t even believe I have to have this conversation.” Drake seemed to calm slightly as he got more information and his point was made.

  “I’ve altered the memories of any human that’s seen him… My guess is the possessed were after me. Havoc had no contact with Hell Realm. There is no bond between the hound and the Tria. Not sure if the demons could somehow be drawn to him…” He looked to Sirena, who’d sat down right as Uri started.

  The beautiful blonde Guardian’s eyes glittered with excitement, “It’s a possibility.” He grinned at her assessment. He’d known she’d be thrilled about Havoc.

  Uri continued, “The syringe, along with their initial focus, seemed to be on me. The asshole was set to use it on Havoc, but it seemed more as a last resort, using the only weapon he had. But, who the fuck knows? The possessed haven’t ever seemed more than an irritating rash, I don’t like that they seem focused now.”

  “I agree.” Drake said.

  Uri leaned his chair back, “Havoc held his own trying to protect my ass. He took down that asshole in holding, and he had another down. If I hadn’t been forced to get us out of there after breaking one of the bastard’s wrists, who knows? He’s proven to be an asset, and if he is drawing possessed, that can be an advantage. For once we might actually get the upper hand.” Looking to Jax and Gregoire, “I don’t suppose I’ve been lucky and the others dropped that syringe for you to recover?”

  “I tracked them down the hill while Jax got princess down there all cinched up and transported. Lost their scent at the wooded parking area. No syringe that I found, although not a bad idea to go in during daylight and check the place for any evidence they may have left.” Gregoire said in his usual monotone. Gregoire showed no outward sign that he was pissed that Uri didn’t clue him in. He had been giving his brother deniability with Drake.

  “So do I even ask what the fuck you were thinking in bringing a fucking hellhound to this Realm?” Drake asked.

  “I live here. He was under control, I wouldn’t have let him do damage. He seemed like just one more pawn... at someone else’s mercy. I screwed up, I own it. I should have said something. But I’ll say it again, the hound proved damn useful tonight. If he hadn’t been with me, we may not have a prisoner. And we might not have had an opportunity to find out why the hell I was targeted, what they’d planned to inject me with, and to what purpose.” Drake appeared to be processing what Uri had said, along with what he hadn’t.

  They all sat silently for a moment before Conn popped in, “I, for one, would pay money to see that little fucker put the hurt on a possessed, after all the shit they’ve given us through the centuries, it’ll be nice to cause them a little pain.” His amber eyes glittered with anticipation of seeing just that.

  “Hell, yeah’s,” filled the room, mostly from an exuberant Jax.

  “Don’t think you’re off the hook, not saying shit was fucking stupid, and we’ll be dealing with that after you interrogate our little friend in holding and you bring the beast in. I want to evaluate the animal myself, and Sirena will need to check him out.” Drake looked to Sirena and she nodded, perfectly styled blonde hair bobbing enthusiastically. After a moment she was lost in thought, most likely calculating all the possibilities.

  Drake changed focus, “Jax, Gregoire, as soon as sunlight hits, I want you out looking for that syringe.” Drake headed for the door, indicating they were done.

  All grunted assent. As the others got up to leave, Gregoire moved to Uri. He waited to see what his brother would say.

  “You said the pup’s mother was killed by a dragon?” Gregoire said, hand at his goatee, as he came up next to Uri, both heading for the door.

  He nodded, still not sure if Gregoire was pissed that Uri hadn’t clued him in.

  As if Gregoire had seen his dilemma, “We’re good. Not like I don’t have my own secrets. Make sure you have a tight hold on the hound’s bond when he meets Drake. He may remember the smell of Dragon… good luck. I’m out.”

  “Yeah, me too.” Uri said, heading in the opposite direction, he rolled his shoulders, ready to go deal with Tank Top. He hated diving into the mind of a possessed. Knowing that whatever he’d see wouldn’t be pleasant.

  Chapter 9

  Alex sat on the edge of Vane’s desk in their shared office. His was always spotless, with only the computer screen and keyboard both positioned, just so, on the polished wood surface. The complete opposite of Erik’s desk across the room. Erik preferred working with stacks, and his weapons were all over the place, all in his perceived proper place of course, but there, nonetheless.

>   Vane was clicking at the keyboard as he shared, “I’ve added the California apartment building to the notes. I haven’t found any correlations with any of the other victims, so far. She’s not on any Coven listing, but I’m betting that she’s another Elemental Mageia. So far, that’s the only thing the women have had in common.”

  For centuries, the Guardians had required that each Elemental Mageia Coven maintain a list of their members and provide it to the Guardians. The Guardians made sure to keep tabs on the Mageias. Making sure the slightly advanced mortals didn’t attempt to control humanity, especially as their numbers grew. Mageias were technically human, ones that had seemingly evolved, acquiring Elemental powers, and longer lives than regular humans. For the most part a peaceful group, but there had been times over the centuries that they’d caused problems when pooling their powers. Usually they created more environmental type issues. But, since they were able to take in energies like an Immortal, if they chose, they were susceptible to the dangers of dark energies. That which had given the Gods’ increased powers, while pushing them to madness, before they’d had to be contained. Darkness always craved more darkness.

  Since the lists were already compiled, Vane hacked in to the Guardian’s network and took the information they needed. Vane loved hacking, government networks, businesses, and especially, anything Conn, the Guardian tech, was working on. Conn caught him every time he broke the firewalls, and they rarely gained much information, but it was a game her brother loved to play. Before Conn barred his access the last time, Vane had managed to send over a stripper gram virus, male, which had her brother laughing for days, planning what to send next time. She thought she’d even seen Erik smirk at that one. It had been freaking funny.

  “So far all I’ve got on Samantha Palmer is that she’s an only child, moved to Orange County from Phoenix to attend UCI six years ago and never left. Works IT for a firm in Newport Beach, and according to the lease agreement, she lives alone. Her father is an accountant; mother is a stay at home, still in Phoenix. None of them were on the Coven listings in Arizona.”

  “Vane and I can take care of this, why don’t you go recharge?” Erik’s voice was rough and raspy, so much like their father’s.

  She grinned a little, “No, I’m good, I’ll go after.” He looked at her for a second, and she felt him send her some more of his energy while grumbling, understanding that arguing with her was futile.

  “Picture of the apartment complex is up on the screen. It should be about eight p.m. there, just getting dark.” Vane may be true to his name in appearance but he kicked butt with research.

  She and Erik took a look at the photo and teleported right outside the complex. They were able to produce the illusion they weren’t there before moving up the stairs. They found the apartment on the second floor. It was one with a view of the golf course. Erik opened the lock and they silently slipped in. Lock verses Immortal with kick ass telekinetic ability… Immortal wins. She saw Erik tense a little but he moved on. She wasn’t sure what that was about.

  Vane took a deep breath when entering with her, “Another Mageia, unique, but I’d say earth elemental ability.” He said as they followed Erik.

  Alex looked around the comfortable little apartment, open floor plan with a decent sized kitchen to the right, a big snack bar open to the living area straight ahead. An oversized, cozy looking, tan couch was adorned with a big, colorful throw blanket, in burgundy and green. Candles were everywhere, it smelled of vanilla and pineapple. Some bright art hung on the standard, off white walls, and dark green curtains were open to show the darkening sky.

  There were pictures of laughing girls at the pool, holding drinks featuring fun colored umbrellas. More pictures at bars, all dressed for dancing covered the fridge. Alex wished she had that, pictures of girlfriends out on the town, shopping, dancing… but to get close to a mortal was just asking to be hurt when they died. Looking around, her chest constricted a little. Had she been missing out on living?

  Shaking out of her little pity party, she really looked at the pictures. The one constant was a blonde female, taller than the others, with green eyes and a nice tan. There was a framed photo with a younger version of the blonde, that time with longer hair and braces, standing next to an older couple and a golden retriever, which confirmed to Alex that Sam was the blonde.

  Alex may have shared the female’s mind, but without a mirror, she had no clue what Sam had looked like. Erik was acting odd, his body tensed as he moved around. She looked to Vane, who just shook his head.

  “Erik, is everything okay?” When he didn’t respond to her, just moved into the other room, Vane followed. The hair on the back of her neck tingled, causing her to rub the sensation away. She was confident Vane would find out what was wrong with Erik, so she moved into the living area.

  She noted how it always felt weird being in the personal space of one of the victims, an intrusion. Alex felt Sam there. Just like the other victims, there was something left inside the home, maybe it was the Elemental Mageia power her brothers were able to smell.

  Sam was the sixth victim in the last year. The abductors were getting more effective at tracking their prey. The urgency in her mind told her they didn’t have much time. They needed to find Sam. She wouldn’t let her suffer with Cyril and Elizabeth, the thought clenched her stomach.

  “Shit, Erik, what the fuck’s wrong?” Vane yelled, before he slammed Erik up against the doorway leading into what had to be the bedroom, the jamb dented with the move and plaster rained from above. She hoped the neighbors were not home to hear the commotion.

  Erik was vibrating against Vane’s hold, panting, his chest rising and falling so hard that if he’d been human, she’d have been concerned he was having a heart attack. “Scent…” he barely got the word out on a growl, one word that would be the last semi coherent thing they’d get from him. His eyes went cat and she and Vane moved at once, each teleporting to the couch, laying Erik down.

  Worriedly glancing to Vane she asked, “Do you smell something? Are you feeling okay?”

  “No, I’m good.”

  “What exactly happened?” she wasn’t sure if they should get out of the apartment. Looking at Vane, he seemed fine, maybe shaken under his fierce scowl.

  “I’m not affected by anything, but maybe we should get him out of here. I’ll go into the room and see if I can detect anything. I went in right after him. He looked kind of out of it, headed to the bed, and lifted the pillow to his nose before he started convulsing. I barely restrained him against the damned doorway.” Vane made a move toward the room while she sat with a growling, panting Erik.

  “No, stay out here with him, let me go in and see if I can pick anything up, I don’t have either of your sensitivities to scent. I don’t want you exposed. Actually, you take Erik to the apartment and I’ll be right behind you.”

  “Fuck no! You can go in and check it out. I feel fine, but you’re right about that. I wouldn’t chance leaving you with no backup if I got hit with something too. Maybe use your psychometrics on her pillow.” Her ability to gain knowledge from objects was generally only useful if the item she touched was something left behind by a kidnapper, or something to that effect. Sam was taken from outside just like the other victims, so her pillow was unlikely to hold clues, but she’d try.

  Alex moved into the room, taking in her surroundings. The master bedroom had a four poster bed of oak, with a dresser and end tables to match. The bed was mostly made, except where Erik had taken the pillow out, crushing it before dropping it. The bedding was done in creams with a maroon afghan over the bottom, and a couple of maroon throw pillows scattered about. There weren’t pictures like there had been in the kitchen, just some contemporary abstract paintings that matched the bedding, no books, or anything on top of the dresser or night stands, it was all so tidy.

  Alex opened the nightstand drawer closest to the adjoining bath, the same side that Erik took the pillow from. Just some suspense novels, notepad with
pen, small black flashlight, no journal or anything really personal, other than the battery operated kind, stashed in the back of the drawer.

  Alex finally grabbed the pillow, feeling with her mind for a reading. Pictures of Sam tossing and turning, sleeping, nothing out of the ordinary for a pillow, there was no sight of anyone other than Sam having used it.

  Quickly, she teleported outside, and felt around the area that the kidnapper had to have hidden. Nothing. Teleporting into the kitchen, she grabbed a garbage bag and found some duct tape in a junk drawer. Back in the room, she bagged the pillow and teleported it to her cave in case it was some kind of clue, though she doubted it. Something about that wasn’t right, but better to be safe. She did a quick sweep of the bathroom, where she found absolutely nothing useful, once again, then moved to the living room where Vane’s piercing blue gaze met hers.

  “Let’s get him to the cavern.”

  Chapter 10

  Memory Extraction on asshole possessed always made him sick, if not the memories themselves, then the tainted taste of the blood. Didn’t really matter, it had to be done and Uri was the jackoff that drew the short straw on all that shit. Being the only Aletheia within the Guardians ranks sucked at those times. No fucked up pun intended. He shook his head.

  He was able to take memories by touch, or through blood… blood was the only effective way of getting the memories of any possessed. He wished there was a better option, but, it never fucking failed that the asshole demons would fight off mental invasion to the point of destroying the human host’s mind. Which was in no way worth the mountainous headache he’d get. He learned that lesson quickly. So it was blood memories, which was fucking disgusting.

  Thankfully, the Guardian curse was only for pain, not discomfort. They were safe with paper cuts, injections, smacks to the back of the head… and the quick strike of fangs to a wrist. The nasty taste of corrupted human blood was a close second to the memories he found, which always proved equally nauseating.


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