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Pursued by the Rich Rancher

Page 10

by Catherine Mann

  Alex had her locked firmly against his chest, and her heartbeat raced as fast as the horse. “It’s okay, Nina. I’ve got this. You’re all right. Zircon will run himself out. We just need to stay seated.”

  She heard him and slowly began to believe him. Her nerves battled with a long-buried urge to enjoy the ride and ignore the risks. Just live on the edge. Which was exactly what they were about to do as Zircon readied to cross the creek. The horse pushed off the thin creek’s bank. Instinctively Nina shifted her hands up the horse’s neck, grabbing its mane and leaning forward into the jump.

  Zircon went flying over the creek and landed smoothly on the other side. Had she squealed or screamed again? She didn’t know, but the world was sparkling. This felt like flying.

  The drumming of the hooves reverberated through her as Zircon nimbly galloped around fat oak trees. They approached another clearing. Alex gathered the reins and pulled the horse’s head to the right. Zircon’s head turned sharply and his legs followed. Nina watched the horse’s nervous eyes soften. Alex kept the horse turning to the right. The circle became smaller and smaller. Bit by bit, the horse slowed. Then stopped, snorting and pawing at the ground.

  Alex slid from the saddle and lifted her off, setting her quickly on the grass before kneeling beside his horse. His hands skimmed along the front legs, left and right.

  Nina covered her mouth. How could she have forgotten about the snake so quickly? “Is he okay? Was Zircon bitten?”

  Alex shook his head. “It doesn’t appear so, thank God. The rattler just spooked him.” He glanced over his shoulder. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine, only a little surprised. And very grateful no one was injured, especially Zircon.” She reached out tentatively and patted the horse’s neck, the satiny coat soothing to the touch. Frothy sweat pooled beyond the horse’s ears and around the bit.

  Rising, Alex stood beside her again, stroking her cheek. “I’m so damn sorry that he went out of control so fast.”

  “You kept us all safe. And truth be told, once I got past the initial startle, I actually enjoyed the ride. I didn’t expect to feel like that.”

  “Like what?” He stepped closer, his hand drawing her nearer.

  “My skin tingled all over,” she said with only a sliver of space between them.

  He smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “You’re a horsewoman after all.”

  Laughing softly, she angled closer, her nerves igniting at the simple brush of her breasts again his chest. “A horsewoman? That’s taking things a little far based on one ride.”

  He tapped his temple. “Trust me. I have a sense for things like this.”

  “Perhaps next time we ride we can take things a little slower and see how it goes.”

  “You’re willing to ride again?” he asked with clear undertones.

  “Absolutely I am.” Her body damn near ignited with thoughts of last night, of taking things further. “In fact, I’m looking forward to it.”

  “You’re going to be sore after today’s experience.” His hands slid down her back, lower, pressing her hips to his.

  “Probably. Where’s your masseuse?”

  “I was thinking of something else to relieve tension later tonight, if you’re game.”

  While she wanted to be with him, she was confused after his departure the evening before. Things were moving so fast, and she was the one who’d wanted that, wanted a fling, but she needed to understand his intent better. She needed to make sure they were on the same page. “About last night—”

  “Things moved fast, I get that.”

  “They did, and I have to confess I’m not used to that. So maybe I sent some mixed signals. I was married, but my life has been focused solely on my son since then. This week has been...different. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I didn’t want you to leave,” she admitted. Since she was living on the edge today, she might as well go for broke.

  “I didn’t want to go.”

  Finally she asked the question that had plagued her through a very sleepless night. “Then why did you?”

  He tugged his hat off—how had that stayed on through the crazy ride?—and thrust a hand through his hair. “It’s difficult to explain, other than to say this week doesn’t seem like long enough.”

  “But it’s all we have.” She hadn’t considered more. Even the thought of being vulnerable in yet another relationship made her feel as if the world had tilted again. She backed away from him. “I have a life and a home in San Antonio.”

  Although that life felt mighty far away at the moment.

  He slammed his hat back on his head. “You’re right. Forget I said anything. Let’s live in the moment.”

  The tension in her chest eased and she leaned against him. “One day at a time. I like that.”

  She arched up on her toes to kiss him, enjoying the way their mouths met with familiarity, fitting just so. His arms slid around her, his hands warm and strong palming low on her waist. Her breasts pressed to the hard wall of his chest, and her mind filled with memories of the night before, of his touch, his intuition about just how to set her on fire.

  Her senses, still so alive from their mad dash, burned all the hotter. “Alex...”

  “Nina...” he whispered in her ear, his beard stubble rasping against her cheek. “I want you here, now, but we’re too close to the camp and there are other riders out.”

  She gasped, jerking away. “Oh my God, the kids are out riding.” She pressed a hand to her forehead. “How could I have forgotten?”

  “But we have a date for later.” He pulled her back into his arms and traced her bottom lip. “I told you, I have a plan for reducing tension. Trust me?”

  God, how she wanted to. “I’ll see you tonight after Cody goes to sleep.”

  * * *

  Eight hours later, Alex held his hands over Nina’s eyes, hoping she would enjoy his idea for their evening together. He’d brought dinner to her and Cody first, enjoying the chance to get to know her son better. They’d eaten barbecue and played with toy horses Alex had brought as a gift until Amie arrived to babysit again.

  Nina had smiled more broadly over his present to her son than she had over the chocolate strawberries he’d brought for their dessert. He couldn’t help being drawn to her devotion to the boy after the way his own parents had ignored their children except for when he and Amie were trotted out to perform.

  He wasn’t going to have many more opportunities to be alone with Nina with his cousin’s wedding right around the corner. Even the small family service would still take up all their time over the weekend, relatives pouring in left and right. Not to mention the bachelor party and rehearsal dinner.

  Thoughts of family were the last kind Alex wanted right now.

  Nina had made it clear she only wanted a week together, and that was likely all they would have once she knew how badly his grandmother wanted her son’s shares in the McNair Corporation. He’d considered just offering an exorbitant amount of money for them, but their own finances were tangled up in investments. Selling them off to liquidate cash would be unwise fiscally, and unfair to their own investors. He was caught in a loop of damned if he did and damned if he didn’t.

  So he did the only thing he knew to do. Focus on letting Cody have the best camp experience possible. Get to know the child better.

  And pamper Nina for whatever time they had together.

  She clasped his wrists. “Where are we going?”

  “Almost there,” he said, stopping in front of the sauna attached to the family’s private pool house. “Are you ready for more relaxation?”

  “I think so.”

  He lowered his hands and opened the door to the small cedar room. A tray waited with water bottles beside a stack of fat towels.

  Everything had
been prepared as he’d ordered. “This is our family’s private sauna. No one will bother us here. I thought you might be sore after being jostled around on Zircon. Your choice, though, if you’d rather not.”

  She turned in his arms to face him, smiling. So easy to please and so at home in the places he loved best. She fit in here seamlessly. “I think it’s a fabulous idea.” The emerald green of her gauzy blouse made her eyes sparkle. “You have a knack for knowing just what I need. But I’m curious, what do you need?”

  Her provocative question hung in the air between them.

  His eyes fell to the deep V of her shirt, which had been drawing his gaze all night long. A long lock of hair had slipped loose, the curl pooling just above her breast as if it were providing a path for his touch. “I need you, Nina. Just you.”

  He walked her into the sauna, the temperature still moderate. For now. His temperature? Definitely notching higher the longer he looked at her.

  She stroked along his shoulders, her touch making his skin tighten everywhere. “I’ve got to know, though, are you going to walk out on me again?”

  “Not unless you ask me to.” He kicked the door closed, sealing them inside the low-lit cubicle.

  For good measure, he went back and locked it.

  “Doubtful.” She arched up on her toes to nip his bottom lip. “I’m warming it up fast.” She winked at him. “I think we’re both way too overdressed for this sauna idea of yours.”

  “I’d like to help you with that.” An understatement.

  She lifted her arms in an unspoken invitation for him to peel off her loose blouse. He swept up the gauzy fabric and tossed it aside on the bench, his eyes never leaving all the creamy pale skin he was unveiling.

  His breath caught in his throat at the sight of her breasts in white lace. High, luscious curves. “You look every bit as beautiful as you felt last night.”

  He’d been reliving those moments in his head all day long. Even more, he’d been looking forward to making even more memories with her tonight.

  Her fingers walked down his shirt. “You don’t have to shower me with compliments.”

  “I want to...if I spoke as many languages as you do—” he tugged the zipper on her jeans, down, down, revealing white bikini panties “—then I could tell you again and again how beautiful you are, how much I want you, how often thoughts of you distract me at work.”

  “You have quite a way with words no matter what language you’re speaking.”

  She worked free the buttons on his plaid shirt, one at a time, her knuckles grazing his skin and tempting him to toss aside restraint. Then her cool hand slid inside his jeans and restraint was absolutely the last thing on his mind. She curved her hand around his throbbing erection and he bit back a groan as she stroked.

  Growling low in his throat, he eased her down to sit on the bench and knelt in front of her, tugging her boots off one, then the other. Her new leather boots were starting to have a worn-in look, as though she belonged here. In his house. In his arms.

  She flowed forward, sweeping aside his loose shirt, then leaned back again, eyes roving his chest with obvious appreciation. Kicking aside his own boots, he tugged his wallet from his pocket and pulled out two condoms, then placed them on the bench.

  Her pupils widened with desire.

  He peeled off his socks and shucked his well-worn jeans before standing naked in front of her. Her smoky smile steamed over him hotter than the sauna. She trailed her fingers down his chest, down his stomach, gently brushing his erection. He throbbed in response, her touch sweet torture. She trailed her hand lower down his thigh, muscles contracting at her caress. Urgency pumped through his veins.

  Lifting her hand, he pressed a kiss to the inside of her wrist, feeling the pulse beat hard against his lips. Then he stepped back to turn up the heat on the sauna, coils heating the stones, a water fountain trickling down to send bursts of steam. Bottles of oils lined a rack before the fountain—eucalyptus, citrus, birch and peppermint.

  Choosing eucalyptus, he drizzled oil over the stones before turning back to her. Anticipation curled through him. Finally he had her all to himself, naked, alone, his for the taking. They’d been building to this moment since the first time he saw her. And in spite of all the reasons they didn’t stand a chance in hell at having more, he couldn’t stop wanting her.

  He reached to the stack of fluffy white towels in the corner and spread two out on the bench. He reclined her back, using an extra towel to make a pillow. He stretched out over her. Flesh to flesh. His eyes slid closed for a moment.

  Then thoughts gave way to sensations. The scent of her berry shampoo. The creamy softness of her neck when he pressed his lips to her pulse. She hooked her leg around his, her foot sliding up and down the back of his calf. He finally gave in to the temptation to taste her, along her shoulder, nudging aside a bra strap, then the other, baring her breasts to his mouth, his touch. She arched up with a husky moan and he reached underneath her to unhook her bra and toss it aside.

  Sweat beaded along her skin, glistening. Perspiration streaked down her neck, then between her breasts. One droplet held on the tip of her nipple. He dipped his head and flicked his tongue, catching the droplet and circling, laving. Her head fell back and a moan floated from her lips.

  Nina nibbled his earlobe. “No more waiting.” She passed him a condom. “We can go slow after. And from the count of what you pulled from your pocket, you’re intending there to be an after.”

  “At least that much,” he vowed. “And whatever else you want.”

  “Perfect,” she purred, trailing her fingers down his arms and guiding his hands to hurry up.

  He tore open the wrapper, and her hands covered his as she helped him sheathe himself. She hitched her leg higher, hooked on his hip, bringing her moist heat closer. His forehead fell to rest against hers as he pushed inside her. Her breath came faster and faster, flowing over him. He thrust deeper, deeper still and her hips rolled against his, inviting him to continue. He thrust and she moved with him, synching into a perfect, driving rhythm that had him clenching his teeth to hold back. She’d said they could go slow next time—and there would be a next time—but he wasn’t finishing now until he’d satisfied her.

  The steam billowed off the rocks, filling the small room, air heavy with the scent of eucalyptus and sex. Perspiration gathered on his forehead, a droplet sliding off to hit the towel under her. Their slick bodies moved against each other, his pulse hammering in his ears. He swept her hair from her face, capturing her mouth and soaking in the feel of Nina.

  Just Nina.

  He braced himself on one elbow to keep his weight off her and slide his other hand between them, caressing her breasts and lower. He stroked the slick bud, circling and teasing, her purrs of pleasure urging him to continue. Just when he thought he couldn’t hold out any longer, her gasps came faster and faster. Her fingernails dug into his back, scratching a light but insistent path as her head flung back. She cried out in pleasure, her orgasm pulsing around him, clasping him tighter and hurtling him over the edge into his own release.

  His arm gave way and he lay fully on top of her, thrusting through the final wave of ecstasy. His breaths shuddering through him, he buried his face in her neck and rolled to his side, holding her close. Already hungry for the next time and wondering how long he could keep her here and the world at bay.

  Because more than ever, he was certain that a week with Nina would never be enough.

  * * *

  Tucked to Alex’s side, Nina trailed her fingers along his muscular arm, the scent of eucalyptus steaming through the sauna. She was already nearly halfway done with the weeklong camp. Then she would have to walk away from the Hidden Gem—from Alex.

  This place was like a fairy-tale getaway, a Brigadoon, too good to be true and destined to disappear when she left. Alex m
ade her want things she’d decided were not meant to be. Scariest of all, he made her want to risk her heart again and she didn’t know if she could take another betrayal.

  A sobering thought at a time she was determined to live in the moment.

  She slid her hand down to link fingers with Alex. “We should get dressed soon and head back. Your sister must be getting sick of babysitting Cody.”

  “No hurry.” He kissed their clasped hands. “Amie adores Cody and she owes me.”

  “For what?” she asked, hungry to know more about him.

  A smile tugged at his mouth. “When we were seventeen, she didn’t want to win the Miss Honey Bee Pageant—and given how many pageants she’d won in the past, it wasn’t arrogant of her to assume she would run away with that crown. But back to that time. She didn’t want to go because the Honey Bee Queen had to attend the county fair and she wouldn’t be able to attend homecoming.”

  Nina drew circles on his chest, perspiration clinging to their skin. “What did you do?”

  “Nothing awful. We went boating the day before the competition, and we stayed out so long we got sunburned. I told Mom the engine stalled. Amie looked like a lobster. Mom made her compete anyway. Just slathered her in more makeup. Amie got second runner-up.”

  “Seriously?” The story was funny and sad all at once.

  “Scout’s honor.” He held up his fingers. “I offered to cut her hair, but she nixed that, so we opted for the sunburn instead. I was never sure if she opted out of the haircut idea out of vanity or because Mom would have just bought a wig.”

  “People call you quiet and reserved, but you’re really quite funny.”

  “I guess I have my moments.” He kissed the tip of her nose, then picked up a hand towel and gently—methodically—wiped the sweat from her body. “So I take it you approve of the sauna?”

  “Very much. Is there anything Hidden Gem doesn’t have? Seriously, sauna, massage therapist, airplane, catered dinners, even that well-stocked gift shop, so there’s no need to leave for anything. This is like nirvana.”

  His smile faded. “There are others who would say this place should be modernized.”


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