Jake Lawrence, Third Base (Bottom of the Ninth #3)

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Jake Lawrence, Third Base (Bottom of the Ninth #3) Page 7

by Jean Joachim

  “Look, Kate. Maybe I got off on the wrong foot. I didn’t mean that I want you to stay with me just for sex. I mean, of course, we’d be sleeping together. Shit. I’m not doing this very well.”

  “Maybe we could see each other. I mean date, from time to time.”

  “Okay. I’ll take that. Yeah. Dating is good.”

  “It’s better for me to live with Keith, for now. I have a lot of work to do if I’m going to make it to Broadway.”

  He nodded.

  “And maybe this isn’t a good time for a commitment. I mean, if you’re traveling and all.”

  “Me? I’m not the problem.”

  “You’ll be meeting lots of groupies, women probably throw themselves at you all the time.”

  He laughed. “Not exactly.”

  “Really?” She raised an eyebrow. “You want me to believe that if you go into a bar on the road, women in there don’t come up to you and flirt?”

  “Lots of women flirt.” He glanced at her.

  “And you don’t flirt back? You don’t proposition them and take them to bed?”

  He trained his gaze on the highway while his face colored.

  “Right. I knew it.”

  “Not all of ’em.”

  “Oh, I see. So only three-quarters? Maybe half?”

  The color in his cheeks deepened.

  “So maybe I’m no boy scout. But you’re different.”

  “I am? Why? I’m just a woman, like all the rest.” She leaned away from him.

  “No, you’re not. You’re different.”

  “Because you took the time to get to know me instead of evaluating me on my breast size?”


  “Yeah. Shit is about right. Committing to anyone who’s running around wouldn’t be good for me. Maybe we should agree to part in New York, Jake.” What am I doing? Her heart squeezed.

  “I did get to know you. I like you. A lot. It’s not all about sex.”

  “I like you, too,” she said, her voice softening.

  “So what’s the problem? Okay, maybe I do size up a chick by her boobs. What guy doesn’t?”


  “And that’s not true in this case.”

  “You didn’t do that when you offered me a ride?”

  The blush reappeared. “Okay, maybe I did. But I didn’t do it because I wanted to sleep with you.”

  “You mean you didn’t want to sleep with me?”

  “You’re getting this all mixed up. Of course, I did. What man in his right mind wouldn’t want to sleep with a beautiful woman like you?”

  His compliment stopped her.

  “I did. To be honest. Of course, I did. But that’s not why I offered you a ride. You were in trouble, and I wanted to help.”

  “And you put your sex drive aside?”

  “Yeah. I know you won’t believe that. I mean, guys can’t help it. You know? That’s how we’re wired.”

  “You all think with your dicks.”

  “Yep. But then, sometimes, our brains actually kick in.”

  “For some of you.”

  “For me. It wasn’t about wanting to get you into bed. Hell if it had been, I wouldn’t have waited so long.”

  “Oh, really? You think you could have seduced me sooner?” She sat up straight.

  “I didn’t seduce you at all. You came to me willingly.”

  She crumbled in her seat, like a deflated balloon. “True.”

  “Thank God. At least you’re honest. So what are we talking about here?”

  “New York.”

  “Yeah. I want to see you. If I’m dating you, I won’t be running around on the road. I promise. But what about you?”

  “Maybe we could date with no commitment?”

  “So you want to run around while I’m away?”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “Might as well have. Good to know where I stand.”

  She covered her face with her hands. “Arrrggh!”

  “Maybe we should stay on the road, Kate, we do fine here.” He shot her a warm grin.

  “Maybe.” She leaned toward him and rested her hand on his thigh. Losing Jake would be a big mistake.

  * * * *

  “How much longer to Raleigh?” he asked.

  “Not long. Maybe twenty-five miles?”

  “Good. I’m hungry. Can you find a place with steak?”

  “I’ll look.” She got busy with her phone. “By the way, thanks for the loan to get my phone back up.”

  “No problem.”

  “I need it in case my agent calls.”

  “And to make dates with me.”

  “That, too,” she said, shooting him a smile.

  She found a restaurant called Cattle Call.

  “Sounds like they’d serve beef,” he said.

  She agreed and gave him directions. Jake exited the highway and pulled into the parking lot. When he got out of the car, he and Kate did a few stretches.

  “I’m going to the ladies room,” she said, walking ahead of him. He nodded as his cell rang. It was Nat.

  “You fucker! Why didn’t you tell us?”

  “Tell you what?”

  “Come on. Don’t play dumb.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “It’s all over the papers, Jake. Congratulations, buddy.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Your marriage. Eloping with that chick. You surprised all of us.”


  “It’s all over the Internet, Jake. Congratulations, man. Chicks everywhere are gonna be cryin’.”

  “Nat, believe me. I didn’t get married.”

  “I guess you’d better contact the media, then. Because it’s everywhere that you did,” Nat said.

  Skip came on. “We’re planning a bachelor party for you, buddy.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us?” Matt Jackson, catcher, had grabbed the phone.

  “Oh, man. There is some mistake. Some huge mistake, guys.”

  “Good luck. See ya in a couple of days,” Matt said.

  Kate waited at the door of the restaurant. She raised her eyebrows. “Bad news?”

  He shook his head. “Remember that desk clerk at the Colonel’s Inn?”


  The maître d’ showed them to a table.

  “Seems he’s well connected with Internet news sources.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Sit down. You might want to order a drink.”

  They placed their orders for steak sandwiches and beer. Jake searched his name. Sure enough, up popped headlines, Baseball Slugger Elopes. Dark-haired Beauty Tags Jake Lawrence at the Altar. Jake shared the results with Kate.

  Although they didn’t have her name, her picture was plastered right next to Jake’s.

  “Married? Us? Married?” she repeated, her eyes wide.

  “Yeah. I don’t know how, what, why…”

  She burst out laughing. “This isn’t gonna help your rep on the road, Jake.”

  “You’re not mad?”

  She shook her head. “Why should I be? They don’t have my name. It’s free publicity. Besides, being coupled with a sexy, famous guy like you can only help me.”

  “Gee, I thought you’d be pissed.

  “I could do a lot worse than be married to you,” she said.

  The power of her words drew color to her face. Jake snapped to attention. Did I hear right?

  “I mean, if they’re gonna hook me up with someone, you’re a good bet.”

  “I am?”

  “I mean. It could be worse.”

  “Thanks a lot!”

  She put her hand on his arm. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “How did you mean it?”

  She gazed at her food. “A girl would be happy with a guy like you.”


  She nodded, still not raising her gaze. He put a large finger under her chin and tilted her
head up. “Same goes for you. Someday, some guy is gonna be damn lucky to call you his wife.”

  The waiter arrived. “Can I take these plates away?”

  Annoyed at the interruption, Jake showed his palm. “We’re not finished.”

  “Sorry, sir.”

  Once he was gone, the ballplayer took Kate’s hand. He raised the back to his lips.

  “You’ll be a big Broadway star and won’t have five minutes for a slugger like me.”

  She cupped his cheek. “So long as you’re not mad to be paired off with a nobody.”

  “You’re not a nobody to me.”

  They finished eating in silence, exchanging hot looks from time to time. Jake wanted her more than he wanted his food. He finished eating quickly.

  “I’m feeling a little tired. Let’s find a place for the night.”

  She nodded and pushed to her feet. Jake paid the cashier, dropped a few bills on the table, and they headed for the car.

  Jake’s cell rang. It was his manager, Cal Crawley.

  “What’s up, Cal?”

  “Need a favor.”


  “There’s a farm team in Durham. Guy there named Gary Nevers. Could you stop and take a look at him?”

  Jake raised his eyebrows in question at Kate.

  “Maybe for a few hours tomorrow? That okay?”

  “Perfect. Tell them you’re my scout and report back to me when you get here. Thanks.”

  The phone went dead.

  “It’ll only be a few hours. Do you mind?”

  “Nope. I’ve got a couple of days before the audition.”

  “Good. Now let’s find a place to crash.”

  He put the car in gear.

  Chapter Six

  They headed for downtown Greensboro.

  “Let’s try the Jackson Arms Hotel,” Kate said, punching the information into the GPS.

  The downtown area was charming with some tall office buildings and quaint brick alleyways and shops. They pulled up to the hotel and a valet took their luggage, then parked their car. Kate was impressed.

  They strolled up to the front desk. The clerk greeted Jake by name. Kate frowned. This might prove to be embarrassing.

  “How long you and the missus staying, Mr. Lawrence?”

  Jake shot her a look and cleared his throat. Kate covered her mouth with her hand.

  “Just the night. Need to move on in the morning.”

  “That’s right. Opening day’s coming real soon. Here you go. I happen to have a suite available. I can give it to you for the cost of a king room.”

  “That’s awesome! Thank you so much.”

  “Just sign here and give me your credit card.”

  While Jake took care of business, a tingle ran up Kate’s spine. A suite and the third baseman—did life get any better than that? She licked her lower lip and stared at Jake’s back. His shoulders pulled a little at the T-shirt, straining to cover his muscular frame. Soon he’d be ripping that off and making love to her.

  He held out his hand, but she took his arm, instead, and they took the elevator to the top floor. The room was splendid, with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the city. Jake closed the door and faced her.

  “The missus. Guess that bit of gossip has traveled the world.”

  “I could do a lot worse, slugger.” She put her hands on his shoulders. His mouth descended to capture hers almost before he closed his arms around her. He backed her to the bed. When he let her up for air, she spoke.

  “I had a feeling when you wanted to stop early that you had something in mind.”

  “Got me figured out already? We must be married.”

  He slid his fingers under the back of her T-shirt. They were warm on her skin and excited her in anticipation of the delights yet to come. The bed hit the back of her knees and she went down, taking him with her.

  “Look out!” he said, laughing as he fell on top of her.


  As quickly as he landed on her, he pushed up on his elbows, and spread his legs with knees on either side of hers. Kate looked up at him. Something about the position, or Jake, his smile, lusty and loving, spread a sensation of safety alongside desire through her.

  “Do it, do it, Jake,” she breathed in his ear.

  He laughed. “Nope. Takin’ my time.”

  She squirmed under him.

  “You can do that all you want, but I’m not rushing.”

  “But, I…”

  “Nope. We’ve only got a couple of days left. Tomorrow, we head to Durham, then it’s Virginia, and home in a day, maybe a day and a half.”


  “I don’t know what’ll happen then. I need as much of you as I can get. Now. So I’m takin’ my time, pretty lady. Not rushin’.”

  “But we can see each other in New York.”

  “Who knows how that’ll play out? This is now. You’re here. Now. I’m gonna take my time.”

  She sighed. After traveling across country with him, she knew that when Jake dug his heels in like this, there was no shaking him. She lay back, raised her arms, and combed her fingers through his hair. Their eyes met. Behind the lust, she saw a softness, questioning. Was that love? Couldn’t be—not so fast.

  She pushed up and yanked her shirt off. His hand stopped her unhooking her bra.

  “Let me.”

  She dropped her hands and let him undress her, watching him. He cupped her chin and lifted her mouth to his. She met his passion with her own. Choking back the word love, she arched her back, pressing her breasts to his chest. Her nipples hardened, awaiting attention. His tongue snaked past her lips to caress hers. His warmth ratcheted up as his hands met her breasts.

  Kate committed every sensation to memory. She figured making love with Jake in this beautiful suite would be a one-time thing, something she’d never want to forget. Her future was uncertain, and romantic ties now didn’t make sense. Today had to be everything as tomorrow wasn’t guaranteed.

  But Jake Lawrence wasn’t about sense, he was about feeling. Kate shut off her mind and let her body take control. Passion coiled inside, winding tight. She tugged on his pants.


  “Take it easy, woman! We have all afternoon. No reason to hurry.”

  “I want you. Isn’t that reason enough?”

  His grin warmed her. “I want you, too, honey. But I want to make it last. Like a box of fine chocolates, you don’t eat them all in one sitting.”

  He shucked his shirt and pants and joined her on the big bed.

  After tossing a couple of condoms on the nightstand, he asked, “Where were we?”

  “Right here,” she said, pushing him down on his back and straddling him. She leaned down to kiss him.

  He hugged her to him, then rolled them over. Kate opened her heart as well as her body and let him in.

  * * * *

  Heavy blinds kept the sun out of their room, so Kate and Jake slept until ten. She opened her eyes first. He was spooning her, his muscular arm wrapped around her chest. She sighed and snuggled into him another inch.

  The hair on his chest tickled her back. She eased the covers over her bare shoulder as her mind roamed over their marathon lovemaking session of the night before. A slight tenderness between her legs reminded her of his incredible stamina and expertise. She’d never had a lover like Jake and probably wouldn’t again, so she savored the experience.

  She kissed his arm and settled into the warmth generated by him that was trapped under the blankets.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” came a deep-voiced, sleepy greeting from behind her.

  “Hey, yourself.”

  “You were incredible last night,” he whispered in her ear, bestowing a kiss on her hair.

  “You were amazing. Totally new for me.”

  “Who’ve you been sleeping with?” he asked.

  “No one like you, big guy.”

  He chuckled. “Good. Let’s keep it that way.”

  One gl
ance at the clock and she gasped. “Crap! It’s ten-thirty!”

  “Shit! We need to check out by eleven and hit the road. I promised to be in Durham by one.”

  “Last one in the shower’s a rotten egg,” she said, throwing off the covers and sprinting to the bathroom.

  Jake leapt over the bed and chased her to the stall.

  “If we go in there together, we’ll be here until next week,” he said.

  “But there’s no time to shower separately,” she argued.

  “Okay. But no touching,” he replied.

  She laughed and turned on the hot water.

  They washed in record time and jumped into their clothes. Hitting the front desk at eleven on the nose, they asked for a recommendation for lunch.

  “Do you like barbecue?”

  They nodded.

  “Stamey’s has got the best in all of North Carolina. Maybe even the world!”

  “Great! Directions?”

  While the clerk printed out Jake’s receipt and gave Kate directions to the eatery, Jake toted their bags to the car and packed up. As soon as she closed the door, he put the car in drive, and roared out of the lot.

  After wolfing down Stamey’s pork barbecue sandwiches with barbecue slaw, they got in the car. Kate jotted something down in a small notebook.

  “What is that? You keep doin’ that. What are you writing?” he asked, maneuvering the car onto the shoulder.

  “Nothing. Never mind. I’ll tell you later.”

  When she turned her head, he snatched the notebook. She grabbed for it, but he held it away from her grasp. He read a series of numbers. “What the hell?”

  “It’s what I owe you. For all the meals and stuff.”

  “You don’t owe me anything,” he said, tossing the book from the window before pulling back onto the highway. “Don’t you dare even think about paying me.”

  “But I…”

  “But nothing. This is insulting. I’m taking care of you because I want to. It makes me happy. And don’t you turn it to shit dollars and cents.” He clamped his lips together and stared at the road.

  “I’m sorry, Jake. Please. I’m sorry. It’s just that I don’t like to owe anyone.”

  “You don’t!” He hit the gas harder.

  “Okay, okay,” she said, raising her palms.


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