Jake Lawrence, Third Base (Bottom of the Ninth #3)

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Jake Lawrence, Third Base (Bottom of the Ninth #3) Page 8

by Jean Joachim

“That’s settled,” he said.

  “Thank you,” she said and leaned in to kiss his cheek.

  “You’re welcome,” he said as they sped toward Durham.

  “How about a song?” he asked.

  “How about rehearsing our number again?”

  “Shoot, babe,” he said.

  “Tonight we’ll go over the steps,” she said before breaking into song.

  “Steps? Like dancing?”


  “Thank God, I don’t have to do this audition. I have two left feet. I’m no dancer.”

  “It’s okay. You take Keith’s part. I need to practice.”

  “Fine. Let’s go,” he said, passing an SUV.

  She started the song and he chimed in on his cue. They sang all the way to Durham. Kate punched in Durham Devils’ stadium and the GPS showed them the way.

  When they got out of the car, he motioned for her to join him. He slung an arm casually around her shoulders. She snaked hers around his waist as they headed for the ballfield.

  Jake introduced himself to the manager.

  “I’m here to take a look at the team for Cal Crawley.”

  “Great. We’re practicing now. By the way, congratulations on your marriage.”

  “We’re not married. That was someone making a big mistake.”

  “Oh. Sorry.”

  “No worries.”

  The manager glanced at Kate.

  “With a filly like that, I’m surprised you’re not.” He chuckled.

  Heat suffused her face. This marriage thing was getting out of hand. Would she like to be married to Jake Lawrence? Hell, she didn’t even know if she believed in marriage, after watching her parents’ disintegrate. But if she did believe, then, Jake was the type of man she’d marry. At least what she knew of him, so far.

  They spent the next two hours watching the Durham Devils play each other. Jake chatted with the team and the manager. At three, they bid farewell to Route 40 and headed north on Route 85 to Virginia. Two hours later, they cut across Route 58, heading for Euphoria, where they picked up Route 95. Kate sat back. That highway went all the way to Maine, so she didn’t need the GPS unless they decided to get off.

  It wouldn’t be long now before they’d be in New York.

  At five, Kate said, “It’s only an hour more to Richmond. Do you want to stop there for dinner?”


  “You’re not tired?”

  “Not too tired to take you to the moon tonight, sweetheart.”

  * * * *

  They stopped for a quick meal just off the highway, a few miles north of Richmond. Determined to spend the night in Washington, D. C., Jake hit the gas. They rolled into town about nine-fifteen. Kate navigated them to the Washington Arms hotel on Dupont Circle. The small, elegant building had one room left. It was on the top floor with a view of the city. Jake checked in and rode in the elevator, holding Kate’s hand.

  This would be their last night on the road. The last time they’d be together without the outside world poking its nose in their business. Emotion gripped his throat. Would he see her again? Would a Broadway star want to have anything to do with him? He swallowed. And if she didn’t make it? Then what? He’d be there to pick up the pieces. Either way, he didn’t want to say goodbye to the best woman he’d ever known.

  He stood at the window while Kate took over the bathroom. He heard the water running in the tub. His cell dinged. He checked the screen, it was Angela calling. This was her third call in two days. He’d ignored the others but figured he could take this one since Kate was occupied in the bath.

  “Hi,” he said, not anxious to give a lengthy, warm greeting he didn’t feel.

  “Hi, yourself. What’s this I hear about you being married? That’s Angela, straight to the point with no beating around the bush, or warm hello, either.

  “It’s a mistake. I’m not married.”

  “That’s not what the Internet says.”

  “And you’ve never known the Internet to be wrong? Where are you?”


  He breathed a sigh of relief.

  “But I’m thinking about coming home early.”

  “Don’t bother on my account. I’ll be going on the road soon, anyway.”

  “That’s not very welcoming,” she responded.

  “We agreed to see other people while you were gone.”


  “I think we should keep it that way.” He shifted his weight.

  “Are you breaking up with me? Long distance? On the phone?”

  “Didn’t think we really had anything to break up.” He tilted his gaze up to look for the Big Dipper.

  “I’ve been gone two months. I thought we’d agreed to put it on hold.”

  “We did. But now, well…”

  “Have you met someone else?”

  He picked up on the note of jealousy in her voice. “The point is, we’re kinda done.”

  “So you have. Hmm. I see. Not very loyal.”

  “Call it what you will. We were heading this way anyway.”

  “I didn’t think so. Can you keep an open mind? I’m coming back in a couple of weeks.”

  “Whatever. We had fun, Angie. Let’s leave it at that.”

  “Whoever she is can’t hold a candle to me.”

  “I’ve gotta go. Hitting the road early tomorrow. Goodbye.”

  He clicked the phone off. God, he hated women who didn’t let go. There hadn’t been anything there with Angela for at least a month before she left. He’d been counting the days until her ship sailed. Jake had never liked breaking up. He hated to hurt anyone. But in this case, he knew damn well Angela didn’t give a shit about him.

  But she was competitive. Once she sensed another female was involved, she’d come roaring back into the picture, determined to win him back. He frowned. Not this time. There’d be no reconciliation. He realized what he’d been missing and had found it in Kate. No one was going to mess with that—not as long as he had a say about it.

  “Who rained on your parade?” she asked, wearing a towel fastened around her chest and drying her hair with another one as she headed toward the window.

  “Can’t believe it’s our last night on the road,” he said, ignoring her question. Let her think his bad mood was due to the end of the trip. She stood next to him. He draped his arm around her shoulders.

  “Me, neither. The audition is two days away. I’d better call Keith. Make sure everything’s okay. Better tell him I’ll be bunking in with him tomorrow.” She wandered over to the luggage and retrieved her phone.

  Jake stood where he was. He heaved a sigh—just his luck to have Kate moving on and Angela coming back. He gave his head one shake. Nope, Angela would not be returning, not to his bed or to his life. They were done. When he thought of his time with Kate compared to days he’d spent with Angela, he wondered why it had taken him so long to shake loose from the society babe. After a deep breath, he forgave himself. Steady, ho-hum sex was better than none at all, wasn’t it?

  Of course, now he was ruined for any other woman. Who could stand up to the Earth-shattering lovemaking he’d had with Kate? He doubted there was another woman on the planet who could arouse him like she had. And where would he ever find one as responsive? The slightest touch from him got her motor running. He grinned.

  There had to be a way to keep her in his life. He needed to continue to wake up smiling every day.

  “What? What?”

  Kate’s anxiety-filled voice cut through his private thoughts. She slumped down on the bed, the phone to her ear. Her brows were knit and her blue-green eyes clouded. He joined her.

  “Okay, okay. I’ll be there tomorrow. If you’re sick you’re sick. I know. Love you, too.”

  “What happened?”

  “Keith could hardly talk. He’s got strep throat. He’s really sick. I’m not sure he can do the audition with me.”

  “Oh no!”

  “Yes. And he says
I can’t stay there ’cause I could get it, too.”

  “I can fix that.”

  She turned full eyes to him. “You can?”

  “Stay with me.”

  “Thank you.” She put her hand on his arm. “Maybe he’ll at least be well enough to sing in two days. If he rests and doesn’t talk.”

  “Maybe. We can hope.”

  She exhaled.

  “I don’t like to be negative. I’m just curious. What happens if you don’t get the part?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. Haven’t thought that far ahead.”

  “This guy I know owns a bar called Freddie’s. It’s near the stadium. We hang out there after a game sometimes. Have dinner there. He’s always saying he should hire a singer. He’s already got one of those little pianos.”

  “If I spend time trying to figure out a what-if scenario, it takes away from my positive energy. I need to be completely focused on getting this in order to ace the audition. I know myself. If I’m distracted, I’ll stumble and fail.”

  “I shouldn’t distract you, then,” he said, pulling away from her.

  ‘Get back here! You’re not a distraction. Well, maybe you are, but a positive one.”

  “I am?”

  “You boost my confidence.”

  “Scoot over here. I feel like boosting you,” he said, sliding her onto his lap. The towel came undone. Jake feasted his eyes on her breasts.

  “These are so perfect.”

  “Nothing about me’s perfect.”

  “Everything about you is perfect. Perfect for me,” he said, lowering his head to capture her peak between his lips.

  Chapter Seven

  They roared into New York City at four in the afternoon. Kate had called Keith, and he could barely talk. She went back to Jake’s place. He lived in a posh high-rise, with a doorman and a valet—and a view of the Hudson and New Jersey.

  The attendant took the car, after a warning from Jake about taking care with the expensive vehicle. Then the third baseman escorted his lady upstairs. They were on the tenth floor, not the highest, but not the lowest, either. After they settled in, Jake popped open two beers and they lounged on the couch, watching the sun set.

  The red sky foretold a beautiful day coming the next day. Jake had practice at the stadium, and Kate had planned to rehearse her audition piece.

  “How about doing the dancing part with me again. Just to keep me loose,” she said.

  “Sure. Though I stink. Good thing you’re not auditioning with me. The producers would be laughing their asses off.”

  “Come on. Let’s get those feet moving.”

  They sang and danced for an hour.

  “Dancing made me tense. I need to be relaxed tomorrow when I start swinging the bat.”

  “Sorry about that.”

  “There’s something you can do to help.”

  A sly grin stole across her lovely face. “I thought so. Come on, sexy. Let’s get naked.”

  “Ladies, first,” he said, following her into the bedroom.

  “Not this time.” She reached for the snap on his jeans. She had them unzipped and dropped to his thighs before he could stop her. Kate fell to her knees, ripped his boxers down, and thrust his hardening shaft into her mouth.

  “Holy Hell,” he muttered, tripping backward until he fell on the bed. Kate stayed with him, kneeling beside him on the mattress. He ran his fingers through her hair, trying to look at her but unable to tear his mind, his senses away from the ecstasy her mouth created. His hand wandered to her breast. He found her nipple and gave it a little pinch. Then he slipped his fingers under her T-shirt and snapped open her bra.

  “Your turn.”

  He had her undressed and bending over the bed. He held her hips, then slipped inside her, savoring the grip of her muscles. Bending over, he managed to cup a breast when she pushed up. A moan from her lips brought a smile to his. He loved pleasing her as much as himself.

  Steadying her hips, he pounded into her.

  “Oh, God!” She moved up and down.

  He felt a gush of wetness inside her and knew she had climaxed. He loosened his control and release shook him to his ankles. He groaned and eased down on her back, absorbing his weight with his hands on either side of her, his sweaty chest resting lightly on her back.

  Again the three little words were on her tongue. She swallowed. This was no time to be saying that to Jake or anyone else. She had a career to take to the next level and now was her time. Jake’s sweet sexiness tugged at her heart. How easy it would be to give it all up and settle in with him, if he’d have her. That was a big IF. Best to continue on her own and create her own security. Then, she’d come back to him, when she had something to offer.

  “I have practice at nine tomorrow. Let’s go to bed.”

  She nodded. “Works for me. I’ve got to get limber and practice tomorrow. My audition is Tuesday afternoon.”

  They cuddled up together. They were asleep before the clock struck ten. At six, they were awakened by her cell. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and glanced at the screen. Her agent?

  “Lacy? What’s up?” She pushed up on an elbow. Jake sat up, yawning.

  “Keith went to the emergency room last night.”

  “What? What happened?”

  “His fever spiked to a hundred and six. He’s really sick, babe, might have pneumonia. No way he’s auditioning with you tomorrow. You go on, as scheduled.”

  “But I need a partner.”

  “One of the assistant producers will do it with you.”

  “Oh, shit,” she moaned.

  “You’ll be fine. Kill it.”

  “How’s Keith?”

  “They brought his fever down and sent him home this morning. He just called. He’ll be okay. Be at the Porter Theater by four. Break a leg, babe.”

  The phone went dead.

  Panic grabbed her, tightening her chest. Tears stung her eyes. She struggled to wake up and take in what Lacy had said. Keith was out. What was she going to do now?

  “What’s the matter, honey?” Jake’s warm hand on her bare back released her emotions.

  “Keith’s real sick. I have to audition by myself,” she cried, burying her face in her hands.

  “You’ll be fine. You know it cold. You’re great.”

  “But it’s for two people. Now I have to do it with some assistant producer who doesn’t give a shit about me.”

  “Really? A stranger? Can’t you just do it by yourself?”

  She shook her head. “It’s a duet.”

  He drew her into his embrace. She wiped her eyes with her hand. His hug helped, but wouldn’t fix this situation.

  “There is someone who knows this as well as I do.”

  “Really? Great. Call him,” Jake said, rubbing her back.

  “I don’t have to. He’s right here.”

  “What? He lives in this building?”

  “Yeah. He’s you, Jake.”

  “Me? Me?” His voice rose an octave. “Me audition with you for Broadway? Are you joking?”

  “I couldn’t be more serious. Please, Jake. If you’re there, I’ll be okay. I’ll do my best.”

  “I couldn’t. I’m not. Kate, I’m a ball player, not a singer and definitely not a dancer.”

  “Don’t worry. You don’t have to be a good dancer. You’re a great singer. Our voices blend perfectly.” She sat up.

  He was silent, watching her.

  “It’s not until four on Tuesday.”

  “That’s opening day. I have a game at noon.”

  “Noon? When would it be over?”

  “I don’t know. If we tie, then it could go into extra innings.”

  “Shit.” She sank down, like a deflating tire. “I’m finished.”

  She lowered her gaze, then peeked at him through her lashes. He appeared to soften.

  “I can’t guarantee when I can be there.”

  “You’ll do it?” She straightened up immediately.

I can’t promise. But if we’re done on time, then, yes. I’ll be there.”

  “Oh, Jake! I love you, I love you. Thank you, thank you!!” She jumped on him, hugging him, smothering him with kisses.

  “I’ll do my best.”

  “I know you’ll be there. How can I ever thank you?”

  “I’ll think of something,” he said, his eyes twinkling. Then he frowned. “Look, don’t count on me. The game has to come first.”

  “I know. But I’m praying you beat their butts and then come on down to me.”

  “Baby, if I can be there, I will. I promise I’ll do everything I can.”

  “I know you will. Thank you.”

  “Did you mean it?”


  “The I love you stuff?” he asked, his expression shy.

  Caught. The words gave her away, and she couldn’t lie now. She could never lie to Jake.

  “Yes. I did. I do. I’m sorry. I’m sure you’re not interested. But I couldn’t help it.”

  “Oh, baby. Music to my ears. I love you, too,” he said, grabbing her upper arms.

  The alarm went off before he could kiss her.

  “Time to get ready to go.”

  “Okay. I’ll be here. I’ll make something nice for dinner.”

  “Great. I’ll see you at six.” He pushed up from the bed and padded, naked, to the bathroom. Kate watched the muscles in his back and buttocks as he moved. She loved watching him, especially when he was unaware. His body was like a panther’s, taut, strong, and ready to pounce. She shivered at the thought that he loved her back.

  Now she had to get moving, practice, and rustle up a dinner fit for a king. How many ways could Jake bail her out? Perhaps he was a sign that her luck had changed. While he showered, she explored the kitchen, discovering thick steaks in the freezer.

  Dressed, Jake ambled into the kitchen. Kate had coffee, fried eggs, and toast ready.

  “Didn’t know you could cook,” he said, tucking into the perfectly prepared food.

  “You never asked. Besides, this is nothing. Tonight’ll be great.”

  He finished, dropped his dishes in the sink. Then he kissed her, dropped three twenties, and a spare key on the table and headed for the door. Kate finished her coffee and called her agent.

  “It’s okay, Lacy. I’ve got a partner. He’s great. Yep. We’ll be there.” When she hung up, she uttered a little prayer that Jake could make it on time.


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