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Page 10

by J. L. Perry

  ‘She’s not your fucking girl,’ I grumble defensively, and he laughs. She’s mine.

  ‘I’m just messing with you. She’s great. She needs a good guy like you in her life. You are a good guy, aren’t you?’ There’s a touch of humour laced with scepticism in his voice.

  I seriously contemplate my reply. Overall I’d say I’m a good guy. Yes, I’ve used women for sex in the past, but the majority of them were using me as well. For one thing or another, anyway. Jade is different. I care for her and would never do anything intentionally to hurt her, so I guess my answer to his question would be yes.

  ‘I’m not using her and I’d never hurt her, if that’s what you mean. I like her.’ I pause. ‘Really like her.’ Why do I feel so unmanly for admitting that to another guy? I’m not good with this type of shit. I don’t usually do feelings.

  ‘I’m glad, because she really likes you too. She’s had a pretty shitty life, so I need to make sure your intentions are honourable. She means a lot to me. I don’t want to see her hurt.’

  I nod as I try to take in everything he just said. ‘What’s the go with her, anyway?’

  ‘What do you mean? Going on last night, it sounds like you know her better than I do.’ He chuckles but I’m not amused. I give him a warning look. I’ve never been the type of guy to kiss and tell, but even more so with Jade.

  ‘How long have you known her? Do you know much about her life?’ I ask.

  ‘Jade and I have been friends for about four years now.’


  ‘And what?’ he says with a shrug. He seems like a nice guy, but his evasiveness is getting on my nerves. ‘The things she’s told me are in confidence. I’d never betray her trust like that, just like I know she would never betray mine.’

  ‘Fair enough.’ As much as I’d like more information on her, I totally respect him for that. ‘I need to figure out a way to see her again. She told me her madam pretty much controls her.’

  ‘Good luck with that one. M’s a bitch. Poor Jade can’t do anything without her permission. The way I see it, the only way you could swing that would be to hire her.’

  I was afraid that might be the case.

  ‘I want more than that,’ I admit, and I’m not even surprised that I do. The last few weeks have proven how miserable I am without her. I like the way Jade makes me feel when we’re together. She’s like a breath of fresh air. ‘Why does she allow herself to be controlled like that?’

  ‘Because she’s loyal and she has a contract.’

  ‘A contract to control her life?’


  ‘That’s totally fucked up,’ I say, as my brow furrows. Who’d sign over their life to someone else?

  ‘Tell me about it. M has brainwashed Jade into thinking she owes her, or some bullshit like that.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ His words only make my concern for Jade escalate.

  ‘Look, I’ve said way too much. If Jade wants you to know more, she’ll tell you herself.’


  For the next few days my thoughts are solely about Jade. I’m desperate to see her again. I left Theo’s house on Sunday with her madam’s business card, and I’ve spent the majority of my time finding out everything I can about Madam Melody Sinclair, which isn’t much. It appears this woman goes to great lengths to cover her tracks. So why does her name sound familiar?

  By Wednesday, I’m struggling to focus on my mounting workload. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve checked my phone, just hoping to see a text from Jade. By late afternoon it becomes apparent I’m probably not going to. If she’s not going to make the move, then I need too.

  Pulling out the card Theo gave me, I dial Madam Melody’s number. Guilt consumes me as I wait for someone to answer. I feel like I’m breaking all the promises I made to myself growing up. I swore I’d never be anything like my father and resort to paying for sex. This isn’t really about that, though. While sex with Jade is mind blowing, I’d forgo it if it meant I’d see her again. I’m doing this for one reason only: to be with my girl. There’s no level I wouldn’t stoop to for Jade. If this is the only way I can spend time with her, then so be it.

  I’m pretty sure I’d sell my damn soul for this woman.


  Theo was right, Melody Sinclair’s a bitch. She makes Clarissa look like a damn saint. It takes everything in me to keep my composure as I sit opposite her. I’m surprised she can even sit down with that stick that’s been strategically placed up her arse. I’m finding it hard to mask my dislike for her, but I need to try harder. I can’t afford to do or say anything that’s going to jeopardise me seeing Jade.

  ‘As I was telling you on the phone, Mr Weston, Jade is exclusive. I have a long list of girls who are available, and I’m sure any one of them could satisfy your needs.’

  If this woman thinks she can intimidate me, she’s mistaken. I’ve dealt with a lot worse than her, my father being one of them. I sit forward in my seat before speaking as calmly as I can. ‘And as I told you on the phone, Ms Sinclair, I’m not interested in any of your other girls.’

  ‘May I enquire why you have such an interest in Jade?’ She picks up the three-page questionnaire I was made to fill out before she’d see me. Who knew seeing a prostitute would require divulging so much personal information? Granted, she runs a high-class establishment, but still.

  ‘She came highly recommended to me.’

  I see her lips slightly turn up at the corners. I think this woman’s stern face would crack if she were to break into a full smile. ‘By whom?’

  ‘Theo James.’

  ‘Hah,’ she scoffs. I take a few deep breaths to calm myself as she continues to read over my paperwork. ‘Interesting,’ she says, leaning back in her chair and looking at me over the rim of her reading glasses. ‘You’re Maxwell Weston’s son?’

  Bingo. I should’ve known this woman would be familiar with my father. A sick feeling settles in the pit of my stomach at the possibility he may have been with Jade. ‘You know my father?’ I ask, barely managing to keep the disdain from my voice.

  ‘We go way back.’

  Of course they do. I’m struggling to contain the rage that boils inside me. Not that I’m surprised that my father is associating with madams. Clearing my throat, I sit up straight in my chair.

  ‘You’re in luck, Mr Weston. I’m prepared to make allowances now that I know you’re Maxwell’s son.’

  ‘You are?’

  ‘I am. Sometimes it’s not what you know, Mr Weston, but rather whom.’

  Although I remain calm on the outside, my heart thumps furiously against my rib cage as pure elation courses through me. I’m going to see Jade again. I think this is the first time in my life that I’ve ever been grateful that prick of a man is my father.

  She picks up the phone. ‘Bring me Jade’s schedule for the next week,’ she barks. This woman has absolutely no manners. A few seconds later, the plain-looking but meticulously dressed young woman who had me fill in the questionnaire enters the room. After she places a manila folder on the desk, I see Jade’s name printed on the front. The woman immediately turns and leaves. I suppose she doesn’t wait for a response because she probably has enough sense to know she won’t get one.

  My eyes scan the list of names when Melody opens the folder. I hate that I have to share her with other men. She’s mine.

  ‘When was the last time you were tested, Mr Weston?’

  ‘Excuse me?’ I look at her.

  ‘Tested?’ she snaps. ‘For STDs.’

  Oh. ‘A few months ago.’

  ‘That’s not good enough. I’ll require something more recent before this can go ahead. If you can get your test results to me by Friday, you can have Jade on Sunday evening.’

  ‘I can arrange that,’ I say as I stand.

  ‘Sit. Mr Weston, we need to discuss a price.’

  ‘I’ll pay whatever the going rate is.’

  ‘Fine,’ she says, nodding her head. �
�Jade is my number one girl, so if you insist on seeing her on her day off, know that she doesn’t come cheap. She also comes with restrictions.’

  ‘Which are?’

  ‘We can discuss that once I have your test results.’

  ‘I’ll be in contact,’ I say as I leave. I’m already on the phone to my doctor’s receptionist, scheduling an appointment as I walk down the front stairs towards my car.

  Sunday night, Jade will be mine again.



  Sunday morning, I get a call from M requesting that I attend the house. She quite often does this, so I’m not particularly worried. But this woman is full of surprises, so I never know what to expect. I’d only just left the gym, so I rush home to shower and change. I knew she’d be pissed off at me for taking longer than expected, but she would’ve been even angrier if I turned up in my gym clothes looking like a hot mess.

  ‘I shouldn’t be long,’ I tell Rupert after he pulls up outside her home.

  ‘Good luck,’ he replies, making me laugh. Hopefully I won’t need it.

  ‘You took your sweet time,’ M snaps when I enter the house. ‘I called you over an hour ago.’

  ‘I was at the gym. I had to go home to shower and change.’

  She walks towards her office, and I follow. ‘Sit,’ she demands. Once she’s seated, she picks up a white envelope, handing it to me.

  ‘What’s this?’ I ask.

  ‘Your job for tonight.’

  What? ‘But it’s my day off.’

  Her eyes narrow as they meet mine. ‘Was,’ she scoffs.

  I deflate. I was looking forward to some me time. I’ve bought all the ingredients to try a new recipe I’d seen on the cooking channel. I’ve tweaked it a little and was excited to see how it would turn out.

  ‘Okay,’ I reply with a sigh. There’s no point in arguing, I’d never win. ‘With who?’

  ‘A new client.’

  ‘Not a regular?’ My stomach churns at the thought. It’s been a few years since I’ve had anyone new. I’m used to the men I have. I always know what to expect going in. What if he’s like that horrible man I got on my first night? Or even worse? ‘Who is he?’

  ‘You’ll find out tonight,’ she says, picking up a pen and writing something down in her diary. ‘Be back here at five for inspection.’

  I sit there dumbfounded. I don’t want to do this, but at the same time I know I don’t have a choice.

  ‘You can go.’

  I have to bite my tongue when she flicks her hand at me. I hate her so much. The rude bitch doesn’t even bother to look up at me when she speaks. Ever since my outburst when I returned from New York she’s been a lot colder towards me than normal.


  The nervousness I’m feeling when Rupert stops at the end of the long driveway of my new client’s house must be showing, because he turns in his seat and locks his eyes with mine. ‘You have my number, Jade. If you need me, don’t hesitate to call. I’ll be back here in a flash.’

  I rest my hand on his shoulder. ‘Thank you, Rupert. I don’t know what I’d do without you.’ He doesn’t reply, but his hand is now covering mine and the gracious smile on his face is enough.

  A sense of foreboding fills me as Rupert heads back to the street along the circled driveway. I admire a beautiful fountain before climbing the front stairs. When I reach the top, I freeze. All the fears I had as a foster child fill me—I don’t know what awaits me behind that door, and I don’t know if I want to find out.

  Tilting my head back, I take in the opulent mansion that stands before me. It’s breathtaking. The light grey render of the walls make the black finishes around the windows stand out. There’s a beautiful wrought-iron balcony above me. I bet the view of the city would be spectacular from up there. Whoever lives here is extremely wealthy. That thought doesn’t ease my worries at all. Some of the rich people I’ve associated with over the years think their social status comes with certain entitlements.

  I have the sudden feeling my lucky streak is about to end. A new client usually always means sex. The fact that he’s requested that I attend his house and stay the night virtually guarantees it. That thought makes me feel physically sick. Images of Brock flash through my mind and I have to fight back the tears.

  The door before me flies open and I jump.

  ‘Are you going to stand out here all night, beautiful, or are you coming inside?’

  Oh. My. God. I blink a couple of times to make sure I’m not seeing things that aren’t really there. ‘Brock!’ I squeal as I launch myself into his awaiting arms. ‘What? How?’ But before I get a chance to say another word, his mouth hungrily collides into mine. ‘Mmm,’ I moan as he draws me closer, my body melting into his. His kisses are intoxicating.

  When we finally come up for air, he rests his forehead against mine. ‘I’ve been dying to do that all week.’ Happy tears well in my eyes, making his brow furrow. Tenderly, he cups my face in his hands. ‘Hey. Don’t cry.’

  ‘I’m just … I’m just so happy to see you,’ I say as I wipe my finger under my eye to catch the stray tear that has escaped.

  ‘You have no idea how happy I am to see you, too. You’ve been on my mind night and day.’ This time when his lips cover mine the kiss isn’t so desperate, it’s sweet and passionate. It not only melts my heart, it makes my toes curl.

  ‘I love that your paperwork said that kissing was a hard limit for you, but you have no problems kissing me.’

  ‘There are no hard limits where you’re concerned,’ I admit, because there aren’t. I’m not a prostitute when I’m with him, I’m just plain old Jade. Even now that he knows the truth about me, I can tell he doesn’t see me that way either.

  ‘I’m pleased to hear that.’ He reaches for the small suitcase I’m holding and grabs hold of my hand, lacing our fingers together. It sends my heart into a flutter. ‘Let me get you inside.’

  ‘Your place is beautiful,’ I say. I’ve always wondered what his home would look like. It suits him perfectly. He’s carried the black and grey theme inside and he has exquisite taste—well, his designer does. The rich wooden floors and staircase are stained in a dark charcoal grey. The wrought-iron bannisters are black. There are bright paintings framed in black on every wall, adding colour to the space.

  ‘I still can’t believe I’m actually here with you.’

  Brock’s hand tightens around mine as he places a soft kiss on the side of my head. ‘You have no idea how happy I am that you’re here, sweetheart.’ The sincerity behind his words warms my heart. ‘Come. We’ll put your bag in my room and I’ll give you a tour before we eat.’

  ‘Do you live here all by yourself?’ I ask as we walk up the stairs.

  ‘I do. I had my brother living here for a few years, but he has his own place now.’

  ‘How old is your brother?’

  ‘Twenty-three, five years younger than me. We weren’t close growing up because of the age gap, but we are now.’

  ‘That’s nice. Don’t you get lonely living in this big house all on your own?’

  ‘I like my privacy, but sometimes, I guess,’ he says with a shrug.

  When we reach his room, he sets my bag down just inside the door. ‘I’m not sure if I trust myself having you in here right now,’ he says with a chuckle. ‘How about I give you a tour of my room later, otherwise we’ll never eat.’

  ‘Who needs food when I have you,’ I say seductively as my arms slide around his waist. I’m used to acting like this around my clients, but with Brock, it isn’t an act. With Brock, everything I say and do comes naturally. Nothing is forced. I hear a growl in the back of his throat as he draws my body in closer.

  ‘Don’t tempt me,’ he moans, resting his forehead on mine. ‘I’m already hanging by a thread here.’ He places a chaste kiss on my lips before untangling my arms from his body. ‘I didn’t bring you here for sex, Jade. I wanted to see you, spend time with you.’ Nobody has ever said that to me bef
ore. ‘Mark my words, though,’ he adds, ‘I will have you in my bed before the night’s out.’

  ‘I look forward to it.’ My finger trails a path down his chest. As much as I want him right now, I’m touched that he wants me for more than my body. That’s another thing I’m not used to.



  After the tour, we head into the lounge room. I’m struggling to keep my hands off her, but tonight isn’t about that. I want Jade to know she means more to me than a good time. That in itself proves how special she is to me. Until her, it was only ever about the sex.

  I had contemplated taking her out to dinner tonight, but I’m selfish. I find myself wanting to give her everything she deserves, but I also wanted her all to myself. She’s the first woman I’ve ever had in my home, apart from my mother. Before Jade came along, the last thing I wanted was one of my casual lays tainting my sanctuary.

  ‘Sit,’ I command, gesturing to the white leather couch. ‘I hope you’re hungry.’

  ‘Are you cooking?’

  Her comment makes me laugh. ‘Hardly. My housekeeper usually cooks for me, but I’ve given her the night off. I had something else in mind.’

  The moment she takes a seat, I have to quickly divert my eyes. Her sexy-as-hell white dress rides up, revealing more of her beautiful legs. Everything in me feels compelled to reach out and touch her. It’s not about the sex, Weston, I try to remind myself. I’m pretty sure in her profession, she’s used to being treated more like a sexual object than an actual person, but I don’t want her to feel like that when she’s with me. Ever.

  ‘You have me intrigued,’ she says, smiling, tapping the space beside her with her hand.

  Against my better judgement, I sit. If I can’t touch her right now, at least I can be near her. A few seconds later the doorbell rings.

  ‘You ordered pizza,’ she laughs when I walk back into the main room carrying the box and two bottles of beer.

  I shrug. ‘I did. I hope you don’t mind. It’s what we ate the first time we were together.’ I’m suddenly feeling stupid. This kind of behaviour isn’t me. I was trying to be sweet, but in all honesty, I’m far from it. This woman has turned my whole fucking life upside down and it scares the hell out of me.


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