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Around the Way Girls

Page 27

by Chunichi

  “On my way.”

  Whakelah asked LaShawn, “You sure you know what you doing?”

  “I know I need some money, don’t you?”

  LaShawn knew B liked to smoke and lace his nose, so she spread some weed and coke out on the table. She really didn’t have the work to give away, but she looked at it as an investment. The payoff from Swag would more than cover the little bit of shit he was about to smoke and sniff.

  B was pleased to see his treats on the table and wasted no time indulging in the trees and powder that rested before him on the reflective glass.

  LaShawn allowed B to get nice and lit before she mentioned a word of what she wanted him to do for her. She thought he would be easier to persuade. Long Island was a different area than what B was used to. He was used to sticking and moving from apartment to apartment via staircases and elevators. A getaway car was going to be needed for this job, and neither B, nor LaShawn, nor Whakelah had a car, or a driver’s license.

  “So what you got going on, LaShawn?” B took his burner out and placed it on the table. He wanted the ladies to know that he stayed strapped at all times.

  “I got a nigga that got so much fuckin’ money and drugs, it’ll make your fuckin’ head spin.”

  “Get the fuck outta here! Who this nigga is?”

  “This wack-ass nigga out in Long Island.”


  “Yeah. Now I know you ain’t got no ride and, nigga, neither do we, but we gotta make this shit happen. There’s a crazy payday at the end of the rainbow.”

  “Word? How crazy is the payday?” B sniffed a line a coke from the mirrored glass.

  “Yo, it’s fuckin’ crazy!” Whakelah said, out of the blue. She didn’t know where the statement had come from, but before she knew it, it was already out of her mouth.

  Something about Whakelah made B believe her. Maybe it was her pretty chocolate skin. He then looked at LaShawn. Damn! That ass got fatter than it was before. As the drugs began to take effect, B realized his power. He was in an apartment with two females who needed him to do something for them. His mind started to wonder just how far they were willing to go to gain his services.

  “You know I really want to help you fine ladies, I really, really do,” B said, tugging on his nose. The coke was making it itch.

  LaShawn wasn’t stupid. She saw the bulge in B’s pants. She was horny anyway and hadn’t had any dick since Larry’s tired ass. There was really nowhere else to go besides the bathroom. LaShawn could have told Whakelah to leave, but she thought it was time Whakelah saw how real shit could get. They both needed money, so they both needed to handle B.

  “Whakelah, let me talk to you for a second,” LaShawn said, pulling her best friend into the bathroom.

  Whakelah closed the bathroom door behind LaShawn. “You think he’s gonna do it?”

  “Nah. We gonna have to fuck him.”


  “Sshhh! Don’t fuck up that nigga’s high. We ain’t even gotta do much to him, but that’s what he wants. If you want in on this money, you better decide what you gonna do.”

  There was a knock on the door.

  LaShawn looked at Whakelah, and Whakelah nodded her head up and down, giving the okay.

  B came into the bathroom. He’d overheard everything. The cocaine had his spider senses on high. They were as ready as they were ever going to be for what he had in store for them.

  Whakelah was out of her element, but she was going to be out of her kids’ lives if she didn’t do something about her circumstances.

  B led her over to the sofa and laid her down. He pulled her clothes off slowly and played with her small breasts.

  Whakelah kept her eyes glued shut. She didn’t want to see any of what was happening. She couldn’t believe she had let LaShawn talk her into fucking this man that she didn’t even know.

  B entered Whakelah, and her body made him feel as if he had died and gone to heaven. He forgot all about what he had gone there for, but whatever it was, they had him, hook, line, and sinker. B got lost in the warmth as she wrapped her inner muscles around his dick like a baby in a blanket.

  “Ooh! Oh shit! You got some tight pussy, girl,” B said as he rammed himself up into her slim frame.

  Whakelah felt disgusting. She knew the next time she let someone penetrate her flesh, it would be someone she had real love for. Just days ago she was saying that she would like to do what Misha had done to get her paper, but she knew now that she would never chase her paper this way. She couldn’t imagine how Misha made this a way of life.

  LaShawn fucked B for a second time. She didn’t realize how much she needed some dick until she hopped her thick ass onto B’s thick shaft. He wasn’t bad at all. He was working with a little something. She might even have to get her some more of that. She wanted to show her appreciation for the good dick as well as seal the deal on their anticipated caper, so she capped off the evening by sucking his dick.

  “Mmm, hmm, yeah, y’all bitches is all right with me,” B said as his dick spurted cum down LaShawn’s throat.

  LaShawn went and got B a wet paper towel so he could clean himself up. She also told him that she wanted him to know what would be expected of him the night of the robbery, so she set up a meeting time for them to get back up the next day when B was in his right mind. She knew he would be there and on time.

  Misha and Swag were lying together, cuddled up in his king-sized bed. She had been in Swag’s bed for the past week and hadn’t bothered to check on her homegirls. Swag had told her that LaShawn had tried to feel his dick, so she had nothing to say to her. She recognized the signs of jealousy and no longer considered LaShawn one of her best friends. She wondered why Whakelah kept calling but never bothered to leave her a message. Misha figured if Whakelah really needed her, she would explain what she needed. She had her phone turned off because she didn’t want her clients interrupting her time with Swag, but it was time for her to get back on the map.

  June had been leaving her messages back to back. His proposition was still fresh. She was going to call him and tell him she was good, that she’d found a man, but she was just too wrapped up in Swag to take the time out to do so. Misha made a mental note to call June and to holla at Whakelah as soon as she got the chance.

  “This video shoot is the most important and positive thing that’s ever happened to me,” Misha said, as she ran her fingers through the soft, fine hair on Swag’s muscular chest.

  “Really? What about the nigga who helped you get the video shoot?”

  “Oh, baby, you know what I mean.”

  “No, I don’t know what you mean, but I heard what you said.”

  “Come on, Swag, you know I love you. That’s from my heart. I’m just talking in terms of my dreams.”

  Swag thought about what Misha had just said. He had never heard her say that it was her dream to be in videos. He brought the idea to her, or so he thought. Swag was more than used to females jocking him for his position, but he thought Misha was different. He was hoping she wasn’t like all the rest of the females that jiggled their asses in his face to get a shot at fame?

  Misha sensed his disdain for her statements and wanted to correct the situation instantly. She didn’t want to upset Swag or to make him change his mind about her being his lover or being the lead in DiViNCi’s video. He had no idea of how much he had changed her life. She thought about coming clean and telling him that he’d answered her prayers that night, but one of 50’s rules was, never let anyone know your intentions.

  “Swag, you mean the world to me. You changed my whole life, and I will never forget that. My feelings for you are real. This is not infatuation. I know in my heart that what I have for you is real love.”

  “You too young to know what real love is, Misha.”

  “I am not. I’ll be twenty-five soon.”

  Swag was just testing her. He had hoped that Misha did him love him as much as she said she did because he was falling fast for her. He did
n’t know what it was about her, but he was very much drawn to her. Swag called Misha young, but the truth was, he had never asked her how old she was. She could have been jailbait, it wouldn’t have mattered to him.

  “You’re not ready for me to say that back to you yet.”

  “Yeah, right, go ’head, make my day. Make my month. Shit, make my year.” Misha grinned from ear to ear.

  “Nah, you gotta earn my love.”

  “Okay, I will,” Misha said, still grinning. Swag sure had a way of making her smile and blush all over herself.

  “You know how it is in this business I’m in, Misha. I have to protect my heart.” Swag kissed her on the forehead.

  “Swag, baby, what about me? You don’t think that I have to protect mine?”

  Misha took a second to put herself in Swag’s shoes. She knew he had chicks coming from him at every direction, yet he was taking the time to help her, and give her things that no man ever did. He had dropped her dream of being in a music video right in her lap and showed her that she didn’t have to sell her body for money. He showed her that she was worthy of someone simply giving it to her. Yes, she loved this man. Misha had fucked hundreds of men and never had as much an inkling of emotion for any of them. She had gained more in one month with Swag than her lifetime of being Misha Stokes, special services consultant.”

  “Can we start over?”

  Swag looked at her with a bit of confusion.

  “Swag, me meeting you was the best thing that has ever happened to me. You making this video shoot possible for me is like a dream come true, and I want to say thank you.”

  Swag knew she was being sincere. Swag knew why he was feeling Misha. Ty had told him about the condition of the projects she lived in and the area of the Bronx she’d come from. He could tell by looking in her eyes that she’d had a hard life. But through it all, her little tough ass was still looking good and going for hers, hard, and Swag could do nothing but admire her for that.

  He grabbed Misha and made passionate love to her.

  Misha had rolled over after Swag had gotten finished with her. She checked her cell phone and saw several missed calls. Whakelah had been trying to reach her, and June was also calling her again. Misha thought she had better call Whakelah back to see what she wanted and why she hadn’t left a message.

  “What’s up, Whakelah?”

  Whakelah screamed into the phone, “Fuck you, Misha! All you care about is you!”

  “Bitch, I’m in love!” Misha didn’t mean to scream in front of Swag, but she was caught off guard with the verbal blow Whakelah was dealing her.

  “Bitch, please. You don’t know what love is. You done fucked every nigga in the metropolitan area!”

  Misha quickly got up out of Swag’s bed and ran into his bathroom and shut the door, her cell phone stuck to her ear. “What the hell is up with you, Whakelah?” Misha asked in a harsh whisper.

  “I should be asking you that!” Whakelah shot back. “I been calling yo’ ass all week, but you too busy with a dick up in it.”

  “Chill, bitch! I’m not in the mood for that shit right now.”

  Misha didn’t need Swag overhearing Whakelah blab about her lifestyle, or rather, her old lifestyle. She wasn’t going back to turning tricks in the hood to pay her bills. She wished she hadn’t bothered to call Whakelah.

  “They moved the date up for my hearing,” she told Misha, the sadness ringing out in her voice.

  “Oh shit!”

  Misha had forgotten all about Whakelah needing money. She had been so wrapped up in Swag and her upcoming video, she hadn’t bothered to figure out a plan on how to come up with the money. Now she wished she had called her back earlier. Misha felt obligated to help her friend. She had about two thousand dollars that she had stashed from the video shoot money that Swag had given her, and Whakelah was more than welcome to it.

  “LaShawn is saying that you out there chillin’ and we still out here starving.”

  “Fuck LaShawn! That bitch tried to feel my man’s dick. Did she tell you that?”

  “No, but I knew something was up.” Whakelah was calming down, and now that she was able to speak to Misha, she was feeling a whole lot better.

  “Well, you was supposed to get back at me. I may not have been answering, but I was checking my messages. You could have hit me with at least that much, if you knew something was up.” Misha was getting hot about the situation all over again.

  “You know how y’all get down. I try to stay out of it. That shit can get sticky sometimes.”

  “Whateva, Whakelah.” Misha recognized that Whakelah was playing both sides, as she always did.

  Misha came back into the bedroom to join Swag back in the bed, but she discovered that he wasn’t there. She then began to tell Whakelah how Ty had told her that he was the money behind Swag’s operation, that she needed to call up Ty and get her ass back out there and work her way into his money, just as she had worked her way into Swag’s.

  “I got two gees for you but, girl, you need to make that nigga Ty look out!” Misha said, hinting to her girl that she needed to use her feminine wiles.

  “Look out? He hasn’t even called me. I don’t think he’s feelin’ me.”

  “Girl, please. That nigga ain’t doin’ shit. He’s all into his work. Give him some real work to do.”

  Whakelah was relieved to hear Misha say that she would give her two thousand dollars. She knew then that Misha was still her best friend, that she hadn’t completely left her side. Along with the nine hundred that she already had, the two thousand dollars Misha had agreed to give her put her almost at the halfway mark of the six thousand dollars she needed.

  After her horrible experience with B, Whakelah just wasn’t interested in sleeping with a man for his money, so Ty wasn’t an option for her.

  Misha had told Whakelah that she had shared her vision for her reality show with Swag and Ty and that they were feeling her idea. Whakelah couldn’t believe she had told them about it. Misha went on to tell her that Swag and Ty were friends with some big-time producers and directors down in Atlanta, and that she was trying to get a meeting set up for her.

  “Why you ain’t tell me all of that before?”

  “I didn’t want you to get all gassed up and then the shit don’t come through.”

  All of a sudden Whakelah wanted to know all of the details of what Misha had told Swag and Ty about her reality show.

  Whakelah had her television show concept copyrighted and registered. She may not have finished high school, and she didn’t have much book sense, but she knew enough to do that much. She saw what had happened with Damon Dash and his Ultimate Hustler reality television series, and wasn’t about to go out like he did.

  “You didn’t tell them everything that I’m planning to do on the show, did you?

  “Bitch, please! Don’t nobody want to steal your show.”

  Thoughts of the robbery filled Whakelah’s mind while she was talking to Misha on the phone. She wanted to tell Misha about the planned robbery, but she really didn’t know how Misha would react. She thought it best not to say anything at all. She would just make sure that Misha was nowhere near Swag when it happened.


  LaShawn was concluding her second meeting with B. She described the layout of Swag’s house and told him about the significant rooms where she thought he might have money and drugs stashed. This time, it was just B and her. Just as in most singing groups, there was always one member who felt it was time to go solo, LaShawn felt that everything that she was planning would go smoother if she did her dirt all by her lonely.

  LaShawn had already talked to Whakelah, who had been in touch with Misha. LaShawn could tell that they had been licking each other’s ass. At this point Whakelah would just be in the way. Whakelah had been trying to talk LaShawn out of robbing Swag, but that wasn’t going to happen. She let Whakelah know that she could tell Misha if she wanted to, she didn’t give a fuck, ’cause it was going to g
o down. And if Misha got in the way, oh well....

  B was able to secure the vehicle for their trip out to Long Island. He was looking forward to that big payday LaShawn was bragging about. Whakelah told LaShawn where Swag lived. She didn’t know the physical address, but she described it well enough for them to draw a map.

  From the information LaShawn had gotten from Whakelah, there was a video shoot going down tonight, and no one would be in the home, so this would be the perfect night for the robbery. There would be no trouble getting in and out for this master lock-pick.

  LaShawn didn’t hear any type of alarm system when she was at Swag’s house. She really wasn’t familiar with what they looked like or what they sounded like, but B assured her that he could tell. He had done a few homes out in Queens and in White Plains that had alarms, but to be absolutely sure, all he had to do was cut Swag’s telephone wires.

  “You ready?” LaShawn asked B.

  “To get paid, and you know this,” he told her.

  LaShawn opened her apartment door for them to leave, but Larry, who was standing in her doorway, stopped her in her tracks. She had to wipe her eyes to make sure she wasn’t seeing things.

  “Who the fuck is this nigga?” Larry asked, pointing at B. “My opponent?”

  LaShawn was bugging. She had been back in the building for a few months now. The hood ain’t do shit, but talk, so she knew Larry was well aware that she had been living a few flights up from him. And wasn’t this nigga doing him the whole time? Why had he waited until now to come to her door?

  Larry was the last person LaShawn wanted to see. Sick thoughts of the way he’d treated her came rushing to her mind. She pictured herself killing him in various ways. She saw herself reaching for B’s gun and blowing his brains out. She then thought of squeezing his neck so hard that he would choke to death. She pictured his face with his eyes bulging out his sockets.


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