Defiant Revival

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  “Her clan, they fink he is still alive. They left him in the wastes. Shemmy could’nae bear to keep him. They say she felt like she failed o’ whatever, could’nae be reminded o’ the pain she caused him. Nobody else wanted to take care of that thing, but I’d assume his body still needed nutrients after bein’ raised. He likely starved to death ages ago, but they are even more taken wif Shemmy than I am. They think she can make immortals, create true wonder. What you fink, cousin? She gonna do this to yer prince?”

  “Not that, I hope,” Aldrious answered with a groan. He was reading through the records regarding all of Reginald’s postmortem bodily functions and could not bear to think of the heir to the throne going through such humiliation. “I doubt the Logos would do this if they weren’t damn near positive the prince could rule. I am guessing they found a way for her to do it right.”

  “Real second life? If anyone could do it, it’s her. Below all that shite on Reginald, there are accounts on how she manipulates nature, growin’ crops, dammin’ rivers, catchin’ fire and freezin’ water. She’s got enchanted companions she made who have been animate since her banishment—that’s six damn years. That level o’ ability is unheard of, even for a central heir.”

  “I knew she was skilled, but not this much so. Perhaps he is in better hands with her.” Aldrious was crying but did his best to hide it from Connor.

  “Dun be a stupid arse. You got stabbed what, five times, fell from the bloody sky, and lost your title. You deserve to cry your prissy eyes bone-dry. Juss not on my Shemmy file!” He scooped up the bundle, letting it disappear under his arm and stomach-length beard. As he smiled with pride over his sister, Aldrious could see through his yeti appearance to recognize his gentle, happy cousin. It felt nice to know the bonds of their blood were strong, even with years, nations, and beliefs separating them.

  “Thank you, Connor. You are as a kind as you are gigantic,” Aldrious murmured and began to doze off.

  “I ain’t that kind,” Connor shouted, smacking his cousin’s forehead with his backhand. “You better be stayin’ awake so you can heal yerself and get the fuck out. Annalise and I tortured ourselves by washin’ yer sorry arse and dyin’ yer robe black wif ink before we dressed you. As soon as you can stand, I want ya out. I dun care where ya go, as long as you still see to it Shemmy gets back here.”

  “Right, stupid me,” Aldrious mumbled, sitting up quickly. He wobbled a bit but still somehow got up on his feet. He would take generosity, but this irritable mercy he did not want. “Have you some coin so I can visit a brothel? That’ll heal me faster than your cheap couch.”

  Connor handed him a few notes from his pocket but also one of his explicit magazines. “In case you cannae get it up in your shit-kicked state.”

  Aldrious grinned, tucking both precious gifts into his robe. “Thank you so much, cousin. I shall hopefully be seeing you all soon and in better condition. I hope to be dressed in men’s clothes by then, no more glorified nightgowns.”

  “Aye, and Shemmy will be back, yes? I have your word, do I not?” Connor queried seriously. He then led Aldrious to the back door.

  “I swear it, cousin, my word is yours,” he responded with a grim nod. My word is slanderous shit, however. I doubt I can do a thing for anyone anymore, he thought, aching horribly as he trudged.

  He knew not where to go, what to do. He had always known what to do before. He knew the key to stopping the havoc wreaked by the MortiAegis church and the brotherhood was from within, so he joined them. He could sense their weak point was Casperland and wormed his way in wonderfully. Back then he had ideals, he had his sense of vengeance, and he was on his way. He was well learnt in prophecy, and he thought he could ease the globe’s troubles himself. He was always ridiculously idealistic, he realized now. It was not until Micah fell ill and he became supreme ruler that he lost sight of his nobler goals completely. He wished his idealism could return to him now, to guide him again. Until it returned, he would simply march north and find a suitable alley to peruse his pornography.

  Chapter 10

  May 8th, 989

  BILLIAM AND Micah’s first two nights together found them sleeping in each other’s arms, wrapped in quilts atop the hard wooden cart. The smell of death was far gone from Micah; instead his skin emanated a familiar powder-soft scent that Billiam found incredibly comforting. They did their best to sleep as platonically as possible, attempting to have no temptation to break Shemmy’s rule.

  She helped them with this by parking Gam right next to the cart and facing them as she slept. Without fail, every time anything more than a kiss began to brew, Shemmy would giggle loudly no matter how deep in slumber she had seemed.

  They awoke about forty hours after Micah’s resurrection to a light flurry of snowflakes. They landed on the exposed skin of the young men’s faces, creating tiny puddles as they melted. The cold air threatened the puddle, forcing it to freeze back up, the frost then biting at their cheeks. These nips of pain were what first drew Billiam from his slumber, but it was the unending trembling from his prince that snapped him into full consciousness.

  Micah had taken to Roland’s large shirt after all, wearing it as his nightdress. It barely covered him up yet still managed to obscure the important parts. They were a day past crossing Alafor’s national border, not the most forgiving climate for sleeping outdoors, especially when pant-less. Goose flesh covered him from the tops of his feet up to the nape of his neck, prickling right below his ears.

  Billiam pulled him tight, wrapped around him from behind, and put his cheek to his prince’s. The sound of Micah’s teeth chattering was almost to a deafening level but worth it if some warmth could pass through him. “Perhaps we should get up, Prince? You will be warmer if you move about.”

  “I’m not cold,” Micah whispered out. His mouth vibrated so rapidly his tongue could hardly keep up. “Just hold me.”

  “We need to get shelter and warmer clothes for you. I am so sorry. We rushed into this without truly readying ourselves for this frigid land. We had an opportunity and seized it. I blame myself for the recklessness.” Billiam positioned himself so he might cover as much of the prince with his body as possible, while still holding himself up.

  Shemmy’s snickering started as soon as Billiam was on top. “As nice a view as dat is, there be more effective ways to warm ’im up than body heat,” she called to them and jumped out of Gam, landing with a light thud on her naked dirty feet. The cold did not affect her whatsoever. She climbed into the cart and crawled on top of both pairs of legs, grinning foolishly. “I can enchant anyfing of nature that has’nae a will o’ its own, obviously the dead, and water, and plants, and so on. Billiam, you yerself wos the one that made me realize I can ’chant the very air floatin’ around us. I can make it so the air dat surrounds the prince and yerself is met wif an energy to make it all toasty! Awlready dunnit to mahself!”

  “Shemmy, you are brilliant!” Billiam exclaimed, happily kissing the prince’s icy cheek. “Please do it! You will be our savior once again!”

  “I’m not cold,” Micah repeated, the words distorted by his shivers. He was showing his stubborn side for the first time to Shemmy. She had actually been quite impressed with how easygoing the heir to throne had been. Seeing his foolish pride come through made the boy fit the name at last.

  “Dun worry, love, you could be as warm as the sun and yer man there would still be pressin’ his body on ya.” As she said that, Micah smiled at her meekly, giving her all the permission she needed.

  Shemmy drew her enchanting needles from a slit in her dress. She held them, one floating straight up at the end of a finger on either hand. When she snapped her fingers, the needles danced and swirled out, one encircling each man. They spiraled around them and through the cart swiftly at least five times before shooting back to her and falling in her lap. “Better?”

  Color returned to Micah’s face at once, and the constant tapping noise from his jaw ceased. He stretched, pushing Billiam off him
finally, though just enough so he might sit up. Sheepishly, he murmured to Shemmy, “Oh, I guess I was a little cold. Right, thank you.” He flipped his hair a bit, trying to seem aloof. He was ashamed that he had acted so obstinately yet continued in that vein regardless.

  “Yes, halfway to hypothermia is only a bit cold,” Billiam teased, pinching the prince’s cheek. He was delighted to feel how quickly it had warmed and also enjoyed the comforting warmth around his own body. He pulled the quilt off himself but left Micah partially covered, not wanting to give Shemmy a free show. “How long does this last, dear?”

  “I haven’t the foggiest! Hopefully it’ll still be workin’ in eight hours’ time!” she chirped, wriggling herself backward to get off the cart. Her hand grabbed into the quilt, pulling it off with her, undoubtedly by accident.

  Micah shrieked, realizing his makeshift nightshirt had curled up around his waist as he slept. Shemmy cackled and kneeled at the end of the cart, leaving only her eyes visible as she peeped.

  “I may be warm, but I should probably cover up a bit more than this, Billiam,” Micah gasped out. His face was entirely pink as he grasped at the ends of Roland’s shirt, trying to force the fabric to be longer than it was.

  “Just because you help us and do something nice doesn’t mean you earn a reward, pervert!” Billiam kicked his long leg out, his bare heel bonking against Shemmy’s forehead. He did not kick her hard but combined with her strange squatting position, it was enough to throw her onto her back. “I’ll take you to get dressed now, Micah.”

  Micah climbed onto Billiam’s back, using his legs and only one arm to hang on while they crawled out of the cart. He kept the other hand planted on his blouse and backside, blowing a raspberry at Shemmy as they passed her dazed position on the ground.

  Billiam slept shirtless and in his trousers, so to dress himself required only that he retrieve his cleanest shirt from his saddlebag. Although he had taken efforts to wash his and the prince’s clothes in a stream the day before, he was still pining for his freshly laundered clothes delivered to his room, like at the lodge. He could do also for his coat. Having been so overwrought with excitement took quite a toll on his appearance. His face was the one lovely thing he felt he had worn since having his prince back, and even it was in need of some upkeep.

  Micah had just the one outfit that he wanted to wear, so Billiam grabbed it from the tree it had been hanging on. The pretty blouse was bone-dry, but his socks and short pants were still a bit moist. He grimaced at them as he picked them up.

  “Billiam, it’s fine! I will stay warm regardless,” Micah assured his lover cheerfully as they made their way to a suitable dressing area.

  Over in the cover of woods, Billiam quickly and carefully got the prince’s blouse and trousers on him. After, he knelt down to slide a stocking up Micah’s thin leg and looked up at him, a bit concerned.

  “What’s wrong, love?” Micah implored.

  He shook his head and began rolling the second sock up the second leg. “Well, I’m just worried about keeping you safe. I wanted to be with you as soon as our time limit is up, but I must insist we wait until nightfall. It would be much too dangerous for me to put you in such a vulnerable position in the light of day. There could be any number of headhunters about by now. I have been dreading having to make you wait.”

  “Oh, Billiam! Don’t be so silly! You are my protector, my knight. I trust you always put my well-being first, even if it means my every whim is not indulged. I wish to no longer be the spoiled brat you coddled our past life together. I’d like to be a man now, worthy of your love and devotion.” Micah grabbed Billiam’s hands off his legs and pulled him up from his kneeling position, placing them around his waist. He smiled sweetly, setting Billiam’s mind mostly at ease, though he sensed a last trace of anxiety. “What else, dear?”

  “Well, Prince, you are worthy of my love and devotion, you alone. You are the only one I ever have or ever will give my love to. However… you are not the only one I have given my body. I am so sorry, Micah.” He shoved his head down between Micah’s chin and shoulder before continuing. “I feel as though I betrayed you, but I swear you were always the one in my heart. Also, I have become a much greater lover than I was when I first started. I am confident I can now give you only the supreme pleasure befitting my beautiful prince.” Feeling slightly relieved after his confession, he was able to appreciate the smooth neck where his head was laying, kissing the length of it.

  Micah giggled and held him tight. “Billiam, you are too cute! I never expected you to be chaste; in fact I’d probably be a bit disappointed if you were. You were always the older one, the one to teach and to lead me. You know how I spent hundreds of days asleep on end, no? I dreamt all the time. I had dreams where you’d go after your conquests, and, as if seeing it through a crystal ball, I would get to watch you. At the end, you would return to me and tell me all the ways they could never compare to me before it was my turn. Those were my favorite dreams!” He looked as if he had fallen back into one of them, his eyes glazing over as he bit his lip lightly.

  “I can’t say I expected such a naughty reaction, but I am quite relieved. Thank you, Micah, for your understanding. Now that I have you back, I swear you are the only one who will be in my thoughts, in my heart, and in my hands. I am all yours forever more, and I will have you be all mine.”

  “Good, for if any other man were to touch or be touched by you, I would have him executed in a second!” he sang out, his eyes sparkling but his smile wicked. Billiam was grateful he had entirely meant his promise, for he knew the prince was not at all bluffing.

  After taking the opportunity to thank Micah for his understanding with more than just words, Billiam scooped up his prince and set off to rejoin the others. He was quite recovered and could walk easily; however, they had both grown fond of Billiam’s habit of carting him about.

  “Hello, lovebirds! I was gettin’ ready to run afta ya screamin’ again,” Shemmy joked with a happy face, though her voice sounded strained and exhausted. She was jumping in front of Zan and stretching desperately, grabbing toward her needles, which he held in the air about three feet above her.

  “Frankly, I was surprised we didn’t see you,” Billiam shot back with a wink, before reaching up and grabbing the needles out of Zan’s hand. “Might I ask what you two are doing?”

  “She was trying to enchant me. I declined politely, yet she kept trying anyways, so I stopped her. She is pretty relentless,” answered my brother with a dramatic sigh.

  “What, was she just trying to warm you? She already enchanted Micah and me. It’s quite nice actually.” Billiam smiled and messed up Shemmy’s hair playfully, before surprising them both by sliding the needles into his waistband for the first time since the prince’s rebirth.

  “What?” Shemmy cried out angrily, flailing her arms around Billiam. “I thought you said you like it, Dandy?”

  “I do, and I am extremely grateful that the prince is much healthier and safer because of it. That doesn’t mean you should have free rein to enchant people against their will. So, Zan, would you like to be warmed?”

  “I’m actually not very cold at all. My skin is tougher than all of yours, thanks to the ogres. I’d rather not have unnecessary things practiced on me.”

  “Right, that makes sense. Shemmy, will you obey his wishes?” He looked down at her, and she ceased her desperate attempts to get her hands in his pants. She nodded and feigned a convincingly innocent look up at him. “Okay, then you can have these back. Just ask first from now on, or I’ll put Zan in charge of holding them.”

  “Wonderful idea!” my brother exclaimed with an exaggerated excitement, but he meant it. He wasn’t sure why, but he didn’t really trust the practice of enchanting. He was actually feeling quite cold, as we faelocks don’t have much more natural defense against temperature than humans do. He is a wonderful liar and wanted Shemmy to have no idea of his aversion to her craft.

  “Hell no, that giant would br
eak ’um by accident within seconds!” she yelled, then looked over Zan for a moment. He was grinning, and it seemed to be genuine. Since learning Billiam’s secret she, like Billiam and myself, tried to always interpret whether he was being honest or not. Gazing at him, she found herself noticing he was actually quite handsome behind his imposing size and those dorky spectacles. His lavender eyes began to have a bedroom effect on her, forcing her gaze downward until Billiam’s hand on her shoulder stopped her ogling.

  “Are you all right, Shemmy?” asked Billiam with a confused smile. “Let’s get going, if you are. Seems you all got everything ready as we dressed.”

  “Bugger off, I’m fine!” she shouted before running off to Gam.

  Billiam was shocked by her demeanor but felt it best to leave her be. They got in their usual travel positions and headed off at once.

  Night fell fifty-one and a half hours after Micah’s resurrection. Shemmy had a pocket watch and had screamed out every hour since the forty-eighth passed. Billiam scolded her each time, yet she continued anyway, squealing “But ya can now!” after each admonishment. She didn’t know and wouldn’t have cared that the two men had already agreed to wait for the cover of night.

  They decided to set camp a half mile off the path, under the shadow of a small cliff. They were well into Alafor now, but thankfully still on the east side and not yet buried in snow and frost. Zan started a fire and tied up the horses. Billiam grabbed a few quilts and made a torch from a fallen branch before climbing up the rocks without a word.

  “Where are you going?” Micah shouted after him.

  “Must set the mood, dearest.”

  In a few minutes he returned and was promptly ambushed by Shemmy. “Why you goin’ up there? Ain’t we gonna have dinner and camp together? I dun fink I can climb that cliff.”


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