Defiant Revival

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  “That is precisely why the prince and I will be staying up there tonight. I can only speak for myself, but I do not mind skipping our paltry dinner. I have no hunger for food currently.”

  “I don’t either!” cried Micah, jumping into Billiam’s arms. He was forced to drop his torch momentarily, to avoid singeing him. He positioned Micah on his back quickly and leaned down to grab it before it extinguished.

  “No fair!” Shemmy stuck out her tongue and flopped down to the ground angrily. “What are we supposed ta do?”

  Billiam was already halfway up the cliff, Micah holding the torch to light his way, when he responded, “Eat dinner, talk to each other, sleep, and mind your own business. Any of those things will do, I’d say.”

  When they reached the top of the cliff, Micah was delighted to see a fire was already struck up. Next to it lay a quilt on the ground, with two more tied up to a tree above it, forming a makeshift tent. “Never had I imagined I would be taking you in a place so lacking in ambience and privacy, my prince, but I had to put some effort in,” Billiam whispered over his shoulder as he set him down.

  Micah skipped over to the bedroom Billiam had created for them, his body feeling electrified with excitement. He was a bit shocked to feel himself growing nervous as well. This was what he had wanted for so long, and he knew it would be happening this night, and yet the butterflies still raged within his torso. “It is lovely! You never cease to impress me, Billiam. I could never dream of being so capable.”

  He laid most of his body on the quilt, propping himself up with one elbow. He wanted to appear sexy, a temptress of sorts, but he felt totally unsure of how to do so. Thoughts raced through his head manically, like Should I just strip now? Do I say come hither? What if I danced? What the hell am I doing? He cocked his head to the side, trying to clear his mind of the silliness running through it. Micah kept his eye contact, full of lust, but fear veiled his face.

  Billiam could see Micah’s anxiety growing, so he broke the short silence and spoke earnestly, “Prince, I have sworn my life to you and given you my loyalty since before you could even speak. I intend to follow you and do whatever I can for you the rest of my days. You know I will always obey you and stand by your side, yes?”

  “Of course, Billiam. You have never shown me anything but loyalty and love.” Micah sat up, still nervous but realizing his attempt at seduction was quite unnecessary.

  “Good. For I have thought long about what it would be like when we could truly be together, body and soul. I’d like, rather, I require that when it is just us intimately that you be the one to obey me. I would have you submit to me completely, understood, Micah?”

  Micah was relieved that he needn’t figure any of this out for himself. “Yes, of course, Billiam. I always assumed that you would, well… be the one more in charge?”

  “So I have total control of you? Nod for me, Micah.”

  Micah nodded, locking his eyes within Billiam’s. He had not expected such a dominant demeanor from his lover, but it was quite thrilling.

  “Good boy,” said Billiam, finally joining him on the quilt though not sitting. He hoisted Micah up to his feet suddenly and held his waist tight. “I shall be taking this slow tonight, as it is your first,” Billiam spoke into his ear. The words were hot and tickled down his neck. “Do not mistake this for me being gentle; I simply do not want to damage you. I will never hurt you in a way you won’t like, but I also intend to never be gentle with you. That is not how I want you; my desire for you is savage and absolute.”

  Micah nodded without being instructed, desperately wanting to kiss him but knowing to let his lover lead. Billiam’s face bore a total joy, which warmed Micah’s heart. He could not be more thrilled with how this was finally playing out.

  “I am glad you understand so well. You have no idea how very much this pleases me, but I will show you, soon enough.” He gave him a long, hard kiss, sucking away his air. He then shocked Micah by abruptly pushing his shoulders, dropping him down onto his knees. Billiam grabbed his chin, forcing his gaze up. “Now, I need to hear you beg me for my cock.”

  Micah’s eyes grew huge, and his face turned red. He had no idea what to say. He opened his mouth, but no words came out. He simply looked up at Billiam and trembled.

  “Now, now, Micah. I didn’t ask you to be shy, did I? I told you to beg me to fuck you.” Billiam looked at him sternly, grabbing a handful of Micah’s silky hair and tugging lightly. No matter how rough he was being, Micah could see the love in his face clearly.

  “Billiam, please! I want you inside me. Fuck me now!” he called out in a loud, desperate cry. Micah could not believe what was coming out of his mouth, never even having uttered such words, but still he felt terribly excited by them. He knew he meant it and even more vulgar things that he was still too innocent to think of.

  “Much better!” Billiam smiled and loosened his grip on Micah’s scalp. “Now, why don’t you swallow my sword for a bit, and I will see to it that I give you every inch of what you crave, no matter how slowly I might need to go.” As if a switch were flicked, Billiam became erect and dropped his pants.

  Micah looked at the sword, as Billiam had put it, and understood why he was insistent on how slow he would need to go. Micah did not feel intimidated, however, and still wanted every bit of it. He looked up at Billiam and sweetly said to him, “Yes, master.”

  “Master? I do like the sound of that.” Billiam laughed softly, grabbing the back of his head. He wanted to be strong, to dominate him; however, as Micah’s warm mouth encircled him, he grew more content than he had ever felt.

  MY BROTHER woke suddenly in his sleeping spot, near the now barely smoldering fire pit. He sat up then looked down, disgusted by a mess he had made all over himself. He knew this was Billiam’s fault, and he was furious. He got up from the earth and saw Shemmy was nowhere to be found. He could faintly hear rushing water north of him, probably on the other side of their cliff.

  He followed the babbling noise, thankful for the nearly full moon lighting his way. Within minutes he saw the stream. He had to head to the east a bit to get over to it, and upon seeing a faint light ahead of him, realized he was now parallel to Billiam’s camp. He could clearly see the two naked men lying together motionless on a quilt ahead of him. He didn’t want to be so close, but he conceded they were not in any state to pay attention to him.

  Zan stepped into the freezing cold water, which went up only to his knees. He removed his pants and scrubbed them vigorously against themselves. He splashed up onto his lap to clean himself too, feeling it could possibly be at the cost of frostbite. He was fiercely regretting not allowing Shemmy to enchant him. Once he felt completely free of stickiness, he got out of the stream. He was about to start back to his camp when a familiar giggle stopped him right in his tracks.

  “Oi, I know yous have history, but I thought you’d be far too stubborn to be peepin’!” Shemmy whispered from a nearby bush. “I fink they are at a stoppin’ point, though, sadly. Wow, you really were into it, eh? Yer all soaked and pantless! I’m impressed!” She smiled at him mischievously, apparently forgetting where his face was.

  Zan obscured himself slightly with a tree, fearing the men might wake. “It’s not like that,” he explained angrily. “My bond with Billiam forces me to experience many of his feelings. I was awoken by an uninvited emission, and I came out here to wash myself up. It was obviously because of his pleasure. I’ll have you know I stopped having anything that juvenile happen to me ages ago.” He adjusted his spectacles and shrugged. He was ready to start off again when they were both startled by voices from Billiam’s campfire.

  “Shh!” Shemmy whispered and motioned for him to join her, stooping behind the bush. Zan hated himself for it but obeyed anyway, dropping the wet pants and crawling over to her. They both leaned over a fallen tree in front of them and tried hard to listen.

  “Thank you so much, Prince, for allowing me that,” Billiam whispered to Micah, who he was embracing
from behind as they lay. He gave soft kisses along his thin neck. These were gentle and loving, not the domineering, devouring ones he had given him the hours prior.

  Micah nuzzled happily into him. “So I am prince, now? I guess that means I am in charge again,” he teased, giggling quietly.

  “Hmm, yes I suppose you are, for the next ten minutes at least.” He joined him in laughing, holding him tight. Billiam had never been so happy, never in his life, never in his dreams. “I did not hurt you, right? I was not too forceful?”

  Micah turned his head to steal one of the kisses intended for his neck. “No, it was wonderful! I am so thankful you had experience. I can’t imagine getting stabbed with such a great sword if you didn’t know what you were doing.” He enjoyed having some power back and teasing Billiam. He wiggled his hips, pressing against his lap and feeling some of his energy had been restored. “I never expected you to dominate me so, but I refuse to have it be any other way, now.”

  Billiam squeezed him tight, burying his face into Micah’s shoulders. “I am so pleased to hear you say that. I was terribly worried I’d scare you off. I loved having complete control of you, and I did not want to have to give that up.”

  “No, you can’t give it up! Even if I am not in power in the privacy of our bed, I am the prince, and I forbid you to give up any control of me,” he contradicted himself playfully as he turned around and looked into Billiam’s handsome, beaming face. “I have always been treated like such an entitled doll. Everyone was always indulging me, fawning over me, acting as though I could break at any moment. I am not complaining; I realize what a fortunate child I had been. Regardless of that, it is exhilarating to finally be the one to beg. Aldrious is the only other person to not treat me like a precious thing, torturing and humiliating me. I will admit, through the pain I did derive a bit of excitement, as it was the only time I was allowed to feel anything. Unlike him, however, I know you dominate me with the intention of allowing me absolute pleasure. I am happy to feel like your dog, and I cannot wait to obey your commands, for I know I will be reaping all the benefits.”

  “Is that so?” Billiam queried, all his virility and energy now restored. “Then be a good boy and roll over. I have a bone to give you.”

  “That was definitely not ten minutes!” Micah laughed but obeyed, turning around and eagerly propping himself on all fours.

  “Holy hell, can you believe ’e said that? A bone to give you? I never ’spected Billiam to be such a kink!” Shemmy gasped out quietly, shimmying to get her body up against the fallen tree. She hugged it awkwardly while shoving one of her hands up her dress.

  Zan shook his head and explained, “Billiam is quite fond of feeling in control. That and puns.” He was ashamed but also could not look away. Knowing Shemmy was preoccupied, he allowed his hand to travel south on himself. Although he was excited by what he watched, bitter jealousy was corroding his heart. He would ignore and suppress it for now.

  Micah braced himself, expecting his lover to join him little by little as he had the first time. Instead, Billiam slid into him hard and at once, with none of the carefulness he showed before. The prince could not stop the loud moan from escaping his mouth. He was forceful and Micah thought it was going to hurt, but instead his whole body felt alive with pleasure.

  “I don’t think I told you to dirty your paws,” Billiam whispered into his ear. He grabbed Micah’s chest and pulled him up, releasing his grip on the dirt. He was then holding them both up with his strength alone. “Hold on to yourself instead,” he commanded, as he moved Micah’s hand where he wanted it.

  Micah did as he said, but felt himself quickly giving in, as it felt far too good. “Billiam, if I do this, I won’t be able to….”

  “You don’t need to. I can last for us both. Obey me, boy, and give into pleasure as many times as you can. The more you do, the greater mine will be, so be quiet!” He grunted, clawing into Micah’s chest.

  “Yes, master!” the prince cried, to which Billiam grabbed hard on to his mouth. In truth, he loved getting called such in that moment.

  “I ’ave never seen such a position in person before!” Shemmy whispered. She was still trying and failing to derive some pleasure from bumping against her hand and the tree trunk in front of her.

  “He definitely couldn’t have picked me up like that, though I wish…,” Zan said, biting his lip, feeling he could not just sit there and watch. His passion for Billiam was boiling up, and he knew he would need a release. “Shemmy, what do you say we help each other out?” he asked, ashamed and unsure of how he felt about it himself but unable to think of any other option. “I’ll try that position on you, so we can both still watch.”

  “Oh Spirit, I dun even like ya, but that sounds fockin’ amazing,” she whispered, backing up and pulling up her dress while never removing her eyes from the show.

  Zan emulated Billiam, starting with Shemmy on all fours before grabbing one of her breasts to pull her against him. He wasn’t as familiar with being the one behind as Billiam was, and fell out of her for a second. He grew anxious and pulled away a bit.

  “It felt wonderful. I’ll try and hold myself out a bit more, yes? Please try again.” She looked back at him, her face passionate and suddenly becoming beautiful to him.

  As he pulled her back onto himself slowly, he tried once again to hoist her up, this time sliding his hand under her dress. He was able to hold her up easily, and rock himself back and forth as they watched. As she dropped her hand to play with herself like Micah, he batted it away, doing it himself. He felt as though he wanted to give her pleasure alone, not knowing if it was because of what they watched or a real desire for Shemmy.

  Eventually, both couples ended up satisfying their carnal urges at about the same time. Zan held Shemmy against him, even though they were both through. He liked having her, more than as just something to be in as he watched Billiam.

  Perhaps it was because she despised him; was that what was missing with Katrina? He had thought that he was like Billiam and was an outsider twice, being both a faelock and a queer. He pursued Katrina as he had to try to stop himself from being the latter. He was always able to perform with her but never felt real passion or an unflinching lust as he had with Billiam and now Shemmy. Her body, her parts so feminine, were just as exciting to him as Billiam’s had been. Was he really not queer? If not, what was he? These were the things racing in his head, besides continued desire for Shemmy.

  He began kissing the nape of her neck, and she submitted to him until she remembered all at once who he was. She jumped off him and crawled on her knees a few paces away. “Thanks for that! I’ve never watched something so excitin’ while ’avin’ my own poundin’. I’ll prolly barely be able to walk tomorrow, seein’ as I forgot about you bein’ a faelock. Hell, I forgot even who you were or where I was, it was so sublime. Don’cha be getting no ideas about dis happenin’ a’gin. I still find you vile, but… can you carry me back? I’m really sleepy.” She got herself in a seated position, and with a stupid grin, was transformed back into the same, ridiculous Shemmy she was to Zan before passion engulfed him.

  He began to feel the embarrassment she felt, and obliged her by carrying her above his shoulder. He almost forgot his pants, but turned back a few steps to retrieve them. They walked around the creek and downhill to their camp in silence. He set her in Gam before falling onto his quilt.

  Chapter 11

  May 9th, 989

  THE NEXT day all four of them slept like the dead, recovering from their indulgences. They were unconscious almost until noon, feeling as hungover as one would with ale. Their awakening was sudden and not to Shemmy’s laughter or to nipping cold, but to the snapping of twigs beneath feet. Billiam shot up but was immediately grabbed at the shoulders by a strange woman, who was kneeling on the quilts with them.

  “’Ello, handsome!” the young lady said to him cheerfully, climbing on top of his chest. He looked away from her and over to Micah, furious to see yet another strang
e girl sitting atop him. She was trying to press her lips against his face while he squirmed underneath her.

  Billiam was enraged at the sight of anyone besides himself touching the prince. He threw the girl off of him and over into a tree yards away, before grabbing the one on top of Micah and heaving her just as far. “Don’t you touch him, whore. He is mine!” he screamed to her as she fell hard onto the cold dirt.

  He was able to pull Micah close to him before the cocking of a pistol behind his head rendered him motionless. “Aye, don’cha be pushin’ the boss like that, poof!” a gruff voice called to him from behind said pistol. “Let’s bring these nudists over to the others, aye, Bea?”

  “Wow, he’s as strong as he is good-lookin’!” Bea cheered as she ran over to the second girl Billiam pushed, helping her to her feet. They were laughing and did not seem too hurt. “I agree, Rudy, let’s get ’um all rounded up.”

  The man with the pistol, apparently named Rudy, handed Billiam one of the quilts to cover with before tying it around him with rope. The two harlots were at work, grabbing the screaming and squealing prince from the makeshift bed. He thankfully had managed to get his nightshirt on before falling deep into sleep hours before. One of the girls held his arms as the other buttoned up his blouse. They tied up his wrists, and each grabbed an arm, easily lifting the young man off the ground.

  The gunman decided against carrying the quilted hero. Instead he jammed the pistol in the small of Billiam’s back, forcing him to waddle around the creek and down to the camp. He was grateful that the girls carrying Micah were in front of him and he could keep watch.

  Finally awake enough to take in the scene of the camp around him, he was also able to appreciate the severity of the situation. Shemmy had been pulled out of Gam and was tied to a tree, guarded by an enormous hairy man. There was a short, grim man holding one side of Zan and a taller, weasely one on the other. Counting the gunman behind him, that put their numbers at six.


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