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SEAL's Spitfire (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Black Eagle Book 1)

Page 3

by Lynne St. James

  “They should tell people that.”

  “Probably, but I don’t think they care if they’re getting a room.”

  She turned her head toward the gate agent’s desk where a queue had formed. He was right, everyone looked like they were ready to pack it in. Some of them had been there as long as she had, which after checking her watch was just over seven hours. Way too long to spend in an airport.

  “Good point. So basically, we’re stranded in here, nothing is open for food, no way back in if we go out. Makes me glad I don’t smoke, I’d be up a creek without a paddle.”

  Rafe chuckled. “Too true. And I wouldn’t want to see that either. People get mean when they can’t smoke.”

  “I take it you’ve had some experience with that?”

  “My dad. He had a heart attack a few years ago and they made him give up smoking. He wasn’t fun to be around. I really felt for my mom.”

  “It’s good you didn’t pick up the habit.”

  “Yes, it is. I’d have never made it this far if I smoked.”

  “I’ve been wondering. Just what do you do in the Navy? Are you on a ship? You mentioned missions.”

  “I’m a frogman, also known as a Navy SEAL.”

  “Holy shit. For real?” Way to go, Meghan. It’s great that you’re using your grown-up words.

  “Yes, for real,” he said as he continued to chuckle. She was sure her expression was comical. But her emotions were all over the place, so she could be forgiven for her doofiness, right?

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about.”

  “Thank you. This is probably way out of line, but is there anything you can do to find out about Charlie?”

  Rafe expected her question as soon as she found out he was a SEAL. And who would blame her? His Spitfire was scared and desperate to save her brother. In her shoes, he’d have done the same thing. What he couldn’t do is help. Not officially. As much as it killed him to say no, he had no choice. But he could call his secret weapon, Tex, a medically retired SEAL who was a computer genius. If there was information out there, he could find it and had pulled their asses out of the fire more times than he cared to remember. Tex had to stay his secret, at least for now.

  “I wish I could. But it doesn’t work that way.”

  “You can’t fault a girl for trying, right?” The tiny ray of hope on her face dimmed so quickly he wasn’t sure it had been there.

  “Not at all. Believe me, if there was anything I could do I would.” Rafe hated lying to Meghan but he wasn’t even sure what Tex could find. It wasn’t a military operation. The man was a miracle worker but there was always the first time he’d strike out. To make promises to help and then not be able to come through was worse than lying.

  “It’s okay. I’m just grasping at straws. I told him he shouldn’t go. But he’s so damn stubborn.”

  Rafe smiled gently and draped his arm along the chair behind her. She leaned against him and his smile grew a bit bigger. He didn’t think she even realized she’d done it.

  “How long has he been a missionary?”

  “Five or six years now. Well, doing this type of stuff. He went to college and then worked in local neighborhoods around Atlanta trying to help. Then he heard about this group, Deliver Hope Ministries, and before we knew it, he was flying off to Africa. He was there for a couple of years, then they went to the next place.”

  “He sounds like a great guy.”

  “Oh, he is. A stubborn little shit, but he’d give you the shirt off his back.”

  “And how long has he been in Afghanistan?” He hated pumping her for information about her brother, but the more he could share with Tex the better chance he had of finding something.

  “About six months. I think…” Whatever was coming next was cut off by the ringing of her phone. “Sorry, it’s my sister. I need to take this.”

  “Go ahead. I’ll give you some privacy.” It was the perfect opportunity to give Tex a call without arousing her suspicion. If she hadn’t been so distracted about everything she probably wouldn’t have shared as much. There was still a lot he didn’t know.

  Rafe strolled over to the windows and gazed out into the night sky. The airport was quiet, the only people still there were waiting at their gate. What had started out as an overfull plane was down to about fifteen people. Most of them were stretched out on the floor with red Delta Airlines blankets. Not wanting to be overheard, he made sure he was far enough away to have privacy for the call.

  As he scrolled through his contacts looking for Tex’s number, he realized it was after twelve. In the old days it wouldn’t have been bad but now he had a wife and two kids. Maybe he should leave it until morning. Then he glanced toward Meghan and caught her wiping tears she’d managed to hold back for hours.

  It sealed the deal. They could get clearance on the plane at any time now and then she’d be out of his life. This was his chance to help. With his decision made, he clicked on Tex’s number and waited for it to ring.

  “Rafe? What’s up?”

  “Hey, Tex. Sorry, it’s so late.”

  “It’s not that late. I’m assuming this isn’t a social call?”

  “No, it’s not. I’m not even sure you can help. Did you happen to see the news about the missionary group kidnapped in Afghanistan today?”

  “Yeah. Are you being sent out?” No one was supposed to know about their missions, but there wasn’t much they could keep from Tex if he wanted to know.

  “Not this time, at least not so far. I’m stuck in Norfolk Airport and I met a woman.”

  “You called me at midnight to run a background check?”

  “Asshole. I never even considered that. But it’s not like that. Okay, it might be, but dammit you’re distracting me.”

  “She must be something to put you off your game.”

  “That’s neither here nor there. Her brother was one of the missionaries kidnapped and she’s beside herself. And before you ask, no I haven’t told her about you.”

  “I know better than that. I’m only giving you shit. What info do you have for me?” After that, it was all business. As Rafe told him all he knew about Charles Henley, he heard the tapping of the computer keys on the other end.

  “That’s all I’ve got. Hopefully, it’s enough to find out something.”

  “I’ll do what I can. What time is your flight?”

  “No fucking clue. It was supposed to be four-forty-five yesterday. Now we’re waiting to hear if they can fix it. If not, I’m out of here on a ten a.m. flight.”

  “And the sister?”

  “Meghan. She’s stuck here until the later flight in the afternoon. Not sure what time.”

  “Okay, I’ll get to work and hit you back when I’ve got something.”

  “Thanks, Tex. Say hi and apologize to Melody for me for interrupting your evening.”

  “Will do.” Rafe hoped that Tex could work some magic for Meghan.

  Chapter 4

  “Hi Lizzie, everything okay?” Meghan asked as she smiled at Rafe as he got up to give her some privacy.

  “Yes, no. I don’t know. I’m at my wit's end. I can’t turn on the TV in case they mention something about Charlie. I brought Mom over here because I was worried about her seeing something that would freak her out. She is still lucid more than not.”

  “I know. Which is good and bad at the moment. I’m not ready to lose her or Charlie. But until we know more information, I don’t think we should tell her about it.”

  “I agree. When are you getting in? It will be a lot easier when I’m not dealing with this alone.”

  “I’m not sure. Possibly in the middle of the night if they get this plane off the ground. Or not until around two p.m.”

  “Sweet Jesus. What kind of an airport are they running over there? And why aren’t you staying with Chrissy?”

  “I wanted to try to get on the delayed flight. If I left, I wouldn’t be able to get back in until mo

  “That makes sense sort of. Have you heard anything? Any updates?”

  “No, nothing. The TV monitors are on CNN, but I haven’t heard any updates about it.”

  “Damn. I keep hoping we’re wrong. That this is a terrible mistake.”

  “Me too. But my gut says otherwise. When is Craig getting home?”

  “Not until Tuesday. He’s stuck in San Francisco for the conference. Timing sucks as usual, but he’s up for a promotion.”

  “But that’s good news. Right? And I’ll be there tomorrow at the latest. If I have to, I’ll rent a car and drive there.”

  “Right. I’m sorry. I’m really not losing it. Okay, maybe I’m losing it a little. We’ll be fine until you get here.”

  “I know you will. Love you, Lizzie.”

  “Love you too, Meggy.”

  “Ugh, don’t call me that or I’ll stay in Norfolk.”

  “Bye.” As she disconnected the call, she felt a bit better. She’d made her sister laugh and no news was good news. Home was under control with her sister holding down the fort. So now it was just figuring out what she could do. There had to be something instead of just sitting there.

  “How are things with your sister?” He’d surprised Meghan again. Damn the man had stealthy moves. Duh, SEAL.

  “Hanging on as best she can while dealing with her two kids and our mom.”

  “Is your mom sick?”

  “No, yes, not in a regular way. She has Alzheimer’s but it’s early yet and she’s still able to live at home alone. We have someone come in daily to help her around the house but she’s still pretty self-sufficient.”

  “What did your sister call you that you hate?”

  “Oh no. You don’t get to know that. It’s horrible. I prefer Spitfire,” Meghan said while rolling her eyes.

  “You got it. I kind of like it myself.” He smiled showing off his bright white teeth as he said that, and she couldn’t resist smiling in return. He’d kept her sane. A total stranger, but he didn’t feel like a stranger. Maybe being stuck in the same situation changed the way people interacted. There was probably a study about it somewhere.

  “I wish we’d hear something.”

  “About the plane or your brother?”

  “Either, both, just something. This waiting is driving me fucking bonkers.”

  “I have a question for you. I know we just met tonight, but would you consider giving me your cell number? I’d really like to keep in touch. And see you when I can get up to DC.”

  When he said he had a question, asking for her number was the last thing she’d expected. Why that would be a surprise after the way the rest of the day was going, she had no idea. For the last two hours, she’d talked about Charlie and nibbled on her thumbnail until her finger was sore.

  “You want my number?” Isn’t that what he just asked? If he was trying to distract her, he was doing a great job. “Sure, I guess so. I mean why not? Realistically I’ll probably never hear from you again.”

  “I wouldn’t say that, but you won’t know until you give me a chance.”

  “Okay, it’s two oh two, five five five, five four five three.”

  “Thank you, Meghan. Would you like mine?” Well duh. Not that she’d ever call him. But still, he was the sexiest man she’d ever seen, considerate, funny, everything she’d dreamed of for a forever. But the timing sucked donkey balls. It was the story of her life.

  “Sure.” She took out her phone, opened up the contact screen, and then typed in his name and entered the numbers as he gave them to her. She was proud of herself when she remembered to click on “save” before she closed the screen.

  “You can call me anytime. If I don’t answer, I’m on a mission and I’ll call you back as soon as I’m able. I promise.” Yeah, he was as perfect as perfect could get. Mom would love him. But he was pain just waiting to happen. Men in his line of work didn’t settle down and she wasn’t looking for drive-by dates. Why was she thinking about it when she should be trying to figure out how to help Charlie?

  “You’re doing fine. I know you’re worried about your brother. Think about it though, you don’t know for sure he is even in trouble. Take a deep breath and try to relax. If the bar was still open, I’d buy you another drink. But instead, you’re stuck with my sparkling conversation.”

  Sparkling conversation? Oh yeah, she’d take that for as long as she could get it. After she got to Atlanta, sparkling anything would be the furthest thing from her mind. Rafe was a good distraction, and he was going all in on keeping her mind entertained and off thoughts of Charlie.

  He told her about his team, talking about them like they were his family. Considering what was expected of them she could see why. They were probably closer than most real brothers. As she listened to his descriptions of his team, they materialized in front of her. The detail he painted was like seeing a picture that came to life. It was incredible.

  “You should write.”


  “No, I mean books.”

  “I don’t think so. It’s not me. I like reading but writing? Nope. No patience for that.”

  “It’s a shame. I think you’d sell a ton of books.”

  “I’d never write about what I do. It’s classified and changing the names or locations isn’t enough for me.”

  “I understand. I write. Sort of. It’s my job. I went to school to be a journalist, to travel the world and report. Instead, I’m stuck sitting at a desk. All I get to do is write obituaries and stories about the latest socialite scandal.”

  “You could always do your own blog or something. Set up a site and monetize it.”

  “It’s not that easy, and I need my salary to pay the bills. I have been doing this for almost five years. My break has to come sometime.”

  “It will.”

  “What makes you so sure of that?”

  “Because they’d be crazy not to give you a chance. I’ve seen how you scope out your surroundings. I bet I could ask you what anyone in this area was wearing and you’d be able to tell me.”

  The color crept up her neck. Of course, he’d have noticed that. He’d done the same thing. “I’m not the only one.”

  “I didn’t say you were. But it’s a good skill. For writing and it could save your life one day. You never know. But it goes back to covering stories. That will be a huge asset for you when you get your break.”

  “From your mouth to God’s ears,” Meghan replied with a sigh. Rafe squeezed her shoulder and she’d forgotten she’d been leaning against him while they’d been talking.

  “Chin up, Spitfire. It will happen.” The nickname brought a grin to her face. When she met his eyes, he returned her grin. There was something different in his eyes this time, but before she could analyze it another announcement started.

  “Attention passengers for Delta Flight 393. The repairs have been completed and your crew is on their way. We should be departing within the hour.” Before Jan the gate agent finished her announcement, they’d started cheering. The flight would be mostly empty since there were only about ten of the original passengers out of two hundred still waiting.

  It was fine with Meghan. If Rafe didn’t sit with her, she’d be happy to stretch out across a row and try to get a little shut-eye. It felt like days since she’d slept.

  The collected relief felt at the gate was tangible. Rafe joined in that relief. They’d be taking off about three a.m. and it meant he’d be able to catch the early flight to Denver and be with his family by noon or one their time. Now he just hoped that Tex would have something for him before he said goodbye to Meghan.

  “Thank God. I was starting to think I’d have to have one of these seats named after me,” Meghan said.

  “We could still do it if you want. I’m game. We can write our names on the bottom of the seats.”

  The look she gave him was priceless. Her lips formed into a huge “o.” “No way, you’re going to deface private property? What would your tea
mmates say?” Her indignance cracked him up.

  Smacking him in the chest, she said with a laugh, “Dang it. I should have known better, huh?”

  “Ouch. You’ve got an arm on you.” It had been nothing, well not nothing. Her touch sent heat radiating across his chest. If just her slight touch could do that, he’d love to know what having her naked body against him would feel like.

  “Riiiighhhhttttt. And I’ve got a bridge I can sell you too.”

  “Want to sit with me on the plane? Or would you rather try to get some rest? I know you’re walking into a shitshow when you get home.” He’d surprised her again. She must not have much experience with good men. He’d never even asked if she had a boyfriend or a husband. No ring on her finger didn’t mean much these days. He’d just assumed she was available. Bad on him.

  “Do you think we’ll be able to sit where we want?”

  Rafe looked around at the sleepy group, he couldn’t imagine that the flight attendants would care where they sat as long as they weren’t trouble. They’d been waiting around too and were probably exhausted. “I would think so. I guess we’ll find out soon. Looks like they are getting ready to board.”

  “I know I’m not supposed to, but can I leave my bag with you while I uhh run to the ladies’ room?”

  “Of course. I’ll protect it with my life.”

  “No doubt,” she said as she got up and walked away while still smiling. He loved making her smile and her laugh was contagious. It also gave him a chance to check his phone for messages from Tex. His pocket had vibrated a few times, but he didn’t want to check in front of Meghan.

  Tex had been busy. He had four messages all from him. Scrolling through, he was surprised how much he’d managed to dig up in just a few hours. But he did get verification that it was Meghan’s brother’s group.

  Replying with a few more questions and an update on his own status, he tucked the phone away before she returned but not by much. Other than the dark circles under her eyes, you’d never know she’d spent most of a day in the airport. Tiny, yes, but she wasn’t some half-starved waif. Her curves were in all the right places and made him itch to hold her again. It had been heaven to have her in his embrace for even a few moments.


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