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HOT ICE: Complete Sporting Romance Series

Page 10

by Lily Harlem

  I let out a whimper as fire whipped through delicate tissue. The heat traveled right through my pelvis and flooded my clit. I quivered with need, my pussy was so engorged it was as if all the blood had rushed there, causing it to throb and tremble.

  Logan pulled his fingers out and I missed his touch. “But for now, sweetie, you’ll have this,” he murmured.

  I was expecting to feel the wide head of his cock at my sopping vagina. Anticipated him thrusting into my pussy, hard and urgent, sinking to the hilt. But instead I felt the lubed, tapered head of the new sex toy push against my tender anus.

  “Oh God,” I said, dropping my head low. “I don’t know if we should do this, Logan…it’s perverted.”

  “We all have perversions.” He exerted gentle pressure. “Relax, so I can give you a really fucking awesome orgasm.”

  He’d already given me my top three sexual experiences—I didn’t know if even he could beat them. But Logan clearly thought he could. His confidence was awe-inspiring, just like his star sign, the ram, he was ambitious and assertive. He was doing strange fluttery things to every part of my soul and turning everything I’d previously thought I knew about sex on its head.

  “Take it,” he murmured, pressing the thin toy steadily into me. “Take it all.” He made no allowances for my tightness and even as the plug increased in diameter he kept on inserting it, higher and higher, until I was stretched so wide the nip of pain became a sharp stimulant spreading to all the organs in my pelvis. I bucked against it and at the same time pulled it in, hardly knowing what to do with myself and my overpowered, overruled body.

  Logan increased his grip on my hips, effortlessly holding me. “Easy, take it easy.”

  I let out a deep groan and, through my erotic haze, prayed the stars hadn’t dropped a photographer outside the open door. I could live with the other photo, but this, me with my butt in the air and a long toy sticking out of my ass would displace my rhythms and karmas for all eternity.

  “God, you look hot like this,” Logan said in a husky voice. “All quivery and stretched. I liked your breasts best but now I’m thinking maybe your ass is my favorite.” He pulled the toy out, just an inch, then worked it back in, sending it on a deep, careful stroke, going so high I barely knew where it ended and I began. “But your mouth is pretty hot,” he went on, “and your pussy, well…” He withdrew to the tip. “Best pussy I’ve had the pleasure of burying myself in.”

  My hips twitched, I wanted the filling sensation again. He chuckled and rode the toy back into me. “I guess I’m just falling in love with every inch of you.”

  My eyes flicked open. He’d said the “L” word. But before my cerebellum could process the information, he popped the thickly flared base of the toy right into my anus. The narrower arms outside kept it from sinking any higher, but my god, it was high and wide enough. I groaned as my tight ring was pushed to the limit and the full feeling overwhelmed me. “Logan, oh God, it’s too much, please.”

  “Shh, it’s fine. You can take it.”

  I tried to crawl away from the sensation, but of course it followed me. Logan dragged me back as my upper body collapsed onto the mattress. I fought to accept the heavy invasion filling me so completely but I was at his mercy, my arms were trapped together and he wasn’t going to let me move an inch.

  I released a long, slow pant, absorbing the discomfort that was so close to pleasure it was like they were twins. Then, without warning, a deep vibration began to ripple through my rectum. Suddenly the discomfort switched to bliss, bliss so intense the most primitive groan I’d ever produced rumbled up from the base of my chest and got lost in the crumpled sheets. “Oh, oh, oh…” I managed.

  “Is that good, sweetie?” He was over me again, his chest hair tickling my shoulder blades and his hot breath in my ear. “Does that feel good? Even though you didn’t think it would?”

  “Yes…yes…” I barely had control over my words, my tongue wasn’t obeying my brain. My hips writhed, grinding and rolling in pleasure as my stimulated cavity was massaged and worked to a point where the imminent climax radiated to all my nerves, pooling in my pussy and strumming at my clit.

  “Now you just got to wait for me,” he said, turning me on my back. He pushed at my inner thighs, spread my legs wide and looked down at my tremor-filled pussy.

  “Logan, I…” I collapsed onto the bed, my locked wrists settling on my stomach, then I stretched them high onto the pillows, fingers knotted. I didn’t know where to put my limbs unless he positioned them—he was so in control, so powerful.

  “I’ve got you, it’s nearly time.” He came over me, pressing one hand onto the mattress by my head as the other fisted his sheathed cock.

  My fingernails stabbed at my palms and my back curled. I looked at his face looming high above mine. His eyes were brighter than sapphires and the sharp angles of his cheeks were taut and flushed.

  He pressed the tip of his cock into my pussy. So wide, so big. I struggled to take him in that first inch, the space was already half taken up by the vibrating plug.

  “No,” I said breathlessly, shaking my head. “Logan, it won’t fit.”

  His jaw tensed. “It will.” He gave a heavy, short thrust, forcing the head into me.

  I cried out and writhed beneath him. Stretched and invaded so totally, it was like being possessed by my desire, by Logan’s desire.

  But still he wasn’t content. With a grunt he shunted in some more, rubbing up to my G-spot.

  My whole body tensed. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t be filled any more. That was me, done.

  “Look at me, Brooke, damn it, look at me,” he growled as he stilled his hips.

  When I peeled open my eyes, his face was above mine and I forced myself to focus on the depths of his irises.

  “You can do this, you can take me.”

  “It’s so much.”

  “We’re nearly there, and I promise you…” He placed his other hand up by my head. “I promise you it’s gonna start feeling real good in about two seconds.” With a grim look of determination he curled under his coccyx, gave one powerful thrust and forged to the hilt.

  My mouth opened wide but no sound came out. He’d taken me so fast, so entirely, he’d filled me beyond capacity. Tender tissue and flesh screamed their pain and delight as the confused nerve endings jangled with the mixed sensations. I struggled to catch my breath as electric fingers of edgy pleasure seared through me.

  “Fuck, yes!” He gritted his teeth and the tendons on his neck strained. “I’m in, sweetie, you did it.” He pressed his hips up against my inner thighs, I could feel his balls resting over the external arms of the butt plug. There was no way Logan could get any deeper inside me. He had as much of me as he could ever get.

  My eyes rolled and my shoulders were locked taut over my head. The need inside me was so wild, so tortured, I couldn’t make sense of it. My brain tried to sort the information the nerves were supplying. But it was a tangled knot of heated impulses.

  “Fuck, I can feel it,” he said, ducking and pressing his lips to mine. “I can feel the damn vibrations on my dick, they’re coming right through you.”

  As if I didn’t know. The throb of the vibrations had intensified as the thin membrane between pussy and rectum had stretched lean. Now my whole pelvis was buzzing with wicked, relentlessly fast pulses.

  “It’s fucking fabulous, Brooke.” He withdrew then sank back into me. “Wrap your legs around my waist.” As he spoke he hooked my left leg over his forearm.

  But my muscles were no longer my own, and without him moving my right leg it stayed stuck on the bed, useless.

  He didn’t seem to mind. He just hoisted my left leg higher, pulled his cock almost completely out and then rode back in with a long, low groan.

  Every muscle, every fiber of my being stretched taut. He repeated his thrust then picked up a wild, reckless pace, banging into me over and over. I’d never felt so alive, so connected, so on the edge.

  “Is it fee
ling good yet?” Logan asked in a raspy voice. “Tell me it’s good for you, too.”

  “Yes, yes, I think so...” I panted as my hips bucked to meet his thrusts.

  “You just think so?” Beads of sweat had collected on his brow and over his wide top lip. “Let go. Embrace the pleasure.”

  His eyes held tenderness, but possession and carnal desire burned brighter.

  “It’s good,” I said, and bucked upward again to take him all the way in, finally welcoming him instead of just bearing him. “It’s really, really good…don’t…don’t stop, not now.” Pleasure claimed control and I released a long moan of ecstasy.

  He grunted, a primitive mating sound that ripped from his chest. He withdrew and steamed back in—so hard, so big, I could feel every swollen vein on his shaft rubbing against my G-spot. He rocked his pelvis up against my clit, sending out darts of bliss to combine with the thrills the rest of my body was harnessing.

  “That’s it, take me, take all of my fucking cock,” he said.

  I dragged in a breath infused with fresh male pheromones that sent even more moisture weeping into my pussy. The pressure began to build, faster and faster. It wasn’t a slow buildup, it was like an express train hurtling toward the station, an express train that had no intention of stopping.

  Suddenly it was there, an almighty explosion that tore liquid fire from the center of my soul. I called out as my body flew apart, but no sound emerged. My breath lodged in my chest, my muscles tensed so tight they nearly ripped from my bones. But still the heat grew, intensified, no longer one climactic bang, the orgasm rolled over in a series of crests as Logan thrust into me, over and over, claiming every nerve ending, every part of my being as his property.

  He lowered his head and nipped his teeth against my collarbone. And then he, too, was convulsing, riding through his pleasure. I exploded one last time, a wild shout filling the room as his cock pumped inside me. The climax was as euphoric as it was exhausting. I was lost to all semblance of time and place. There was only Logan and me in the whole universe. Nothing else existed.

  “Sweet Jesus,” he groaned as a tremble rattled down his body and shivered into mine. “I swear you really are trying to finish me off, all that squeezing and wailing shit.”

  “I wailed?” I tried to swallow but my mouth was too dry.

  “Like a banshee.” He lifted his head. “Lucky there’s no neighbors.”

  “But, I…” I didn’t know what to say. I thought I’d been quiet, too overtaken by the experience to utter a sound.

  “I’m not complaining, lets me know I’m getting it right.” He pressed a quick kiss to my lips and lifted up so his cock slid from me. “Let’s get you sorted.” He clicked off the handcuffs, ducked down the bed, turned off the vibrations and with gentle hands slid the butt plug from my rectum. He took it into the bathroom and I heard the toilet flush and splashing in the sink.

  “You okay?” he asked, walking back into the bedroom still gloriously naked and heading toward the bag.

  I hadn’t moved from my sprawled position. “Yes.” I smiled lazily. “I’ve never been better.” What we’d just done had definitely overtaken all my bedroom experiences to date. Logan was so in tune with my needs, my desires, the dark side of my sexuality. He’d been sent to me from a path I’d never dreamed I’d cross. A dark path with sensuality and forbidden fruits lining the way. Was I complaining? Hell no, he was everything and more a woman could ever want and I thanked whichever ruler had sent him my way.

  He lay next to me and urged me onto my stomach. “I’m not quite done with you yet,” he said.

  A delayed tremble rippled through my body. What else could he possibly have in store for me? What could beat the orgasm I’d just had? I sighed and turned my cheek into the pillow as my breasts flattened beneath me. Whatever he had in mind, he’d have to do all the work. I was done, my legs were weak, my arms floppy and I felt tender, swollen and satisfied.

  Big, slippery hands smoothed upward from the center of my back. The scent of rose petals filled the air as he curled his strong fingers over the base of my neck and swept outward over my shoulders. I murmured in appreciation. I’d been wrong. It could get better. A massage was just what I needed.

  “Feel good?” he asked in a quiet voice.

  “Mmm.” I sagged farther into the mattress as his soothing hands slid over my ribs and his fingertips brushed the outer edge of my breasts.

  “Good,” he murmured. “’Cause I only want to make you feel good, Brooke.” He continued to massage and stroke, his slick hands rubbing away the tension in my muscles and nerves. I’d never felt so deliciously fulfilled, so content with my place in the world. Logan was working his way right into my being. But surely I wouldn’t be stupid enough to actually fall for him. Because to fall for a hockey player would be about the dumbest thing I could do. Especially one with eyes that burned with sin and a smile that could look predatory and amused all at the same time. No, I definitely wouldn’t let that happen. Whatever that little bubble in my heart was it could just go ahead and pop, disintegrate, because Logan Taylor could break me if I let him in.

  Eventually I fell into a contented sleep. Logan must have, too, because when the phone in the hallway trilled to life he barely stirred, but after another three rings he sat and moved to answer it.

  “Hi, boss.” He paused and cleared his throat. “Yeah, great, yep, all set for Saturday…I know, I’m sorry, I don’t know how he got the shot, the trees are real thick up there and it was dark.” He paused. “Yeah, Janice has upped security around the fence and I’ll speak to her father. I’ve already told her I will.”

  I lifted my head, straining to hear the conversation out in the hallway.

  “Are you sure?” Another pause. “He must be real laid-back if you don’t think he’ll blow a gasket.”

  I tensed, wondering what Fergal was saying about my fictional father. Would it match my story? I rubbed my fingers over my temples. These lies were going to bite me on my naughty ass if I wasn’t careful.

  Logan continued. “Great, yeah, and I’m back on top form, mentally as well as physically, won’t know what’s hit ‘em on Saturday. What about you, you having a good day? Awesome, okay … He is…? Tomorrow evening, nah, it’s no problem…”

  I heard the click of the receiver being replaced a second before Logan walked into the bedroom.

  “Everything all right?” I swallowed a lump in my throat.

  “Yeah.” He smiled. “Fergal said he’ll call your father and smooth things over. You sure you don’t want me to?”

  “No, no.” I shook my head. “He’s best speaking to Fergal, they’re good friends, have been for years.” I mashed my lips together, wishing I didn’t have to spout such untruths.

  Logan shrugged. “Yeah, they must be, ’cause Fergal sounds chilled, he’s usually real uptight after a midweek game, his voice high and fast, you know, like he’s a rubber band about to snap.” He paused. “Said he’d had a lovely afternoon with a friend.”

  I nodded and tried to rid myself of the mental image of Fergal’s skinny, old body covered in whipped cream and Giselle standing above him with an apron and a wooden spoon.

  “That’s good.” I could just imagine the state of the silk sheets. They’d have to be dry-cleaned.

  Logan huffed and pulled on his shorts. “Probably his girlfriend. Bet he didn’t have as much fun as us though. Bet she’s got nothing on you.”

  “Mmm,” I said, thinking of Giselle and her long, lean body and her glamorous, no-expense-spared style. We were certainly very different.

  I wondered what Giselle would make of what Logan and I had done that afternoon. Would she find it perverted or was anal play part of her repertoire? Maybe it was on her extras list for special customers? I had no idea and I didn’t want to know. What Logan and I had experienced together had been so intimate, so trust-based, that to talk about it to anyone else would alter the erotic memory and somehow make it feel dirty when it had been amazing.
  “Fergal’s upped security on the outer perimeters of the villa some more,” Logan said. “So we shouldn’t get any more intrusions from the press, no doubt they’re all hotfooting it down here for a sexy shot of their own.”

  “Good,” I said. “That’s really good.”

  “You stay resting.” Logan shoved a hand through his messy hair. “I’ll make us food.”

  “I’m starving.” I pulled the cool sheet to my waist and looked out the door at the waves. The breeze tickled over my still-sensitive nipples. “What did he say about tomorrow evening?” I called as he reached the door.

  “Brick’s coming.”


  “Yeah, my teammate, you know, the one from the game the other night.”

  “What, here?” I shifted to look at Logan.

  “Yeah, but don’t worry, he won’t be here until late. Apparently he’s on the next island visiting a sick aunt and he’s hitching a ride back.”


  “He’ll stay over and catch the plane with us the next day.” Logan shrugged and strolled away.

  I looked out the door again. The small yellow bird I’d seen earlier hopped onto the deck, searching out more crumbs. Brick was coming here, to our villa. On our last night. My heart slumped in disappointment. I didn’t want to share Logan. I wanted it to be just us…here…forever.

  I frowned at the bird, which cocked his head and looked at me with his beady eyes. Who was I kidding? Guys like Logan didn’t hook up with girls like me. When we got back to reality it would be all over. Sure he said he wanted me to go to the game, but the chances of tickets turning up were slim to none.

  I couldn’t beat down the sudden negativity. I pictured him going back to his sports star lifestyle while I got down to intense study and gritty, hard work. It would’ve been so much easier with one hundred thousand dollars in the bank, but that was history now. There was no cosmic event in the Universe that could persuade me to take a penny from Fergal Gunner. I would just have to accept the way this was going to end, me not only poor but also with a crack in my heart—but just a crack, because if I didn’t fall in love with him then it wouldn’t actually break. That was how it worked. Right?


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