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HOT ICE: Complete Sporting Romance Series

Page 64

by Lily Harlem

  I sighed. “Well, he didn’t like the professor very much.”


  “No? Why, what happened?”

  “Professor Nordstrom got a bit cozy next to me in the bar. Raven threatened to decapitate him.”

  Todd gave a snort of laughter. “Hah, that sounds like the old Raven. He always was the jealous sort.”

  “How can you say that?” I held up my palms. “When…” I threw a look at the waiter who was now busy chatting to another couple. “When, you know? The three of us, together?”

  Todd leaned forward. “I don’t know what’s different about me. But as long as we’re honest with each other about what it is we want then he seems to let the rule slip. Plus, neither of us would risk our friendship, we’ve been through too much together over the years on and off the ice.”

  “Mmm, he was telling me on the way back from Miami how you’ve played for the same teams many times.” I said.

  “Yeah, our paths have kept on crossing, which has been cool.”

  My face cracked into a grin. “The three of us. It was fun, though, wasn’t it?”

  His smile mirrored mine. “The best, sugar, absolutely the fucking best.” He reached for my hand and sighed.

  “What is it?”

  “I’ve just come from a meeting with my agent.”

  “A problem?”

  “No, no, not at all. No, I don’t think so. I just…”

  I placed my other hand over his. “Todd, what’s happened?”

  “I’m transferring. To a new team.”

  Nodding slowly, I started to process this information. “Where?”

  “New York,” he said. “The Rangers.”

  “Wow, that sounds good for your career.”

  “Yeah, it’s great. I’ve followed them since I was a kid, so has my dad. It’s going to be a dream come true for him to see me playing there. Not to mention that’s where he lives, Dad, so it will mean more time with him, and his health’s not so good.”

  “When are you going?”

  “Soon, like in a few days, before the start of the season proper.”

  “Does Raven know yet, have you told him?”

  “No, I wanted to tell you both, today, together, but…”

  “But you couldn’t wait.”

  “No, I had to tell you, Fiona, I was worried that…” He paused and searched my face.

  “That I would what?”

  He tightened his lips.

  With a small huff, I said, “That I would cry, break my heart? No, sorry, Todd. I think you’re a great guy and it’s been fun. But nothing is set in stone and this is a wonderful opportunity. I’m thrilled for you.” I reached forward and gave him a quick kiss on the mouth. As I pulled away, I heard the restaurant door shut.

  Raven stood there, staring at me.

  For some reason a flush of discomfort flared over my skin. “Er, here’s Raven,” I said.

  Todd turned and his face broke into a smile. “Hey,” he said. “Come on, we’re waiting for you.”

  Raven made a nondescript grunt and sat next to me. His thigh pressed up against mine and he leaned over and touched his lips to my temple.

  “How did you get on?” I asked, “at the medics?”

  After taking a sip of water, he nodded. “Good, they’re happy with my shoulder, it’s heading in the right direction and I was completely honest about my leg. Told them when it hurt and when it didn’t as they twisted it this way and that.”

  “And do you think there’s been any improvement since you started the hydrotherapy and the acupuncture?”

  “Oh yeah, definitely. Even though it still twinged, it’s better than it was.”

  A swell of triumph filled me. My combined methods of treatments were working. A few more weeks and a gentle introduction back into hockey and he’d be fine.

  “That’s good news,” Todd was saying. “And it’s just as well ’cause the Vipers are going to need you back on the ice as soon as possible.”

  “They are?” Raven said.


  For the first time ever I saw Todd look anxious. His usual smile dropped and his gaze flicked nervously between myself and Raven. He fiddled with the cutlery on the table, straightening out his knife and fork and realigning the spoon.

  “Todd has news,” I said.

  Raven raised his eyebrows.

  “Yeah,” Todd said. “I’ve just been to see Max. He finalized a transfer deal this morning. I’m off to the Rangers.”

  I sensed Raven stiffen. “I know you mentioned it a while ago. But I thought it was off the radar,” he said. “I thought you were set with the Vipers for the season.”

  Todd shrugged. “Yeah, me too. But I got a call on Friday. The deal was pushed through on Saturday and I’ll be training in New York by the end of the week.”

  A heavy silence fell over the table. Unspoken words were loud between us, thoughts and emotions seemed to swirl and tumble.

  The waiter brought over our meals, but no one started eating.

  “You okay?” I asked Raven, placing my hand on his thigh beneath the table.

  “Yeah, course. It’s just sudden. I thought we’d have this season on the same team.”

  “Yeah, me too.” There was a rise of color on Todd’s face, he gnawed at the inside of his cheek. “I was looking forward to it.”

  “And you do realize,” Raven said, “I’m not going to give you any favors on the ice. Just ’cause you’re my buddy. I’m still going to whoop your sorry ass when you’re playing for them.”

  Todd managed a hint of a smile. “Yeah, you can try.”

  I reached out and touched his hand again. “We’ll miss you.”

  “And I’ll miss you, Fiona. You’re a very special woman, amazing in fact. I feel very privileged to have met you, and Raven, well…” He sucked in a breath and glanced down at his lap. “You know you mean a lot to me.”

  “Yeah, yeah, don’t do all that sentimental shit, it’s not like you’re dying or anything,” Raven muttered, though there was a hint of emotion in his voice, too.

  Todd suddenly grinned, as if he knew something we didn’t.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You won’t miss me, though,” he said.

  “Of course we will.” I was shocked.

  He shook his head. “No, what I mean is you won’t miss me. My face.” He laughed again. “Or my body.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Raven asked, stabbing at his steak and jabbing a chunk into his mouth.

  “Because, and this is why I’ll never let Max go. He’s also negotiated me a damn Armani contract.”

  “What?” Raven and I said together.

  Todd nodded vigorously. “Yeah, they’ve got a new sports aftershave coming out. They want me to be the face of the campaign and it’s worth fucking millions.”

  “Oh my God,” I gasped, looking at his beautiful features, wide lips, gentle nose and piercing blue eyes. I especially loved the dimple in his chin and his tousled blond hair and could already imagine him on billboards and in magazines. He could sell bottles of air with that face and smile. “That’s amazing,” I said.

  “Seriously,” Raven said, another chunk of steak speared on his fork and hovering in front of his mouth. “Like for real? Modeling?”

  Todd shrugged. “Yeah, why the hell not? A few hours in front of a camera and I’ll have millions added to my bank balance. And all the shots are going to be done in New York. I’ll be there anyway so it’s no trouble.”

  “I’m thrilled for you,” I said, trying to balance out Raven’s negativity. “And I’m sure you’ll sell loads of aftershave for Armani. Hey, I might even buy Raven some for Christmas.”

  Raven turned to me and cocked one thick eyebrow. “Don’t you fucking dare.”

  “Oh lighten up,” I said, starting on my salad.

  “Yeah, lighten up, just ’cause your face cracks mirrors.” Todd laughed.

  “Fuck off,” Raven said, d
igging into a bowl of fries.

  “Ah, Raven, I think you’re gorgeous,” I said, touching my lips to his stubbled cheek. “Take no notice of Pretty.”

  “Oh no, not you as well,” Todd groaned. “I hate that goddamn nickname.”

  I giggled and was relieved to feel the tension leave Raven.

  “So,” Todd said, “I kept promising Fiona to show her my place now it’s all decorated, so how about after lunch we all go back and…” He leaned forward and lowered his voice, his gaze flicking between the two of us. “And have some more of that special threesome fun. Fuck, I’m getting hard just thinking about it.”

  The tension that had just left Raven poured straight back into him. I didn’t need to look to know his spine had stiffened and his mouth had tightened.

  I shifted on my seat, sexy memories bombarding me. But that was how I wanted them to stay. Memories. My time with both hockey players had come to an end. The connection I felt with Raven left no room for anyone else. Not now.

  “I’m sorry, Todd,” I said, reaching for my wine and taking a sip. “But I don’t think so.”

  A flash of surprise, or maybe hurt crossed his face. “Oh, okay. It was just an idea.” He sat back on his chair.

  “It’s not that it wasn’t fun, wasn’t sexy as hell.” I grinned. “But for me now, it’s only Raven.” I turned to Raven and was met with the full force of his penetrating gaze. “You see, I’ve fallen in love with him.” I stretched up and touched my lips to his, felt the softness of his mouth gently pushing onto mine.

  Nervously, I looked back at Todd.

  The right side of his mouth was twitching.

  “I knew you would be good for him,” he said. “As soon as I saw you weren’t scared of the caveman persona and all his growling and grunting, I knew you had the ability to pull him out of his miserable pit.”

  “I wasn’t in a miserable pit,” Raven said, winding his arm around my back and pulling me closer.

  “Oh, you were, until, that is, this beautiful woman came along.” Todd gestured to me, his eyes twinkling. “And then suddenly you were interested in the world again, what was going on outside of the pain in your leg and your future on and off the ice.”

  “Well I don’t think it was just me—” I said.

  “Of course it was just you,” Todd interrupted. “You’ve brought him back and for that I’ll always be grateful.” He pressed his lips together. “I missed you, Raven, when you were so down. It’s hard to see someone you…care about in that state.”

  “Yeah, well, you were always lurking around, Todd.”

  “Raven,” I said, shocked.

  He grinned. “And for that I’m grateful, because without the pair of you I wouldn’t be feeling like this today.”

  “And how’s that?” I asked, a delicious warmth spreading in my belly as he pulled me even closer.

  “Happy, optimistic, looking forward to the future.” He touched the tip of his finger to my cheek. “And in love with a beautiful, talented, sexy woman who says she loves me right back.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Six weeks later

  “Raven, breakfast,” I called through the screen doors.

  He was swimming lengths. He’d calculated how many he needed to do to complete a mile a day. So far his leg was the best it had been in a long time and his shoulder completely back to normal. He’d even done several gentle practices on the ice in preparation for getting back into it full-time.

  He reached the end of the pool and flicked his head to shake hair from his face. “Yep, just finished.”

  I paused, even though the eggs needed my attention, and watched every defined muscle in his back and arms tense as he burst upward out of the water and got to his feet.

  He reached for a towel and I dashed back to the stove. Stirred the eggs and re-whisked the hollandaise sauce. My newfound domesticity in Orlando suited me very well, though I guess the sexy company and the lack of work pressures helped. But it couldn’t last forever.

  I wasn’t an American and I had bills back in the UK to pay while I was here living it up as a hockey star’s girl. Soon reality would have to be faced, as would an Atlantic plane journey. And if Raven hadn’t been able to cope with the distance between New York and Orlando when it came to romance, would he even try a US-UK relationship?

  The coffee machine clicked in readiness and my heart dropped at the thought of not being in this kitchen, eating breakfast with Raven, lunch and dinner, too. Then curling up in his bed every night, having him touch me, hold me, kiss me. Making me feel like the most special woman on the planet. What would that would be like? To be apart after all this time together.

  It didn’t bear thinking about. I’d become entrenched in his life, it was like a long wonderful holiday. I even had friends now who were fun to hang out with. Carly, Dana and Brooke had readily accepted that I was with Raven. Carly had even gone so far as giving me a hug and saying that she was glad I’d be sticking around. What she meant was if I’d stuck with Todd he would have moved on by now and so would I.

  And Todd had moved on. In his last call from New York, he’d said he was seeing someone—though he was cagey about details. But we were meeting up with him soon and he promised we would meet the new woman in his life then. If he was still with her, that was.

  “Mmm, looks good,” Raven said behind me.

  I turned, holding the whisk in the air, and smiled.

  Mmm, you look good.

  He’d pulled his hair back and it shone with water. His skin was damp, a trickle left his jawline, traveled down his neck and onto his dark tattoo. He rubbed his towel over his chest, gathering up the sparkling drops of water, then rubbed down the tempting dark line of hair that led to the waistband of his swim shorts.

  “What?” he asked, cocking his head and narrowing his eyes.

  I grinned and flicked off the stove. Walked over to him, whisk still held aloft. “I was thinking how much I enjoyed being here, cooking, swimming, hanging out and then you walked in and I realized it’s not being here I like, it’s being with you.”

  “Ah, pumpkin,” he smiled down at me, “you say the sweetest things.” Hooking the crook of his index finger beneath my chin, he tilted my head and kissed me.

  At the slight taste of chlorine mixed with his unique, dark flavor, my body came to life. Despite the fact he was damp, heat radiated from him onto my bikini-clad skin.

  In an instant the kiss grew hotter. It was when I leaned forward and my breasts skimmed his chest it happened. Suddenly his tongue was more insistent, the towel fell to the floor and his arms wrapped around me, tugging me close. Breakfast would have to wait—I was hungry for something else and it seemed he was, too.

  I sucked in a breath, his breath, and looped my arms behind his neck. Adoring the feel of his skin on my arms and his hair beneath my hands but being careful not to touch the sticky whisk to his head.

  “Oh fuck, why is it I can’t help myself when you’re around?” he asked, spreading kisses over my cheek and down my neck.

  Fluttering butterflies of sensation washed over my scalp and my pussy gave a tremor of excitement. “It’s okay, because I can’t help myself, either.” I reached down and deftly slipped my fingers beneath the waistband of his wet swim shorts. The hot tip of his cock was waiting. I brushed over the smooth head then grasped his shaft.

  He groaned and found my mouth again. I treated him to a few firm push-pulls, which drew him to full hardness—blood racing to his cock in response to my touch. The contrast between hot, hard flesh and the cooling, damp shorts was divine.

  One swift tug and I was in the air, forced to remove my hands from his shorts in order to grip him for balance. The whisk clattered messily to the floor, forgotten.

  “You’re a bad influence on a poor, starving hockey player,” he murmured, stepping toward a chair and sitting down.

  “Yeah, you’re positively wasting away.” I ran my hands over the impressive width of his back and balanced the tips of my to
es on the floor. I was straddling his lap, my crotch pressing into his cock. “You better put me down and go eat.”

  “Hell, if the best chef in the world walked into the room now and offered to prepare me a twelve-course breakfast I’d tell him to fuck off. There’s something else I have to do first.”

  “Oh yeah, what’s that?”

  “This.” He suddenly tipped me backward, spread his hands over my shoulders and latched on to my breast through my bikini top.

  I gasped as he gripped the top with his teeth and yanked it to the side. He captured my nipple, sucking it hard and deep. Lust raged through me; his mouth on any part of my body was like having an electric shock, but a good one, one that whizzed pleasure to my nerves and shot desire to my groin.

  Pulling aside the material covering my other breast, I offered that nipple. He took it eagerly, swirling his tongue over the taut peak before pulling it in.

  I tipped my head to the ceiling, shut my eyes and reveled in being adored by him. I had to take what I could while I could and was determined to remember every touch and every kiss and store them for when I was missing him. Which would be soon.

  “You taste peachy today,” he whispered.

  “New shower gel,” I managed, tugging his hair from its ponytail. I loved it hanging around his face and shoulders when we made love. It was so silky soft and never seemed to tangle. It was a curtain of luxury to lose myself in.

  Cradling the back of my skull, he urged me to face him again. His moist lips were curled in a sinful grin. “Great choice of swimwear,” he said, running ran his hands down my body.

  I was aware of a slight tug at my hips, glanced down and remembered these particular bikini bottoms were held in place with bows. He was pulling them, both at the same time. With no effort at all, the scrap of material became a loose bit of cloth.

  “Perfect,” he said, sliding it from beneath me and dropping it to the floor.

  The hardness beneath my crotch was increasing as was my need to feel him filling me. I shifted my weight onto one foot and he tugged his cock from his shorts, shoving them down his legs and onto the floor.


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