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In Sir's Arms

Page 7

by Red Phoenix

  “I have missed this…” he growled lustfully.

  She moaned in agreement, keeping that lovely mouth on his cock.

  When the hour was almost up, he commanded, “Rather than come deep in your throat, I would like to come in that hot pussy of yours.”

  Brie pulled away, wiping her mouth with a grin. “That would be my greatest pleasure.”

  She pulled over a chair and climbed up. With her baby bump, she was not quite as agile as she used to be, so he held out his hand to help balance her as she lowered her pussy onto his cock.

  Thane groaned loudly as she moved up and down on his shaft, not caring who could hear him. “God, you’re hot!”

  She blushed, smiling down at him.

  Thane grabbed her hips, throwing his head back as his whole body tensed for a massive orgasm. There was no holding it off any longer, so he gave into his primal desire. Grunting with each thrust, he filled her with his seed.

  For the first time since his awakening, he felt like a man.

  Afterward, he commanded she lay beside him. Even with the passage of time, he still knew her body and soon had her moaning in pleasure. Although his movements were slow, once he found her G-spot, it didn’t take a lot of stimulation to bring her to the edge.

  Leaning forward to kiss her, he murmured, “Come for me, babygirl.”

  Thane was gratified to feel her pussy tighten powerfully around his finger as she found release.

  “I love watching you come,” he said gruffy when she opened her eyes after the last pulse.

  Brie stared up at him with a look of love so intense it made his heart skip a beat. He pulled her closer, giving himself a few moments to revel in this familiar intimacy before letting her go.

  “Do you think you can get dressed in under a minute?” he asked with a chuckle after glancing at the clock.

  Her eyes sparkled as she took on his challenge. “We’re about to find out!”

  Brie walked into the hospital room the next day holding a small box tied with a blue bow. She smiled as she held it out to Thane.

  “What’s this for?”

  “It’s not from me. It’s from Celestia. She asked me to give it to you, and wanted you to know how happy she is that you are awake and recovering.”

  “That is kind of her. Do you mind opening it for me, babygirl?”

  “Not at all, Sir,” Brie answered, moving closer. As she untied the bow and laid the blue ribbon on the tray, she told him, “Celestia said she thought of you as soon as she saw it and knew it was meant for you.”

  When Brie lifted the lid, she let out a small gasp. She presented it to him, murmuring, “It’s so beautiful…”

  Thane looked inside the box and saw a small tie pin in the shape of a violin. It appeared to be made from old watch parts. Thane took it out of the box to look at it more closely. He was impressed with the details on the miniature metal violin. “Truly exquisite and unique,” he stated.

  Looking at the tiny violin brought back a flood of memories.


  God, how he wished his father was here now. Thane longed to introduce Brie to him and hear his joyful laughter as he fulfilled his role as grandpa to their child—he would have made an excellent grandfather.

  Thane glanced at Brie with tears in his eyes. “I miss him.”

  “I know, Sir,” she said with empathy. “But we will continue to make him a part of our lives. Our baby will know about your father. I promise.”

  Thane nodded, too choked up to speak.

  His child deserved to know the love of his father would have lavished on her, but that could never be. Alonzo would be relegated forever to a memory shared with their child. It wasn’t enough.

  “We need to take the baby to Italy.”

  Brie grinned, rubbing her stomach. “That’s a wonderful idea. Our baby deserves to be part of your big Italian family from the very beginning, and I know it will make Nonno and Nonna so happy.”

  “Yes,” he agreed. “We’ll see to it that our child never hurts for love.”

  Welcome Party

  “Ah, Sir Davis,” Gray said in his velvety smooth voice. “I see you’ve mastered death as well as life.”

  Thane smirked at the comment, holding out his hand, genuinely glad the trainer had come for a visit. “I’m grateful to see you again, Gray.” He was surprised that the instant Gray entered his room, the fog of uncertainty he’d been feeling about Durov’s future began to dissipate.

  Grasping Thane’s hand firmly, he stated, “There was never a doubt you would return to Brianna. You are far too stubborn to give up on her. I know this for a fact.”

  Thane glanced at Brie. “Some things are worth fighting for.”

  “Agreed, which is why I came today. May I say I’m surprised I did not receive a request from you to assist with Durov.”

  Gray’s comment caused Thane concern as Wallace’s youthful face came to mind. He suddenly realized how risky the plan he was concocting truly was. People might die trying to save Durov.

  “No offense, Gray, but I wouldn’t accept your help even if you offered. This will be a perilous mission, and you have Celestia to care for.”

  “Actually, I was not offering to go. My plan was to remain here to look after…the vile flower.” He said the last two words with distaste, asserting his dislike for Lilly without speaking her name aloud. “However, I know someone who has the extensive experience required for this rescue.”

  “What I’m proposing is dangerous, but I have no other option with time running out.”

  “Let every person decide what they are willing to risk,” Gray advised. “All you need to do is tell us the plan, and those who volunteer will act as your hands and feet.”

  Thane felt a quickening in his spirit, believing for the first time that his rescue plan might have a solid chance. However, without the help of Durov’s brothers, any attempt at rescue would be futile. “We won’t get anywhere without the support of the brothers.”

  “I’m confident you will attain it,” Gray replied. “You are an articulate and persuasive man.”

  “Sir, I know you are the man who can convince them,” Brie cried excitedly, the hope in her voice igniting his own.

  Thane began formulating a new direction to take in his conversation with the brothers. “Once I get the ransom back on the table, we can execute the plan for the extraction.”

  “Let us know when you’re ready to meet, and we will gather here.” Gray nodded to him, giving Brie an encouraging smile as he turned to leave.

  Brie bowed her head. “Thank you for coming, Marquis.”

  Thane added confidently, “We’ll be speaking soon.”

  “Good. I look forward to it.”

  As he was walking out, Thane spotted his uncle standing in the hallway. He turned to Brie and asked, “Could you tell him to come in, babygirl?”

  His uncle walked into the room with his arm held tightly around his wife, Judy. Both were staring at Thane nervously as if they couldn’t quite believe he was awake and conscious.


  “Oh, my God,” Jack cried, letting go of his wife as he rushed forward to hug Thane. “You’re okay. Oh, my boy, my boy…” He grabbed Thane’s face in both hands as if needing to confirm it. “You’re back!”

  Thane closed his eyes for a moment, soaking in his uncle’s intense love while the man hugged him tight and cried on Thane’s shoulder.

  Judy was similarly affected, sniffling and dabbing her eyes as she smiled at him.

  He could not explain why, but there was a powerful force associated with their unconditional love. His uncle’s maternal connection made it even more significant, considering Ruth had abandoned him as a youth. While Thane could not understand the reasons behind it, he was nonetheless fortified by their love—and deeply grateful for it.

  “We were so sorry about what happened to your Russian friend. I felt just terrible watching the video of it,” Judy told them both.

  Because of
Wallace and Gray’s recent visits, Thane was able to answer her with conviction. “We will get him back, Auntie.”

  Her lip trembled when she told him, “To hear your voice again, Thane. It’s like hearing the voice of an angel.”

  “An exaggeration, but thank you.”

  Brie hugged Judy, adding in her two cents. “I agree completely with you.”

  Judy looked down at Brie’s stomach, her smile growing wider. “Every time I see you now, your baby bump gets a little bigger. Have you found out if it’s a boy or girl yet?”

  “No, but Sir is joining me for an ultrasound in a few days, and I can’t wait to find out!”

  Thane smiled to himself, certain he already knew the answer. However, he didn’t want to spoil the surprise for Brie and remained quiet.

  “Is there anything we can do for you, Thane? Anyone you would like us to call?” Jack asked him.

  Judy suddenly turned red and glanced at Brie and then at her husband. “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea, honey. You know what happened the last time I was in charge of phone calls…”

  Thane’s curiosity was piqued. “Tell me, Auntie.”

  She blushed a deeper shade of red. “I’m so sorry, Thane, but I forgot to call Rytsar Durov after your accident.”

  Her confession brought about a flood of understanding concerning the rift between his two college friends. Thane nodded to her, relieved it was a simple mistake and not something more grievous.

  “Everything worked out. Don’t give it another thought,” Brie assured her, giving Judy an extra squeeze.

  Thane appreciated his offer. “Unc, at this point, I don’t really need anything from you. But why not ask Brie?”

  Jack put his arm around Brie and smiled at her. “You’ve helped me out countless times in the past when you worked at the tobacco shop. Is there anything I can do for you, young lady?”

  She grimaced, looking almost apologetic when she answered, “Would you be willing to check on my cat and clean out the litter box?”

  “Certainly,” he replied without hesitation.

  “You won’t ever see Shadow, but he’s there all alone. With me staying here at the hospital and Rytsar gone—” She broke mid-sentence but quickly collected herself. “I want to make sure he’s well taken care of.”

  Jack gave her a quick hug. “Not a problem. Judy and I are happy to help.”

  Thane stared at Judy and Jack in silence, humbled by the fact he was here with them, no longer a ghost imprisoned in a paralyzed body. “You know, there was a point where I thought I would never see you two again.”

  Fresh tears started as Judy sucked in a sob.

  “I knew you were a fighter, Thane,” Jack replied. “You have been since you were a boy. It’s something I’ve always admired about you.”

  “And you are my rock, Unc. You’ve always been there for me, even when I was a resentful ass of a teenager. Never judging, no matter what direction my life took.”

  “You’ve always had a solid head on your shoulders, and a good heart. I couldn’t be prouder of you.”

  Such high praise was embarrassing, but Thane nodded in appreciation.

  He heard the sound of the clock beside him ticking off each second as they conversed, making him anxious. Durov was running out of time.

  “While I dislike cutting this short, I—”

  “Say no more,” Judy insisted. “We know you need your rest.” She gave him a quick kiss, and his uncle gave him one more hug before they hurried out of the room.

  “I’m so glad they came to visit,” Brie sighed as she shut the door behind them.

  “They are good people,” he agreed. “I am a lucky man.”

  Glancing at the anniversary clock on the counter, he smiled at Brie. “Do you know that this clock was a welcomed sound in my coma?”

  “Really?” Brie’s face lit up. “This is my parents’ wedding gift to us. Daddy took it with him whenever he had to travel for long periods of time. He said it helped whenever he got lonely because it reminded him we would be reunited soon.”

  Thane held out his hand to her and pulled Brie close. “It served the same purpose for me.” He didn’t bother to tell her that each tick now reminded him that his friend was in mortal danger and there wasn’t a second to lose.

  Kissing her on the forehead, he informed Brie, “It’s time I make that call to Russia.”

  “You aren’t going to rest?” she asked in concern.

  “No, babygirl, we’re going to bring Durov home.”

  She threw her arms around him, nearly squeezing the breath out of him in her enthusiasm. “Back home to us.”

  “While I speak to his brothers, can you call Thompson to let him know he needs to pencil in a few hours for me? It’s do or die time.”

  Thane thought on that for a moment and shook his head. Dying wasn’t an option—for any of them.

  After securing the allegiance and support of Andrev, the last brother Thane thought would ever champion Durov’s rescue, he was forced to take a moment to actually rest—Nurse Abby threatened to sedate him if he did not.

  Brie lay in his arms while he stroked her hair and he forced himself to relax. Thane made it a point to keep his eyes open, refusing to shut them for extended periods after having spent far too much time in the dark.

  Brie lifted her head suddenly, startled by a commotion just outside the door.

  The door burst open and a huge bouquet marched into the room, carried by a tiny deliveryman. Following the flowers, another man holding a huge white box walked in. Behind him was Anderson himself, hefting an old-fashioned boom box on his shoulder with the song “Best Day of My Life” by American Authors blaring loudly.

  The man with the bouquet tried to hand the giant vase to Brie, but Anderson stopped him. “No, no. You go put that on the counter over there. This little mama can’t be lifting heavy things in her delicate state.”

  The man apologized and placed the large bouquet down where Anderson had indicated.

  “What’s this?” Brie cried out in awe, ogling the giant flower bouquet.

  “What did you say, young Brie?” Anderson asked, turning down the music slightly.

  “I hate to tell you this,” she giggled, “but it’s not my birthday today.”

  “Of course it isn’t,” he replied, flashing her a charming smile.

  Brie grinned, shrugging her shoulders. “So what’s the meaning of this massive flower creation?”

  “You do not know this, but the day I had my car accident, I had a bouquet exactly like this strapped in the truck. I was coming to deliver it to you when the old lady and that dang turtle changed my plans. Since the original never made it to its final destination, I asked my florist to make another.”

  Brie began stroking the various blossoms, taking in the scent of each flower as she explored the unusual arrangement with her fingers. “Master Anderson, this is like a work of art.”

  “You like it, then?”

  “I love it, and am thoroughly entranced by it.”

  “What has you sending my wife such an impressive display?” Thane asked with a smirk.

  Anderson’s answer was honest and true to his nature. “I just wanted to see young Brie smile again. She’s been through too much lately. You both have.”

  Anderson pointed to the counter, instructing the man holding the large box to place it beside the flowers. Handing the deliverymen each a wad of bills and giving a hearty handshake, he sent them on their way. Thane did not miss the mischievous glint in Anderson’s eyes when he closed the door behind them.

  “And now for the real reason I came…”

  Brie tilted her head, giggling. “What are you up to, Master Anderson?”

  “Open the box and find out.”

  When she started to lift the lid, he stopped her. “Wait! Before you do, why don’t you tell me what you think it is?”

  She stared at the large pastry box with an amused expression. “It’s really big for a baked good, but I still
have to go with a cake.”

  “Good guess, young Brie.”

  Anderson gave Thane a wink.

  Brie stood on tiptoes to look inside after she lifted the lid, and let out a pleased squeal. “It’s so pretty with all those flowers! What flavor is it?”

  Brad put his hand to his ear, “What?”

  Brie turned around to face him and asked in a louder voice, speaking over the music, “What kind of cake?”

  He turned off the music completely and said nothing, grinning from ear to ear.

  Brie’s eyes suddenly grew wide and she turned back to the box staring, transfixed, at it. Leaning forward while turning her head slightly, Brie appeared to be listening to the cake.

  “Master Anderson, are those…?”

  “They are, young Brie.”

  He looked at Thane and chuckled. “I brought your wife a pussy cake.”

  Anderson walked over to Brie and freed the intricately decorated cake from its box, setting the cake on the floor.

  “How many do you think there are?” he asked her.

  “I have no idea,” Brie squeaked, pressing her hands to her chest in excitement. “But their little mews are so stinking cute!”

  Thane stared at Anderson and raised an eyebrow. “Kittens?”

  “I had to bring the music to drown out the noises coming from the box. I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble.”

  “I’m not the one who’s going to get in trouble,” Thane stated, looking back at the cake. He found himself captivated by the smile on Brie’s face as Anderson unscrewed the top of the plastic confection. The minute he lifted it off, a passel of kittens tumbled out.

  “Oh, my goodness!” Brie cried, picking up one and then another, trying to pile all the furry creatures on her lap.

  Anderson grinned at Thane. “I knew the kittens would be just what the doctor ordered. However, I wasn’t sure the hospital staff would agree. Hence the party theme to distract the staff from my true intentions.”

  “Aren’t they the cutest, Sir?” Brie cooed, covered in kittens crawling all over her.

  Anderson picked up a calico and walked over to Thane, placing the tiny animal on his chest. “She’s my favorite. Saucy little spirit, but a sweetie just like Cayenne.”


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