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The Secret Journey

Page 1

by Paul Christian

  The Secret Journey

  by Paul Christian

  Published by

  Melange Books, LLC

  White Bear Lake, MN 55110

  The Secret Journey, Copyright 2012 by Paul Christian

  ISBN: 978-1-61235-655-6

  Names, characters, and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published in the United States of America.

  Cover Art by Caroline Andrus

  The Secret Journey

  Paul Christian

  With these words, author Paul Christian starts weaving a seductive web that inexorably draws the reader into his dark and intensely erotic world. The line between fantasy and reality blurs, grows faint, and is finally broken as he beguiles the reader into a compelling sexual exploration unlike any other. Half narrative, half love letter, The Secret Journey is not a story but an experience, arousing, hypnotic, and relentlessly compelling. It is a masterwork destined to stand with the classics of erotic literature.

  For Honey

  Table of Contents

  "The Secret Journey"

  Ab Initio

  The Bath

  Part Two

  The Trainer

  Part Three

  The Traveller

  Part Four

  The Teacher

  Part Five

  Cage Girl

  Part Six

  Bike Girl

  Part Seven

  Bike Girl II

  Part Eight

  Bike Girl III

  Part Nine

  Dance Girl

  Part Ten

  Surf Girl

  Part Eleven

  The Buyer

  Part Twelve

  The Writer

  Au Revoir

  About the Author


  Ab Initio

  Yeah I want you. I want you, spread on my bed like a banquet, to feed the hunger of my lust, and quench the thirst of my desire. I want you like nothing else and I’m going to have you too. I’m going to have you right now, just take you, just make you do exactly everything you want so much for me to make you do. What I love is the way your pupils dilate when I say that, when you read that. What I love is the way your breathing quickens ever so slightly, the way your lips part, suddenly dry.

  Right now, this time, this place, it’s just you and me, alone and private. This is our time and nothing else counts, all the rules are gone. You aren’t reading this when and where I’m writing it, but it’s still the same thought, the same words surging from my mind and into you, into the fertile womb of your imagination. I don’t know you, not even your name. I can’t see you, can’t hear you, but I can feel you out there and I am going to have you, oh yes, oh yes. I don’t give a damn about your husband or your boyfriend or your girlfriend, and I care less what your family and your neighbours and your friends might think. This is about you and me, and nothing matters but the fact that you’re a ripe and fertile woman and I’m a man strong enough and smart enough to have you like this. You can deny it if you want and maybe you are, but you’ve licked your parted lips by now and you’re not going to stop reading. You don’t want the phone to ring, you don’t want a friend to visit. You’re mine and I’m already taking you exactly where you need to be taken and you don’t want it to stop.

  No you don’t want it to stop at all, what you want is more, and more, and more. You want to feel my hands in your hair, pulling your head back. You want your lips parted and my mouth on yours to take your gasp away. You want to be plundered like pirate treasure and you know that’s just what’s going to happen, and you can feel your nipples firming at the thought. And yes, your crotch is getting wet as you feel the desire to slide your hand down to your eager swelling clit. You want that more than anything, and you know how good it’s going to feel to slide your finger over it, teasing, teasing, then up inside, up between your moist and pouting folds. But you’re not going to, no you’re not. You’re not going to because I don’t want you to and while we do this you’re going to do exactly what I want. That’s the way it’s going to work, that’s the game and we’re already playing, and you don’t have to admit you like it because I already know you do, or you wouldn’t still be here now.

  Understand, this isn’t complicated. No it’s very simple, very basic. You’ll get no roses in the morning, no shy glances, soft caresses. I don’t care what you want, but I know what you need and I know I need to give it to you, oh yes, oh so hard, and oh so deep. And you can deny it if you like but you’re wet now and what I want is your hands on your breasts, touching them, stroking them, so warm and alive, soft and feminine. Do it, right now, fingertips grazing that soft, beautiful flesh. Now, right now. Don’t touch your nipples, though I know they're already ready, eager for the slightest touch. Just feel your tits, so round and firm, and now weigh them, press them, squeeze them. Squeeze them hard, fingers digging in like mine would, like mine will, like I owned them. Don’t be gentle, don’t even try. Do it hard, very hard, hard enough to make you gasp and then do it harder. You don’t want gentle, you want rough and you only wish I’d let you do this to your nipples too, hard now themselves, aching, pointing, eager for their own turn. You only wish I was right there to do it for you, do that and so much more. You want me to just get on with it, take them, tug them, squeeze them till the thrill soaks your cunt, squeeze them till you gasp, squeeze them till they hurt and you want it to stop and I do it harder anyway and your knees go weak and you know you’re mine, know it deep in your cunt, your moist and hungry cunt, swelling now, clit firm and ready and getting wetter every second.

  Yeah you want that on your nipples, you know it and I know it and I want you to say it, say it right now, say it out loud. “Yes.” Go on, say it. Say it because this won’t work if you don’t and you’ve gone too far to back out now. Say it because you want to say it, say it because you need it to say it. Don’t read another line until you’ve said it to me, out loud.


  Out loud.


  And I can hear the tremble in your voice, hear the catch in the whisper. Say it again, say it louder this time, like you mean it, like you need it.


  And the word releases you. Oh yes, I hear you, honey, and yes I do love to hear you say it, and yes you can, yes you can slide your fingers over your ripe, firm nipples. Feel them anxious, upturned, needy, getting harder beneath your fingertips. Squeeze them gently, feel them stiff and proud, feel your back arch to press your breasts forward into your hands. Squeeze them more, feel the pressure build and build, right up to the edge. Hold them there, lift your breasts with them. You like that, don’t you? You like showing off your lovely tits like that, so ripe and full and sensitive. You want more, I know you do, greedy woman that you are. You want it all, you want everything and everything is exactly what you’re going to get. Go on, you know how to get more by now, don’t you. Say it…


  Oh honey, you can do better than that, you can do so much better than that. You don’t want it if you can’t say it better than that. Go on, try again, louder, clearer.


  Like you mean it.


  Like you need it!


  And th
at was better, and yes I do love to hear it, but yes is not enough, not anymore. Let’s try…


  That’s what I want from you, what I want to hear from your trembling lips. Lick them for me because they’re dry again, and say it for me once again, say it because you want it, say it because you need it, say it because you know how much it turns me on to hear you say it.


  And now you’ve said it, think about what you look like - breathing faster, teasing your nipples, squeezing them hard and begging for it harder. How do they feel - hard and swollen and sore and sensitive and aching, aching for more. How do you feel - sexy, slutty, slighty crazy to be doing this, but you’re doing it and you’re going to keep doing it till I’m done with you. Think about how it makes you feel to say it one more time, how it makes you feel to give yourself like that, begging for it harder on your swollen, aching nipples.


  Oh that’s so beautiful to hear. And think about how it makes me feel to know you’re saying it. Think about what it’s like for me. Think about how much I love knowing exactly what I’m doing to you, how much I love it that I can have you just like this. Come on, honey, convince me that you want it.

  “Please, please, please. Please let me tease them, squeeze them. Please let me please you with them, please, please, please.”

  And since you asked so nicely, yes you can. Pinch them, twist them hard, hard, harder. Twist them till you gasp, and yes I love the sound of that even more than the sound of 'Please', though that’s still on your lips now, it won’t leave them, “Please pleaseplease”, mixed around the gasps and groans and yes I love the sound of you giving in, giving yourself over to the moment, over to me. Your cunt is soaked now, soaked and still getting wetter and your hips need to move, need to rock. They won’t stay still, can’t stay still, feel them respond as you respond. And what you want right now, what you crave, what you need, is not seduction, not romance. What you want, what you need, what you crave right now is nothing more or less than for me to fuck you. My hands on your hips, hard on the swell of your ass, spreading you, exposing you, opening you for my cock. And you know what I want to hear as you slide your hand down to your swollen ready clit.

  “Fuck me.”

  Yeah, slide it down there, honey. Slide it up and down and feel the need, feel the thrill. And God, I love it when you say that, demanding, pleading, eager, willing. Let me hear it.

  “Fuck me.”

  And what I love is the glisten of your cunt and the way its scent goes straight to the back of my brain and tells me to hurry up and get inside you, deep, deep in you, claiming you, possessing you, making you mine, all mine. And what I love is the way your legs just open automatically, the way your hips move up to present your perfect pussy - framed by your ass and thighs like living art. And what I love is the need in your voice, the wild, trembling need revealed as you rub your clit in desperation. Say it for me honey.

  “Please fuck me. Please”

  And there’s nothing like the instant when I thrust it in and I don’t care if what I hear is pain or pleasure and I doubt you know yourself. I’m not here to treat you gently, I am here to spread you, take you, make you, fill you, use you, stretch you tight around my rigid, thrusting throbbing cock. Feel it, feel it pounding in you, tearing from your throat the words you can’t contain.

  “Please oh please oh fuck me hard hard hard!”

  And I am here to slam it in you because you are exactly what I need right now, spread and wet and full and fucked. And I don’t care if it hurts you or it hurts me, I’m just here to make you scream and make you beg and I don’t care that you’ll lose your mind to your bursting clit. I just care that you’re right there, right now, your perfect ass at the perfect angle and your perfect cunt rammed full of cock. I am going hold you there and keep you there and fuck you hard and harder still until I’m done, and the only thing that makes it better is to hear your pre-orgasmic cry.

  “Fuck me oh my fucking god please fuck me fuck mefuckme!”

  But guess what, honey. It wouldn’t matter what you said because the only thing that’s going to happen is that I’m going to fuck you just that hard, just pound your cunt until the words are blenderized, until you can’t speak, can’t see, can’t move, can’t think. Until the only thing in your entire world is to take it, take it, take it for me, just raise your ass and spread yourself, give me everything, until I give that final rigid thrust into your deepest, secret depths and flood your hungry, fertile cunt, unload my balls into you with such intensity I cannot help but roar. And what I want is your orgasm, clenching hard around my rigid, pumping rod. What I want is to feel you stiffen, see you shake and scream and cry and tear the sheets in ecstasy and see the world go black and fall into delirium knowing that you’re mine, mine, mine. What I want is your orgasm and I want it right now. Now!

  And what I want is to taste your sweat and to see your trembling, sated body lying tangled next to mine. And what I love is the way you breathe and the curve of your breast and the flush of your cheek and your deep, deep eyes. And what I love is the fact that I’m the one who took you there and it matters not the slightest bit that I took you there in text.

  And I know you think it’s over now, but it isn’t, no, it’s only just begun. You’re like Bambi in the headlights, honey, and you don’t even know that it’s too late to dodge the truck. You’re there alone, there all warm and post orgasmic and it’s only innocent masturbation, private sex with just yourself and some book you picked up, and no-one else will ever know. You think that these are only words, but honey, words have power, words change lives. This is about you and me, and my words have just changed your life because from now until forever you have only two choices, and choice one is to put this book down and walk away and never pick it up again, and choice two is to keep turning pages, in the full knowledge that I’m not going to just change your life, I’m going to remake it. I’m going to find out who you are, and I’m going take you where I want to take you and make you complicit in your own seduction. I'm going to do that because I am real, as real as you are. I am right here on the other side of this page, looking out as you look in. Look at the door, wherever you are, look at the door to your room or your office or your car, look at the door, look at it right now and realize that I’m on the other side of it. Through that door is a journey, our journey, and I’m going to take you places you can’t yet imagine.

  And because you’re still here reading I know I’ve gotten to you. You’re fascinated by this little interaction, compelled by it and right now you can’t even bother to deny it. This part is Ab Initio, - ‘From the Beginning’, and this is the beginning of the journey, honey, this is the start of the road. The question is, can you handle it? Yes or no, stop or go? It’s up to you, honey. Are you up for it? Are you going to turn the page, open the door, take that next step?

  We’re about to find out.

  The Bath

  End of the day, sweaty, dirty, tired and stressed, angry at work, angry at the world, in no mood for this, in no mood for anything, sullen, defiant but there - standing in the bathroom, waiting for the bath. Water running, shower spouting pure hot, steaming, spraying, splashing, heating up the tub and tiles and the warm moist air wraps around you like a blanket, bath salts smelling like cinnamon. The tub begins to fill and you hope the water won’t be too hot. Turned around to face the other way, hands from behind undo your buttons, pants fall to your ankles, shirt off over your head. No co-operation is necessary, no fussing is allowed. Bra strap popped, breasts come free, one foot lifted out of your puddled clothes, then the other, underwear stripped down and off, brought to the tub, one foot in, water hot, hot, hot and foamy, other foot in, a hand in the small of your back, guiding you down into the welcoming water and you relax into the suds, hot on your buttocks, on your back, on your neck as the bubbles envelope you, lying back as the heat soaks into your bones and the cares of the day dissolve. Spray on, nice and warm, soa
king your hair, shampoo rubbed in, scrubbed in, scalp tingling.

  Arms lifted, scrubbed down with something rough and clean smelling soap, eyes closed, face scrubbed, then more rinsing, and you leave your eyes closed - it’s easier that way. Leaned forward, then soap on your back and scrubbing in circles, top to bottom, left to right, rhythmically lower and lower, lean back, soap on your front, each breast lathered in turn, rough scuffs over tingling nipples, collarbone done, then ribcage and belly, one thigh up, scrub inside and out, top and bottom, do the calf, do the shin, do the ankle and foot, every toe, in between them, then back to the top and down the other side, turned over - it’s awkward, suds on your chin while your backside is done, in between, rosy anus and vulva and clit. Back over again, and we start with the razor, from the ankle to vulva on left leg and right. Arms up, do the armpits, with attention to detail. From the start to the finish it must be done right.

  Plug out, water spirals – stood up and you’re dizzy. It’s the heat, so you’re held. Now sprayed down, pink and clean. Needles of water, just the right temperature, a thousand little pinpricks, reviving your skin, cascading down to the drain - hair soaked down, water streaming over your face, down your back, arms up and rinsed top and bottom, breasts and back and belly rinsed, nipples tingle under the jets, bent over, buttocks rinsed, anus and vulva, clitoral hood lifted and sprayed, and you feel the pleasure but not long enough, not nearly close to long enough. Stood up again, legs rinsed, back and front, each foot, each toe, behind the ears, under the armpits, everywhere with no spot missed. One step, two step, out of the tub and onto the thick bath mat, the room still steamy and hot, tropical and lush. Towels fluffy and warm from the dryer, and you’re scrubbed down as you were washed, as you were rinsed, hair and face, neck and back, breasts and belly, backside and in between, slippery there, and sticky, and wet again as soon as it’s dried. The warm towel down your thighs, down your calves to your feet, lift one, lift the other, ticklish as they’re dried between each toe.


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