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My Father's Universe

Page 14

by Mitch

  “Careah! I can’t wait any longer,” Won took her by the hand and asked Kedar to follow as she went to Tara. “Tara, today, for me, this is a special precious privilege, I want to introduce you to Careah and her husband Kedar. Your husband met them earlier.”

  As they stood up, Tara remarked, “I never heard Wonder talk so much about a person as she does about you. You must be some kind of a queen or a very important person. I know for sure since Won likes and loves you, I will be your friend for life.”

  La`no announced over the loudspeaker, “Let’s all be seated, the waiters are ready to serve.” The carts were loaded with all kinds of food: meat, bread, vegetables, fruit, and platters of seafood. Small robots went from table to table, keeping glasses filled with hot and cold drinks. Before the piloted robot waiters began to serve, La`no held up his hand and all noise ceased. Speaking into a microphone, he introduced Careah and Kedar. After a standing ovation, he asked the blessing thanking the Lord for leading Careah and Kedar to them. The robot waiter waited on Careah and Kedar, then the Bels. The orchestra began to play soft sweet dining music conducted by their famous Solfa. The music was invigorating only to those who were not watching Careah and Kedar. In fact, no one was listening to the music.

  La`no signaled Solfa to dismiss the orchestra and join their respective tables. Careah inquired of the food she never had before. Kedar just ate what was placed in front of him. La`no held up a potato and ears of corn, “These came from a country far across the great ocean west of here. Our forefathers were told by red people, the potato had to be cut in sections before planting. The corn grows fast planted in warm damp soil.” Holding up a large watermelon with green stripes, “These we got off the coast of Africa. Beautiful black people raise them and place them in water to cool them before eating. Some floated out to sea and we happened to be there and picked them up before the fish did.” Cutting a cantaloupe in half to show its delicious fruit, "This came from the country shaped like a boot. A ship load of them sank off the coast of Joppa.

  “The best district in HI-Why-O to grow the watermelons and cantaloupes is in Aquavitae where the Aquatics live. We got supplies off the ship Jonah was sailing on when a storm hit it. Afraid the ship would sink, the captain had the cargo tossed overboard. Still the storm raged on, then Jonah asked to be thrown overboard.”

  Kedar asked, “Did you see Jonah being tossed overboard?”

  “No, that was before my time, one of our great grand parents did see it happen. They saw a large fish swallow him as soon as he hit the water. Later the fish spued him out on land near Joppa.”

  “Where…in what part of the sea did this happen? Was he thrown overboard? Do you know?”

  “Our records show he was thrown into the mouth of the Hinder Sea off the coast of the great Rock known as the ‘Pillars of Hercules.’ It’s recorded in the book of Jonah.”

  Throughout the banquet, Careah noticed Tara used her charm with baffling effect. It preceded her like a movie star’s popularity. She did not have to advertise her virtue or wisdom that came freely from an academic mind. Everyone really loved her and she seized it thirstily. Even though she was a dauntlessly self-assured happy person, Careah noticed something no one else saw. There was an anxiety clouding her eyes, or maybe it was a sadness hidden deep down inside. “Oh, well, it could be my imagination. Then again, maybe not.” She let it fade from her mind. Turning to her husband, she whispered, “Wisdom, honor, and love are very visible here.”

  The following morning the air car entered a beautiful glen, the luxurious valley spreading before them displayed contentment everywhere. There truly was peace in this valley. This indeed was an artist paradise. The valley was alive with plush, green, flat fields moving like the tide moves water on the sea to the edge of the rolling hills graced by high cliffs in the background. Trees were in abundance, shrubs and uncultivated flowers dressed the place, captivating its splendor.

  Movement on the horizon engaged their interest. Coming into view, magnificent, high-mettled horses, heads raised high, watching as they approached. The plain was alive with droves of stallions, mares, ponies, midget horses, each staying with their own herd. La`no stated, “On the far side, are the finest cavalry horses in the world, grazing in lush pastures. Although there are no wars, we use them in games. They are a little high-strung, but the most realistic and dramatic performers in any games we have.” Careah and Kedar had seen many horses, and these were as handsome as the pair that followed Joseph and his family into Egypt.

  La`no explained, “With careful breeding over the years, in fact centuries, we developed the lithe, sinewy horse for racing. Watch this.” He placed his hands to his mouth and yodeled, horses and zebras dashed up to where they were. Unicorns with beautiful curly manes flowing down to the tops of their fore legs, refused to come.

  Kedar asked, “Why do the males have two horns and the females have only one horn?”

  La`no, with a stern look, pointed toward heaven as he spoke, “Only God knows. Job and Isaiah said unicorns are ferocious and untamable and can outrun or kill any animal alive if provoked. We have found this true.”

  Careah murmured a soft whisper, “Glory to glory, Kedar, pinch me. This has to be a dream.” Both looked at each other, then at the Bel’s. They were seeing something they thought was a myth and which nature was incapable of designing! Several handsome Centaurs strolled up to them, followed by their mates. The males’ manes were pure silver and females’ manes were the color of gold. La`no communicated with them in their language for several minutes.

  One of the Centaurs and its mate bowed, “Hello! I am Silver, this is my mate Goldie. We have never seen people with wings before.”

  Careah and Kedar smiled as they spread and flapped their wings. “You are the first Centaurs we have ever seen.”

  Goldie walked up to Careah, speaking in an audible pleasant voice, “We know you are going to see God’s son. Will you give Him our love?”

  Careah bowed, “It will be an honor.”

  The Centaurs replied, “Thank you, you are most gracious,” shook hands, and trotted off.

  The air car left the main road, sailed over a cobblestone road beside a beautiful, blue saltwater lake extending for miles. Kedar’s sharp eyes caught a glimpse of a large mean looking fish coming toward them. A young boy was riding on its back like a man riding a wild bronco. He grabbed La`no’s arm and cried out, “Is that what you call a shark?”

  “Yes, that is a shark,” assured Won.

  “That boy is in imminent danger. From what I have heard about sharks, it will tear him apart and kill him,” shouted Kedar.

  La`no laughed out, "That is our son, Ke`no, on our pet shark, Sarg. He enjoys playing with children and will not take pity on anything trying to harm a child. He’s the most feared and fearful of nothing on land or in the sea.

  Our ancestors saved him from death when he was born. His mother was killed by a renegade shark. Then our kinfolk fed the baby shark’s milk, fish bits, and other food. As it got older, we became close friends. Even the Aquatic people love him. He has proven to give his life for any one of us. Not long ago, a wild vicious dog jumped into the water to get a little two years old Aquatic child. Sarg saw what happened and went after the dog with a vengeance. Witnesses thought he would never reach the child in time. They never witnessed anything in the sea swim as fast as he did at that time. The wild dog happened to see him coming and turned swimming toward shore. It made it safely to shore but Sarg was swimming so fast he hit the water’s edge and sailed inland some fifty feet. No more dog! Ever since, all children are well guarded, playing along the water’s edge."


  Careah awakened out of a traumatic nightmare, hearing terrifying screaming—blatant loud clamoring screams. Stunned, she bolted up. The screaming and loud whirling, wailing whistles were coming from outside. She yelled, “Kedar, Are you awake?”

  “I am now,” he complained grumbling. “What in the world is all that racket outside?”
/>   Contritely, she replied to his question, “I do not know, get dressed, we’ll find out. I think we better put our quivers on, I have a bad feeling something is mighty wrong.” Going into the kitchen, breakfast was on the table, but no one in sight.

  Outside, people were running in all directions, all screaming in their language, "The end is here!" Kedar tried his best to find out what was happening, but no one was making sense. They were speaking so rapidly Careah or Kedar didn’t understand a word.

  Careah flew up above the rioting people, hoping to see one of the Bels. She spotted Ke`no trying his best to get to her, yelling as loud as he could, “Mom and Dad are at the town meeting hall. They didn’t have time to awaken you and sent me to bring you to them.”

  Getting to the air car, Kedar asked, “What’s happening?”

  “It’s better I let Dad tell you. All I know is it’s pretty bad!”

  On their way to the shepherd’s meeting hall, the air car pushed slowly through a very confused crowd. Walking into a disorganized meeting, Kedar went to La`no, “What is going on? Why all the confusion and disorder?”

  La`no had horror written on his face as he wistfully replied, “Something we thought would never happen has happened, otherwise we would have been prepared for it.”

  “What?” demanded Careah. “Was it an earthquake that hit, or has something else inspired this kind of fear?”

  Shaking his head, avoiding her eyes, he uttered, “I wish it was an earthquake. The end is here, we are sorry you are caught in this mess.”

  “What mess?” Kedar asked rather loudly.

  “We are being attacked by diabolic, cursed evil creatures and we can do nothing to stop them. They must have known we are defenseless.”

  “What creatures?” implored Kedar.

  Everyone shouted, “Huge ants! Some are sub-animal!”

  “You gotta be kidding. Tell me you’re kidding!” Again, he asked with doubt in his mind, “You are making this up.”

  At that moment, a sentry rushed into the room, out of breath, and saluted, “My VP isn’t working; Ants are swarming over each other to be the first to invade.”

  Fear worsened when another sentry was helped into the room, gasping as he exclaimed, “The horror in front of us is beyond description! Beastly ants are everywhere, killing, destroying everything in their way!”

  Cold chills flushed over everyone, despair and hopelessness was new to them. La`no, Kedar, and several other shepherds got in the Corsair and flew out to see how bad things really were. Before they could see with the naked eye, the monitors in the Corsair confirmed their worst fear. It was estimated that several trillion huge ants were gathering in columns, about 50 miles away in an oasis that used to be quiet and peaceful.

  The scene was utter chaos. It looked like Hades opened its door expelling its inhabitants out to defile their country. “Lucifer is definitely behind this,” informed Kedar.

  The monitors zoomed in on one of the devious leaders relentlessly pacing back and forth, screaming, “Show no mercy!” His open claw kept slapping his hip, beating a tempo to his fury. His cohorts, ready for battle, moved forward, fangs bared, pounding their folded claws on their chest, vehemently screaming, “Kill the enemy.” Behind, more ear splitting, curdling, shrieking screams wanted their share of blood. All bedlam broke loose. The hounds of war were aided and abetted by their cousins, the god of war worshipers. Bloodthirsty voices swelled into a charging battle cry.

  Demons, undoubtedly, were fighting on their side. It was as though the hellish demons had joined their brothers in the attack with weapons of fire and brimstone. Their enemy’s blood was like narcotics, highly prized. The eyes of these killers never looked away from the horror they caused but continued to create more horror than before. They were like a psychopath who never lingered long on the butchery of its victims. Cold realism allowed them to live by personal codes: deceit, hate, assassinate, and execute anything they came in contact with. The early morning’s first wave of attackers had attacked in full force. Several cities and towns behind the scene of destruction already lay in ruin. Nothing was moving to stop their raucous advance as others joined in stomping the hard ground with cleated feet while marching, violating the land.

  Buildings were ripped apart and supplies taken. Small towns were leveled into rubble heaps and death spued in their midst. Their faces wore no masks, they were already covered with hatred, arrogance, and murder. A column of monster ants, resembling small armor tanks, cross open fields, their antenna probing ahead for booty. There was no fear in the beasts as they charged. All clamping their jaws and saber teeth in cadence, the noise sounded like a steel press slamming its head shut, cutting steel plates. Others joined in the nightmare march, shrieking, stabbing the air with pointed spears, and showing murderous fangs. A platoon of well-trained Grib ants cloned from the gribble whirled to the front, their faces covered in war paint. Another group, far from being stupid, joined in, screaming, cursing, ripping, and tearing apart anything in their way.

  In their bloodthirsty rage, they climbed over each other to get ahead of other raiding beasts. It didn’t require a good eyesight to see these were as treacherous as other marching hostile attackers. There was no attempt to hide their insane eyes of hate, yet amazingly intelligent. Their laughter was superficial, gaiety, pure madness.

  First, ants are uncivilized and corrupt, that’s a fact. Next, they’re not slow-witted, nor lion-timid, that’s a fact. They are cynical, vicious, cunning, and crafty, and that’s a fact. In battle, one alone is weak, together they are unstoppable in warfare. There are no auditions to join their cause, you just have to be good at what you do flawlessly. If not, you would be dead before you saw any action. The only reward or pay is what you take after a fight, no one has the right to take it from you. Kill or be killed, even by your own if you hesitate to kill. Being intoxicated and hungry for the blood of your enemy. To show mercy is a sign of weakness. The sound of their engine is one sound, death, death, kept repeating at each heartbeat. Their hyena-like laughing paced their steady rhythmic, tramp, tramp shaking the ground. Everyone is in precision step, never thinking of death, only their foes. No battle is experience for the next battle; every battle is totally different. How can one say they aren’t insane? It’s their nature. Although they are blatant, there’s no one greater being masters at being organized. Their labor union is beyond any that exist. In a heated battle, no one has said here they come again, nor accuse them of torture, there are no survivors.

  The only enemy they fear is water or fire, and they will even fight those to the death. Honor is meaningless, the promise of paradise means nothing, today is not the day of salvation. Doing what they love to do most, fight wars. Their banner is TNT. Today Not Tomorrow. There is no one to kiss goodbye or wish them luck, everyone goes, including the Queen. They take no bribes, no food or supplies, what’s needed is taken on the way. Minute by minute, the mutilators begin to pay out their assault, step by step, they strip, rape, and kill, obeying their lust for flesh. Fulfilling their desire, loving everything they touch with death.

  Their religion consists of 11 commandants.

  1. Have many gods.

  2. Bow down to your god the Queen.

  3. You have the right to curse your gods when they fail you.

  4. Observe no Sabbath.

  5. Labor seven days a week.

  6. Honor no one.

  7. You shall kill.

  8. You shall commit any fleshly act you desire.

  9. You shall steal.

  10. You shall covet everything.

  11. You shall be executed without a trial, disobeying any of these commandments.

  Fear stood immersed in front of the vast hordes, liquidating all hope of a miracle. Those that resisted were struck down and doomed from the start. Disbelief froze, not even a magic wand could charm away the fear. Every known kind of ants are the best infiltrators in the world. There are specialized ants, workers hunt food and others get supplies that are nee
ded. The Army Ants are well trained to fight, deploying in columns, right and left, to encircle their enemy and protect the Queen.

  An attachment of dedicated soldier ants with enlarged jaws which can crack any nut known to man are the most religionists. Fire ants bombard while flying. Carpenter ants build, dig, and destroy any thing on Earth. Over the years, the bulldog ant developed into a large stinging killer and is inaccessible to poison but produces a contagious mold. Many ants are infected with plagues and a fungus they spread with fatal swiftness among the enemy wherever the horde goes. The scout ant is the most vicious and cunning creature on planet Earth. Their communication is highly efficient. They rely on their shrieking screams, terrifying their foe into freezing in fright. The ant world is trained to swarm from their position at the bottom of a hill to the piedmont of the hill in lightning speed. The amazon ants, leading millions of slave ants, head in all directions. The slaves are trained to fight and usually are more aggressive than their captors, nothing like legend to inflame the imagination of the stories handed down generations after generations on the exploits of the ants.

  There are no rewards for their loyalty. Their only friend are the beetles, and most of them are just as savage as they are. They hate the locust, but at times, will let them help to further their cause, then turn on them. The ancient ants demand that the deathblow be a painful one.

  The swelling horde was coming like the plow of a ship cutting through the sea at full speed to conquer, to defeat their enemy at any cost. An ant is stronger in proportion to its size, more than any creature which walks, swims, or flies. Their red eyes have a gleam of fire, burning even when the sun is not shining, and their fangs are like hypodermic needles with deadly content. The larger lack ants move to the front with the speed and agility of being the wildest and most savage of the horde, eating their prey alive. The nostril quiver as the scent of the enemy flushes by.


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