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Under the Blood Moon (The Stargazers Trilogy Book 1)

Page 14

by Lee, Summer

  The TV started making screeching sounds and the announcer said, “Emergency alert! We interrupt this segment of the news for this word in from NASA: An impending 2.5-mile comet has just struck offshore Puerto Rico. The claim was initially made by a self-proclaimed prophet who said that a very large asteroid would hit close to Puerto Rico. Well, it just arrived. The impact has set in motion a series of events taking place simultaneously all over the world. You will soon get word of earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcano eruptions. We do not know the full extent of the damage.”

  Turning the TV off, Eric said, “We need to get ready to go. Our flight leaves in two hours. Will you drive us, Solomon?”

  “Sure will,” said Solomon. “You coming Mama?”

  “Just try to go without me.”

  * * *

  “We made it on time.” Eric squeezed Isabella’s hand. They were seated in the first class section of the plane side by side. They nervously looked at each other.

  “We’re really doing this,” Isabella said, while smiling at him.

  “Yeah, we are,” he replied as he took a look out of the portal. “Thank you for letting me have the window seat.”

  “Oh yeah,” she replied. “I’ve flown so many times, my frequent flier miles have frequent flier miles. Ha ha!”

  They both laughed.

  “I actually heard a comedian say that, so I can’t take all the credit for it,” she added, while playfully pushing his arm. “I have an idea, but tell me what you said to Solomon. I swear he was going to drop when you whispered in his ear.”

  “I just asked him a simple question, that there was only one answer to. I asked him if he knew who was going to take care of his mother when he left her.”

  “Wow,” she replied, as she put two sticks of chewing gum in her mouth. That’s a deep one. I guess he’s all she’s got. That’s kind of sweet…for them. You’re all I got, Eric.”

  He looked her deep in the eyes. “You had so much possibility and you never even knew it.”

  Her smile faded, as she looked down. “Yeah, I blew it. I had so many chances and I never took them. I probably screwed up my entire life, just because it was easier to hate than to love. If I had one wish…”

  “Don’t do that,” he interrupted. “The past is the past and thinking about it all the time, will prevent you from seeing your future. Wow. I never dreamed I’d be talking and thinking like this!” He smiled.

  “Ha ha! Yeah.” She laughed and looked away from him. “I guess you could say that everything I’ve been through has led me to this moment in time.”

  “Exactly,” he responded, with enthusiasm. “That’s right! See? You’re getting it.”

  She sniffed as she started to cry again.

  “Isabella,” he said. “Are you ready to accept God fully into your life and let Jesus Christ be Lord?”

  She shrugged. “Well, that’s one thing I haven’t tried yet.”

  He looked at her in surprise. “It is called sanctification.”

  “I understand,” she said, rolling her eyes. “I can only do it if it’s in my heart and soul. Let me tell you something, Eric. I have never believed in anything this much in my life. Let’s give our lives to God, Eric?”

  “Yeah?” he answered, patting his Bible.

  “I really love you.” She smiled passionately.

  “I really love you too, Izzy.”

  * * *

  Isabella said that she did not feel totally free. “I just wish I had more time now that I know the truth. I was so stupid to think I was somebody. Now I don’t have a chance to make things right.”

  He shook his head. “That’s what I thought for the longest time, too. Look at what you’re doing now though! It means something! It means that there will be another generation of life on Earth. Wow! Think of the responsibility that has fallen into our laps! It’s an honor, if you ask me. By the way, it’s not how much time you have, but what you do with it. I kept wishing for more time with Sybil, but I forgot about how much time I spent with her, my best friend. There are not a lot of people who can say that. Most people don’t realize what they’ve had until it’s too late.”

  Isabella smiled again and was extremely impressed with the new Eric. “I bet your sister would be really proud of you. That’s a lot of praise that you can’t get for what we’re doing. Can you imagine parades and big memorials? I think Jennifer Lawrence should play me in the movie! Ha ha!” She had a sparkle in her eye.

  * * *

  “There is another comet. We do hope that the claim—that this comet will cause the destruction of our entire planet—is not true. Humanity cannot be wiped off the face of Earth that easy. The fallout will be big. We cannot predict on what coasts the tsunami will effect. It could be Latin America, Mexico, South America. Or even all of the above. Since NASA issued a warning about the comet strike, people near the coast have already relocated, saving many lives.”

  An older man across the aisle gave Isabella a dirty look for being somewhat loud. She glared at him. “What are you looking at, old man? You just might outlive me, so you better straighten up!”

  Eric gently tugged at her arm. “It’s not about the praise. If you do anything for mankind and tag your name on it, you defeat the action and it becomes worthless. Selfless or selfish? That is the question Christians ask themselves now.”

  “Dang!” she replied angrily. Then her countenance changed. She said, “Sorry,” to the old man, with a weak smile. Her lower lip was pushed out, as if she would cry. “Lord,” she prayed in a quiet voice. “I wish I had more time learning Your ways and walking with You. I just found You, and I’m all changed for the better and everything inside my spirit. And now you’ve given me Eric to love. How long will this be for?”

  Eric hugged her and kissed her cheek. “The time we’ve shared has been priceless. Who knows, Isabella. Maybe if we’re in God’s grace, he’ll let us be together forever in heaven.”

  “I hope so,” she said. “I hope so.”

  About that time, the plane landed with a bounce.

  Chapter Thirty-eight

  September 28th

  Time for the 4th Blood Moon

  Once they left the airport, they went straight to the hotel. Isabella invited Eric to join her for dinner and then watch the moon from her couch.

  She picked up her iPhone and tuned it to a radio news station. After giving local Israeli news, the announcer said, “Be sure to look outside and see the moon turn crimson tonight. Of the three moons in this Tetrad, this is the only one to be seen across Israel. In fact, looking out my window, I have a good view of the moon right now. I will wait for the changing of the color.”

  “Oh wow. That is exciting.” Isabella turned off the radio and opened the drapes. The couch faced the big bay window, so the two got cold drinks, sat down and waited. “We’re all set for a fun night,” said Isabella.

  Sitting on the couch close to Isabella, Eric felt blessed.

  “I feel strange,” he said. “I am suddenly overcome with a need for sleep.”

  Soon he relaxed into the memory of his dreams. “Awaken me when the eclipse of the moon starts.” Allowing his eyes to close, he fell into a deep sleep and was mesmerized. The next thing he knew, he was outside, looking at the blood moon face to face. This was worse than meeting up with an asteroid. Once the moon was a full blood red, he opened his arms to attract the moon rays. Filled with power, Eric reached out and touched the moon. When he did, it bled onto him. He broke out in a profuse sweat and sat paralyzed. The glass in the window shattered, and he jerked awake. He jumped out of his seat. “Help, the window broke!”

  “No, it didn’t. What happened?” asked Isabella.

  “I fell asleep and dreamed that I touched the moon again.”

  “Did you fulfill your mission?”

  “No! But I was empowered for it.”

  The two visited until after midnight and then waited.

  An announcement came over the television. “This is the fourth in a
series of four blood moons. Look out your windows. It is starting to turn red on the bottom now.”

  The announcer oooed and aaahed all the way through. He said, “People asked, ‘Why was it red?’ The answer is that it was a lunar eclipse. Just before dawn, when the moon was closest in its orbit to the Earth, people were reporting strange blood moon sightings. Many saw it from a distance, just as if it was resting just inches above the ground. I do not believe that could be possible, but it was beautiful.” The station went to a short commercial break.

  “This has been an exciting time,” said Isabella. “I watched a lunar eclipse by the side of the one I love.”

  The announcer then came back on TV and continued, “The full eclipse of the moon started at 3:25 a.m. and lasted until 6:24 a.m. At the celestial point, the super moon that appeared tonight was larger than all the previous blood moons. This blood moon was five percent larger in size than any other blood moon in history. This one is unique. People saw it from several sides and have made unusual comments about how close it was to Earth. Maybe we’ll never know for sure what really happened.”

  One who called herself Sister Barbara came on the set. She said, “Open your eyes and change your heart.” She then said that she had proclaimed the acceptable year of the Lord until September 23, Yom Kippur, The Day of Atonement. But then her image disappeared and regular programming came on.

  “The moon tried to go berserk, but it didn’t.” Isabella clicked the TV off and kissed Eric. “Someone kept it at bay. It was you, dear. And I was the one with you when you held the moon off. That is all I wanted. That is why I kidnapped you. That’s what I wanted you for. But I’m sorry I kept you in the shack so long.”

  “I forgive you.”

  * * *

  After proving their identities as Jews at the courthouse, the two joined the Israeli military at the recruiting office in Jerusalem. Before serving their first day, Isabella wanted to see a Bedouin camp, like the one in Eric’s dream.

  The two caught a taxi out to the Bedouin camp closest to Jerusalem. Dressed in blue walking shorts, white T-shirts and walking boots, they headed out over the desert sands. Walking through the middle of the settlement, Eric told Isabella that the camp looked like the one in his dream.

  People came out of their huts and waved at them. “Except the people in my dream were zombies, not friendly like these.” He looked from side to side for a clue of having been in the simple town before—nothing was the same. He pushed his hair back, remembering his sandy blonde hair had attracted the attention of the dark haired people in his dream. He felt the coolness of the breeze once again. He looked around for clues. This village seemed to be a place out of time to him.

  Two old gray-haired men walked down the street. One of them shouted, “Days of darkness are proclaimed for unbelievers. Those who love God will be removed and will not be seen again until Jesus comes in clouds of glory and brings his bride with him. He will come with his great armies to the final battle. Those who are wise have prepared for this great and terrible day of the Lord. You can prepare now. There is still time.”

  Coming up from Gaza was a large army, marching with pride. Coming down from the Republic of Turkey were tanks roaring across the sand.

  Eric heard Israel fire up its fighter jets. The war that started in Russia had now spread to Israel. “I pray for the peace of Jerusalem,” said Eric.

  A thunderous sound filled the air all across the sky. A ball of fire was coming from outer space at the speed of light. “It is an asteroid. Take cover,” Isabella shouted. “The last one came into our atmosphere in Oregon at 26,000 miles per hour.”

  There was no place to hide.

  This one was headed right toward the Bedouin camp. It landed hard and scooted on the ground more than a mile, burning everything in its path. Cracks opened in the ground all around the two visitors, as locals fell in. The asteroid melted the desert sand until it was hot glass. The scalding hot glass particles broke off and flew up into the air. They returned to Earth, showering the animals and the visitors with painful glass particles. Each piece was like a sharp razor piercing the flesh, killing the animals.

  Eric saw that the comet had slammed into the open country, destroying the Bedouin camp. Only a few people were left.

  “Look,” said Isabella. “The people—they are walking like they are brain dead.”

  “The moon,” said Eric, holding his head. “It is because I touched the moon.”

  “No! If that were so, we’d be cursed.” Her voice went weak. “But we are blessed, not cursed.” Those were her last words. Eric saw that she was bleeding profusely from a large wound on her head. He ran to her and picked her up. She fell limp into Eric’s arms.

  Eric saw her soul leave her body. Angels came for her and took her to heaven.

  Watching Isabella go, Eric looked upward. When he did, he saw a vision of his mother talking to the Lord. She said, “Thank you for saving my son.”

  Eric suddenly realized he still had a message. He shouted, “End of days! End of days!”


  Solomon Dancer had to wait several weeks before he worked up the courage to visit the graves of his friends.

  His mother went with him to the graveside memorial service for Sybil in Oregon, but she waited for Solomon at the Jerusalem airport, while he paid his respects to Isabella and searched for Eric. The last he heard, Eric was missing in action. He looked for a grave for Eric, but could not find one. He went to the land office. They said there was no record of Eric having been buried. With his arms crossed, he was determined to get an answer. He wasn’t really that tough. Standing alone, the familiar tears rolled down his cheeks. The stories of Americans dying in Israel put a big hush on the planet.

  He dropped on his knees. “Hey, God, I don’t really know what to say except Eric did it for you and his girl. The news of an unidentified American being missing in action is sad. I know it was Eric. Got everyone thinking about peace and the such. If it wasn’t for the witnesses, they might not have even known he was an American. I didn’t say nothing to nobody about where Eric disappeared. It’s not about the recognition. The action needs to be seen without any distractions. I get it. He had a message to give.”

  Looking at Isabella’s grave, he reached over and placed his Bible by her headstone. “This is for you, sister. I put your name and birthday in it, just in case no one knows why you are buried in Israel.”

  “I know hostility is going to happen again and again, until the real battle is supposed to begin. You and Eric held off the evil one for a while. Good job. Heck. Great job! What a way to go out.” He started to walk away and then turned his head back. “One more thing, if Eric is with you, tell him that I’m turning my life over to Jesus completely. I mean, really. Like he did. Hopefully, that’s one more soul for the good guys.”

  He turned back fully to face the grave and saluted. “Like some people say, put a good word in for me wit the big guy upstairs. Nah? He is more than a big guy. He is the creator of everything. Tell him that I’m going to start teaching people to be prepared for war and give out the truth, so we’ll have more warriors. I wish I could keep Armageddon from happening. Maybe someday, I can visit wit you again. Thank you.”

  He wiped his tears away and walked back to his waiting mother, with his head held high.

  Solomon Dancer was just beginning his journey.

  The End

  To be continued in:

  Harvest Moon

  The Stargazers Trilogy #2

  by Summer Lee

  Available now!

  Amazon Kindle * Amazon UK

  About the Author:

  Summer Lee is an inspirational romance author who worked as a newspaper reporter before turning her attention to writing books full time. She lives in Southern California. Summer Lee is the pseudonym for author, Verna Hargrove.

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