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Molly Fyde and the Land of Light tbs-2

Page 34

by Hugh Howey

  Cole? Can you hear me?

  “Yeah, I can hear you. Hold still so I can work the release.” The catch popped free and Riggs’s helmet fell through Cole’s hands and smacked the carboglass by his feet.

  In the dull, green glow of his emergency stick, he could see his old friend’s eyes. They were wide with a mixture of fear and rage—his cheeks puffing in and out as he sucked, then expelled air through his nose.

  The duct tape was still adhered to his mouth.


  Who is Riggs?

  Cole reached up and released his own helmet. He pulled it off, his mind still dizzy from the crash. In the dim light of the glowstick, he could see the mic switched off on the side.


  Yes. Who is this?

  Raising one hand, he touched the band around his head. It was soaked with sweat, but still in place. Above him, Riggs groaned in discomfort, then tried to force expletives through the tape.

  Cole ignored him. He became lost in his own thoughts. His own, and those of others.

  “My name is Cole Mendonça. I—we crashed in—where are we?”

  “I’ll tell you where you are: you’re where bad navigators go, son. Now you need to get a move-on before Joshua’s men get there.”

  “Where? I should be halfway to Lok, we should—”

  “Listen to me, lad, you don’t have much time. You need to destroy your fusion fuel and get out of there.”


  Cole could feel it as another speaker, even though they were all in his voice. Each had a flavor, or a layer of emotions going with them.

  “Not right now, Penny.”

  They’re almost there, Pops.

  “You hear that, Cole? You don’t have much time left.”

  Cole shook his head. Too many thoughts.

  “Not much time for what? he thought. Who are you? Where am I?”

  “…My name is Mortimor Fyde, son. Welcome to hyperspace.”


  “The Parsona Rescue is one of the best YA sci-fi novels I’ve read the entire year. I absolutely loved this book and cannot wait for the next installment. Don’t let it pass you by! Whether you are a fan of sci-fi, or simply a fan of adventure and love stories, this novel shouldn’t be missed!”

  —The Hiding Spot (on Molly Fyde and the Parsona Rescue)

  “This novel really has it all: action, adventure, love… Molly Fyde and the Parsona Rescue has definitely landed on my best books of ’09 list.”

  —YA Book Queen (on Molly Fyde and the Parsona Rescue)

  About the Author

  Hugh Howey’s underground sensation, Molly Fyde and the Parsona Rescue took readers and reviewers by surprise in 2009. Now, the amazing ending to one of the year’s best books becomes the launching point for the sensational sequel, Molly Fyde and the Land of Light. Howey lives in Boone, NC where he is hard at work on the next two entries of Molly’s amazing saga.

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