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by Benton, W. R.

  Carol said, “What about all my frien—”

  “Honey, get everything loaded in the RV and once we're all loaded up, l want you to take the RV and drive north and keep going north. I'll meet you near Jackson, Mississippi at the Pro Fishing Shop in Pearl. I know we can spend the night there or at least eat and get some rest. They allow RVs to camp in the parking lot and you can do that, just don't slide the side out or level the rig. I should only be a couple of hours behind you. Now, use your credit cards to buy all the guns you can get your hands on. Don't forget to purchase ammo for them too, because without ammo they are just expensive clubs.”

  “I have the RV almost loaded and just need to load some blankets and other stuff. How much ammo? I have about $8,000 free on my credit card. And, why aren't you going with us?”

  “I'm going by the “Cost Less” Warehouse Store and will pick up anything with high protein, like peanut butter, beans, jerky, canned meats, nuts of all kinds, and a full pallet of the protein drinks. I'll also get some energy drinks and booze for deep pain.”

  “Pain?” Dave asked.

  Dan said, “Son, we can't get strong medications right now, but I and your mother both have some strong pain pills from our doctors. I figure, all total we have maybe 180 doses of Codeine and that is a lot, but I have no idea how long we will need to be on our own. If that asteroid strikes the earth, many environment aspects of earth will change, but no one knows exactly how much. I read in the paper that it will for sure trigger dangerous earthquakes for anyone around a fault line. Also, the dust from the parts of the asteroid that touch dry land will probably block the sun out for an unknown number of days. Then, they also suspect changes in our day to day weather.”

  “How much ammo do I need then? Dan, baby, be safe please. I love you.”

  “Get a full case of each and remember to take our deer rifles, the shotguns, and our pistols. I love you and the kids too, but we don't have time to stand here and talk. I want the RV loaded and you gone in less than half an hour. Clean the cupboards good and don't leave anything.” Dan said as he walked down the hallway to his office.

  He opened the door and entered. He then picked up his .45 Ruger. Loaded a live round into the chamber and then paced the weapon in the holster of his modified fanny pack. He would wear it in front of his belt buckle and have it available for quick access at all times. The pack also contained a combat knife and a fresh magazine for the side arm. Putting it on, he was ready to go. He put his wallet in one of the side pockets on the butt pack. If someone saw he was carrying a wallet and a butt pack they'd be suspicious. Usually a person only wore one or the other.

  He walked to the front door, looked the house over and wanted to stamp the image in my mind. It was the first home June and he had owned.

  “I'm going now. Get everything in the RV and then get out of here. I want to be in or close to Missouri before the asteroid strikes or a tsunami washes this place away. A world wide tsunami will change the whole face of the earth. Now, move!” he said and then ran to his SUV.

  He spent some time connecting a small trailer he had for transporting large items when he moved around the country. He move about every 3 years, so he had to have the thing, or leave somethings behind.

  Once at Cost Less food warehouse, He walked down the isles, placing high protein and energy products in the cart. He bought a complete pallet of diet protein drinks and 7 cases of peanut butter, alone with Twenty-three bottles of prenatal vitamins, all they had. He also bought fifteen bottles of the strongest whiskey, tequila, Scotch, vodka, and bourbon he could find. The harsh alcohol would be used to treat injuries and if need, to stop the pain of a wound. He stocked up well on a variety of beans, nuts and cornmeal. The last item would be used in the form of cornbread. There were many things we might need, but he only had his SUV, a small a rear bumper tool box, and a small trailer. Most he'd get in the vehicle but the smaller items would go in the bumper box. The bigger pallet sized loads would go on the trailer.

  “What else do I need?” he asked and then realized he was talking to himself, again. Seemed when placed in stressful positions, he often spoke to himself. He picked up a complete box of over the counter of pain relievers, plus he added two first aid kits for sale beside the pills. As he moved down the health aisle he spotted feminine napkins, and loaded a case, because at flat pads, they did wonders as a bandage over bullet wounds. When he was in the War in the Middle East, his medic carried a dozen feminine napkins each time they left their base.

  He pulled his cart to the closest checkout lane and minutes later was on his way out the door. Once with June and the kids, he'd go over what he'd purchased and if they needed anything else we'd we'd stop on the way to Missouri.

  When he left the warehouse, he moved toward the freeway and was soon on his way north to Jackson, Mississippi.


  Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station (CMAFS)

  0602 Hours, 11 June 2020

  “Sir, the asteroid tracking team told me we will only have one chance to destroy the thing, because we've waited too long to take action.” A junior Sergeant, his three stripes easily seen on his dress blues blouse said. He handed a few papers to the Three Star General and then stood ready to follow any new orders in an instant.

  “Not good. Have the astronauts been selected?”

  “Uh, yes sir, I went over that during your morning brief, sir.”

  “Well, I must have forgotten, because I don't remember that part of the briefing. So, who are they using? I'm sorry Fred, but I have a lot on my mind, with the launch and things we'll have to do it the asteroid can't be stopped.” The Lieutenant General said. The General was Isaac W. Robbins, United States Air Force Academy graduate, class of 2003 and a fast burner up the promotion ladder. He was in perfect physical and mental shape, high and tight haircut, what hair remaining on top was auburn, his teeth presented a bright white smile, big brown eyes, from his mother, and he could be a very demanding boss. He worked his troops hard, but saw his people promoted and taken excellent care of. He was a no nonsense kind of commander.

  “The Trail Blazer, with all of her crew, were just recently designated the official launch crew and vehicle. They are currently gearing up for the mission. The launch crew Captain is Full Colonel “Lucky” Tom Barton and his deputy commander is Captain Susan Box-Taylor. All five have space experience and the crew has a mixture of different services. “Lucky” Tom is a Marine, and Box-Taylor is a leatherneck as well. First Lieutenant Newsome is United States Air Force and Lee is the only enlisted man on the crew. Turner is a member of the US Army and is a 2nd Lieutenant. He's least experienced of the crew but has six prior missions living in the space station. One of his stays was for over 180 days.”

  “Yep, I remember now. Sergeant I want you to check with the Life Support Officer and tell him to rush the mission, and make an appointment, as soon as possible, for me to speak with the whole crew. Let him or her know the crew will only get one chance to destroy the asteroid, so their attempt the first time must not fail.”

  “Yes, sir, I see to it immediately.” The young Sergeant replied, saluted and left the room.

  After the Sergeant left, Robins said a silent prayer that they were able to down the meteorite with the nuke or many lives will be lost. If nothing else, maybe the blast would change the meteors path away from earth.

  Captain Ellis, his weatherman, entered the room and said, “Looks like all systems for crew launch are in the green and it's go, as far as the weather is concerned. The weather for all day is what you see now, sir. Clear skies, mid seventies, with no winds. The Life Support Officer said you can speak to the crew when you'd like, sir. I suggest you do it soon, because time is our key factor here, General.”

  “I'm aware of the time problem, Captain. I still can't believe it took Congress over a week to pass this bill so we can destroy the asteroid. The idiots must not fully understand the danger associated with trying what we've never done before, destroying a huge asteroid
in space.”

  “I agree, sir. But the socialist liberals were against using a nuke, because of the fallout and their go green program.”

  “Well, their delay may just kill many Americans, because we only get one try to blow the rock up. Between now and launch time, I want you to gather up my staff and have everyone of them here, until this situation is completed, and the threat is no longer there. In the mean time, I'll talk with the Trail Blazer crew and hope I can motivate them some. Release any of my staff that are not needed for tracking the asteroid and send them home.”

  Captain Ellis came to attention and saluted as he said, “I'll have your needed staff here, sir.”

  Robbins waved him away like he would a bug, with a casual wave of his hand. He thought military formality was getting in the way in this mission. He liked making decisions and working under stress, but in a less formal environment. There was a time to be official and formal, only this was not one of those times.

  An hour later, they were in the General's huge briefing room with six television sets and all were focused on the rocket that would carry her crew into space. Each TV was tuned to the same station, Channel 7. The General wasn't the least bit concerned about the launch, but getting boots on the asteroid might be a challenge.

  “I want everyone seated and lets watch the launch take place.” His Deputy Commander, Major General Frank Adair said.

  When General Robbins entered the room, Chief Master Sergeant Bill White said from the very pit of his stomach, “Ten—huuuut.”

  Everyone stood and Robbins said, “As you were.”

  Noise filled the room as everyone took a seat and eventually it became quiet. There were no hushed tones, no giggles, or clowning around.

  Robbins said, “Welcome, our task over the next 24 hours is to monitor the Tail Blazer and her crew. We, ladies and gentlemen, are the eyes and ears of the President. We will report to him every hour and sooner if we have need to do so. Scientist give this mission a 95 % success rate, but I'm not so sure. I think the problem will be the speed of the asteroid and how forceful the bomb will be with no gravity and the rock is made of super steel composite and a cast iron type metal. A bomb has never been exploded in space before, so we have no idea what kind of damage our suitcase nuke will do, if anything. Around this room you'll see various work stations for units that you all represent written on a piece of typing paper. Also at that station, you'll discover if your duties remain the same or are slightly different on this mission. I expect your work station to be manned 24 hours a day, until this mission ends. Any questions?”


  “Good. Now, please go to your assigned work station, get your computer up and running, and let's get to work. This is a mission we cannot afford to fail.”

  As people stood and moved to their work areas, Adair moved to Robbins and said, “Isaac, I have a bad feeling about this.”

  “So do I, and that's why I had the base evacuated. At least by moving the aircraft and people further inland, we may have saved a lot of lives. I have two C-130s on the ramp and once the mission is complete or a failure, we'll be the last people onboard. Once we leave the base will be open and we can suspect looting.”

  “Sir! I have the launch control center on line one for you.” His assistant, an Airman First Class, called out from the General's cube.

  Chapter 2

  The room got quiet as the General nodded and said,“I got it.” he moved to the is cube and picked up a phone.

  “General Adair speaking, this line is secure.”

  “Sir, this is Master Sergeant Renfro, from Base Operations, and I'm to inform you that the launch time has been moved up and they will now launch within the hour. The asteroid is moving faster now than ever before and that caught the brains by surprise. It is scheduled to impact the earth in two hours and a half.”

  “I understand the launch time is to be within the hour. I also understand we have less than two hours and half until the asteroid impacts the earth, unless Trail Blazer is successful. Correct?”

  “Yes, sir. Do you have any questions for me, sir?”

  “No I don't. Thank you for keeping us informed, Sergeant.”

  “You're welcome, sir.”

  Turning to General Robbins, Adair said, “The space shuttle launch is to be within the hour. Intercept with the asteroid is to be in approximately one hour and a half.”

  “We need to call the President and let him know what is going on.” He walked to his cube and picked up the handset from a red phone, which was a direct line to President Samuel King.

  It rang twice and then a familiar voice spoke, “Sam King, what do you have for me, General?”

  “Launch of the Trail Blazer space shuttle will be within the hour and the speed of the asteroid has increased. They now expect impact within two hours and a half, sir.”

  “General Adair, is it possible or would it do any good to shoot at this rock with our lasers that are mounted on our satellites? I realize the lasers are to shoot down missiles and rockets, but just a thought.”

  “I don't see where it would hurt, sir. I mean, we are trying to destroy the thing. I'll have my laser folks give it a try, after I speak to my asteroid experts. I suspect a lot depends on the composition of the asteroid.”

  “I understand, but keep me informed. I just ordered my staff to prepare to leave Washington and within ten minutes from now. When they go, I will board Air Force one and the Vice-President will go to Cheyenne Mountain. My hot line to you will go with me, so we'll be able to talk.”

  “What of all your classified material, sir?”

  “The important stuff will be stored at the Cheyenne Mountain complex and is being taken there by C-130.

  “Good, sir. Can some be left behind?”

  “No, some are sensitive and need to be burned. I have my security staff using thermite grenades on some of the files now. If you were here, all you'd have to do its look outdoors, you'd see the smoke. Every file in this place has been taken away or is being burned. Now, I'll let you get back to work, but thank you for the update General.”

  “Anytime, sir.” Adair replied and then placed the phone back in the cradle.

  “Anything important come up?” Robbins asked.

  “No, but he's caring for the classified he has. He's taking the important stuff to Cheyenne Mountain with him and the rest he is having burned. That was about it, really. He'll be at the mountain complex when the asteroid strikes, if it does. Oh, he does want us to try to hit the asteroid with our satellite lasers.”

  Picking up a phone, Robbins said, “Get me Lieutenant Colonel Watkins, please.”

  Seconds passed and then a voice said, “This is Colonel Watkins, sir. How may I help you?”

  “Jim this is General Robbins and I want your people to line up their lasers and then shoot the asteroid. If we can destroy it, great, but I suspect we'll not have as much of an impact as I am hoping for.”

  “We'll try and I will activate two cameras on the Satellites, so you can watch the attack as it happens, sir.”

  “Good and start immediately, please.” He hung up the phone and then moved to an empty desk and sat on a corner. He ran his right hand through his hair as he thought, What a mess! At least Mary is safely back in Iowa with her family. I don't know what I'd do without her.

  “Generals, I have cameras on the asteroid, from Colonel Watkins.” The airman said as he pointed at his computer screen.

  “Airman Adams, move the video feed to the big screen.”

  Almost instantly the video was showing on a huge TV screen in the center of the room.

  “Look at the size of that thing!” General Adair said and then whistled.

  Robbins ask, “Airman Charles, can you patch the feed from Airman Adam's computer to all the work stations in this room?”

  “Yes, I can, sir. Give me a minute of so.” Within a minute everyone was able to see the asteroid clearly and it was huge.

  The phone rang and Adair picked it up, “
General Adair speaking.”

  “Sir, if you have a visual on the meteoroid, we'll hit it with maximum power and see what happens.”

  “Sounds good to me, Colonel, lets see those lasers in action.”

  “Okay sir. Five, four, three, two, one, fire!”

  All of the satellites suddenly began to glow and seconds later a thin but extremely bright light moved from the satellites toward the asteroid. When the first beam of light struck the rock, there was a small blast and part of the rock crumbled. The small broken pieces of rock remained almost motionless, but a couple of large pieces of rock floated off into space. The damage done was hardly noticeable to the Generals.

  “Keep firing for a while Colonel, but I'm sure the lasers will not be able to deliver a serious blow to the asteroid. I think our last hope is Lucky and his crew can blow it up. If not, we all need to be seeking higher ground and now.” General Adair said.

  Airman Charles interrupted, “Sir, I have word from launch control. They are preparing to launch Trail Blazer and her crew immediately.”

  “Are they still launching out of Area 51?”

  “Yes, sir. It has been used before when we didn't want publicity about this mission or that one. They are capable of a full launch and recovery, sir. They are in the final count down now.” Airman Adams said.

  The two Generals moved to the main monitor and began watching probably the most important space mission in history.



  Area 51, U. S. Air Force military installation, southern Nevada

  0927 Hours, 11 June 2020

  Inside the Trail Blazer Space Shuttle, Colonel Barton was going through his checklist over the radio with a woman at the Space Center. Finally, she said, “That's it and you're good to go, Colonel. Have a safe trip. Your launch countdown has started, sir.”

  The camera zoomed in on a black man who held a microphone in his hand as he said, “5, 4, 3, 2, 1. We have ignition.” A second later he said, “We have liftoff. Tail Blazer and her crew are lifting off.”


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