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by Benton, W. R.

  “Sir, the bomb has been changed to explode three minutes following impact. I'm not sure we can survive the blast.”

  “I fully intend to bring the shuttle to a full stop the split second the bomb is released. The asteroid will then keep moving at its current speed.”

  “That should work, but if it doesn't NASA will be short four astronauts come morning.”

  “It will work now, lets get ready to release the bomb.”

  “I'm ready when you are, sir. Let me know when we're centered over the target. Once there, I'll give a short countdown from five and off we go.”

  “Turner?” Lucky asked.

  “Yes, sir?”

  “Is the back up nuke set for instantaneous detonation?”

  “Yes, sir, but it’s our backup bomb.”

  “I want both dropped at the same time.”

  “Sir? Are you sure you want to do that? If we do that, I am not sure we can survive the blast.”

  “I didn't ask for your opinion, Sergeant. Consider that an order. We must destroy this rock.”

  “I understand, sir, and it will be done.”

  Fifteen minutes later, with Houston on the radio, Lucky said, “Start the pre-drop count down, Sergeant Turner.”

  “Uh, . . . five . . . four . . . three . . . two . . . one. We have bomb separation from the shuttle.”

  The Captain tried to bring the shuttle to a complete stop, but the computers kept overriding the manual instructions. After punching the override button six time in rapid succession, he was starting to panic. Finally he grabbed the stick and closed the autopilot completely. His computer screen went black as the first shock waves of the two bombs struck the shuttle.

  The aircraft was tossed around in the air like a toy, until Newsome yelled, “We're breaking up near the cargo hold!”

  Then two large cracks suddenly filled front windows of the shuttle. Lucky heard some of his crew praying for protection, but he was too busy to help them.

  The commander yelled to be heard over the shock waves striking them, “Major, either help me or get out of my way! You're useless if you can't help. Pull the yoke back and now.”

  The surface of the meteorite was growing near.

  “No! No, no, no! Up, pull up!” Lucky scream as the nose and left wing of the shuttle struck the surface of the big rock.

  Before any of the crew cold scream, they were dead. The wreckage of Trail Blazer bounced on the surface of the asteroid a few times and then the pieces drifted off into space. The remains of the crew were not identifiable in the rubble.

  Five minutes later, a voice came over the radio, “Trail Blazer, this is Houston, over.”


  “Colonel Barton, do you read me, over?”

  Picking up the phone, the controller called his boss, Colonel Adam Henry and said, “Sir, Trail Blazer is down and our satellites showed them impacting the surface of the asteroid and a contained explosion occurred. With the lack of oxygen the explosion wasn't great, like it would have been on earth. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news. The good news is the same satellites showed the detonation of two nukes on the top surface of the rock.”

  “Any change on the route of the asteroid? Any break up following the explosions?”

  “Nothing has changed, sir.” the controller removed a pack of cigarettes and lit one. He figured if he was going to die anyway, he might as well feed his vices as he waited.

  “It's too early to determine if the asteroid will break up or not. The geologist here thinks the rock has many cracks now. You and I need to remember the asteroid is miles deep and we'll just have to wait and see. Uh? Hold one, sir.”

  The Geologist neared and said, “It's starting to enter our atmosphere now, George.”

  “I'll have to call you back, sir, the asteroid is entering our atmosphere and I need to warn a large number of people, sir.”

  “I'll contact you later if I can. I'm evacuating the troops here with me now. We'll be on C-130s heading to Scott AFB, Illinois. Good luck, George.”

  Reaching with his left hand, the controller activated a base-wide siren which began to blare the warning to evacuate.

  He in turn, sent messages to all military installations, and warned all personnel within 200 miles of the coast to move inland a good 300 miles and then sit tight.

  “George, I think you'll want to see this. The asteroid is breaking up.”

  The controller moved to the computer screen and said, “Not breaking up quickly enough. Oh, Lord, James, not good! I need everyone but me out of here and do it now. There are only a few of us here, so load on the Chopper pad. I have a helicopter inbound for all of you.”

  “What about you?”

  “I'm staying and I'll report what I see and feel. There is a chance the rock may miss us and land someplace else.”

  “Come with us, George. You're talking stupid now.” One of the technicians called out from his monitor. He then added, “The crew of the Trail Blazers are history. My system picked up their last heart beats and they ended when the shuttle struck the surface of the asteroid. No practical need for you to stay, my man.”

  A voice behind him said, “George, does this stuff go too?”

  When he turned, he was struck hard in the face and fell to the floor, unconscious.

  “Tony, you didn't kill him did you?”

  “No, Speedy, but he'll go to no dances for a couple of hours. Grab a stretcher out of the First Aid room and meet me in here. Hurry now, the chopper is just minutes out.”

  Tony pulled some plastic ties and secured George's hands and then his feet. This way if he gained consciousness on the way out of here, he could not interfere with the flight controls or do anything stupid.

  That will hold him, Tony thought as he heard the chopper nearing.

  “Hurry, Speedy, our taxi is near!”

  Minutes later eight men loaded on an Army helicopter and were moving to Scott AFB, Illinois.

  George was placed, stretcher and all, on the rear bulkhead of the aircraft. There was a bracket that held the poles of the stretcher in place and then he was secured against falling with another tie down strap at the head and the other at the foot of the stretcher. The aircraft gained altitude and Tony smiled, because they'd all gotten out.


  Rolla, Missouri, Ozark Mountains

  1955 Hours, 11 June 2020

  By the time the asteroid was close to striking off the coast of California, Dan Wolf was pulling into the parking lot of Big Market in Rolla, Missouri. He'd broken the speed limit on more than just a few miles and he'd almost ended up stranded in Memphis when the traffic grew heavy on a bridge over the Mississippi River. More than once, someone panicked and came close to running into him. Most of the vehicles were from the southern states; Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. The sky was clear in Missouri when Dan pulled into the parking lot and said, “Let's go to my brothers and we'll see where he wants us to put the motor home.”

  “Kiss and hug me first you big klutz! I so happy to see you.” June began to cry.

  Carol was already hanging on Dan's left side and June took the right.

  “I told them, Dad, that you'd be fine but they didn't believe me.” Dave said with a grin.

  “The asteroid has not struck the earth yet. Let's go inside and see if the news is covering this or not.” He said and then opened the door to the RV, made his way inside and reaching into the fridge, he pulled out a beer and opened it. He guzzled about half it right off. He then wiped his mouth off with the back of his hand.

  June turned the TV to channel 39 and the anchor was an attractive blonde, who said, “We interrupt this regularly scheduled program to bring you an important news break. The government has announced that the attempt to blow the asteroid speeding toward earth did not work. Scientists state that they had no idea how the atomic weapons would do in space, where there is no air. While the shock waves from the explosions were seen to ripple to the very end of our galaxy, the asteroid
did not change it's path or size. I understand the space shuttle Trail Blazer and her crew of four was destroyed in the attempt to save the world from almost certain extinction. The asteroid is scheduled to enter our atmosphere in about twenty minutes. I take you now to Trudy Jones, who joins us live from San Diego. Trudy?”

  “Susan I'm standing on the beach near San Diego and the asteroid can be easily seen overhead but only as a dark shadow. It is so big, it blots out the sun, and the day has become as dark as night. I am standing in the center front of four cars as they all shine their head lights on me, just to make this broadcast. As soon as I finished reporting, my camera man, who also happens to be my husband and I are leaving.”

  “Trudy, has everyone evacuated?”

  “No and those in the poor sides of town, or skid row, seem unconcerned. I watched a number of them injecting drugs into their systems, less than 30 minutes ago, and I suspect most were at least were popping pills. If NASA and our FEMA people are correct they may never know exactly how many people this asteroid kills. Susan, it is growing darker and we need to seek safe ground if we can. I don't know if we'll make it or not. Suddenly the video stopped and the screen went black.

  The camera panned to Susan who said, “That special report was delivered by Trudy Jones in San Diego. According to her, the asteroid was seen as a huge shadow overhead that stretched from horizon to horizon. We suddenly lost contact with Trudy as —”

  Suddenly the news was gone and a voice said, “This is the Emergency Broadcast System and this is not a test. I repeat, this is not a test. Public safety officials use timely and reliable emergency systems to alert and warn you of danger in the event of natural or man-made disasters. Please tune to your local television channel five for more information, or tune in local KSSS, FM 1672 on you radio. Your directions will vary depending on your location. I repeat this is not a test. Earth was struck by a huge asteroid less than five minutes ago, at almost exactly 2000 hours, and you are advised to seek shelter if you are within 200 miles of any coast. I repeat, this is not a test.

  “Today at 2000 hours a huge asteroid the size of Texas stuck approximately twenty miles from California in the Pacific Ocean. We have no word of casualties, but FEMA reports the state of California has been destroyed. Most of the land mass is gone and it has been replaced with water. Washington and Oregon are currently fighting a Tsunami with 800 to 1,000 foot waves, the highest in recorded history. Local authorities are attempting to evacuate over two million people from the stricken states, hopefully before the earthquakes begin. Stay tuned to channel five and well keep you up to date with fresh news released by Emergency Broadcast System informational staff.

  “Dad, come quick! Something is wrong with the sky!”

  “Let me see what Dave has and I need you to tune to channel five for us. I'll be right there, son.”

  “Okay.” She said and moved for the remote.

  Dan went outside to speak with Dave.

  “Dad look west, the sky so dark there. Whatever it is, its blotting out the stars pretty much on the horizon.” Dave pointed in the direction.

  “Something going on there for sure. Dave stay here!” Dan said and ran for the RV. All he could think of was all the dust and how hard the asteroid had struck California. He opened the door and said, “Everyone out and now. Bring the dog too! Hurry, your life may depend on moving now!”

  As Carol exited with Ben, their Yorkie in her hands, June follow and he could see fifty questions in her eyes.

  “Everyone run for the big open field to our left, run hard because I think we're about to be shook violently.”

  They were half way to the field when the earth began to shake and tremble fiercely. Dan knew it was a direct result of the asteroid hitting California. The New Madrid Seismic Zone ran deep underground and its path followed the Mississippi River's route. The impact of the asteroid had triggered an earthquake and Dan was sure the plates under them were either raised or dropped. In any case the ground was now twisting and turning violently.

  “Son, were just a bit over a 100 miles from the New Madrid Fault Line and I think this will be a hard earthquake! Move, move to the center of the field, now!” Dan said and taking June and Carol's hands in hid, he ran for the field.

  The earth began to jump and rotate, as June screamed for Dan. He pulled his family to him and they squatted in the middle of a farmers field, their arms wrapped tightly around each other. Dan began to pray as June cried. Smoke or dust began to escape from small fractures in the soil as the plates deep under them danced from the hard impact of the asteroid. Suddenly a large crack formed not three feet from them and Dan pulled them over about ten feet.

  “Dad! Look at the RV!” Dave yelled, his fear clearly heard.

  “Lord, the rear is hanging over a wide fissure emitting dust or smoke. Hearing a noise behind him, Dan looked and saw the ground forming into something and he watched the ground formed a small looking volcano and then the top exploded, sending magma high into the air. He watched as cars and trucks in the parking lot were being swallowed whole or tip toward the many bottomless crevasses. Then the whole concrete parking lot opened right down the middle. He tried to warn a woman and her daughter running for what he suspected was their car. The ground in front of them split wide open and they both disappeared in a cloud of dust and gases from the earth's core. One man had just ran from the store when a huge sign fell and crushed him into the pavement. A woman beside him, maybe his wife was attempting to raise the sign but it weighed well over 1500 pounds. The woman began to yell, but her words could not be understood.

  Finally she took a deep breath and in a lower tone said, “Help me! Roger, don't you die on me! Roger, do you hear me baby?” She looked around and everyone was running for the parking lot, ignoring her shouts for help. She shook her head and realizing Roger was dead, she finally ran along with the rest.

  “Follow me!” Dan yelled so they could hear him over the destruction taking place. He move to the side of the parking lot and said, “Everyone keep your eyes open and if you see a crack forming close to us, let me know.”

  He noticed his RV was still above ground but he'd have to have someone help him pull it partially out of a hole. Looking around he saw homes in the area on fire, because of ruptured gas lines, as the houses moved to far and pulled the gas lines off the main gas connection. The many cars on the semi busy street beside the store were now gone, either driven away or swallowed.

  The ground under his SUV opened wide and the last he saw of his car was the rear end as it fell.

  “Lord, protect us!” a man near them was screaming.

  Dan elbowed June and yelled to be heard, “There goes all the extra food, guns, and ammunition I got from home. We just lost all the gear and the SUV.”

  “We're safe for the moment and that's all that matters to me.” June replied, her voice cracking a few times due to fear.

  It was twenty minutes before the shaking stopped. It was the longest twenty minutes in Dan's life. The store had completely collapsed, the parking lot was filled with cracks, destroyed cars lay everywhere he looked, and a couple of small trucks were laying on their sides. He noticed people crawling out of the destroyed structure, so he moved forward to help. Others people were scattered in the parking lot, but he moved for the store before a fire started and he knew that was just a matter of time.

  Chapter 4

  Rolla, Missouri, Highway 63, South

  12 June 2020, 0212 hours

  Dan and his family slept on the grass beside the parking lot after he pulled three blankets from the RV without entering. The blankets were in the passengers seat and on the counter just inside the vehicle. He was unable to get any help pulling the RV forward about six feet. He only slept three hours, then he awoke to a rescue effort being made on the collapsed store. Portable lights were on brightly and sounds of machines running filled the air. The teams were removing sections one at time and were just now getting to the level below the ceiling. Bodies of the dead
were being laid out on the old store’s sidewalk and then covered with blankets. As he watched a fresh body on the concrete, he noticed a local TV news crew arrive in a big white painted van. He waited for them to stop and the occupants stepped from the vehicle. He approached the driver, who was standing next to his company van, wearing his best smile.

  When he neared Dan said, “Good evening, or morning, because I'm not sure of the time. Can you give me and my family a little help? I have the end of my RV hanging over a crevasse and I have no way pulling it forward about ten feet. We don't live here and that is our only shelter at the moment.”

  “I have the time to help, because they have to set up to do the story. By the way, it's about 0200 hours. Is that one yours? The white one with the blue trim? I've always wanted an RV, to travel all over the United States, but I don't have the money it takes to buy one. My name is Jeff.” Dan noticed Jeff was a tall thin young man with bright teeth and long red hair. He had the start of a beard, he looked intelligent, and he was semi-smiling. Actually many would take the look he wore as a smirk, but in reality he was happy most of the time.

  “Yes, it's mine, and you're right, they do cost a lot of money. I'm still on active duty military, but here on military leave.”

  “I spent four years in the Marines, then got out and got a degree in journalism from the University of Missouri. Let me get the chain out of the back of my van and we'll have you out in no time.”

  “I didn't want to bother you at first, because I thought you'd be helping them rescue folks.”


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