Imperfect Truth

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Imperfect Truth Page 15

by C. A. Popovich


  Alex settled on her couch with Abby and called Joe.

  “Hello, kiddo. Everything okay?”

  “Yeah. I’m just checking in.” Alex sipped a cup of tea and shifted position, trying to relax and say what she needed to say.

  “Okay. You’re not due until tomorrow. Is something up?”

  “I went on a date last night.”

  “With Debra Johnson?”

  “Yes.” She wasn’t surprised he knew who she was talking about. He had met her, and Joe did background checks on anyone new in their lives.

  “Did you have a good time?”

  “Yes. It was perfect. I just thought you’d want to know that she’s become more than just a friend. I’m hoping she’ll be around a lot more.”

  “I’m happy for you, and I appreciate you letting me know. Anything else going on?”

  “I still want to know about Miguel Martinez and why Phil was with him, but I’m trying to let it go. I believe you’ll keep us safe.”

  “Good. Keep believing that, because it’s true. If I find any more information, I’ll let you know.”

  “Thanks, Joe.”

  She disconnected the call and opened her laptop. She Googled Debra Johnson simply to look at her picture.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Alex laid another pair of slacks on the bed while Abby watched. “What do you think about this one?” She spoke as she shuffled blouses. She moved the blue blouse to cover the brown pants. “No.” She picked up the peach silk shirt and set it on the black pants. “Maybe.” Then she moved it to the brown pair. “Yes. I think this is it for our date and making new friends, girl. I’ll wear it with the brown sweater that matches these pants.” She smiled, remembering Debby calling this their first date and a half. Her decision made, she retreated to the bathroom to shower.

  She leaned against the shower wall and allowed previously forbidden thoughts of Debby to flow like the hot water streaming over her shoulders. She imagined Debby’s fingers exploring the curves and planes of her body as she spread her body wash on her belly and breasts. Her nipples tingled at her memory of Debby’s gentle caresses. She lifted the removable shower head from its holder and pointed the spray at her throbbing clit. She grabbed the safety bar with her free hand and allowed the pulsing water to carry her over the edge, free-falling into Debby’s arms.

  Alex stepped out of the shower and imagined the heat of Debby’s arms around her as she wrapped herself in a towel. She allowed herself a moment of contentment before she returned to reality. She wasn’t ready to jump into bed with Debby yet, but a little fantasy never hurt.

  She put on sweats and a sweatshirt before grabbing her down jacket and Abby’s leash. They walked along their usual path as snow flurries swirled around their feet. Abby stopped to sniff every few feet as Alex thought of Miguel Martinez. She trusted Joe to find out if he was the drug dealer, but deep down, she knew he was shady just from the conversations she’d overheard. She reminded herself, once again, that he only knew her as Alex from the Hyatt, so his being a drug dealer didn’t matter in the larger picture, as long as she could stay clear of him for the most part. Phillip’s involvement remained unknown. She only hoped Jen wouldn’t be a victim of his deception. A twinge of remorse reminded her of her own deceptiveness. “Come on, Abby. I’ve got a date tonight.”

  Alex stood before her full-length mirror, evaluating her choice. As she turned left and right, she wondered how Debby would see her. She still needed to lose ten pounds, and her hair was getting shaggy, but she was healthy and looked neat overall. Hopefully, it’s enough.


  Debby’s breath caught when Alex opened the door to usher her in. She looked gorgeous in a soft looking silk blouse that complemented her gray eyes and skin tone beautifully. Her hair had grown into a sexy disarray. She stepped past her and turned to push her against the closed door. She gently cradled her face in her hands and kissed her.

  “Now that’s what I call a greeting.” Alex grabbed her and pulled her so their hips met.

  “You look fabulous.” She stepped back and grinned. “I couldn’t help myself.”

  “You look pretty good yourself.”

  Heat flared in her belly as Alex did a slow perusal of her body. She’d chosen a pair of black jeans, a white turtleneck, and a black leather vest. “We should probably get going.”

  Debby held her coat as Alex threaded her arms through the sleeves and wrapped her arms around her from behind. She caught the subtle scent of perfume but refrained from nuzzling her neck.

  “At this rate we’ll never get out of here.” Alex covered her hands with hers and leaned back on her.

  “You’re right. Let’s go.” She disentangled herself and led the way out the door.


  “This place is amazing.” Alex admired Kristen’s front porch. “I think I’d probably be spending most of my time sitting out here in the summer.”

  “I know Kristen does.”

  “Hey, you two. Come on in out of the cold.” Jaylin stood at the front door, holding it open.

  “Thanks. I hate winter.” Alex shivered before she took off her coat and handed it to Jaylin.

  “We’ll be sitting by the fireplace tonight, with anything hot you’d like to drink,” Jaylin said.

  Jaylin took Debby’s coat and hung it in the closet next to Alex’s and they followed her into the house.

  “Hi there. Glad you could make it.” Kristen hugged Debby and hesitated before Alex stepped close and hugged her. “Dana and Maria were invited, but they called off earlier, concerned about the drive.”

  “I don’t blame them. The roads are getting pretty slick, and they have a ways to drive.” Debby rested her hand on Alex’s back and led her to a seat by the gas fireplace in the family room.

  “This is great.” Alex stretched her hands toward the fire. “I like that you don’t have to haul firewood in to keep it going.” She stifled the memory of the huge fireplace in her Florida home.

  Kristen set a tray full of tea, hot chocolate, and coffee on a table next to the couch. “Help yourselves. If there’s anything else you need, just let me know. We’ll eat shortly.”

  Jaylin sat across from Alex with a mug of hot chocolate after handing one to her. “I’m glad to see you again, Alex. We didn’t have much of a chance to talk at the wedding.”

  Alex relaxed in the presence of Jaylin’s calm. “I appreciate the invitation. How long have you two lived here?”

  “Kristen took over the house after her mother died and her father went into a nursing home, but I’ve only lived here about a year.” Jaylin smiled when Kristen kissed her lightly and sat next to her.

  Debby settled next to Alex on the couch with a cup of tea. She put her arm around her and Alex leaned into her.

  “So, do you like chili, Alex?” Kristen asked.

  “I love it. There’s not too much I don’t like, unfortunately.”

  “Kristen is famous for her chili,” Debby said.

  “Debby says you live in Northville. How long have you been there?” Jaylin asked.

  “About two and a half years.” Alex hoped Jaylin wouldn’t ask more.

  “I like Northville. Have you been to the farmer’s market downtown?”

  “Oh yes. Jen and I go there weekly during the summer and fall.” Alex sighed inwardly in relief. She could handle the daily questions, the normal stuff. And when in doubt, deflect.

  Their conversation was interrupted by Kristen calling them to the table. She set a huge bowl of greens for salad in the middle of the table along with warm rolls. She ladled hot chili into each bowl and set out bowls of hot sauce and shredded cheese.

  “This looks great, Kristen. Thanks for all your hard work,” Debby said.

  “No problem. I love doing it, and I have Jaylin to help now.”

  Jaylin made a choking sound and laughed. “Yeah. Like I know the first thing about cooking. I did set the table, though.”

  The dinner conversati
on was light, and Alex appreciated that there weren’t many personal questions. Jaylin seemed to sense her reserve and remained friendly without prying. She liked her a lot. Debby and Kristen talked about their horses and riding while Alex and Jaylin compared notes on their dogs.

  “I’d love to bring Abby to your father’s nursing home.” Alex spoke between mouthfuls of chili. “I’ve taken her to the one where Debby works, and she’s great with people.”

  “I think they’d love it, Alex. Jaylin can tell you who to talk to there.”

  “Absolutely. I’ll let you know the next time I take Railroad.”

  “Sounds good. Debby and I are going to the Novi equestrian expo on Saturday. Do you guys want to go?”

  “We’re planning on it,” Kristen piped up from across the table. “Let’s meet there.”

  “Glad you remembered that, Alex. Yeah, let’s check the schedule and decide what time to meet,” Debby said.

  Alex nearly quivered with excitement. She was making friends, making plans. Almost like a real person.

  When Debby kissed her good night later, a kiss filled with promise and hope, she wondered if life really could be good again.


  Alex stomped her feet, attempting to stay warm as she waited for Abby to finish peeing. The day had started out sunny, and she’d hoped it would stay that way, but it was almost time to leave and snow had started falling.

  “Damn.” She tugged Abby’s leash and went inside. “It’s too early for this.”

  It was on days like this that she was grateful for her all-wheel drive vehicle, something she’d damn well never needed in Florida. She shoved the thought aside.

  The road conditions had worsened considerably by the time she arrived at Debby’s. She hurried to the door, and it opened before she could knock.

  “Good morning. Come on in.” Debby stepped aside as Alex removed her boots but left her coat on and rushed past her into the warm kitchen. “I’ve got hot chocolate or hot coffee.”

  “Coffee’s good. Thanks. It didn’t snow this early last year, did it?” Alex wrapped her hands around the warm mug Debby handed her.

  “I don’t remember. I think we tend to forget the bad winters to make them go away.” Debby grinned and sipped her coffee. “I gave Kristen a call this morning to check on the road conditions out there. They suggested waiting until the road crews have a chance to salt before we head out.”

  “Fine by me. I hate driving in this crap.” Alex settled on the couch where they’d watched women’s soccer and had their first kiss.

  “Come with me.” Debby held out her hand. “I think you’ll like this.”

  Alex stood, removed her coat and tossed it on the couch, and let herself be led down the hall. She hoped they didn’t end up in Debby’s bedroom because she wasn’t sure what she would say, or do.

  They turned right at the end of the short hallway, and Alex agreed. She did like what she saw. The ambiance of the room was completely different from the rest of the house. A large bay window overlooked a grassy treed area. A pair of cardinals perched on one of several different types of bird feeders and a downy woodpecker poked at a suet cake hanging from one of the trees. The quiet chaos of the snow falling made the entire scene surreal.

  Her attention was drawn away from the spectacle of nature by the sound of soft music. The room took on a soft glow as Debby switched on the largest gas fireplace she had ever seen.

  “This is amazing.” Alex turned in a circle to take in the rest of the room. A huge bookcase took up most of the wall opposite the window, and a small couch flanked by two comfortable looking seafoam green swivel rockers were positioned to appreciate the view. The thick carpet, a shade darker than the chairs, felt cushy under her stocking feet.

  “Thanks. This is pretty much where I spend most of my free time. It’s a good place to read and relax. No television in here.” Debby smiled and pointed out the window. “I named her Rosy because she chews on my roses in the summer.”

  Alex watched a young white-tailed deer rustle for something to eat on the snow covered ground. Something stirred deep in her soul as she looked at Debby watching the doe. Was she worthy of this gentle woman? She swallowed back the fear and worry, determined to let the moment be as beautiful as it could.

  “I’m going to grab our coffee. Be right back.”

  In the kitchen, Debby took a moment to try to slow her pulse. Alex looked so beautiful, so soft and vulnerable, looking out at the deer, it had made Debby’s soul ache.

  She gathered their drinks and made her way back. “Here. We left these in the living room.”

  Alex took her cup and sat in one of the rockers. “Thanks. These are comfortable.” She rocked a little and then swiveled.

  Debby sat in the other chair and spun to face her. “Glad you like them.”

  They sat enjoying the view quietly until Debby’s cell phone rang.

  “Hi, Kristen.”

  “Hi, Deb. I don’t think we’re going to make it today. The news just reported that this storm is getting worse. Maybe we can go to the expo tomorrow if they get the roads plowed and salted.”

  “No problem. I’ll talk to Alex and see if she still wants to go today, but it’s probably not worth risking an accident. Take care and stay warm.”

  “You, too.”

  Debby hung up, not disappointed. The thought of spending a few hours alone with Alex in front of her fireplace made her smile. “Kristen and Jaylin aren’t going to make it. Do you still want to try, or wait until tomorrow?”

  “Tomorrow sounds just fine to me. I could stay and watch the snowfall from this spot all day. I see why you don’t have a TV in here.”

  Debby moved to the couch, hoping Alex would join her. She wasn’t sure why she was so hesitant with her, but she’d had the room built after Evelyn had moved out, and it had become her sanctuary, her safe haven. Alex was the first woman with whom she had ever wanted to share it.

  Alex stood and lifted her empty cup. “Shall I get us refills?” She took Debby’s cup and headed out of the room.

  Debby sat and waited, absorbing the feeling of having someone care enough to bring her a cup of coffee. Her list called to her from her desk drawer. She feared it was complaining about becoming obsolete.

  Alex returned with their cups and sat next to Debby. “I love your kitchen.” She took a sip of her hot coffee and snuggled closer.

  Debby set her mug on the end table and put her arm across the top of the couch behind Alex. “Here. This would be more comfortable.” She pushed a button on the side of the couch, and the footrest flipped up.

  “Cool.” Alex did the same on her side, and they drank coffee and watched nature’s show in silence for the next half hour. “The snow seems to be letting up.”

  “Hmm. Yep.” Debby shifted closer to Alex.

  “Think we should go turn on the weather channel?”

  “Probably.” Debby didn’t move.

  “I guess we’re not going anywhere.” Alex set her cup down, slid one arm behind Debby, and reached across her with the other.

  Debby only needed to turn her head and their lips would meet. She didn’t need to. Alex gently gripped her chin and turned it for her.

  Their kiss began as a slow exploration and quickly turned into desperate need. Debby groaned as their tongues met and Alex whimpered.

  A small voice whispered for her to slow down. There were still unknowns between them, and Alex meant more to her than a one-night stand. She moved a breath away and broke their connection. She held Alex close as their breathing returned to normal. “You feel good,” she whispered.

  Alex’s chest rose and fell as she took a deep breath and expelled it. “So do you.” She sat up and pulled away.

  “I think we should talk,” Debby said.

  “Yeah, I guess so. You have any of your brother’s birthday wine left?”

  Debby nodded. “I’ll be right back.”

  Alex used the time waiting for Debby to bring back the wine to enj
oy the warmth of the fireplace and compose herself. She had thought she wasn’t ready to go to bed with Debby, but she had ignored her reservations and been ready to tear her clothes off. She knew it wouldn’t be fair to involve her further in her life, but she wasn’t sure she could resist. She had to find out about Martinez soon. She would be devastated if she allowed herself to fall for Debby and then had to leave. And it would prove to Debby that she couldn’t be trusted, and it seemed like she had enough trouble trusting people as it was. Debby wanted to talk. Maybe they could come to some sort of understanding.

  “Here you go.” Debby handed her a wine glass half full of red wine and sat next to her with a glass of white.

  “Thanks. I’ll try not to fall asleep on you this time.” Alex took a sip and savored the warmth spreading through her belly.

  They sat quietly for a moment, the air heavy with unspoken emotions. Finally, Debby said softly, “I want to make love with you, Alex. I have for a while.” She took a sip of her wine before continuing. “I’ve only been involved with a few women since Evelyn, my ex, and they’ve all been meaningless hookups. I feel differently about you. Having sex with you could never be meaningless.”

  Alex took a minute to consider her words and how much she could divulge. “I don’t have a great deal of experience with sex. I mean, I’ve dated a few women and slept with a couple of them, but I’ve never had a long-term relationship. Sex with you wouldn’t be meaningless to me, either.” She fortified herself with a gulp of wine, knowing what she needed to say, though she hated to say it. “That’s why I can’t do it.”

  Debby kissed her lightly and smiled. “I kind of sensed you weren’t ready either. How about if we give it a time frame? We’ve known each other for four months, so what if we say we wait another two? Take the time to really get to know one another.”

  Alex considered the offer. Surely Joe would know something about Martinez by then, and if she knew she would be staying in the area, maybe she’d be free to pursue something more. “Okay. Let’s pick a nice place to go, maybe with a hot tub, in two months.”


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