Imperfect Truth

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Imperfect Truth Page 14

by C. A. Popovich

  My wife and I would be honored to have Alex check in and greet our guests on the occasion of my new bride’s birthday celebration. Please be sure she arrives promptly by six p.m., Saturday. Sincerely, Miguel and Rosita Martinez.

  “Betty. That’s tonight. What arrogance! He isn’t requesting anything. He’s expecting me to show up whether I want to or not. Why can’t his guests sign the damn book themselves? Why does he even need one?”

  “Alex. Relax. Like I told you before, he’s a huge supporter of ours and it’s only for a couple of hours. His reasons don’t concern us.” Betty closed her laptop and sat back in her desk chair.

  Alex clenched her fists at her side but refrained from pacing. It might give her a chance to find out something more specific about Phil’s involvement with Miguel, but Joe had said never again, and a little overtime wasn’t worth the risk. “I’m not doing it, Betty. Maybe one of the other desk clerks needs the overtime.”

  “Well, I’m not going to force you to go, but he did ask for you specifically.”

  “Tell him I’m sick or something. I’m sorry, but I just can’t.”

  “All right. I’ll see if June will go. But I’ll need you to fill in for her tonight.” Betty reopened her laptop and clicked a few keys but didn’t look up again.

  Alex hurried out of her office and stopped in the restroom for a moment of meditation before heading to her station at the front desk.

  “Hey, Alex. It’s lunchtime. Take a break.” Betty called to her from the opposite end of the counter.

  “I’m going in a minute.” Alex logged off the computer and snatched the paper off the printer. She wasn’t allowed to use the hotel’s computer for personal business, but she figured if she had been asked to work at the Martinez residence, she could find out as much about him as possible. She had Googled Miguel Martinez and found only one reference related to a Mexican drug gang, with a different first name. There wasn’t anything on Miguel, but she had printed out the information anyway. She had another thought as she was leaving and turned back to the computer. She Googled just the last name of Martinez and found an article about a Gomez Martinez who had been part of the cartel and had died in prison. She printed out that article also.

  She sat in the lunchroom at the same table she and Debby had shared during the pharmacy convention. She remembered her smile and the sparkle in her eyes that never failed to ignite her desire. She missed her. They had texted a few times over the past two weeks but made no plans to get together, and the texts were brief and stilted. As much as she wanted to, she couldn’t bring herself to involve Debby in her life any more than she already had. She pushed aside her half-eaten lunch with a heavy heart and called Joe.

  “Hey, kiddo. What’s up?”

  “I just got asked to work at the Martinez house again. He’s having a birthday party for his wife, and I thought I’d let you know that I told my boss I wouldn’t do it.”

  “Good job, Alex. I’ll let the FBI know about the party, and you relax. I don’t know if there’s a danger, but you did the right thing by not involving yourself with him anymore.”

  “I suppose. I looked him up on the Internet but didn’t find anything significant. I found a Gomez Martinez, but nothing on Miguel.”

  “Gomez was Miguel’s uncle. The FBI will let my boss know as soon as they have anything to report, and I’m on their ‘pain in the ass’ list because I call so often.”

  Alex took a huge breath and expelled it loudly. “Fine. I’ll wait to hear from you.”

  She turned her thoughts to Debby and to figuring out her plan to be a better friend.


  “What in the world is that?” Debby pointed to what looked like a huge cotton ball blocking most of the hallway.

  “It’s a cobweb. A Halloween decoration,” Kelly said.

  “Well, it looks stupid, and it’s a hazard for anyone walking through here.” Debby stomped toward the netting and intentionally knocked part of it down.

  “All right. I’ll make it smaller. Don’t rip it apart, you Scrooge.”

  Debby made it to the pharmacy without running into any more holiday trimmings, grateful to begin her daily routine. She had awakened grumpy and sore. She did a few more back stretches and poured a cup of coffee. She missed Alex, and she didn’t want to. It felt like everything was conspiring to irritate her.

  She sorted capsules and reviewed the medication orders for possible drug interactions. Then she looked up the latest state and federal regulations for handling medications and prepared her reports for the upcoming monthly review with the consultant pharmacist.

  She stretched her back again and settled at her desk to have lunch when she heard clapping and laughter filtering into the room. She went to investigate the commotion that became louder the closer she got to the community dining area. She rounded the corner and stopped.

  Alex stood in the center of the room, and Abby was covered with a blue and red cloak with a large white S on her chest. She was furiously wagging her tail and prancing as Alex called her “Super Dog.” The residents surrounded the duo, clapping and calling for Super Dog to fly. Abby jumped and yipped with her tongue hanging out and her cape flapping. She finally stopped her theatrics and sat panting to face Alex.

  Debby felt her belly flutter when Alex turned and caught her gaze, smiled, and raised her hand in a tentative wave. She hadn’t expected to see her, but she couldn’t deny she was glad she was here. She returned a friendly smile and resisted adding a wink. She watched for a few more minutes as Alex led Abby to each resident for petting and nuzzling. Her attention was drawn to movement on her right as MacIntosh raced into the room wearing a miniature orange striped Tony the Tiger costume, complete with orange bandana, followed by Tory. She cheered with the crowd as he jumped and spun in circles. She guessed a nursing home was a perfect place for folks who would recognize the mascot for a breakfast cereal that had been around since 1951.

  She watched the two dogs sniff each other and play for a moment before being called back to visit the wheelchair-bound and the men and women sitting at tables. MacIntosh curled up in laps while Abby rested her head on bony thighs and burrowed her snout under arthritic fingers. The dogs were impressive, but it was Alex who drew her attention. She rested her hand on each person as she bent to speak to them or adjust the throw on their lap. She kept one hand on Abby when they came to anyone especially feeble. Abby seemed to sense their frailty and quickly darted her pink tongue to barely touch their hand.

  Alex followed Abby, supervising every interaction, and when she turned and looked directly at Debby, she knew she was smitten. Alex was kind, gentle, and sweet. How much more did she need to know?

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Debby sat at her desk finishing up the final paperwork for the monthly review when she heard the door open.

  “I’m almost done. I’ll be right there, Kelly.” She continued to work, presuming Kelly would wait for her by the front door.

  “Sorry. It’s not Kelly.” Alex walked up behind her and rested her hands on her shoulders. Abby sat quietly beside her.

  Debby felt her soft lips and warm breath on her neck as Alex lightly massaged her shoulders. She swiveled her desk chair to face Alex, causing her to step back. They were face-to-face, and Alex straddled her legs and leaned forward, supporting herself with an arm on either side of her. She bent close enough so their lips were a breath apart. “You looked so sexy standing there with your lab coat and sparkling eyes.” Alex closed the gap between them and gently stroked her lips with hers.

  Debby pulled her close, deepening the kiss and exploring with her tongue. She lost herself in the feel of Alex’s need and slid her hands to her buttocks, pulling her closer. Alex sat in her lap facing her, pushed her breasts against hers, and cradled her face with her hands. Debby inched her fingers up Alex’s back and under her sweatshirt. Her skin was soft and warm, and desire burned away restraint as she pulled her closer and slid her hands under her bra. Alex moaned and stretched ba
ck to allow room for Debby to slide her hands around to the front and caress her breasts. Debby groaned as her hard nipples tickled her palms. She squeezed gently and stroked the smooth skin, wanting more. Fearing it wasn’t enough.

  Alex covered her hands with hers and tipped her head back. She thrust her hips forward, her whimpers calling to Debby’s soul.

  “Oh, God.” Alex bent forward, forcing Debby to move her hands to her sides. She wrapped her arms around Debby and pulled her face to her chest. “I want you, now.”

  Debby wrestled down her hunger and allowed sense to creep in. “I’m at work.” She kissed her softly. “Anyone could walk in.” She kissed her again and pulled away.

  Alex stood and adjusted her clothes. “Damn.”

  “Yeah.” Debby stood, glanced at the door, took Alex in her arms, and tenderly kissed her one more time. “Have dinner with me tonight?”

  Alex picked up Abby’s leash and made her sit while Debby waited. “Is this a date?”

  “Yes. Alex Reed, would you go on a date with me?” Debby grinned, unexpectedly realizing how important her answer was.

  “I’d like that.” Alex looked over her shoulder toward the door, then leaned to kiss her. “Very much.”


  The restaurant was crowded when Debby and Alex arrived, and Debby questioned her choice of the popular seafood lounge. “I never thought we’d need a reservation for Halloween night. Doesn’t everyone stay home and pass out candy?” She willed herself to unwind. She was doing what she vowed never to do again. Offering her vulnerability.

  “Not everyone, I guess,” Alex said.

  The maître d’ finally seated them, and Debby’s nerves began again. She reviewed the familiar menu. “I’ve never had a bad meal here, but my favorite is the grilled salmon.”

  “That sounds good to me. Are you okay? You seem nervous.” Alex set her menu on the table. “If it helps, I’m a little scared myself, but I want to be here with you.”

  “Yeah, it helps. We need to talk, I suppose, but I want to be here with you, too.”

  They placed their orders and Alex began to speak. “I was honored when you told me about Evelyn, but I wasn’t sure how, or if, I should respond. I’ve never met anyone with whom I’d considered having a long-term relationship. I’ve dated plenty, but never found anyone worth settling down for. I’m not sure where we’re going, but this feels right, and I really like it. I’m feeling something I haven’t felt in years. Happiness. For now, for me, that’s enough.” She smiled and placed her napkin in her lap.

  Debby took a drink of water that the server had placed on the table, working out how to respond. “I know I’ve felt comfortable with you from the first time we met, but I wondered if you were holding something back when you didn’t reciprocate after I talked about Evelyn.” Debby wondered when the pain of Evelyn’s betrayal had begun to lessen. Being with Alex filled a void she’d been ignoring, or maybe protecting. It was a safe place to hide her heart, but at what cost? “I’d like to see where we’re going.” She raised her water glass for a toast, and Alex did the same. “To us.”

  “What do you see for us going forward?” Alex scooped a spoonful of tartar sauce onto her grilled salmon.

  “Well, I’d like us to spend time together and get to know each other better.”

  “I’d like that, too. I still have stuff I’m not allowed to talk about, but I’ll try to be as honest as I can with sharing who I am with you.”

  “I guess that’s all I can ask for.” Debby took a bite of her salmon and wondered if that would be enough.

  The server approached their table with a carafe and refilled their water glasses.

  “I want to let you know how much I appreciate your understanding about that.” Alex spooned the ice out of her newly filled water glass before taking a sip and contemplating her next words. “I enjoy spending time with you. In fact, I feel like we’ve know each other much longer than a few months. That’s odd for me.”

  Debby sat back in her chair, immobilizing her with a gentle smile. “The fact that I’m here on a date with you is odd for me. Actually, it’s the scariest thing I can remember doing since the first time I kissed a girl in high school. On one level, I feel like I’ve known you for longer than a few months, too. But I can’t shake the niggling feeling that you’re holding back, and that triggers my doubts and suspicions. I told you I’d try to respect your need for secrecy, but I need you to know that it’s difficult for me.”

  “I know. I’ll do my best.” Her heart ached with the fear that her best wouldn’t be good enough.

  They spent the rest of the evening discussing Debby’s work in pharmaceuticals, and the tension eased considerably. Debby grabbed the check when the server returned, and they stood to put on their coats before heading to the exit.

  The night was cold, and Debby regretted their decision to walk after dinner. Alex wrapped her arms around herself despite her warm jacket. She stopped in front of Starbucks. “How about a hot tea?”

  “Oh, yes. That sounds great.” Alex rushed past her through the door, into the heat of the room. The scent of coffee added to the warm ambiance. A young couple occupied a table on the far side of the room. They ordered their tea and sat at one of the tables. “It’s too cold to walk anymore tonight.”

  “I agree. Let’s finish our tea and head home.” Debby wrapped her hand around her paper cup to keep from taking Alex’s hands in her own.

  “This has been a wonderful first date. Can I pick where we go next time?”

  “Sure, but I’ve been invited to Kristen and Jaylin’s for a pre-holiday dinner next weekend. Would you like to go with me? We can call it our first and a half date.” Debby considered the implications of showing up with Alex and decided her friends would be happy for her.

  “Okay with me. It’s not formal, is it?” Alex looked genuinely worried.

  “No. Nothing formal. We’ll just have dinner and visit for a while. Ready to head out?”

  The car finally warmed up by the time they arrived at Alex’s apartment. Debby turned to appreciate Alex in profile as she dozed. She stroked her cheek, overtaken by a wave of protectiveness. Even asleep, she looked worried.

  Alex stirred and turned sleepy eyes on her. “Sorry I conked out on you.”

  Debby leaned and brushed her lips across Alex’s. “No problem. Good night.”

  Alex put on her gloves and pulled up the hood on her jacket before getting out of the car and walking to the door. She turned back and blew a kiss before unlocking the door and disappearing inside.

  Debby sat for a minute before backing out of the parking lot. She struggled with the desire to follow Alex, but she feared she would ask her to stay the night, and it was too soon. She was definitely attracted to her and believed Alex felt the same, but sex changed a relationship. She’d had her share of one-night stands and hot tangles in the sheets with women, but Alex wasn’t just any woman. As hard as she tried to deny it, she felt things for Alex that went beyond sexual attraction, and for the first time in years, she wanted to see where they led.


  Alex went through Jennifer’s knocking routine and waited for her to open the door.

  “Hi. Come on in. I’ve got the DVD ready to go.”

  “Great. I need this.” Alex stretched her arms over her head, rolled her shoulders, and then unrolled her yoga mat on the floor. “Yoga nidra, here I come.”

  Jennifer laughed and began to follow the instructor. “You have to work for the nidra part first.”

  They posed and stretched for the half hour, until Alex was able to finally close her eyes and let the narrator’s voice carry her into deep meditation. “This will always be my favorite part.”

  “I’ll get us some water. You relax.” Jennifer rustled about in the kitchen and returned with a tray of freshly baked scones, two cups of tea, and two bottles of water.

  “Wow. I’m coming over for yoga more often.” Alex settled on the end of the couch and set a cup of tea on the end t
able while she grabbed a scone.

  “Anytime. I’ve been trying different recipes that I got from Sue at work. The cinnamons are my favorite. Phillip loves them, too.”

  “So, how’s it going with Phil?” Alex swallowed her bite of scone and took a sip of tea.

  “Pretty good. It bothers me a little that he has to work so much, but he said he’ll be done with what he’s involved with pretty soon. He’s asked me to go with him to his parents’ for Thanksgiving.” Jennifer bit into a scone and smiled. “I think these are the best I’ve made so far.”

  Alex wondered what Debby did for Thanksgiving. She had said she had a brother in Lansing and a sister in Arizona. She couldn’t remember her talking about any other family. She realized she might be spending the holiday alone, and the thought caused a lump in her throat. She brought herself back to concentrate on Jennifer. “Did Phillip tell you what he’s working on?”

  “No. I told you he’s a cop, but really he’s a detective, so there’re investigations he can’t talk about.” Jennifer drank her tea. “Have you seen Debby lately?”

  Alex felt the blush creep up her neck. “We had dinner together Saturday at that fancy seafood place downtown.”

  Jennifer regarded her closely. “How was it?”

  “The dinner? It was good. I had grilled salmon.”

  “And the company?” Jennifer took another bite of scone and put her feet up on the coffee table.

  Alex sighed. “The company was good, too. It was a date, okay? She took me there for our first date.”

  Jennifer smirked. “I think that’s great, sis. You deserve to have someone special in your life, too. Since we’re here to stay, we might as well be happy.”

  Alex hoped Jennifer’s words could make it so, but hoping wasn’t enough. Debby had said she wanted to see where they were going, but she also wanted to get to know her better. The tightness in her ribcage indicated it could be easier said than done.


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