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Forging Family

Page 29

by Bob Dattolo

  Melissa started crying again, “What…what are you asking me? Are you asking to basically adopt me?”

  “I am.”

  The crying got worse as she looked at me, “Are you okay with this?”

  I closed my eyes and reached for her through prayer, opening my mind to her at the same time. This time when she connected back with me, she saw into me. She saw my life. Not everything that Rachel experienced, but a lot of it. What has made me into the girl that I am. My life to-date that has forged me into who and what I am. It also showed her exactly how I feel about her being added to our family.

  As you can imagine, there was just a bit more crying in the room as she croaked out, “Okay…”

  Maybe it’s not eloquent, but it’s heartfelt. Besides, it’s hard as hell to talk when hugs are threatening the solidity of your rib cage.

  We talked until nearly 5am and then fell asleep on Mom’s bed. Yes, all together. The emotions of the night simply called for togetherness.

  We’re a family. Yeah, Rachel was there, but she’s a part of me. It’s not like she’s a stranger or even just a good friend. She’s a part of me, and even the other two can feel it.

  Mom was beside herself reviewing her notes on the results of her looking into the future. She’s seeing clues that she missed time and time again. Even ones that are ridiculously clear in retrospect. Especially the one that listed Melissa’s name.

  No, I’m kidding. There wasn’t one that did that. There was, however, one that mentioned her brother having a daughter and that daughter becoming hers. I kid you not. I have no idea how she missed it, but it’s there plain as day.

  How do I feel about having Mom’s attention split to someone else? Honestly, I expected to be upset about it on some level. I thought that I’d feel like I did at home when another baby was born. It was so hard to get our parents’ attention, that yet another baby being added to the mix was always a recipe for that attention to deteriorate.

  I don’t feel that in this situation. In the slightest. If anything, I feel more love from Mom. Much more, and that’s saying something.

  Just as I feel for Melissa.

  Want to know the funniest thing? Mom let us know that we’re allowed to have sex. As in together.

  How messed up is that? Even when she’s fully adopted and we’re legally sisters, it’s still allowed by the standards of the fey. Not if we were real sisters, but since I’m not part of her bloodline at all, it’s fair game.

  I guess that’s good to know. I’m not sure I’ll be able to get through the squiggy feeling in my head when I think about having sex with someone called my sister, but I’m pretty sure it’ll happen at some point. Sue me, I’m a supernatural, and they play fast and loose with things that norms don’t even start to think about.

  At least most don’t. I’m looking at you, West Virginia.

  As we talked, we all connected via prayers. That sounds so stupid, but it worked. It created an intimacy that I doubt anything else would have come close to matching. And, yeah, she’s the goddess of magic.

  That’s a new goddess position, at least based on what Mom knows of. Beyond our own domains, she’s heard of birth, marriage, love, the forge, the sea, the harvest, and wind. Now there’s one of magic…and my new friend and sister is it. She got a good laugh out of us explaining how we respond to prayers that come in, especially that Mom shoots people with arrows. It seems she sort of shoots sparkles at someone. Like you’d see from a cartoon wizard or something. Frankly, that’s adorable and not nearly as pretentious as the whole holy light thing I have going on in my head. I’m actually kinda shocked that I’m not scattering dirt on people instead, given that they both have something that’s at least connected to their domains. A holy ray of light? I don’t know, it works, but it’s still weird.

  Not that I plan on changing that.

  Three goddesses and one uber vampire in one house. All women. Why am I thinking we need to get some guys involved?

  Man, I’m horny.

  Okay, time to sleep. The deep breathing around me is sucking me in. Not that Rachel has that going on, but I can feel that she’s asleep, dreaming of something fun that I can’t quite make out. Time for me to get some shut-eye as well.

  Just as soon as this shield goes up around us.

  That done, I let the dragging weight of slumber pull me down.

  Rachel mm’ed as she took another bite of pancake, “Seriously…damn, man, I never realized how much I missed the taste of syrup! None of that fake crap, either. This is…wow.”

  Mom beamed from the other side of the table, “Thank you, Rachel. It’s nice to be appreciated.”

  I snickered, “Riiight. As if I haven’t told you how good this is like a dozen times so far.”

  She raised her eyebrow at me, “Hmm, I must have missed that.”

  Melissa laughed, “Even I heard the first two, and I wasn’t even in the room at the time!”

  Mom and Rachel laughed as well, then it got worse as I used my magic to pull syrup out of the bottle and spell out THIS IS DELICIOUS in the air. I put it back in the bottle afterwards. What can I say, I may be loaded, but I’m still frugal at heart, and this stuff is like 15 bucks a bottle.

  “Okay, enough of that. You were saying, Mom? What do I do about the rings I gave everyone from the academy?”

  She frowned quickly, then let it go as she sipped her coffee. “That’s a hard one? No, it’s not hard, but it is a little complicated. Armand is, obviously, not an issue any longer. His ring was found at the scene, and I made sure it was destroyed.” She had mentioned that at one point, but I pretty much forgot it. “Rachel’s ring was paid for, although the earring is…no words.” She nodded towards me, getting Melissa to look over, “As you learn your power, you should see what she’s doing to make such powerful charms. Nearly every one she makes now is masterwork level. I can’t even come close to that, so if there’s anything I can do differently…?” She left that out there. “Now…Christine is one of your followers, so you can get away with not charging her. Leticia too, possibly, although that one is iffier since she is a shifter and not a mage. You should visit her and see what is happening. As for the rest?” She thought for a minute, “Let’s see, Sarah, Tom, Paul, and Steph have alpha rings, basically. Carl, Nick, and Zach have magical multiplier rings.” She counted on her fingers. “Okay, that’s everyone. Since your relationships have ended, it may be difficult to use the lover angle. You weren’t together for very long to have them deserve a reward of that value. You said none of the rest are really connecting with you much, correct?”

  I fiddled with my fork, “Yeah. Not really? I get pings every once in a while, but it’s more curiosity than anything else. Christine is connected like crazy. Leticia connects every few hours. She’s so lonely it seems. I have the impression things aren’t going well in the pack.”

  “As I said, you should visit her.”

  I stared at her, cocking my head, “Do you know something I need to know? Is this a future thing?”

  “It is not. We have been getting word in the department of things being off-balance in Hawaii, though. Nothing concrete, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

  “Okay, thank you. I’ll go visit her soon, then.”

  “As for the rest? I hate to say it, but you should give them the price. A hundred million for the rings is an extreme discount…but slightly possible for a price.”

  “I’m not sure they have that kind of money.”

  “You do not have to take it at one time. Installments are fine. They have to be sizeable, though, for them to count to others.”

  “I can’t…can I say they won them or something? Like maybe we had a contest?”

  She pursed her lips, “Possibly. That isn’t a great idea, but it may work. Not for all of them, though. Part of the goal here is to make it such that people will not go back after your friends when they cannot get through to you. most attackers don’t go after customers. While they might go after lovers, you
’re young, and I believe that would be overlooked by most people. Of course you would have lovers. It’s only natural. You simply wouldn’t give those lovers rings of such incredible power.”

  That sucks. I don’t care about the rings. I don’t need magical multiplier rings at 100 percent. I just don’t. I have one at 500 percent that I don’t even use, so I don’t need more. I certainly don’t need any rings that make someone into a stronger alpha shifter. I could give them out at school now, but I don’t see a need for that.

  “If they can’t pay or can’t do a good enough payment plan…I should take them?”

  She nodded, “It’s a painful lesson, but I believe that’s the best course.”

  “Have you seen anything in the future where things go wrong?”

  She didn’t respond for long seconds before nodding once. The look in her eyes tells me that she’s not about to explain that any further.

  “Any…any kind of timeframe?”

  More time passed, “You should visit them today. Just my recommendation.”

  Today? Oookay. That’s ominous.

  I chowed down the rest of my French toast and wiped my mouth, “Okay. I’m going to get a shower and head out. Are you guys going to practice magic today?”

  Melissa laughed, “Oh my God, I keep forgetting I have it!”

  “Have it? You’re the goddess of magic! That’s a bit more than having it!”

  She laughed again. “True…not that anyone knows about me. It’s just you three connecting.”

  Mom patted her hand, “We can share the wealth that a goddess exists. Speaking of, daughter-mine…” She smiled wide, “That’s funny. Now I have two daughters!” She laughed for a minute, then fought to come to a stop, “You will now be daughter-mine-un, while Melissa will be daughter-mine-dau. I will have to think of a name for Rachel.” Rachel blushed at being looped in. Good, I wasn’t sure how she’d be accepted, but it seems that she is being accepted. “Anyway, daughter-mine-un? I believe you have an entire city of the dead, correct? Many of whom have magic?”

  My smile came on suddenly, “They do indeed have magic. I think I’ll pay them a visit and share the word that a new goddess has been born. Do I share her name?”

  She cocked her head and studied her new daughter, “I would say no. It is not needed, necessarily. Her title should suffice.”

  Putting my plate and cup into the dishwasher, I hugged each of them quickly, “In that case, I’m going to get a shower and go visiting. I’ll let you all know how it’s going. I’m going to visit the city first and spread the word.”

  My shower finished quickly, mainly because I was hurrying, and I was dressed and ready not even 25 minutes later. Thank God I’m easygoing that way. It’d suck to need an hour just to do my hair.

  First stop? The city of the dead.

  Instead of coming in outside, I appeared right behind my throne. Frankly, I expected to see someone sitting on it, but no one was. The room had a good number of people in it, but it’s the two massive dragons coiled up in front of the throne that really catch my eye as I walk around the throne and sit down. As I sat, I grabbed at my crown and put it on, then let the mantle of the angel of death appear as well. If you have more power, why not go for it?

  Movement and noise in the room stilled in a ripple, starting with those closest and extending outward to the far distance.

  The largest dragon lifted his huge head and looked at me, then smiled wide as he stood. The smaller dragon, obviously female, stood with him. They bowed together, which made me happy to see.

  “My queen. You have returned?” His voice is just as deep as before, which I love.

  Everyone in the massive throne room bowed as well, so I did it in return. “Please rise, everyone.” Magic pushed my voice out to the distant corners of the room, and everyone rose.

  “I have returned. This is a short visit. I wanted to check in…and then pass on some news.”

  He ruffled his wings, “News?”

  I nodded and gestured to his mate, “News. First, though, I believe we have a pregnancy, correct?”

  They twined their massive necks together, then remained leaning into each other. “We have, your highness,” the female said, “we felt your assistance. Thank you for that. Dragons…we do not breed quickly, so the assistance is very much appreciated.”

  “You’re welcome. If any of the others need assistance, please let me know? Speaking of, are there any other species that have died out that wish to be back among the living?”

  He answered this time, “There are nearly three dozen that are thinking about it. Another two dozen or so have said no. They felt that their species lived their lives and they are fine with history moving on without them. Especially since they’re back here and now.”

  “I understand. Let me know if anyone changes their minds?”

  He bowed quickly, “It will be done.”

  Moving back to the throne, I sat again, feeling the connection with the vast underground city. I knew that anything I said could be pushed through the entire city. “Hold a moment. I’d like to make a brief announcement to the entire city. It feels so…alive.”

  “It does. It is growing already. Expanding.”

  “Good.” I connected with the throne and reached out, feeling the work being done. It’s industrious at a level that I’m not sure I ever even imagined. Not everyone is working, but so, so many of them are that it’s mind boggling.

  “Good morning, everyone.” I could feel activity coming to a stop as they heard my voice and felt the power I was pushing out to everyone. “Thank you all for your time, your prayers, and your hard work. The city of the dead is now a city of life as it has started to grow and become what was foretold so many millennia ago. I have experienced additional growth in my personal life that I wanted to share to everyone. First, I’m not sure if everyone knows, but as I am the goddess of death, my mother is the goddess of battle. Those training to fight can reach out to her as you reach out to me. Her domain also extends to sports and games of skill, with a minor connection to games of chance. Cooking as well, for those of you inclined that way. Feel free to bring her into your lives. I may be adopted, but I love her like I can’t even explain to you.” I took a deep breath, “And I have also gained a sister. She is in the process of being adopted by my mother, but…she is the goddess of magic.”

  The huge dragon hissed, “There has never been a goddess of magic before!”

  I nodded, still pushing everything out to the city, “Mom never knew of a god or goddess of magic, but it’s true, my sister is the newly born goddess of magic. She is obviously still learning her domain…but those of us that have access to magic? I have already felt her impact in my life, and she has not even held the mantle of her power for 12 hours yet. To be clear, these are not directives or orders to pray to either of them. I am just opening up the possibility. They are there and can aid within their domain. It just so happens that since this is the city of the dead, my power works so well since it is working through each of you.” On a whim, I pushed my feelings through the connection, trying to give them all an idea of how I feel about them.

  I knew I succeeded when the huge dragons quivered and dropped to their knees in an extreme bow.

  “I love you all.”

  Leaving the throne, I looked across my bowing people and smiled. “Please rise. And…have a wonderful day.” Then I disappeared through a portal, dropping my death guise as I arrived at my new destination. Well, not at it. My goal is to visit everyone, but I’d rather not appear right there with them and find out they’re on the toilet or possibly in a class or something. I’d still do it, I just don’t want that to be what happens. What can I say, I’m conscientious that way.

  As for my portals…I’ve been finding that my ability to use them is much more powerful than I originally thought. Don’t get me wrong, they’re over the top powerful to begin with. I still haven’t nailed down Mom on how she gets around so quickly, but it has to be some sort of tele
portation thing. Given her infrequent use of it, I’m thinking it’s something tied to battle with her. She can use it when there is a fight going on that she needs to be at, but not for normal hopping around travel.

  For me, I can go where I’ve been before, but I can also seemingly locate someone and go there. Assuming I know them. Or…sort of. If I’m talking to them on the phone I can do it easier. If I know them, like Mom, I can do it even easier. For my friends with the rings? I’m actually picking up the power of the rings more so than them, although once I do that, I can pick them up. Then I have the ability to move the portal around before going through.

  In this case, I wanted to hit them in a loose sort of order. Rachel and Christine don’t need to be visited, so it’s just the nine others from our dozenal. I’m just…God, I hope this goes well. I don’t like confrontation, regardless of how I seem to interact with people. I’d much rather avoid it entirely if I can help it. It’s just that I don’t shy away from it much once it’s needed. I guess that’s a good way to be.

  Umm…or maybe I’m okay with it? Honestly, I don’t know if it’s a good way to be. It seems like it to me, but maybe those that avoid it entirely feel the same way? I’d rather not get up in someone’s face about something, it’s just that I’m okay doing it when the time comes. That seems pretty balanced to me. I’m not an aggressive type A personality that’s on hyper-alert for being top-dog, yet I’m not the last in line take it on the chin type, either.

  That feels balanced to me, so I figured it can’t hurt.

  First stop?

  Paul’s place.

  It’s probably a good idea that I’m doing this on a Saturday. Otherwise I’d be appearing at people’s schools or something like that.


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