Millionaire's Society Mistress

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Millionaire's Society Mistress Page 7

by Marie Kelly

  “And look where it got you…it didn’t save your Company. The world has changed Fiona and you and your high class friends are being left behind because of us brash ‘promise you the world’ types and soon you will have nothing”.

  Sighing sadly she had looked down at her clasped hands.

  “Maybe, you’re right…but we will never have nothing”

  Anger letting the words spill from her lips as she had turned in her seat to look closely at him

  “In three days time it is Christmas Craig….tell me that there is somebody who will miss you…somebody you will need to phone to tell them you miss them”

  She had seen as his fingers had clenched the steering wheel so tightly they had been white

  “My family…” he had began as she had interrupted him, her voice softer

  “I know about your family, that is not what I meant. Friends, close friends who expect you to be with them” an almost pitying note coming to her voice “You are 33 and have no wife, children or girlfriend to share holidays with…that is sad”

  His silence saying volumes as she had once more turned to stare at the darkness and the road hugged by trees.

  “I will always have people and friends who will look out for me Craig. I might not have “things” but I have the most important thing in life…people who care about me”

  For several minutes there had been silence in the car, Craig feeling the seething heat of anger at her comments, before the realisation that she spoke the truth. His fortune, vast as it was had indeed been made by asset stripping, his reputation formidable. The truth had sat uncomfortably with him not quite sure why as he had concentrated on the road ahead, his lips set in a grim line. The comment about being along the most disturbing thing he had realised. The sudden realisation hitting him of the real difference between the New York and Scottish party scene, one being all about closeness, the other actively avoiding any real contact.

  By his side Fiona had felt bad, not being somebody who took pleasure in insulting or upsetting another person, even if the words were the truth as she had given a soft sigh

  “I’m sorry Craig…that was cruel of me” He giving a dismissive wave of his hand

  “I’ve heard worse” still not looking at her as once more the car had grown silent.

  Eventually with the need to try and fix things she had softly spoken

  “My friends liked you”

  Craig giving a small smile at her side, not sure why that had meant anything to him, not usually one for sentimentality or what others thought of him.

  “Well Allan really seemed to like you” Fiona giving a small groan

  “He was drunk…he would really never do that normally”

  “He was not the only one looking at you like you were the main entree”

  Fiona frowning softly at the accusing note in his voice.

  “Hardly surprising the way you are dressed. Men are men, you look like that and men are going to look at you that way”

  Giving a small snort she had shaken her head

  “Scottish men are civilized and respectful Craig, they would never try something if they didn’t think that you were interested” her dig at the previous evening clear as he had laughed, a laugh devoid of humour

  “You really believe that? You think that those men are any more civilized than me?”

  Fiona raising her chin her expression haughty

  “You wouldn’t understand how to be civilized” she had bitten back, Craig giving a small mirthless laugh

  “Men are all the same Fiona…just some have learnt to hide their more base instincts” his eyes moving to slide down her body pausing at the short skirt which rode high on her thighs as she sat down, the stocking top visible against her creamy flesh.

  “Do you really believe dressed like that the men in that party were not all imagining you naked?”

  With a shake of his head he had moved the car through the Scottish countryside with ease.

  “Do not paint everybody with the same brush as yourself Craig” she had thrown back haughtily

  “The gentlemen I know are respectful and would never behave the way you do…they have standards”

  His loud laugh had made her frown not liking the fact he was mocking her

  “You strip down all of the politeness and society expectations, men are men interested only in the chase and the winning of that chase. A gentleman is just a patient wolf. You look down on me because I am more honest than those men we just left but there is not one who would not like to do this”

  With that his hand had moved to her thigh, Fiona gasping with surprise and shock, his fingers moving slowly under the small miniskirt. Grabbing his wrist she had tried to pull his hand from her, her eyes flicking to his in stunned shock.

  “What the hell do you think you are doing?” she had cried in panic, her fingers unable to move him, his hold tightening painfully as she had finally let go staring in complete disbelief at his impassive features as he had continued to drive the car.

  “I bet that all your boyfriends have treated you with kid gloves Fiona. Waited the appropriate two weeks before even daring to kiss you and God knows how long before even hoping to get you into bed”

  She had remained silent so aware as his fingers had continued creeping further up her thigh pushing the skirt aside as he spoke

  “How very boring for you”

  By now her words had come out in small gasps as she had shaken her head fervently

  “Stop…please…just stop”

  Craig ignoring her words as his hand had finally reached the heat of her one finger pushing aside the skimpy panty material as it had started to gently stroke her. Biting her lip she had once more grabbed his arm to pull him from her feeling as the car had jerked on the road, his voice soft

  “I wouldn’t do that, hard enough to concentrate on the road right now…I could always pull over if you would rather” the implied threat not lost on her as she had released him her hands gripping the edges of the seat.

  Fiona had wanted to remain still, to not react to show him how much contempt she had for him, but her body a traitor of the worst kind was already reacting to the most intimate actions of his fingers. As wetness had gushed between her legs she had heard the small laugh of triumph from him. Opening her mouth to round on him the sound had turned to a moan as one long finger had entered her, Fiona’s body tensing at his penetration of her. As he had continued to rub and tease she had bit her lip unable to stop the small moans and whimpers from leaving her mouth, her body starting to move involuntarily against him to her eternal shame, knowing how she should have been rigid showing him that his actions had no effect on her.

  Craig could feel the way she moved against him, sensing her shock and revelling in it. He had only meant to hold her thigh as a lesson, but the feel of her soft smooth skin had caused his hand to slide further up, his own desire now taking over to touch her, feel himself control this woman, and control her he did. She was writhing against him now, her body arched against his hand as her head was thrown to the side small sounds emanating from her as wetness covered his fingers. Moving them slower and deeper he could feel her body stiffen become rigid and knew how close to the ultimate release she was, his own excitement rising.

  “Should I stop Fiona…do you want me to stop now?”

  Again she had whimpered, her head swiping from side to side as she had panted out each word

  “No…please no…don’t stop”

  Chapter Six

  Fiona could see stars start to shimmer before her eyes, sound dulling as her body had tightened, slumping forward and groaning as he had pulled his hand from her, Fiona wanting him back, needing him back. Opening her large eyes in confusion she had taken in that the car had pulled off the road into the small hotel with external chalets, aware as Craig had pulled open the car door and strode towards the main building.

  She had fallen back against the leather of the expensive car, gulping in lung-full’s of air as
the disappointment within her had subsided, giving way to confusion and shock. What had happened….why had he stopped? Groaning she had known that she had wanted him to continue, feeling so wanton at the way her body ached for him.

  Moving purposefully to the reception area the clerk had looked in surprise at the man before him dressed as a priest but so obviously not one. Pulling several notes from his pocket Craig had bitten out

  “100 pounds for the room hire and another hundred if you can give me a key for one of the outside chalet rooms in the next five seconds and fill in the paperwork yourself”

  The clerk had looked in open-eyed surprise at the stranger, then at the money on the counter before swinging around and grabbing a key from where they hung. Dropping it into the man’s hand he had then grabbed the money not one to let an opportunity to pass him by. Key in hand the stranger was already half way out of the main door.

  As sense had started to once more return to Fiona, she had opened the car door standing to see where Craig had gone. In surprise she had seen him moving determinedly towards her and before she could open her mouth to speak he had grabbed her hand and started to pull her with him towards one of the chalets.

  “What are you doing?” she had cried in confusion, her feet running to keep up with him. He had remained tight-lipped until he had opened the door and pulled them both inside, slamming it closed behind them.

  Only then did he turn her to look down on the small woman, Fiona surprised to see fire in his eyes

  “Enough playing. This ends now Fiona. We both know how this was always going to end. No more games”

  She had stared up at him, the breath stalling in her throat seeing the look in his face, her own body humming at the memory of his touch. She wanted to push him away, to tell him that it was absurd that she would ever want him, but all she could do was stare back, her eyes showing her confusion and need. When he had pulled her into his arms and kissed her, she had let him, her own arms flying around his neck kissing him back with every bit of fire as his.

  Lifting her high against him, Craig had moved her with him towards the bed, his hands pulling down the zip of her skirt and allowing it to fall to the ground, Fiona shivering as the air had caressed her bottom. Now he had pulled the small top which had been driving him and every other man in the party wild all night over her head his eyes feasting on the skimpy lingerie she wore.

  “For such a prude you dress so damn sexy” he had muttered seductively against her throat as he had kissed down the long milky column, his own fingers shakily undoing the bra allowing his teeth to nip the dusky nipple that rose so temptingly towards his tongue.

  Fiona was on fire. Her fingers and hands pulling at his head as she had pushed the jacket from him, needing this man, this man she hated so much. His mouth on her breast had been the final straw as she had whispered so softly

  “Make love to me” feeling the way his mouth had curved into a smile against her skin

  “Yes ma’am” he had drawled softly bending her down onto the bed before straightening back up to stand over her. Half drunk with desire, she had lain with partially opened eyes watching as he had pulled his clothes off, the whole time his eyes running down her body, his look making her shiver as though it was his fingers once more touching her. Finally undressed she could only moan at his perfect physique. The broad shoulders and toned stomach leading down to his large erect manhood.

  Opening her eyes in apprehension he had taken the way she had looked nervously at him, bending down to lie beside her pulling her back into his arms in a mind blowing kiss Fiona melting against him.

  “God I need you now” he had whispered in her ear, as she had only been able to nod, completely incapable of speech as she had moved onto her back encouraging him as he had lain between her legs. His hand had run along the silky material of the stockings she wore, the sensations ripping though him as with one determined action he had risen himself over her and pushed his whole length deep into her welcoming body. Fiona had gone wild, her arms clinging onto him as her legs had moved around his back, her body arching up to meet him. Craig stroking long and hard into her, the feel of skin and silk overloading his senses. Too soon she had gripped him as her body had grown rigid, her head whipping from side to side as she had cried out gasping and panting as her whole body had been overcome by the most intense orgasm of her young life. The waves of pleasure had rippled through every part of her body, not even aware as Craig had taken his final plunge into her before spilling deep inside, his voice joining hers as the power of his release had seen blackness fill him for seconds, collapsing heavily onto Fiona who had clung to him.

  As the powerful shudders had receded from them both he had shakily pulled himself up to look down into her shell-shocked features. She understanding the intensity of their experience even less than he. Pulling from her and rolling onto his back he had groaned.

  Craig Thompson was obsessive about protection. He ensured that he always protected himself from unwanted pregnancies and would have no hesitation of calling an end to any foreplay if he could not be sure that either his partner was completely trustworthy or protected. However, the thought had not even entered his mind his need for Fiona so great. Groaning softly he had chastised himself. Stupid, stupid, stupid turning to look at the woman so silent by his side.

  “Fiona” his voice soft as her eyes had moved from the ceiling which she was staring at so intently “Are you on the pill?”

  Closing her eyes with pain she had sat up pulling the blanket that was draped over the bottom of the bed around herself, rising and moving to the bathroom needing to be away from him

  “It seems a bit late to be asking that don’t you think Craig?” she had bitten out before pulling the bathroom door closed. As she had splashed water over her face her whole body had shook. She had been so determined not to fall for Craig Thompson not to let him seduce her into being just one more notch on his bed post. Looking in the mirror, her face flushed with all that had happened she had groaned. She had not even put up the semblance of a fight, her words begging for him to make love to her returning to make her groan once more.

  Returning to the room she had expected to see him dressed waiting for her, but instead he had slipped into the bed the sheets draped over his belly, Fiona holding down the gulp seeing his broad shoulders as he lay against the pillows pulled up against the headboard. Looking hauntingly back at him she had cleared her throat nervously

  “Shouldn’t we be going?”

  Craig staring calmly back at her

  “You never answered my question, and we are going nowhere till you do”

  Moving to sit down on the bed she had let her hair fall forward to hide her features, Craig fighting hard the desire to run his fingers through the silky length of it.

  “I’m on the pill Craig…you don’t need to worry…there won’t be any unwanted repercussions from this…for either of us”

  Hearing his relieved suck of air she had looked over at him her features full of contempt.

  “Believe me I very much share that sentiment” angered as his handsome face had creased into a large smile

  “And yet how willingly you succumbed”

  Opening her mouth to retort, he had moved quickly to pull her over to himself, his mouth silencing her.

  This time his love making had been slower, less frantic, Craig caressing every part of her with his hands and tongue, pulling such responses from her. He had encouraged her to do the same to him Fiona surprising herself with the way she gained so much enjoyment from seeing the way she could affect the domineering American. As the two had brought each other to the brink time and again each had been surprised at the way their bodies reacted to the other. Fiona had proven to be a quick learner as she had mimicked the way he stroked her body, instinctively knowing where best to caress the man holding her so surely. He had been surprised at her ability to let herself go, not fighting him as he had explored her body in the most intimate of ways, fascinated at the way sh
e had would react to his touches.

  Finally the two had come together once more and angling her hips he had tortured her with his body as he had stroked her slowly and deeply before once more she had quivered below him, gasping and grasping him, her climax even more intense than the first, Fiona not able to believe the way this man made her feel as the sensations had ripped through her.

  Her rippling muscles clamping down on him had been more than Craig could handle as he had taken one more thrust deep inside her small body, his release so wonderful as he had joined her kissing her passionately as the two had rode the wave upon wave of sensations which swept them both along together.

  Satiated and spent Craig had pulled her in against him, tiredness filling every part of him as he had brought his breathing under control once more, Fiona still and silent within his embrace. Looking down at her he had been confused, kissing her head softly telling himself that it was the sex, the most amazing sex that was confusing him. This woman from the moment he had first laid eyes on her had fascinated him, her rejection of him challenging him and the sex a direct result of winning, his reward for a long hard chase he had told himself, his body responding once more as she had shifted slightly against him, her lovely bottom against his groin.

  Groaning softly he had wrapped one arm around her shoulder, the other loosely around her belly holding her close to him, his eyes gently closing as sleep had fallen over him.

  Fiona had lain silently in his hold hearing as his breathing had become deeper and more regular, knowing that he had fallen asleep. Shock had filled her, her body still feeling his every move as it had eagerly wanted more, her eyes closing with pain. She had not even lasted two days without succumbing to his advances and falling into bed with the domineering American. What kind of person did that make her? She wondered shame filling her along with the desire still so strong. Eventually though she too had felt sleep lapping at her, her eyes closing gently as she had fallen into the most wonderful night’s sleep she had experienced in many months, not aware as she had entwined her fingers through his.


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