Millionaire's Society Mistress

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Millionaire's Society Mistress Page 8

by Marie Kelly

  The following morning Fiona had frowned, her sleepy eyes blinking in confusion as she had taken in the strange unfamiliar surroundings, not sure what had woken her. The feel of somebody moving beside her had brought the whole situation crashing down on her as the memories of the previous evening had made her groan softly. Turning onto her back she had given a surprised start to see Craig resting his head on the palm of his hand as he had looked down on her a small smile playing on his lips.

  “Good morning beautiful” he had whispered seductively as she had looked back with eyes so wary and unsure.

  “G…good morning” she had whispered back not aware of how beautiful she had looked. Craig surprised that he would think that.

  “I thought I would let you sleep, we stayed up pretty late”

  Fiona closing her eyes as she had groaned softly.

  “We shouldn’t have…it…it just complicates things”

  He had laughed leaning down to kiss her mouth softly

  “How so Miss Campbell? I believe that it just adds a more honest slant to our situation”.

  Biting her lip, her face full of anxious worry she had looked away not able to meet his eyes, chuckling he had pulled the sheet down to once more look at her lovely body, Fiona’s gasp turning to groans as he had bent to run his tongue along her nipple, the peaks rising instantly.

  “But perhaps you are right. In the cold light of day we should perhaps talk about it” Fiona moaning as he had rained kisses along her belly, moving ever downwards as she had panted, her fingers moving through his thick glossy hair.

  “Oh my God Craig….no…Stop”

  A small laugh leaving him

  “Please, if there is anything you would like to say ….feel free”

  A small cry leaving her lips as he had moved between her legs, his head tickling the inside of her thighs as he had licked her, his hands on her hips holding her firmly down on the bed.

  “I am all ears to hear what you have to say Fiona” his words said against her skin as she had bucked under him, now gasping loudly as finally he had ran his tongue along her in the most intimate way.

  “P…P…Please” she had cried, her fingers now rigid as he had teased her, his tongue taking her to new heights of pleasure Fiona not even resisting as her body had moved with him, encouraged him, her cries of resistance quickly turning to those of want, begging him not to stop. Just as she had seemed lost, he had slid back up her, his mouth kissing hers, she tasting herself on him the knowledge only adding to the need for the man. In one sure movement he had plunged deep inside her body, Fiona flying straight to orgasm, going wild under him as he had thrust faster and deeper inside her, hardly able to believe as he so soon had reached climax himself, his voice joining hers as the two had clung to the other, tremors still causing both of them to jerk violently in the other’s arms.

  Looking down at her his voice and tone had no longer held any laughter

  “This does not feel wrong to me…it feel sright”

  His piercing eyes holding hers

  “Tell me I’m wrong Fiona…tell me that you don’t want this”

  Much later the two had once more started the journey back to his home, having had a full breakfast in the main hotel area, both ravenous Fiona blushing knowing exactly why.

  “So you never told me if you have plans tomorrow?”

  Pulling her look back from the window, a small frown of confusion on her face she had looked back

  “Tomorrow? What about tomorrow?”

  He giving a small laugh

  “Don’t tell me that you have forgotten it is Christmas Eve?”

  Fiona giving a small half laugh, nodding softly

  “Sorry…I guess …yeah”

  “So?” he had persisted, as she had shaken her head softly

  “Normally I would have spent the time with Scott, Nat and the boys”

  A fond smile rising to her lips as her eyes had grown warm

  “We normally all wake up in the morning and open our presents together” as the smile had fallen from her face a small sigh leaving her

  “But with everything that has happened this year…and Scott and Nat…well I just planned on vegging in front of the TV”

  Craig had flicked a look at her, his lips curling softly

  “Now that sounds boring Miss Campbell”

  Fiona laughing softly as she had returned to looking out of the window

  “Well I’m open to suggestions” she had smiled back missing as he had nodded softly, a determined look coming to his eyes

  “OK” his only comment as silence had once more fallen.

  Turning back into the MacDonald estate, Craig had parked the car pulling off his seatbelt to turn and face her.

  “OK…you say you are open to suggestions. So go pack a bag for three nights and meet me in the hall in an hour.”

  Creasing her forehead in surprise she had opened her mouth ready to demand more details, as he had stepped from the car moving to the door, Fiona following.

  “What for…where are we going?” she had asked as he had pulled open the door stepping into the hallway. Turning with a mysterious smile on his face he had looked down at her.

  “It is a surprise”

  Fiona pausing as she had stood uncertain

  “But what do I need to pack? Casual, formal…what?”

  Craig chuckling seeing the way she had in spite of herself started to look so excited.

  Pulling her in closer and dropping a kiss on her mouth he had murmured softly.

  “To answer your question…casual…but if you don’t move in the next two seconds then I will change my mind and just take you back to bed”

  Fiona had giggled, her eyes lighting up with excitement as she had turned, fleeing quickly up the stairs, running into her room to pull out her overnight case, glad now that she had brought it with her.

  Quickly jumping under the shower, she had changed into jeans and a cashmere jumper which had clung to her curves, the soft blue flattering to her dark colouring before rummaging through the small amount of clothing she had brought with her deciding what to take. Finally however, ten minutes over the hour she had skipped her way down the steps to meet him in the hallway. There he stood with a smug look on his handsome face

  “See…you really are a woman” looking pointedly at his watch as she had given him a comical haughty look, holding back the smile which curved her lovely lips.

  “Are you telling me that you needed confirmation?”

  Craig laughing back at her quick retort.

  Moving to take her bag from her, he had led her out of the house, once more locking up the large door. To her surprise a car had been waiting for them, Fiona looking at him questioningly as he had stowed the bags in the boot before moving into the back of the limousine to join her.

  Taking the champagne which was cooling in the side of the car he had poured them both a glass, his eyes sensual as he had clinked glasses with her

  “To a good weekend and good company”

  Fiona chuckling as she had taken a sip of the delicious wine, her lovely face shining with the questions bursting from her

  “Where are we going?”

  She had finally asked, giving him a small frown as he had only smiled back shaking his head


  As they had driven into her own estate she had looked at him

  “Are you taking me home already?”

  Hearing as he had given a small laugh

  “No…but I would like you to go and pick up your passport”

  With a look of disbelief her mouth had opened in stunned surprise

  “My passport?” she had repeated “But why?”

  Craig giving her a patient look

  “You really do ask a lot of questions….it is a surprise”

  Fiona feeling as her lips had curved into a happy smile.

  Running into the house she had quickly retrieved the small document before once more joining him in the car feel
ing the excitement rise as he had asked her to tell him more stories of the land they were passing through. Fiona with a grin starting to tell him about some of the folk heroes of the country as he had listened attentively, enjoying her soft voice and the passion with which she used to tell them.

  After nearly 30 minutes the car had swung into a small airfield, Fiona looking up at him in surprise as he had placed a small finger to her lips.

  “Don’t do it ………..don’t ask”

  Her lips curling as her wonderful green eyes had flashed

  He had led her to a private jet, the customs man quickly checking their passports as they had moved through the gate, he not letting on where the plane was going winking playfully with Craig as she had rolled her eyes at him.

  “Did you get to everybody?” she had chuckled as he had led her up the steps into the beautifully appointed interior of the plane.

  “Oh…Miss Campbell you should know that I am very thorough” sitting beside her in one of the large comfortable cream leather chairs, Fiona flicking a look at the handsome man beside her as he had talked with the pilot.

  He really was the most handsome man she had ever met, shivering softly at the memory of the way he had touched her, made love to her a flash of heat searing through her just at the memory. Looking away she had frowned. She could not get carried away in what was happening. He had told her himself. He had targeted her brother’s Company for two reasons, the first for their contacts and the second because he had wanted to sleep with her. Taking another sip of her champagne which he had poured for her as they had entered the plane she had realised that he really was thorough, and that he had followed his plan to the letter, achieving everything he had set out to do, in spite of her determination for the affair not to be any more than one of show, once more feeling as goosebumps had risen on her arm at the way he had woken her that morning.

  With a small groan she had known that he had also put a time limit on their affair. By the end of the month, not so far away he would be once more returning to the US their affair over, this knowledge filling her with a strange sadness. Looking deeply into the glass she had wondered why this would make her feel sad…after all she was only going along with his plans to save her Company, she was in no way interested in the man who had caused such disruption to her family. To the man who now effectively owned her family Company, although knowing that the paperwork they had signed had to all intents ensured that that agreement was in name only. No she would be far better off when Craig Thompson was once more back in the States where he belonged her features more sure as he had turned to look back at her, his eyes crinkled with humour.

  “OK… time to go”

  With that the plane had taxied out, Fiona loving the rush as the plane had moved down the runway, smiling as Craig had taken her hand in his. The journey had not taken long, just over an hour, Craig chatting to her the whole time. She had found him to be both funny and interesting as he had opened up more about himself, Fiona encouraging him to tell her about his life in New York. Craig had been stunned to find himself opening up to her as she had sat still and silent allowing him to talk, her lovely features interested in what he was saying.

  As the small voice from the cockpit had sounded to tell them to put on their seatbelts as they were ready to land, he had been amazed at how much he had enjoyed the journey, enjoyed her company he had corrected himself, lifting her hand to kiss it gently.

  Looking out of the window as they had come in to land she had ran her tongue along her lips before giving a small laugh.

  “We are in Paris!” she had cried out see the unmistakable landmarks, her eyes alight with delight.

  “Oh my God….I have always wanted to visit Paris”

  Craig smiling beside her as he had filled her in on the plan

  “We are staying at the Ritz and tonight I have organised for us to attend a show”

  Staring at him with surprise she had been speechless for a few moments before whispering softly

  “The Ritz?”

  His mouth curving into a grin

  “Well … it really is the only place to stay”

  Fiona giving a small laugh, her tone playful

  “Of course it is” before she had once more looked out of the window, wriggling in her seat in excitement.

  Chapter Seven

  The entrance to the hotel was as opulent as she had expected, the rich trappings and exquisite decor making her stare open-mouthed as he had moved to sign in. She had heard as he had asked the concierge “Is everything as I requested?” the man nodding as she had wondered what that meant. Her eyes had stared at the huge Christmas tree in the centre of the foyer, a small feeling of sadness filling her that she was not with Scott and his family, before she had felt Craig’s hand on the small of her back, the rush of heat once more filling her at his touch.

  “I thought that we could settle in and then go out for dinner before the show”

  Nodding softly she had felt hungry, realising that they had not eaten anything since that morning at breakfast, she too nervous to really eat much.

  Moving up the lift she had turned to him.

  “So where are we eating”

  He chuckling softly as the lift had opened.

  “I am friends with the owner of the ‘Parisier’ who has insisted that we have the best table in the house”

  Fiona had gasped, turning to face him

  “Craig! That is the most exclusive restaurant in the whole of Paris…I…I don’t have the right clothes for there…I only brought jeans” she had moaned softly her eyes beseeching. With a large grin he had swiped the key opening the door to their suite.

  “I am aware of that Miss Campbell…and of course we cannot have that …so everything is arranged”

  About to argue, she had moved into the room, the realisation hitting her that they were in one of the penthouse suites, the whole of Paris laid out in the darkness from the large picture window. Gasping loudly she had moved further inside, her eyes wide with wonder

  “I…it is beautiful” she had managed, slowly moving around the suite, the hallway leading to a large living room in which a Christmas tree shimmered with coordinated fairy lights and baubles.

  “I had them put the tree in…I got the impression you liked them”

  Gulping at the knowledge that he had done such a thing for her she had turned holding back the small tear which had risen to her eyes.

  “I…I don’t know what to say” her voice cracking slightly “Nobody has ever done anything like this for me before” her hand coming to push away the small tear which had wound down her cheek.

  Moving forward he had pulled her around, surprised to see the way she was genuinely touched by what he had done, her large eyes glistening, magnified by the tears within them. Giving a soft smile he had brought her in for an embrace, feeling warmth at the way she was reacting.

  Craig Thompson had dated many of the most beautiful women in the world. These women expecting nothing but the best, none of them ever making any comment other than negative ones if they were displeased in any way. Fiona’s reaction had made him feel so strange, suddenly needing to gain more control of the situation.

  “I do this every year. You asked yesterday what I did for Christmas. Well this is it. I spend it with my latest special lady” running his hands down her back “Can’t think of a better way of celebrating the holidays than in bed with a sexy woman”, Craig not sure why he had felt the need to tell the lie, normally spending the day working or at some business meeting. Feeling how Fiona had frozen in his hold, he had instantly regretted the lie as she had pulled herself from him, a more forced smile on her lips.

  “I see…I should have known” a small note of sarcasm on her voice as she had moved to the French doors, not sure why the fact that she was just the latest in a long line of Christmas booty calls had bothered her so much. Pushing them open she had stepped out onto the terrace, moving to look over the ornate wall, her hands clasped to her ches
t with the wonder of the scene below her. Joining her Craig had leant on the wall drinking in the scenery and smiling as she had grown excited once more as she had pointed out different landmarks, the wonder coming back into her lovely eyes.

  “It is truly beautiful” he nodding in agreement as he had turned to look at her

  “Yes …very” Fiona feeling the warmth at his words, before remembering dinner.

  “Maybe we should just order room service…I know I didn’t pack anything suitable” Craig standing upright again, as with a smile he had taken her hand leading her to the bedroom. Opening the wardrobe, she had given a loud gasp seeing the selection of dresses hanging there, matching shoes below each.

  Running forward she had touched each, her eyes sparkling.

  “Wow…just wow” kneeling down to see that the shoes were her size, looking at him questioningly as he had grinned. Fiona could tell that they were designer dresses, each she knew worth a considerable amount of money, stopping herself as she had started to tell him that it was too much, the realisation that he had done all of this as part of his ideal Christmas filling her with a strange disappointment.

  “I may have peeked at your sizes while you were sleeping” he had said softly, as she had smiled, deciding that perhaps being part of his Christmas treat to himself was not so bad after all.

  After showering, Fiona had chosen a blue sleeveless cocktail dress, before pulling her hair into a tall knot using the clips that had been provided with the dress. She had taken care with her makeup, adding some drama to her lovely eyes, thankful for the lessons that her friend, an aspiring model had given her. Pulling on the dress, the simplicity of it allowing her own wonderful figure to be seen at its best, the skirt falling in shimmering folds around her feet, she had stood by the mirror. Slipping on the delicate heels she had taken a final look at herself smiling with satisfaction.

  Craig who had already dressed while she was in the shower had moved into the living room, answering emails on his phone, his concentration on the small device as she had walked in. Hearing her footsteps he had looked up, a large smile filling his handsome features.

  “Well well Miss Campbell…you can carry off classy every bit as well as tarty” Fiona holding back the laugh at his obvious reference to the previous day. Her eyes however, had slipped over him a small lump rising to her throat at how handsome he looked wearing the tuxedo.


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