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Millionaire's Society Mistress

Page 16

by Marie Kelly

  Blustering as her hands had flailed by her side, she had scowled at him “You have lost your mind Craig”

  Smiling he had moved closer towards her. “Really…you really don’t have any feelings for me?”

  Fiona furiously shaking her head “None…none at all”

  With no warning he had cleared the space between them, Fiona gasping, the sound turning to a groan as he had pulled her into his arms before dropping his head to kiss her. As his mouth had covered hers, she had fought him, trying so hard to push him from her feeling the panic rise as her body had cried out for him. However as his tongue had slipped along her lips she had given up, falling against him, her hands flying around his neck, as he had moved her back to push her against the wall.

  “Fiona, my god, I’ve missed you” his voice so tortured as she had whimpered softly in his arms, pulling her hands from around his neck and raising them over her head as his mouth had ran along her neck, Fiona dropping her head to give him more access, finding herself nodding and panting with him.

  “I’ve missed you too”, his mouth once more taking hers as he had released her hands his arms moving around her waist hauling her hard up against the throbbing hardness of him hearing as she had groaned, whimpering once more as he had pulled back slightly from her. Resting his head against her forehead his eyes had closed with the desire flooding through him, his voice tight with that need.

  “We need to talk…we really need to talk”

  Fiona groaning as she had tried to kiss him back, Craig pulling back with determination as he had taken her hand leading her over to a couch. Sitting he had taken her hands in his, feeling as they had shaken, Fiona still stunned with what had just happened, her eyes full of confusion as she had fought with the emotions flying through her. For a month she had been coming to terms with what had happened, telling herself that she was over him, that she did not love him. Yet with just one kiss he had brushed all those assertions aside and she had known beyond any doubt that she loved him every bit as much as she had before she left, her eyes rising to look into his with pain.

  “Why are you doing this?” she had whispered, Craig groaning softly.

  “Because what we had is worth saving” Fiona giving a small sound of pain as she had pushed away a tear winding down her face

  “You made it very clear what we have…how you see me, and I am worth more than that Craig. I don’t want to be your mistress, some bit on the side until you find the right woman to fit into your lifestyle”

  Wincing at her words, his voice had been low, pained.

  “I was wrong. So wrong…and I never meant a word of it”

  Taking a deep sigh he had continued “If you knew how much I have regretted those words Fiona…regretted that I was not honest with you”

  She had looked at him with surprise, a small frown on her forehead “Honest…what do you mean?”

  “Alanna sent me that note…and yes for about half a second it made sense to me” his eyes flying to hers

  “But I couldn’t bear to be apart from you…I had already told her no. I knew you would never be my mistress…and I never wanted that kind of relationship with you”

  Giving a small sound of pain her teeth had savaged her lips. “But you said…”

  Nodding he had given a small mirthless laugh “I know…you caught me by surprise…I didn’t know what to say, then I got angry that you had seen that…read what that spoilt brat had said” his hand moving to gently stroke her cheek, Fiona so surprised to see as his eyes had misted over.

  “My whole life I have never met anybody like you Fiona. I know it isn’t an excuse, but I never had anybody in my life when I was younger who cared, and I have never let anybody get close to me, or allowed myself to care for anybody else. Then along you come, so sweet and honest and … you. When you found the letter I panicked. I fell back on the old me…the cold heartless me who threw up walls to protect myself, who pushed people away”

  His voice cracking again “I even told myself that I would be better off without you…that I didn’t need somebody in my life…that I was doing so well by myself”

  She had heard as he had given a sound full of pain

  “But the only person I was hurting was myself. When Scott told me that you were missing, and all the months we spent searching for you, there was not one day that I didn’t blame myself. I was so terrified that something had happened…that you were” he had been unable to finish the sentence, as she had moved in closer dropping a small kiss on his mouth.

  “Please don’t Craig” her eyes holding his, needing so badly to comfort him, this man normally so in charge of himself and others, who was falling apart before her, gently patting his hand.

  “I’m fine…I just need my space…and to move on with my life”

  For a second there had been silence until he had once more taken her hands.

  “Move on WITH me Fiona…I need you”

  Shaking her head more tears had fallen from her eyelids as she had looked forlornly at him

  “I can’t…I just can’t Craig. I need more…I need my family. I can’t be like you. Living in New York is just not right for me”

  She had been surprised as he had smiled softly

  “I know that…I guess I always did and I don’t think I have been happier than when I was living here”

  Fiona giving him a small look of surprise as he had brought her hand up to his mouth to kiss it softly

  “Which is why I bought a house here…somewhere I really want to be a home…with you”

  Fiona’s eyes had grown bigger with surprise, her mouth falling open “You…you did!!”

  He nodding softly. “And not just any house…the house you said you loved the most in the whole area. It took me a month to persuade them…but I wanted to come to you with proof that I was serious…serious about us”

  “The MacDonald estate” she had whispered in shock as he had nodded his head, giving a small smile.

  Groaning softly she had looked away, her eyes full of such indecision. “Why?” her only question as he had moaned softly

  “Because I need you Fiona and I want you back. My life feels so empty without you. I plan on living close by and spending every hour I need to, to make you see that you and I belong together”

  By now the tears were sliding down her face unchecked, as her lips had quivered softly. Hooking his finger under her chin he had brought her face around to his, moving forward to softly lick away one tear, Fiona feeling the tremor flash through her as the fires had once more risen so strongly within her. With a tremulous smile she had laughed softly.

  “You did all that for me?” Craig pulling her in closer, his mouth whispering sensually against her ear

  “No…for us…I did it all for us” Their eyes meeting as she had finally given in to the cries from her heart, her head nodding as she had laughed gently, her arms flying around his neck

  “OK…OK Craig” his loud gasp of joy filling her with such warmth as the two had kissed, passion flowing over the two of them, their hands exploring the others with an almost frantic need.

  “Where is your bedroom?” he had muttered against her neck as she had groaned telling him. Rising he had swept her into his arms moving fast up the stairs to the room she had indicated, dropping her softly onto the small double bed falling over her.

  “Oh God I wanted to move slowly Fiona….I really did…but I need you so much”

  Her eyes had risen to his, the need reflected back, as the two had pulled at the others’ clothing with a rawness that defied words. Finally naked the two had paused, his kisses becoming slower more seductive as Fiona had moaned and purred with the need for him. Grasping the hardness of him in her hand she had heard the loud suck of air from him as he had seen lights dancing before his eyes, needing her.

  Raising her hands over her head he had positioned himself above her and pressing himself against the slickness of her had thrust deeply into this woman, this woman he wanted like no othe
r. Fiona had cried out, her voice full of the pleasure and need she too felt as he had thrust harder and faster within her willing body, the feel of him so familiar and so wonderful her hips rising to meet him as he had once more kissed her. As the sensations had risen, her head had fallen back as she had cried and panted, the waves of pleasure ripping through her. Crying out his name in gulps her body clenching him as unable to hold back any longer he had spilled so deeply within her, his cries joining hers. Both had clung to the other as their bodies had jerked with the after tremor’s, neither able to speak as his mouth had found hers kissing her down from the intensity of their reunion.

  Panting and breathing hard pulling in lungfuls of air the two had stared at the other, her hand coming to so gently stroke his cheek.

  “There is something you should know” she had whispered softly, Craig smiling so contentedly down on her

  “What is that?” a soft murmur against her cheek as she had given a happy chuckle his mouth tickling.

  “I lied to you” he looking up with surprise on his handsome features

  “Oh?” a small frown on his face

  “When you said that you knew how I felt about you…that I loved you…I said I didn’t…do you remember?”

  Craig nodding

  “I lied…I love you Craig. I love you with everything in me”

  Giving a small groan he had pulled her in tighter to him “Oh Fiona. I love you”

  Her eyes opening wide in surprise “You…you do?” a smile curving her lovely lips as he had started to laugh

  “I never thought I could….but along you came and tore down every wall I had built up around my heart. I thought I was love-proof, but all you had to do was look at me with those eyes of yours and I was putty in your hand”

  Smiling softly she had been surprised as he had slid from the bed, retrieving his suit jacket and pulling something from within the inside pocket. Holding her breath she had seen the small box he held, rising to sit on the bed the two facing the other, suddenly both so solemn, Fiona not believing her eyes.

  “Fiona…I love you more than I can ever say and if there is one thing that I know with absolute certainty it is that I want you to be my wife”

  His eyes nervous as he had opened the box, Fiona moaning softly seeing the small ring with the large perfect diamond at its centre.

  Flicking her look from the ring to him, tears had once more sprung to her eyes, as sobbing softly she had started to smile, laugh her head nodding so happily

  “Yes…oh yes” the relief filling his features as he had taken out the ring slipping it easily onto her finger, before pulling her hard against him

  “I love you Fiona. I love you so much”

  Fiona laughing, the events of the past four months leaving her as joy had once more filled her features, her skin and eyes glowing with the love for the man holding her, a mischievous note coming to her voice

  “Oh I think that you should show me how much Mr Thompson”

  A return chuckle from him as he had once more laid her onto the bed, his voice full of happiness and innuendo

  “Well I think I could do that future Mrs Thompson”

  The two laughing happily, before all had grown silent once more as slowly and languorously they had taken their time to love the other knowing that they truly were the others’.


  Three years later Craig had moved back into his home. The business trip had been a long one, taking him away from his family for nearly a week. Crying out he had grinned hearing the sound of the small running child, his daughter of nearly two as she had appeared around the corner, eyes large and bright her small arms outstretched

  “Daddy daddy” her child like voice filling him with such love as he had swept her into his arms kissing her as she had squirmed in his hold.

  “Oh I have missed you” he had laughed, as she had felt in his pockets, knowing that there would be a present for her somewhere. Laughing he had pulled out the fluffy dog, placing her back onto her feet as she had hugged it happily

  “Where is mummy?” he had asked softly, looking up as Fiona herself had rounded the corner, as beautiful as the day nearly three years ago that he had married her, his smile as big as hers, as he had carefully pulled her into his arms to kiss her.

  “You are a sight for sore eyes Fiona Thompson” he had muttered against her lips, as she had chuckled back. Moving his hand to her protruding belly he had bent to kiss the small bump, their second child.

  “Now behave yourself” she had scolded him, with eyes that had danced mischievously…we have guests.

  Craig smiling warmly back at her

  “I saw the cars” looking down at his daughter he had once more picked her up as she had hugged him

  “It is almost like it is somebody’s birthday” the small child giggling loudly as she had cried

  “It’s your birthday daddy…and mummy made a cake”

  Laughing loudly, Fiona had rolled her eyes heavenward tickling the small child

  “Secret Heather…it was meant to be a secret” both laughing as the child had thrown her hands over her mouth.

  Moving into the kitchen he had smiled at the people around the table. Donald and Sarah with their two children had stood up to welcome him. After they had got married, Donald had apologised to Craig, returning to try and fix things with his wife, the two now happily married much to Fiona’s delight. Also standing to greet him Scott and Natalie along with their two boys, Scott hugging him warmly as he had made a joke about his age, Craig laughing and grinning as he had reminded him that he was always going to be there before him.

  As the focus had shifted to Fiona, who had moved towards the table with the large birthday cake he had known she had made herself, Craig Thompson had smiled. Four years ago he had been alone, rich powerful and alone, but now he had a family and an extended family. He had people he cared about and who cared about him. Feeling the lump in his throat his eyes had once more fallen on Fiona seeing as she had looked back at him, the love filling him as he has whispered soundlessly to her

  “I love you”

  Her warm smile answer enough.




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