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Dancing With Fire

Page 7

by Maia Dylan

  The three of them had laughed together before they chased her into the master bedroom they only shared when she was with them, and made use of the large custom-built bed. She smiled at that, letting all thought of work, and tomorrow, drain away as she stepped out of the taxi and bade the man a good night. She was still hesitant about using the key the guys had given her, but even managed to not knock on the door before using it this time. She was definitely making progress.

  “Hello?” she called out as she stepped into the foyer, now devoid of its large leather furniture. The air was filled with an acrid smell that had her grimacing, and when she heard movement in the apartment near the kitchen, she moved in that direction. When she got closer, she could hear the two men speaking.

  “I’m not eating that,” Zac said, disgust clear in his tone. “I’ve seen spaghetti and meatballs, and have eaten more than my fair share of them, but that is not, I repeat, not spaghetti and meatballs.”

  Hayden growled as something hot hit water and the hiss of steam could be heard. “You fucking helped me make this shit, so where the hell did we go wrong? We did everything it said to do in Mom’s damn recipe, so how the hell did it turn into charcoal? Mom said it was foolproof and easy.”

  Zac laughed, and Bella heard the clatter of metal on glass. “No idea. Let’s just order a deep dish pizza and never speak of this again. Cheers!” There was a clink of glass as the two brothers toasted their cooking failure.

  She had a huge smile on her face as she stepped into the kitchen. “I love deep dish pizza.”

  Both men’s eyes lit up when they saw her, and they moved in her direction until she was completely surrounded by them. She sighed as the last of the day’s tensions and worries evaporated beneath their touch.

  “Welcome home, baby,” Hayden murmured, before scrambling her brain circuits with a kiss that left her breathless, before turning her in his arms to face Zac.

  “Missed you,” Zac whispered, as he did every evening, and took her mouth with his. When he pulled back, Bella swayed slightly, and couldn’t even bring herself to chastise Zac for the smug male grin on his handsome face. “Come on, I’ll get you a drink, and you can tell us about your day. Hayden’s gonna order us a pizza.”

  Bella talked about her day, avoiding as much untruth as possible. She hated not telling them about being an ATF agent, but she’d taken an oath, and while she was undercover, she was bound by it.

  Diversion was always a good ploy. “So what’s happening with Brünhilda?”

  Zac sighed. “It’s that age old tale. Son gets himself in trouble by owing a shit load of money to a group of men with less than ethical business practices, which ends up with him looking at a world of hurt if he doesn’t find some cash and fast. He went to his mom, and you know the plan they hatched. Both are facing some very significant charges. Mrs. Crowthers is cooperating, but Dougal is being a little more evasive.”

  Bella nodded, and despite her dislike of Mrs. Crowther’s son, she felt sorry for the woman. “I guess there isn’t much a person wouldn’t do for the people that they love.”

  “Are you working tomorrow?” Hayden asked. The three of them were still in the kitchen at the breakfast bar, finishing off the red wine they’d opened to accompany their pizza.

  “Yeah,” Bella looked down into her wine glass, not wanting them to see the hesitation in her eyes. “It should be a pretty busy night at the club.” And that had to be the understatement of the year.

  “Will you come back here when you’re done?” Zac asked, and Bella looked up. “For no reason other than we love having you here, and waking up with you pressed between us.”

  Hayden leaned forward and ran a finger down the back of her hand where it sat against the stem of her wine glass, grinning at her. “Will you? It will be our one month anniversary, after all.”

  Bella laughed softly, and warmth spread within her. “Maybe,” she all but purred, loving the fact that both men’s eyes darkened. “That all depends on how motivated I am to come back.”

  Hayden leaned even further across the breakfast bar, his green eyes sparkling. “And what would our lover deem to be an appropriate motivation?”

  Zac moved to lean on the bar as well, shoulder to shoulder with his brother, and Bella’s heart stuttered at the sight of the two of them smiling across at her. “Please, dear God, let it have something to do with being naked.” Zac said with a salacious grin.

  Bella giggled, and when she leaned forward, she made sure to slide the barstool she sat on to the side as silently as she could. “Oh, there will definitely be nudity, of that you can be certain.” She inhaled deeply, knowing that it lifted her breasts in the tight white buttoned-down shirt she wore, and both men were unable to resist dropping their gaze to her chest. “But I think if you can catch me before I make it to the master suite, then you have yourselves a deal.”

  With a squeal, she launched herself from the barstool and sprinted for the door that opened into the hall that led to the bathrooms. She laughed as she heard twin growls of determination come from behind her, but didn’t stop to look back. She turned the corner into the hallway and sent up a quick prayer that the door to the master bedroom at the end of the hall was open.

  Laughter still bubbling within her, she ran for the door and was only a few steps from the entrance, when she was suddenly pulled to a gentle stop. The growling laughter behind her told her it was Zac that had made the tackle.


  Bella giggled again when he bit and nibbled his way from her ear to the sensitive skin of her neck before he turned her gently to face him.

  “Did I ever tell you that I ran track at college?”

  Bella pouted, fighting the grin that threatened to break free. “No, you did not. Can I call foul on that one?”

  “Nope,” Hayden said with a grin as he strolled past, heading into the bedroom. “You lost fair and square. We get to have our wicked way with you now, and tomorrow when you’ve finished at the club. Best. Anniversary. Present. Ever.”

  Zac leaned down, swept her up and over his shoulder, and carried her into the bedroom.

  “Hey!” she yelled, and gripped his hips. “Don’t you drop me.”

  “Well, isn’t that just a slap to the ego,” Zac complained as he placed her gently on her feet at the foot of the bed. “She trusts that swinging pole of hers, and whoever it is that pulls the damn thing up into the air more than she does me.”

  “Too right, I do!”

  Zac’s gaze narrowed at her. “Oh, I think our woman is feeling a little reckless tonight, Hayd.”

  Bella inhaled when Hayden stepped up behind her, grabbed both her wrists and pulled them behind her, clasping them both in one of his strong hands. His grip was firm, but not hard, and Bella knew that if she asked, he would let her go in an instant. But she wouldn’t. She found she rather liked it.

  “Then, by all means, let’s show her a little recklessness,” Hayden murmured from behind her. Bella felt the hard steel of his erection press against her ass, and she moaned at the small bite of pain that came when he bit down on her earlobe. “We’ve been playing with your ass for a couple of weeks now, love. Tonight, it’s going to be mine.”

  Bella’s heart rate sped up, her breathing became a series of pants, and hot liquid flooded her pussy as it pulsed between her thighs. Every time Hayden had toyed with her back entrance, she had been a little embarrassed, a tiny bit shocked, but a whole truckload of turned on. Tonight he was going to take her ass, and if everything she had experienced at the hands of these men was anything to go by … she was going to love the hell out of it.


  Zac watched as arousal flooded Bella’s face. “I think she loves the idea of that, Hayden.”

  Hayden looked up and caught his eye for a moment. “No more than I do, I can assure you.”

  Zac nodded as he stepped forward, Bella watching him approach with lust-glazed eyes. “Do you know how hot you look like this?” Zac kept his voice soft. �
�The way your back is arched pushes your breasts against your shirt in the most tantalizing way.” He reached out with a steady hand and slid each button back through its hole. “It makes me wonder what delights are hidden beneath this cotton. I want to rip your shirt open and bare you to me, but it would be over too quick. I love to unwrap my presents slow and really get an opportunity to appreciate them.”

  Zac pulled the hem of her shirt from her jeans and released the last two buttons. “That way, I get to see every sweet inch of you being laid bare before me, little by little.” Zac reached up and swept the two halves of her shirt open. The sight that met him had him groaning. “Holy mother of all things sweet.”

  Bella’s bra was unlike any he’d ever seen before. The cup was small, and seemed to just lift her breast higher, but the material only made it to just below her perfect nipple. It was white lace, and had a front clasp, and Zac’s cock went from hard to granite in the space of one heartbeat.

  Hayden leaned over her shoulder to look, and his groan filled the room. “Christ, Bella, if I’d known you were wearing something like that, I would have had this fucking shirt off you the moment you stepped in the damn door.”

  Bella gave a breathless laugh, and Zac could see the pulse beating hard against the base of her neck. “You should see the matching underwear. There isn’t a heck of a lot of it.”

  Zac growled as he quickly reached for the button fly of her jeans. He cursed as he fumbled with them, and was nearly beside himself by the time he managed to get the things open enough to slide them down her legs. Sure enough, beneath the denim, he found her gloriously bare pussy hugged beneath a small triangle of white lace, and two white bands leading from each side.

  Zac stood still for a moment, simply taking in the view, and trying to get his body to move, scared that she was simply a vision sent to torment him. He felt more than saw Hayden move, and from the way he growled, the back of the panties must have been just as beautiful.

  “Look at you baby,” Hayden rasped in a tight voice. “Your ass looks so fucking beautiful at all times, but there is something about knowing that little piece of string runs right through the center, reaching all the way around to that hot, wet pussy of ours. You are wet, aren’t you, Bella?”

  Bella nodded frantically. “Yes. Always.”

  “That’s good,” Hayden said as he released her arms for a moment to allow her shirt and bra to fall at her feet. He dropped down and swept to the floor beside her shirt the panties that would feature in all his sexual fantasies from this day forward, he had no doubt. “Okay, my love, I want you to climb up on the bed, kneel in the center, and face us.” Zac watched as Bella hurried to do as Hayden asked, and he loved the shiver of excitement that rippled over her. “Now, I want your left hand on your tits. I want you to play with your nipples the way we know you like it.” Bella’s eyes widened in surprise, and her mouth opened slightly. “Do it now, Bella.” Hayden’s voice became stern, and Bella’s eyes glazed a little further.

  Hell, there had to be something to this dominant thing Hayden was reading up on. “Reach your other hand down to our pussy, baby,” Zac growled, finding his own inner dominant and embracing him. “I want you to play with yourself as you watch us strip. I can tell from the way your pussy glistens with moisture and your breathing is rushed that you are close to coming, but you won’t.” Bella whimpered. “No, Bella, you won’t. Not until we tell you to.”

  Zac and Hayden waited until Bella lifted a shaking hand to her breast and began to play with her nipple.

  “Harder, Bella,” Hayden said sharply. “The way I know you like it.” Bella swallowed, but her hand moved to comply, plucking at her own nipple, and adding a twist. “Good girl.”

  Hayden began to remove his clothing, but beside him, Zac didn’t move. His gaze locked with Bella’s, and he waited. It wasn’t until she’d lifted her shaking right hand to her pussy and began to slide her fingers in and out of the moisture there that he moved. His plan had been to strip slowly, to draw out the moment and heighten Bella’s pleasure, but he hadn’t counted on his own arousal spiraling out of control.

  Despite Hayden having started before him, Zac was naked before his brother and crawling onto the bed towards their woman. “Do you have any idea how gorgeous you are like that?” He leaned in, pulling her free nipple into his mouth, sucking hard and drawing a shout of pleasure from his woman as she shuddered.

  “All right, baby,” Hayden said as he moved to kneel behind Bella. “I want you to lean in and get your mouth on Zac. We are all fucking too far gone to hold off. Lean down, take his cock into your mouth, and present that ass to me.”

  Bella’s hands dropped away as she quickly moved to comply. Zac shuffled a little closer, spread his knees wide and dropped to his haunches, giving her plenty of room to maneuver. As she leaned down, she gave him a wicked smile, and Zac winked back. Despite the fact that she was submitting to their demands, he knew that it was for no other reason than the fact she wanted to.

  Zac reached out to grip her hair in his hands, and was about to tell her how much he loved the silken strands when she suddenly took him deep into her mouth. “Ungh!” he growled. “Fuck.” Bella laughed around him, and the resulting vibrations felt amazing. “God, that feels good. Your mouth should be outlawed.”

  Bella set in with a steady rhythm as Hayden moved behind her. The room filled with the spicy scent of the lubricant they had purchased a few weeks ago, and from the way Bella froze for a moment then started pushing her hips back, Zac knew his brother was preparing her to take him.

  “Damn, baby, you are so fucking ready for this,” Hayden growled and pushed to kneel up behind Bella, two hands gripping her hips. A muscle began to flex in Hayden’s jaw, and from the way Bella had stopped moving and held herself still against him, Zac knew she was tensing against Hayden’s entrance.

  “Zac,” Hayden said through gritted teeth, and Zac nodded. This was one of the things that he loved about being in a relationship such as theirs. When one of them was close to losing control with their mate, the other would be there to make sure she was ready for them.

  Zac leaned down and pulled Bella up and off his cock, groaning as it slipped free of her lips. He tugged until he could look into her face. She was flushed with arousal, and there was a look of apprehension in her eyes, but there was no grimace of pain there.

  Zac reached down to play with her clit. “You can do this, Bella. You were made for loving us, and we were made for loving you. Everything about you is fucking perfect for us. You’ve loved how we’ve played with your ass these past weeks, and you are going to fucking love this. There is a very good reason why the fairer sex allows men to fuck them in this way. I promise you’ll enjoy it.”

  He kept a steady thrumming rhythm over her clit, and watched as the apprehension disappeared and was replaced with longing. Soon, Bella was pushing back on Hayden, and moving to take him on her own.

  “That’s it, baby,” Hayden crooned. “Take me. Take everything I am. Everything I have, everything I am, is yours. You’ve got me, Bella. You’ve got all of me now.”

  Bella’s expression became triumphant, and her gaze locked with Zac’s. “I want your cock in my mouth. I want to suck you off while Hayden fucks my ass. I want all three of us coming at the same time, and I want to know that it was me that had you both losing control at the same time.”

  Zac nodded and sat back again, withdrawing his hand as she slid down and took his cock to the back of her throat. He shouted when she devoured him, setting a rhythm designed to drive him up into his orgasm at a quick pace. He felt her move as Hayden thrust into her, and he steadied her with his arms on her shoulders.

  Zac lost himself to the movements of her mouth and her tongue, a slave to her oral ministrations. She was moaning continuously and he knew she was close to coming, but the moans vibrated against his cock, causing ripples of shocks against the sensitive head of his dick. And from the way his balls tightened beneath him, he knew he was only moment
s from coming.

  Just as he felt himself hover on the edge of bliss, Bella shuddered before him, and he knew that she’d succumbed to her own release. Then he roared her name as he came shuddering and jerking into her eager mouth. Despite the rapture still slamming into her own body, she licked and swallowed everything he had to give. Vaguely, he heard Hayden shout their lover’s name at the same time, and he knew that Bella had gotten her wish. All three of them had come at the same time, and it had been her that had made them lose control. As Zac slumped forward, feeling like the world had shifted on its axis he knew that was how it should be. Bella deserved to have all her wishes come true, and he and Hayden would make it their mission to ensure that happened.

  Chapter Eight

  “Go, go, go! We have a go, I repeat, we have a go!”

  Bella jolted at Pettigrew’s shout in her earpiece, and for a moment, she froze. She was still on stage, finishing up her set when the call came over the comm device in her ear. The move wasn’t supposed to take place until she was in position at the VIP table with Denny. She’d only put the device in her ear on the off chance she ran out of time to do it after her set. She wasn’t even supposed to be on comms yet.

  Something had gone horribly wrong. She glanced at the four undercover agents strategically positioned around the Trinity they were targeting, expecting them to move, but was shocked to see all four of them remain in position. Worse than that, it looked as though they hadn’t even gotten the call to move.

  From the corner of her eye she saw Angie moving swiftly to take her position, gun drawn and her ATF badge on display around her neck. She’d been positioned at the bar keeping her cover until the moment they were called in to take action. But now, she was the only one heading toward the targets, and the only one with a visible badge. The Asian man on the far side of the booth watched her approach, not with curiosity but with an air of anticipation. A quick glance and Bella saw he held a firm arm down at his side.


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