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Destructively Alluring

Page 3

by N. Isabelle Blanco

  Once at home, I picked out a Dolce and Gabbana black tuxedo and a white, pressed evening shirt. I’d already cut my hair for the fuckers, so there was no way I was forcing myself to wear a tie. I jumped in the shower and made sure to shave everywhere that needed to be shaved then finished getting ready. I was picking up Monica and while no part of me was excited about fucking her, it wouldn’t hurt to be ready just in case.

  Women generally don’t like bushes anymore than men do, trust me. I’d been with enough women to know this and thanks to that, I’d gotten into the habit of keeping everything close to the skin. I didn’t even bother looking at my reflection as I slipped on my tuxedo jacket.

  I didn’t really care how I looked outside of my cock area. That needed to be useful for Monica later but the rest she’d have to settle for. Maybe I was being a dick - no, I was definitely being a dick, but I just couldn’t bring myself to care.

  Shall we examine why?

  No, because I wasn’t going to think about it, thank you very much.

  I rode the elevator down to the lobby, knowing that my limo driver would be waiting outside.

  He’s probably touching her by now.

  No, no, no.

  Besides, Demi wasn’t that type of girl. She wouldn’t just…

  She let you.

  That’s me.

  Cocky, aren’t we?

  What the fuck was up with my brain today? Why was it turning on me worse than before?

  “Good evening, Mr. Sorenson,” my driver said with a nod of his head while holding the door open for me.

  “Evening, Carl. You have Ms. Addamo’s address, correct?” I asked as I neared the limo.

  “Yes, Sir. All ready to go.”

  I nodded my head at him and got in.

  I tried to dredge up some excitement. But at the rate I was going, it would be a miracle if I ended up being able to get hard enough to fuck the woman at all.

  Which made me fucking happy.

  Yeah. Really fucking happy.

  My night was getting worse.

  Progressively worse.

  From the moment I’d picked her up, Monica had been in full high-maintenance-princess-mode.

  And it was getting, as I said, worse.

  “Dorian, you’re ignoring me.”

  Monica, you’re annoying me.

  I didn’t say this outloud, of course, but she’d been abnormally talkative since I’d picked her up and her voice kept interrupting my thoughts.

  Or, more accurately, the relentless litany running through my head.

  What is she doing with him?

  Why do I even care?

  You know why you care.

  What are they fucking doing?



  “Monica,” I snapped back, not even bothering to hide my annoyance.

  Her entire conversation had revolved around her and the magazine spread she was doing in a few weeks. Because she was the Vice President of a company that had nothing to do with fashion and still, she had the right to be a model. The hottest one on the scene in a long time, according to her arrogant rant.

  Not that she wasn’t hot but it was never attractive when women spoke of themselves so arrogantly. Hell, that shit doesn’t look good on men, either. Confidence is one thing, complete cockiness another.

  “What the hell is wrong with you today?” Monica huffed, arms crossed in annoyance.

  I tried to swallow back the bitter taste in my mouth. I could’ve sworn I brushed my teeth before leaving the house but ever since she got in the limo things were tasting funny.

  The very air surrounding me felt slightly tainted.

  You are such an asshole.

  I wanted to feel bad. Guess what? Yup, I couldn’t.

  I tried to school my features back into a semi-pleasant expression. Tried to get the damned thoughts going through my head out of my head.

  I swear, I tried.

  He’s going to seduce her. There’s no way a man or boy wouldn’t try. God knows how long he’s actually been trying already or how long they’ve known each other. Eventually its going to fucking happen…

  Obviously, I kept fucking failing.

  It was sheer insanity. The girl did not belong to me and even if she had, the possessiveness going through me was quickly turning psychotic.




  “Dorian, you’re ignoring me again!”

  “Monica, I’m sorry. I have a lot on my mind. I told you.”

  Feeble, worthless apology, I know, but it’s all I can offer her considering my current mood.

  “I deserve all your attention and if you can’t give it to me, trust me, I can quickly find someone else who will.”

  There’s the princess again in all her brutal fury. I forced myself to remain silent as I looked out the limo’s window. My head was throbbing from the effort of holding my temper back. My tolerance for her narcissism was low tonight. In the past I’d somewhat indulged and been able to look beyond it but tonight was not the night to bombard me with her high-maintenance tendencies and I wish that she’d understand that.

  “Dorian, I’m serious. I can find someone to replace you in my bed at the snap of my fingers-”

  “Then why don’t you?” I asked lightly, disgusted by her behavior. I should’ve backed out of being her date. I should’ve backed out of the entire fucking evening.

  “You’re insufferable right now. I had someone else willing and ready to fuck me tonight and yet here I am putting up with you,” Monica scoffed.

  Right. Because flaunting how she was willing to sleep with anyone was going to really make me want to fight for it.

  “By all means, call him, then,” I mumbled, meaning it.

  God, at this point, did I fucking mean it.

  In the darkness of the limo, I saw Monica’s face flush bright red just as the limo came to stop. “You are such an asshole!” she cried, looking like she was about to hit me.

  “Monica, really. After the little display you just put on, I couldn’t care less what you think about me,” I commented calmly, actually semi-amused at her tantrum.

  The moment the limo driver opened the door, she was gone, cursing me colorfully under her breath the whole way. I can’t even lie and say I wasn’t relieved. A part of me wanted to feel bad for how I’d treated her but from the moment I’d picked her up, Monica had been expecting a level of treatment that I had never been willing to give her.

  The whole ‘throwing her willingness to sleep with other men thing’ in my face didn’t help matters. By all means, she was welcome to have other lovers besides me. But don’t flaunt how easy it is to get them. That shit doesn’t look good on any woman.

  I couldn’t stand women who expected men to kiss the ground they walked on and in the past, Monica had somewhat controlled that side of herself in my presence. She’d been aware that the way to keep me interested during our agreement was not by demanding more from me than I was willing to give.

  I could only assume that my distraction earlier today had fueled her temper to the point that she no longer had any control over herself. But in all seriousness, at the core, that’s who she is and I was over it.

  Over everything.

  Over her.

  I couldn’t bring myself to overlook her personality anymore. Definitely not enough to fuck her.

  And, personality notwithstanding, we also know why else.



  I turned, catching sight of my best friend, Lucas, just as I walked into the hall. The benefit was being hosted by the Society for Children in Special Need and they’d rented out a massive hall for the event.

  Considering how many companies were involved and donating, they had more than enough money.

  I waved at Luke, moving past the mingling people and meeting him by the first bar right after the entrance.

  “Got dragged into this shit, to
o, huh?” Luke asked, smirking as we shook hands.

  “That’s what happens when you donate and sponsor. How have you been?” I asked, accepting a drink that he held out to me. One sip confirmed what the color had pretty much already divulged. Whiskey wasn’t my favorite drink but I could choke it down if necessary.

  And thank God I had already taken my first sip because it was about to become very necessary.

  “Eh, I’m fine,” Luke responded, shrugging.

  But his tone clearly stated he was anything but fine so I just had to ask, “What is it?” I took another sip while looking at him, eyebrows raised and waiting for an answer.

  Luke’s hazel eyes looked eerie as fuck as he stared at the dance floor with a far-off look. “I’m fine, just…fuck man. Calum is a fucking asshole,” he grumbled, swallowing the rest of his drink in one gulp.

  Uh-oh, as they say. Something about his obvious anxiety was starting to look oddly familiar. “What did your brother do this time?” I asked, raising my drink to my lips.

  “Hired a hot little thing to work in his firm as one of his many assistants. One that is definitely too fucking young for me to be getting hard-ons over.”

  I choked on my drink. I kid you not. The whiskey slammed into my left tonsil at full blast and somehow heated up about ten degrees more.

  “You ok, man?” Luke asked, patting me on the back.

  Several of the people around us were already turning to stare curiously at me.


  “Speaking of assistants,” Luke continued, removing his hand from my back. “I see yours and damn, she looks…fuck. I really am turning into the old fuck who lusts after the young chicks, aren’t I?”

  Yup. I had become the first man in history to spontaneously develop asthma.

  Definitely not the first to flash-imagine killing a fucker.

  Luke is lucky that I was busy choking, is all I’m saying.

  My eyes clashed with her body instantly. She was north mixed with raw metal and my eyes were magnetized, the attraction between us immediately drawing my attention to her face.

  “Dude, seriously. Are you sick or something?”

  I placed my drink back on the bar, ignoring Luke. It was best for his well-being considering the tone that he’d just used in regards to Demi.

  Damn it, how hadn’t I known that she would be here? How did that escape my notice?

  What was she doing here? Is this where she and that prick were supposed to…

  Oh, hell no.

  “Dorian, what’s wrong with you? Where the fuck are you going?”

  Luke’s questions were ignored.

  Everything but her was ignored.

  I was walking across the hall and heading straight towards Demi. Nothing else could be paid attention to. The fucker by her side was probably none other than her fucking date and the positioning of his hand had to change.

  As in, right the fuck now.

  Get your hands off my girl’s waist, dick.

  The thought was heard, trust me, but I was too busy heading their way to stop and panic at the absurdity of that shit.

  In a tight black dress that fell all the way to the floor, left one leg showing, and the tops of her breasts completely on display, Demi looked devastating. Even worse was the sight of that asshole’s hand laying lightly on her side while they stood before the dance floor and talked.

  What exactly are you planning on doing?

  I had no real fucking idea but all of my common sense had evaporated and all I could think of was getting his damned hand off of what was mine.

  You’re about to cause a scene.

  And I didn’t give a fuck, either.

  That was my ‘a-ha’ moment. Right as I got close enough to really see every detail of her -from the sexy way she had her hair up, to the way the skin of her shoulders glowed under the lights- I realized that I was too far gone over the girl to care. There was so much I should care about that didn’t matter as of that moment.

  If this was insanity, she was the infection that was causing it and I was too ill to fight back any longer. She’d leaked into the crevices of my brain and had taken over my control centers, turning them all against me until every little spark going off between my synapses called for her. The particles of my body had become inflamed, throbbing with the sheer need to claim what they believed belonged to them.

  I had no idea what I was about to do. A good idea of all the problems that would arise from whatever it is that I did end up doing, and a full acceptance as well as relief at the fact that it could be no other way.

  I was trapped in the most basic and primitively powerful attraction that I’d ever experienced. Fighting it was only going to make it worse. I had to try and explore this.

  I had to find a way to make the girl mine.

  I had to.

  And most importantly, I had to find a way (one that did not involve murder) to get that boy away from my girl!

  He looked young. Probably no older than twenty. He looked oddly familiar, too, but I couldn’t place where I’d seen him before.

  Demi turned just as I was less than a three feet away, her dark-rimmed eyes widening behind her large black glasses. “Dorian?”

  “Evening,” I said, hearing how my tone changed as I inclined my head towards her.

  Her body obviously tensed subtly at my low tone.

  I couldn’t get over how hot she looked. I’d never seen her wear dark make-up and the black shadow on her eyes was almost too much. She looked dark and seductive.


  Sliding my hands into my pockets, I made myself turn and nod at Keith who, consequently, was still putting his life in danger by not letting go of Demi.


  “Hey,” he responded, actually fucking smiling at me while holding his hand out for me to shake.

  Rational thought begged that I be more objective about this. After all, the boy had no idea what was happening inside me thanks to Demi.

  Well, it was a miracle that rational thought was still developing in my mind at the moment. What was even more impressive was that I could still hear its whispers above the malevolent roars taking precedence in my thoughts. Bowing to its pleas were damned near impossible considering all of that.

  “How are you, Mr. Sorenson?” Keith asked as we shook hands, surprising me.

  Demi was staring between the two of us and her cheeks were slowly turning pink.

  “I’m fine. And you?” I asked, not letting on to the fact that I knew his name.


  I momentarily stared into Demi’s eyes. Caught her looking at me. Saw her eyes fall to my feet and slowly, very slowly, trail their way back up to my face. The way they froze on my open collar and the way that her cheeks darkened further told me everything I needed to know.

  And the blood began falling south. I promise you this.

  Heat pounded through me as she caught me staring and quickly looked away. I could guess where her mind was and just thinking about it had my mind there, too, locked and obsessed and fuck me, I needed to get her alone.


  “I remember meeting you awhile ago at my dad’s fundraiser,” Keith continued, seemingly oblivious to the way the particles in the air between Demi and I seemed to be igniting.

  His comment made it click in my mind and I finally remembered where I’d met him before. Fuck. Josh Bennett’s kid. Not that we were close but hurting the boy was definitely a no-go now.

  You’re psychotic.

  And we all know whose fault that is.

  “Yes, I remember,” I said lightly, feeling Demi’s stare on my face again.

  Keith looked like he was about to say something else when he caught sight of Demi’s red face. “Demitra, are you alright?” he asked, his voice lowering in a way that had me seeing red.

  No, dick. She’s not alright. You’re in the way and there’s something between us that you are not a part of. Now fucking move so I can get my woman alone and we can take c
are of our problem.

  “I…I’m fine,” Demi lied.

  “Do you need something to drink? You look overheated,” Keith said, voice still dripping with concern.

  “You do look overly…hot. Maybe you should get her some water, Keith,” I said, injecting just the right amount of ‘genuine’ concern into my tone.

  Demi’s eyes snapped towards me, anger flashing within them. “Keith, no. Wait…I’m fine,” she trailed off as Keith moved away from her and pushed his way passed the people in a hurry.

  A part of me was nice enough, I guess, to feel a little bit bad when it came to him. That lasted less than a nanosecond then Demi turned on me, the angry look on her face letting me know that she knew exactly what I was up to.

  Still, she just had to ask, “What the hell do you think you’re up to?” Her voice was obviously spitting death wishes at me, all thinly veiled behind her tone. This new side of her was too much. I couldn’t help but get further aroused and I felt myself start swelling even more in my pants.

  That would be bad since we were still in the middle of a crowded hall. Without stopping to think, I grabbed the girl by her arm and began ‘leading’ her away from the edge of the dance floor.


  “Dorian, I swear to fucking God, what is wrong with you?” Demi demanded.

  In all the time she’d been working for me, I’d never heard her curse. Her doing so now made everything that much worse. My dick popped to its full length so hard the fucker almost knocked me off my feet and brought me to my knees.

  He nearly ripped through my pants, too.

  I’m fucking serious.

  “Demi, unless you want to cause a scene, I suggest you not fight and follow me.”

  Not that I had any real idea where I was taking her, only that it had to be anywhere away from Keith.

  “You’re already causing a scene, you idiot!” Demi hissed quietly as we passed a group of people on the large patio outside. “You don’t think everyone is seeing my boss dragging me away from the party right now?”

  She continued to grumble under her breath as we went down the stairs. My eyes were locked on the entrance to the massive labyrinth that was before us.


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