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Destructively Alluring

Page 6

by N. Isabelle Blanco

  Her walls tightened around me. Welcomed me home. I’d never gained that much satisfaction from being inside a woman and it was only my finger that her pussy was strangling.


  “Come, baby,” I demanded on a harsh snarl, forgetting that she was inexperienced and slamming my finger into her hard. She was so wet I could fucking hear it.

  One sniff destroyed me, the scent of her heat on full attack in the air. Her walls pulsated to the beat of my heart. Her breath existed only for me in that moment and I could see it in the way her eyes rolled back. In the way she choked, her throat jumping almost as much as that pussy was.

  Demi’s hands slid into my hair. Nerves jumped in exaltation. With one pull from each of those tiny sexy hands, the girl brought me close to an orgasm my body wasn’t prepared for. I bit my lip, adding another finger and fucking her exactly like I planned to fuck her with my cock.

  I could hear the fabric of her panties stretching. Holding on for dear life as I ignored their existence and roughly twirled my fingers inside wet, pulsating heaven.

  “I said come for me,” I demanded, the ownership I had over her body stretching in aggravation.

  Demi pulled on my hair again, her lips wrapping around my upper lip. Her tongue flicked it so expertly. So God damned sensuously. Fuck experience, it was instinct that ruled supreme between us. “Kiss me. I’m so close, kiss me,” she demanded as well, her voice rough and dangerous.

  She didn’t need to tell me twice. I snapped my teeth around her lip, using the hold to pull her mouth closer. Right onto mine. As soon as it was where I needed it to be, I thrust my tongue in, moaning deep in my chest at the way her lips felt around the muscle.

  Demi froze on top of me. Her pussy swelled, the blood pooling inside that juicy clit. I slid one finger out and pressed into it. Slammed the finger still inside her in and out. I swear, the moment I felt her pussy collapse into deep, nearly painful throbs, I could’ve sworn I was coming with her.

  Her arms snapped tight around my neck. I licked every bit of her mouth I could reach, holding her to me and not letting her go as her body gave me what was mine.

  What would always be only mine.

  “Dorian,” she exhaled, my name sounding like a prayer. Her head fell back, her body riding out the last of her orgasm as my own screamed in agony.

  I was on the rack, back in medieval times, my very psyche being pushed to the point of non-endurance. Even so, I loved every minute of it. Loved her body, so much smaller than my own, so perfectly feminine and seeming to house an arsenal designed to break me. “You’re so fucking amazing,” I whispered, eyes wide as I watched her take her pleasure from me.

  “Dorian. Holy shit,” she panted, her head rising and falling so that her forehead was pressed against mine.

  I soaked in the last throbs that went through her. Cupped her face gently and kissed her, trying to somehow convey the tenderness and possessiveness that was going through me.

  “You’re the one that’s amazing,” she whispered against my lips, melting on me.

  My heart stuttered dangerously. It wasn’t just arousal that was laying siege to my life. She was sliding in. With every ounce of her surrender, she was sliding deep into a place no woman had been in a long, long time.

  No. Fuck that. She was sliding deeper than anyone ever had. Self-preservation raged, demanding that I mark her and shackle her and make damned sure she never left.

  Things wouldn’t be right without her anymore.

  “You’re so hard,” she said out of nowhere, her words slapping me. Her hips did even worse, rotating insatiably against my most likely midnight-blue cock. “I want to make you come, too.”

  I was going to die. Before she ever laid a hand on it, my dick was going to pop and send me into cardiac arrest.

  My teeth bared as bronchial tubes thickened and threatened to shut down within my chest. I wanted to give into her. Rip my belt off and destroy my pants so that she could finally worship what would eventually destroy her, if it had its way.

  I wouldn’t get the chance to. God had turned on me, the Fates off somewhere and laughing at my expense. I felt the limo slow down and the downward descent that I knew, I fucking knew, led into the parking lot of my building.

  I sat Demi up, smiling cockily at the little whimper she gave. My girl was ready to explore me, ready to learn every inch of my body the way I planned on memorizing hers. Her tits were fucking spectacular hanging boldly on display. Her hair had completely fallen out of the style it’d been in, the long thick brown strands caressing her shoulders.

  But it was her swollen lips that got to me the most. Just knowing that it was me that had put her in that state inflated everything, especially my fucking ego. Sure, I’d pleased women before her but Demi was fucking Demi and knowing that I had her like that was the definition of satisfying.

  “It’s going to have to wait, baby. We’re here,” I said softly, reluctantly reaching for her dress and sliding it back up over her breasts.

  “Mr. Sorenson,” Carl’s voice came over the speaker just then, announcing what I’d already known. “We’ve arrived.”


  I made sure Demi’s dress was covering what was mine before slowly lifting her off my lap. “Find your glasses, baby,” I murmured, kissing the corner of her mouth. Demi whimpered and gave me a soft, sucking kiss that made my fucking toes curl inside my shoes. “Go, girl. Before I lose my mind and attack you in front of Carl,” I chastised, smacking her lightly on her ass.

  The girl bit her lip at me before moving towards where her glasses had fallen off.

  I leaned towards the intercom and thanked Carl. Making sure my clothes were on straight enough (although nothing in the world could hide my raging dick), I moved so that I’d be the first one to exit.

  There was no way Carl wouldn’t guess what had been happening once he saw that Demi’s hair was now fully down but I still wanted to be the first one out of the car, just to give her enough time to straighten up a little more.

  Carl was getting out of the driver’s side when I got out. He seemed surprised that I didn’t let him open the door but said nothing. “Carl, you can park the limo and take the rest of the night off. I’ll be driving Demitra home after dinner.” Not that I really had to explain myself to him, however much I liked him, but I still wanted to say something for Demi’s sake at least.

  She might be willing but I sure as hell didn’t want her to be embarrassed because of what anyone might think.

  “No problem. Thank you, Mr. Sorenson,” Carl said, and I knew that even if he was curious, he was more relieved to be getting the rest of the night off.

  I nodded my head at him and leaned down to hold my hand out for Demi. She found her glasses and slipped them back on. Her small purse was on the floor and she leaned down to pick it up before grabbing my hand and letting me help her out.

  “Good night, Carl,” she said, her cheeks only slightly pink as she nodded at him. “Thank you for everything.”

  I wanted to grab that polite little ass and slam it against the side of the limo. Then, I’d flip her skirt up so I could slam the rest of me right into…

  “Dorian,” Demi whispered, turning to look at me like she knew exactly what was on my mind.

  Of course she did. I could feel the fucking lecherous look on my face.

  Carl got into the limo and pulled away, driving farther into the parking lot. I looked down at Demi, biting my lip when she smiled up at me shyly.

  “You want me to drive you home?” I asked, licking my lips nervously. I had to make sure. I couldn’t just drag her upstairs if she wasn’t ok with it.

  Demi raised an eyebrow at me impishly. “Do you want me to go?” she asked.

  I shook my head, unable to properly voice how badly I didn’t want her to go.

  “Well then, upstairs?”

  I chuckled, relief pounding through me. I still had her hand in mine and I used the hold to lead her, turning and heading towards the
elevators. Instinctively, I ended up squeezing her hand just a little bit tighter and when she squeezed mine in return I wanted to smile like the biggest idiot in the whole city.

  It didn’t make sense.

  Yet, it made perfect sense.

  Everything was becoming too obvious to me. Things were happening and I knew damned well what they were. There were a million reasons why what I was feeling was wrong. One of the most important being: I hadn’t even had her, yet. I shouldn’t have been this enamoured, damn it.

  But I was.

  Not to mention her dad. What the fuck was I going to tell him about the fact that I was going to be dating his daughter? His teenaged daughter?


  Clearly. I had no interest in just using her. Not that I hadn’t done that with other women before but I couldn’t imagine doing that to Demi.

  Then again, aside from whatever happened tonight, I had no idea what Demi would want. I had no…

  “Shit,” I cursed, my chaotic thoughts crashing and out of nowhere reminding me of something very important.

  “What?” Demi asked.

  I came to a stop right in front of the elevators, jaw twitching.

  “Dorian, what is it?”

  I groaned, feeling an agony tearing through me that rivaled acid splashing on my insides.

  “Dorian, you’re scaring me.”

  “Baby, I don’t mean to. It’s just…fuck,” I cursed.

  “Dorian!” Demi snapped, turning me around so she could glare up at me. “What is it?”

  “Idon’thaveanycondoms,” I mumbled quickly under my breath while leaning against the wall.


  “I don’t have any condoms,” I repeated, feeling like the biggest ass in history.

  “Wha…are you serious? Do you normally not use them or something?” Demi asked.

  I looked at her, expecting…hell, I don’t know what I was expecting but it sure as fuck wasn’t the confused and amused look on her face.

  I was about to experience a physical rupture that would surely be fatal and she was amused.


  “No,” I ground out, turning away from her and proceeding to bang my head against the wall. Then, because the anguish my dick was in wasn’t abating in the least, I decided to bang my head harder.

  “No,” Demi repeated, ignoring the danger I was putting my welfare in. “So if not, why don’t you have any? Did you run out recently?”

  Now I could definitely hear something I didn’t want to hear in her tone. I was sorely tempted to bang my head until, perhaps, my brain tissue ended up adorning the wall. “I ran out months ago,” I confessed.

  “Are you telling me - are you serious?” she asked incredulously.

  “It’s your fault,” I grumbled, feeling my face burn red.

  Beautiful. On top of everything else, I was now blushing. What more could this girl do to emasculate me?

  “Dorian, stop banging your head. I don’t want you hurting yourself,” Demi said, grabbing my shoulder and urging me to turn around. Once I did, she took me by surprise, cupping my face and smiling up at me.

  “You…cute. You’re blushing and it’s freaking cute.”

  I groaned, shaking my head. I was about to just confess my sudden lack of manhood and how it was all her fault. However, before I could do so, Demi pulled me back down and gave me a soft kiss that reminded me damn well of how much testosterone was still coursing through my system.

  “The store’s right outside,” Demi breathed, sighing when I brought her closer.

  “I don’t think I’m going to survive,” I whispered, nibbling at those lips.

  Demi giggled, the sound punching me right in the cock. “I might not, either. But we have to try, right?” And she managed to pull away, her expression turned on and playful.

  Lord, I’m begging. You win, I’m begging. Give me the strength. But above all, help me hide this damned hard-on. Amen.

  “Come on,” she said, tugging on my hand and leading me in the elevator. It arrived in the lobby less than ten seconds later. Demi awkwardly let go of my hand once the door slid open. I didn’t have to be a mind reader to know what was going through her head. My girl thought I’d mind people seeing us together like that. Which was ridiculous, really, considering how I’d carried her away from the gala.

  I was about to grab her hand and show her that I didn’t care who saw. One look around warped those plans. Too many people were in the lobby. In other words, too many men. Too many pairs of eyes that turned to stare at what was mine. When I saw the guy who lived below me and how his eyes raked my girl from head to toe…

  “Dorian,” Demi gasped, obviously surprised that I’d wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her in tight.

  I raised my eyebrows, throwing her an ‘innocent’ look.

  “Oh my God,” Demi laughed under her breath, shaking her head at me.

  We stepped out of the building. It wasn’t lost on me that Demi hadn’t pulled away and when she slowly reached her arm around me, something warm shot through me. Something that made me feel oddly lightheaded.

  It could just be all the blood not in your head right now.

  This is true…

  “We’re going to have to do something about this reaction you keep having when a guy looks my way,” Demi suggested playfully as we entered the huge, air-conditioned ‘pharmacy.’

  “You’re right,” I mused, pursing my lips. “We need to get you lots of long-sleeve turtlenecks and loose pants.”

  Demi stared up at me with an unamused look. I shrugged my shoulders. “Then you’re just going to have to be more understanding of the fact that I don’t like other guys looking at you that way, aren’t you?”

  She just shook her head at me again. She wasn’t really looking at me but I could still tell she was fighting back a smile. Several people turned to look at us as we walked by. I knew it was most likely because of the way we were dressed. That and how hot my girl was. I managed to ignore them and lead Demi towards the aisle that had the condoms. I took one look at what they had, finding the lambskin ones and grabbing a box of three.

  Then, I thought better of it. Put it back and grabbed the box of twelve.

  Nah, fuck that. I put that back, kneeled slightly and there you go. Thirty six condoms, nearly eighty dollars, but of course price wasn’t an issue and I didn’t give a damn about that.

  Latex was annoying. I refused to wear that shit. Besides, these came the closest to feeling like nothing and I needed to feel as much of Demi as I could now that we were going to do this. I straightened up and saw her squinting at the box I was holding.

  She caught me staring at her and blushed again. “What?” I asked, looking between the box and her.

  “Aside from the size of that box compared to the other two you picked out first…nothing. I’d heard of those and was curious, that’s all.” She shrugged after that, cheeks still pink.

  I walked up to her and pulled her back into my side, fighting the urge to nibble on her cheek. “You heard about them?”

  “More like read.”

  “Where?” I asked as we walked towards the cashier.


  “Cosmo? Wait, the magazine? The one always advertising sex tips on the cover and shit?”

  Demi blushed harder, her face nearing red.

  “Demi,” I all but growled, my imagination running wild. “What have you been reading?”

  “What? Just ‘cause I haven’t had someone to try out those things on, it doesn’t mean I haven’t been curious,” she said in a small, defensive voice.

  “Me,” I pretty much grunted, sounding like an ape.


  “You’re going to try out all those things with me,” I clarified, staring hungrily at her. Needing to feel her closer, I pulled her all the way up against my chest. Not even the clothes between us could bar the electric heat we ignited from leaking through.

  I knew her nipples were hard for me.
Her facial expression said it all, I didn’t need to see anything else. The way she nodded her head made that urge come back. The one that had me licking at my teeth from behind tense lips. The one that had me salivating, the mere thought of that skin in the grip of my teeth nearly turning me into a beast.

  I took advantage of the fact that we were waiting in line and took her mouth. Took it as much as I could considering people were around. Demi clung to me, her little hands vicious fists in the fabric of my shirt.

  I wanted her to rip it off. Wanted buttons flying as she tore at any barrier in her way. I wanted her wild but most of all I wanted her that way because I had been the one to drive her there.


  I backed away from Demi, panting and fighting the urge to growl at the cashier. I pulled Demi’s hand and rushed us forward. The young boy took one look between Demi and I, looked down at the condoms, and there you go. He knew.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I looked at Demi, trying to see if she was bothered by this. She was having a hard time fighting back a smile, her kiss-swollen lips pursed from the effort.

  Dangerous. She was dangerous. She could make a man fall in love without even trying.

  You’re already halfway there.

  Refusing to think on that, I took out my wallet. Threw a hundred at the boy. Didn’t even wait for my change. I took the bag, turned to Demi, bent enough to grab her and almost flung her up into my arms.

  “Dorian!” she cried, eyes wide.

  I stared straight ahead, determined as I all but barreled out of that store. Once outside, it took all my self-control not to run into the lobby.

  “Dorian,” Demi laughed, hanging on around my neck.

  “Your legs are short, baby, and I’m in a hurry.”

  “Hey! Fuck you!”

  I laughed, throwing my head back. “I fucking love this,” I said as we entered the lobby. Yes, everyone and their grandmother turned to stare at the man who was known for owning the last two floors of the building. The man that was now barreling through the lobby with a girl in his arms. A girl, I’m sure, many knew worked for me. After all, she’d been here before on errands.


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