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Destructively Alluring

Page 8

by N. Isabelle Blanco

Fuck, I needed to but I couldn’t. The smidgen of doubt that lingered in her eyes was angering me. I knew I had within me the words that would eradicate it. But I couldn’t give those to her.

  Not yet.

  Mostly because I wasn’t sure about how’d she feel tomorrow. Partly because I was still denying it to myself.

  “How about h-”

  I didn’t let her finish. My teeth pulled on the top of her breast. A tortured groan was ripped out of me and I found myself rearing up. I was sweating so badly that my hands were slick against the table’s surface. I could barely hold them still as they support my weight.

  “Especially not her,” I snarled at her, angry that she was hellbent on taking everything from me and determined to take everything of her.

  The moment that last word left my mouth, I pushed.

  I fucking pushed.

  Demi’s eyes snapped wide open.

  Air refused to go any further in both our lungs. Her body caved around me, almost refusing to let me in. The didn’t stop me. One inch slid in and I was lost. Truly and irrevocably destroyed by her. Just like I knew I would be.


  An agonized sound leaked out of me. My eyes had squeezed shut. My body wasn’t stopping and my hips pushed forward, my cock immersing itself in her heat. I mean, I’d been with tight women before and maybe that shit’s cliche to say, but God damn, Demi was tight. Smaller than anyone I’d ever been with.

  “Am I hurting you?” I had enough decency to ask even though my eyes were still closed.

  Demi whimpered under me, her hips moving. One tilt and she’d taken me all the way in.

  All the way fucking in.

  “No,” she moaned, thighs shaking on either side of me.

  I was so deep, I felt her clit pressed on my skin. Sweat rolled down my back. Down my face. Her pussy was shaking around my cock. I cracked my neck, breathing deeply and trying to control myself.

  Not yet. Slow.

  I can’t.

  Her scent was saturating the air around us. It branded me.

  I was fucked and so was she.

  “Are you sure?” I asked, voice strained. I forced my eyes to open so I could look down at her. Demi slid her hand up my back. Across my wet shoulders. The sweat was glistening on her body just as much as it was on me.

  And the fucking AC was on.

  Her hands move up my neck, her fingertips tickling my jaw. She cupped my face and stared right into my eyes. “Say it again,” she moaned, rotating her hips just a tiny bit.

  “Oh God,” I prayed, my heart roaring in my chest.

  “Say it, Dorian. I need to-”

  “You,” I growled, moving, pulling back, sliding back in. “Fuck baby, only you,” is the only way I could describe to her what was happening within me.

  “Dorian,” Demi keened, trembling everywhere, nails literally digging into my cheeks, and her eyes rolling back. “It’s so - fuck! That’s amazing. Fuck me, baby. Please!”

  And I lost it. Pleasure screeched across every nerve on my cock as I slammed into her.

  Too hard.

  Too rough.

  My cock loved it.

  So did she. Her hands pulled at my hair. Her moans blackened my soul and promised me an eternity of perverse desires. Her body did worse. Desire clashed with self-hate. Sensation obliterated all that. Demi’s body is vicious sea of agony, pain, liberation and enslavement. All of it tumbled across me, the experience melting pass words. Symbols weren’t enough. Nothing would ever be enough to describe her.

  Nothing would ever be enough after her.

  My body pumped, dick pistoning. A choked and small sound clashed in my girl’s throat. Enough to slow me down. Not enough to stop me.

  “Fuck, baby. You’re amazing. Are you alright?” I asked, pushing deep and rotating. My lower abs were slick with sweat. Slick with her. I rotated, purposely pressing against the little throbbing nub I could feel.


  “I what?” I asked, biting my lip at her. Seeing the pleasure in her eyes. The surrender of her body.

  Lies. All lies. She wasn’t surrendering. She was demanding. Her hands let go of my hair. Her legs wrapped around my hips. I felt her small hands latch onto my ass, urging me on. Pushing me to a level I’ve never been to before.

  The coffee table scratched across the carpet with the force of my next thrust.

  “Oh my God!” Demi cried, one of her hands slapping against the coffee table, pulling at her own hair. Her other hand tensed on my ass. Her legs were squeezing me tightly, intent on not letting me go.

  “You like that, baby?” I panted, groaning as I felt her pussy drip down my cock. Her wetness slid, sliding down my length. Everything was so fucking wet.

  “You like my cock? Like this? Fucking. You. Hard?” I thrust into her with each word. Watched every expression that crossed her face.

  “Dorian, I never - like this. Never felt…fuuuuccckk,” she mewled, her hips coming off the table and matching my rhythm thrust for thrust.

  Somehow, her body took me in deeper.

  “Me neither,” I cried out in desperation. What the fuck was this? What the fuck was she doing to me?

  “Dorian, please. Please. I can’t. You’re too-”

  I pressed deep into her again, my back curving. Demi thrashed desperately under me, trying to force me to move. “I’m not letting you come until you say it.”

  Demi scratched my arms so hard I fucking hissed.

  My face twisted and my hips slammed against her hard, but I refused to move again after that. “Say it.”

  “Dorian, baby-”

  “Fucking say it, Demi!”

  “What the fuck do you want from me?” Demi cried out, her hips rotating desperately. Her fists landed on my arms, her teeth clenched, her face torn between anger, need, and more.

  Everything I wanted was in that expression. Now…now she only had to say it.

  “Everything,” I growled at her, knowing I must’ve look scary.

  I felt fucking scary. Monstrous. My balls were somehow throbbing as much as my dick. They’d drawn up tight, pleading for release and I needed to let loose. But I wouldn’t give in…

  Not until she said it, at least.

  “I want everything, too, you ass!” Demi groaned, grabbing her tit and pinching perfectly pink, hard flesh. The sight of her fingers rolling her nipple made me snap my teeth so hard my molars ached.

  “I’ll give it to you.” I was panting as I leaned down. “Just say it, baby. Fuck, hold it for me,” I said, knowing she’d know what I meant.

  Demi pinched her nipple, watching as I licked the tip. Her brow furrowed, a broken moan leaving her lips. “Dorian, I need to come. You feel amazing.”

  I sucked her nipple and her fingers into my mouth. My hips rotated harshly against her. The wet sound of skin slapping on glass rose in the air.

  “Say it’s mine. Just say it,” I begged breathlessly, shallow thrusts teasing us both.

  “Oh my- that? That? Don’t you already fucking know?” Demi cried, her cheeks pink.

  I licked one. “Say it anyway.”

  “Are you mine?” she responded cheekily.

  “Don’t fight me on this!” I snapped, slamming into her hard again. Tremors shot through her. The way her eyes rolled back said it all. The way her pussy was clamping down around me told me she was close.

  Fuck, she was going to take me with her.

  “Tell me-”

  “Tell me you’re mine,” she shot back, heels digging into my ass.

  My body begged with me. Pleaded with me to bow to her will. Demanded that I give her what she wanted, what was rightfully hers, so that we could finally fucking let go.

  “I am,” I conceded, thrusting into her one time.

  I almost came right there. It didn’t matter that I’d stopped. The moment the words left me mouth, Demi seized up around me. Her arms become vices. Her legs showed no mercy. Her pussy went on ‘annihilate’ mode.

��Uh. Oh, fuck. So good. I’m gonna…” she gasped, eyes wide.

  “I’m yours. Say you’re mine!” I screamed at her, losing control and pounding into her so hard that I swear I heard the glass crack.

  “I am! I fucking am! Fucking yours! Oh, ohhh fuck, baby. Dorian, I’m coming!”

  “Shit,” I choked, my head lolling back. I told it to stay in place so that I could watch her come undone around me.

  I couldn’t.

  In the background, above the numbing hiss of my nerves dying, I heard my roar. I heard her moans. Beyond that, I could only feel. Pain. It was pain, plain and simple. Pain and laceration of all things internal.

  And it was in that moment that I became a masochist. I would come to live for this pain. Come to crave it.

  She was rhyme. She was rhythm. She was pure quakes of sensations that dragged me in, locked me down, remade me. I came so hard I almost blacked out. My hips rode it out, pressing and seeking against her.

  I felt Demi’s arms wrapped around me. Heard her whimper my name again and again. Even though I couldn’t see, I fell on her, seeking out her lips and getting lost in the feeling of her tongue. A feeling that sent more throbs through me. Sparks flew down my spine. I lost all sensation in my feet. Fuck, I lost sensation everywhere except the areas that were touching her.

  I’d never felt so connected with anyone in my damned life.

  I knew, without physically feeling what she was feeling, that she was trapped in the same mind-altering spiral that I was. That, together, we’d reached something that was usually elusive to everyone else.

  Demi gasped, clenching one last time before melting onto my coffee table. Somehow, although I’m pretty sure I was about to pass out, I managed to chuckle at how cute and sexy she looked.

  Sweat highlighted every angle and heightened her scent. Her hair stuck to her forehead and the rest to the table’s surface. Her eyes were heavy-lidded, staring awestruck at the ceiling. Her heart thundered against my own.

  I couldn’t move off of her. I had that classic moment where I wondered if I was squeezing too much air out of her. But Demi didn’t protest. Her arms were still wrapped around me. She squeezed me once. Her eyelashes fluttered as she blinked up at the ceiling.

  That awed look was still on her face.

  Cocky motherfucker was now my middle name. I smiled widely, leaning in and kissing her cheek, then her mouth. When she turned her head and returned my kiss, my dick actually tried to revive itself right there.

  Greedy fucker.

  I was seriously considering trying to go for round two when a soft rumble sounded out below me. I couldn’t help but laugh, my chest constricting oddly. That same warmth from earlier was spreading through me.

  The one that warned me that I’d never be the same now that I’d had her.

  “Hungry, huh?”

  Demi huffed at my teasing tone, her eyes finally meeting mine. “It’s your fault. You didn’t even let me enjoy the food they had there. You just whisked me away…”

  “But wasn’t this so much better?” I teased, kissing the corner of her mouth. I knew I really had to move off her. I knew I had to pull out and dispose of the condom. But I didn’t want to. Not yet.

  “It was,” Demi agreed, her face softening and taking on an expression that shot through my heart. She cupped my cheek, her thumb caressing it.

  My breathing faltered.

  “We can order something,” I suggested in a deep tone, my eyes sliding closed as I basked in the feeling of her caressing me.

  “Ok,” Demi breathed, her tone odd. Warm. Dangerous.

  “As soon as I can get up. I promise. Just give me two seconds. Or a hundred.”

  Demi laughed at that, her walls jumping around me because of it. I hissed and forced myself to slide out. If I didn’t, I was going to hurt her. I knew it.

  “Laugh all you want. It’s your fault you killed me.”

  She laughed harder at that, her arms tightening around me. “Just hurry the fuck up. I’m starving.”


  “Yes ma’am.”

  Her next giggle did it. It drove that nail through my heart. I was fucking gone and there was only one thing I could think to do about it.

  I was going to fucking keep her.

  No matter what I had to do to make that happen.


  The next morning…

  Demi and I had spent the rest of the night hanging out in my living room. She’d been surprised to learn of my addiction to Chinese take-out. I’d been surprised to learn that no part of her was really shy by nature. She’d admitted to me, cheeks pink, that it was her attraction to me that had made her feel awkward near me. I assured her that there was no reason to feel awkward. Obviously, I was just as attracted to her as she was to me.

  Perhaps even more so.

  It took everything I had to stay on the other end of the couch and not attack her. More than once, I’d seen her shift and wince and I knew that she had to be sore.

  As sexy as she looked wearing a pair of my sleeping pants and a t-shirt that she’d borrowed, I knew that I had to let her rest before taking her again. Even knowing this, the rest of the night had been difficult. The more I learned about her, the more I wanted her. The way that she smiled or laughed at something I said made my body burn all over again.

  As soon as we were done eating, I’d lifted Demi into my arms and carried her straight to the bedroom. She’d seemed surprised but didn’t say anything as I laid us down and turned off the lights. Laying there in the dark with her, our bodies touching, had been more excruciating than anything thus far.

  I’d tasted her. I knew what being inside her body was like, so I knew what I was missing.

  Determined to be considerate, I’d hugged her to me, careful to keep my erection away from her. It took a while but eventually I was dragged into a deep sleep.

  When I woke up, it was because I felt movement next to me and it jarred me out of my sleep. I squinted against the light, coming to just in time to see Demi moving towards the edge of the bed.

  She could’ve just been going to the bathroom, for all I knew, yet something told me to reach out for her.

  Demi gasped sharply when she felt my arm wrap around her waist. I pulled her back onto the bed, spooning her from behind so I could nuzzle her neck. “Where were you off to?” I asked, nipping her skin playfully.

  The little sound she made set my blood on fire but before I could think on it too much, her continued silence registered and set me on edge. “Demi,” I said carefully. “Where were you going?”

  Demi inhaled shakily and wouldn’t turn to look at me.

  “Demi,” I repeated, emphasizing her name.

  “I thought you would want me to leave,” she whispered out of nowhere.

  My brow slammed down hard at that. I turned her over and looked into her eyes. “And why would I want that?” I asked, truly confused.

  “I don’t know. I just thought…” Demi trailed off, pressing her red face into the pillow next to my shoulder.

  I moved her hair away from her face and cupped her cheek. “You thought I just wanted to fuck you and now that I did, I was done with you,” I stated calmly.

  Demi didn’t respond. She didn’t need to. I sighed, annoyed that she’d jumped to that conclusion but knowing that it was logical in some way. Men are men. I was one of them. Had she been anyone other than herself, I might very well be done with her.

  “I don’t want you to leave,” I finally said. “This wasn’t just about sleeping with you. That’s not what I want.”

  “What do you want then?” Demi asked, finally looking at me.


  But I didn’t say that. Things weren’t going to be that simple between us and I knew it.

  “I want more time with you,” I answered honestly. “I want more time to get to know you more. I want to explore this. Most of all…” I sighed, falling on the pillow and staring at the ceiling. “I need more time to figure out wha
t I’m going to tell your father.”

  Demi was silent next to me after that. After a few moments, I felt her move. She leaned towards me and pressed a kiss to the corner of my mouth. Forget morning wood. I was one the level of morning steel and I had to clench my jaw to stop myself from attacking her.

  “I want that, too,” Demi breathed.

  I hadn’t even realized that I was tense from waiting for her to answer until my body nearly melted from the relief.

  “Well, except the whole ‘tell my father part.’ He doesn’t have to know right away.”

  “Demi,” I warned, turning to look at her. “We can’t just hide the fact that we’re seeing each other. Enough people saw us together last night and if he finds out from anyone but us, he’s going to be livid.”

  “Dorian, hear me out,” Demi said, draping one leg over my hip and effectively robbing me of most of my thought processes. “It’ll only be for a month or so. My school schedule is going to get longer starting next semester and I won’t be able to work with you for awhile. We can tell him then. He’ll be really angry if he finds out that we started this while I was still working with you.”

  “He’s going to be pissed as hell anyway,” I mumbled.

  “Maybe, but I wouldn’t underestimate how much he likes you. Which is a lot, by the way.”

  I couldn’t say that I liked her plan, but I also couldn’t completely fault her logic. “How about we take this one moment at a time until we figure something out?” I suggested.

  The smile Demi gave me made that odd, warm tightness seep into my chest again. “Ok,” she replied, still smiling.

  “Now get over here and give me my good morning kiss, woman. I’m not letting you eat breakfast until you do so,” I playfully growled, pulling her closer.

  “You brute,” Demi giggled.

  “With you? Damn right I am,” I said, cupping her neck and leaning down to kiss her.


  Demitra and Dorian will be back in the next installment that follows their story as their relationship develops. “Allure Magnified” is due to be out late 2012.

  The Rise of the Szolites is about to begin. Join N. Isabelle Blanco when the first book in her Szolite series, “Blood Flows Deep in the Empire”, comes out via The Writer’s Coffeeshop in both print and Ebook. The first book is due to be out 2013. An erotic and highly charged tale, Blood Flows Deep in the Empire will take you into the chaotic world of Gods, War, and the depths of two beings and what happens to their souls as they unite in something much deeper than a mere soul-mating. This is soulmates taken to the extreme.


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