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Their Virgin (A M/F/M Romance)

Page 3

by J. L. Beck

  Reluctantly I did as I was told, taking my ass back to the chair where I watched them remove every board that was bad from the fence. As afternoon turned to evening and the time came for them to leave, a cold void formed in my chest. It had only been one day with them, one day of pleasure and I hadn’t had nearly enough. I needed more time with them.

  I needed their hands on me more, and both of them to kiss me and possess me like a woman should truly be possessed.

  “See you tomorrow sweetheart,” Logan whispered as he left the house. I could tell it was hard for him to do so, his body shaking with the need to be close to me. Still, he left him and his brother getting into their truck and leaving.

  “Fuck….” I muttered to myself, shucking my yoga pants just as they pulled from the curb. The only way I knew how to keep the feeling alive was to evoke it from myself so I slipped my hand into my panties and brought myself to orgasm, over and over again, until I was to tired to keep my eyes open, and my muscles ached and just as my eyes drifted closed an image of Logan and Luke both stroking their stiff cocks appeared before me a mere smile pulling at my lips before I fell into a deep restful sleep.

  Chapter Four


  I spent the majority of the night held up in my bedroom with a six-pack of beer trying to get the dirty little Isabella out of my mind. Except every time my eyes closed even for a second, her face was there, and the memory of her moans of pleasure from earlier in the day were there as well and it only got worse once I went to sleep. I was eager as hell, to get over to her house and spank her ass for lying to me and I was calling my brother in for help. Whatever happened between Isabella and her mom yesterday wasn’t good and I had a feeling it had something to do with Luke and I being there.

  I showered and dressed in record speed my body burning to touch her once again and maybe this time Luke would get to play a little bit. I wouldn’t ever admit it out loud but I was more possessive of Isabella. Every breath she took I felt was mine and every single drop of pleasure she received I wanted it to be at my hand not at Luke’s or some other assholes but at mine.

  “In the truck we go…” Luke snickered, knowing just how eager I was to get back to her. Maybe I would find a way to get her back to the house? As I gazed out the passenger window I contemplated the idea of actually having more than just sex with her. Was that even something I could do? I was best known for my bachelor ways and refused to be tied down to one woman but Isabella stirred something in me. She made the blood in my veins boil, and her touch alone melted away any coldness that tried to settle over my heart.

  “I know you said you want her cherry bro, but I’m spanking the fuck out of her today. Right across the long sofa in her living room.” Just hearing Luke talk about spanking Isabella turned me on. I was past fixing the fence or the money that we would get from doing the job. It was all about her, and my desire to possess her body and not even I could lie to myself about what this really was about.

  “I’m watching. I want to see her pink ass cheeks and hear her moans of pleasure with every smack of your hand. ” I clenched my fists in my lap a conflict rising deep inside my chest. I wanted Luke to possess her body too, but I wanted her to only want me and as selfish as that maybe was, I knew I would lose it if I found out she wanted Luke too.

  “You can watch brother, but you can’t touch. Not this time. This time she’s mine to devour.” The sinister look in his eyes made my heart thud loudly in my ears. I hadn’t told him I touched her untainted pussy yet, but I was positive he knew. I mean we both did come out of the shed together and he knew I wouldn’t have just been pussyfooting around. I was a man, and I always dove head first into everything. I wanted Isabella so claiming her would be nothing but a goal and I always met my goals. When we pulled up to the curb across the street from her house I noticed she was standing in front of the bay window again.

  Watching. Waiting. And dare I say wanting? Did she fantasize about me like I did her? Maybe I would ask her?

  Before I even realized it my feet were carrying from the truck and up the sidewalk to the front door of her house. She stood before us, with a look of sadness in her eyes.

  “What’s a matter sunshine, don’t want to take your spankings today?” Luke taunted tilting his head at her. She bit her bottom lip in worry. Did she have something to say?

  “You can’t be here today… I… I lied.” She stumbled over her words like a child that was afraid of telling the truth. Luke and I looked at each other trying to figure out what the hell it was that she was talking about. What did she mean we couldn’t be here? We had a job to do, aside from trying to get into her panties.

  “And why is that Isabella?” I questioned leaning into her body. She took a step back as if she was afraid of me. Didn’t she know I would never hurt her, physically? That I would only bring her pleasure that bordered on pain and pleasure.

  “I lied. I wanted to see you guys again… I wanted you….” She looked up at me, her innocent doe eyes seeing right through me.

  Understanding formed on Luke’s face and I followed shortly after. Isabella’s features reflecting the real emotions she was feeling. As we crossed the threshold into the house and closed the door, Luke started to speak.

  “Your mom didn’t really need work done did she?” Luke’s voice was calm and cool. Isabella looked up at me and shook her head no, her teeth still worrying on her bottom lip.

  “Well the work has already started sweetheart, and if she didn’t really need the work done then that means she has no intention of paying us… and you know what that means don’t you…?” I could practically see Isabella’s pulse jump in her throat. I would never lay a hand on her perfect olive skin, but I would show no mercy to her pussy as I made her fall apart around me.

  “I’m sure we can work something out…” Her voice didn’t wobble with fear at the thought of what might occur instead a spark of excitement showed in her eyes. That spark then lit my sexually frustrated fuse pushing me over the edge. I wanted her so badly it almost hurt. The need to have her was so overwhelming it almost brought me to my knees.

  “I know exactly how you can pay off all the work we’ve done so far.” I leaned into her body her sweet pure scent filling my nostrils. I could practically see the need for my cock, rolling off of her and slamming into me like waves breaking against the ocean.

  “Whatever you want… Just please don’t tell my mom. I wanted to see you again, but I also wanted to do something nice for her. I promise I’ll do whatever you want me too. I’ll repay you. ” Her long brown eyelashes fanned against her cheek, the disappointment she had in herself reflected in her features.

  I cupped her chin in my hand, as she looked up at me like I held the entire world in my fucking hands.

  “I want you, and I want that pure pussy of yours squeezing my cock so tightly I come.” I made sure she understood exactly what it was that I was asking of her, because once I touched her again there would be no stopping me until her sweet cunt was filled with my cum, and my name had fallen from her swollen lips half a million times.

  “And I want your ass….” Luke grinned from ear to ear. Isabella looked at me and then to Luke a smidge of fear emerging in her eyes.

  “He won’t hurt you. I won’t let him. He just wants you as badly as I do, and why have one of us when you can have both?” I titled my head as I spoke.

  “Okay… Where… Do you want me?” Isabella asked batting her eyes at me continuing on with her shy, innocent act. She was sweet as pie, and yeah her pussy was pure as fuck but was she? I didn’t think so. I was positive she was doing a whole lot more than playing games on that little tablet of hers. Maybe she was jotting down all her fantasies, and hopefully, they all included me?

  “I get you first sweetie, and I want you bent over the couch right over there. Shimmy out of your thong, and flip the back of that beautiful dress up. That plump ass of yours is going to get spanked.” My teeth ground together as I watched Isabella do as she was told
, my brother. She strutted over to the couch, bent over, and removed her black lace thong. My cock grew stiff in my jeans, and my belly filled with butterflies.

  I wanted to be enraged with Luke, but I was turned on too much. Her pink pussy was glistening with juices, and my tongue begged me to lap them up as she bent further over the couch.

  “Does this turn you on, Isabella?” Luke questioned her his voice, deep and raspy as he leaned over her body, his hands skimming down her back and onto her ass. Jealousy flooded my body and my emotions. I clenched my fists tightly, as I watched him lift a hand into the air and bring it down onto her right ass cheek.

  “Ahhh…” She moaned softly arching her back as if she wanted more.

  “Your dripping sweetheart… Does this turn you on?” Another swat to the ass, the sound of skin hitting skin filled the air. She nodded her, yes, her dark hair going in every direction as she did so. Her eyes were barely open and her face conveyed nothing but blissful pleasure.

  “More…” She begged. I undid the button on my jeans, and slipped my hand into my boxers, my hands wrapping around my stiff cock as if they knew exactly what I needed.

  “Beg for it,” Luke growled, and I gripped my cock harder, my grip almost bruising. I wanted to be angry with Luke, I wanted to tell him to get his hands off of her, but I also wanted to watch her cum. I needed to see her lips part, and her cheeks warm as pleasure filled her body.

  “Please spank me harder, Luke. Please.” Her voice was so pure and innocent, so gentle and so fucking perfect. She leaned further over the couch her ass jutting more as if to say here it is, come and get it.

  “Good girl.” He purred in her ear, rewarding her with another hard smack against her ass. He soothed the pain away messaging the area, only to smack her again, and again. He continued to soothe, and spank her ass until her ass cheeks were red with handprints. I was sure her pussy was clenching, and her nails were digging into the fabric of the couch.

  I fisted my cock harshly, fucking own hand as he smacked her ass harder, each smack pushing me closer to the edge of insanity.

  “I….” She cried out. “I’m going to cum.” I wished I could see her face right in that moment as she the waves of pleasure crested in her body. I continued to stroke my cock, not wanting to cum yet, but not wanting to give up the image of her glistening pussy quiet yet. Luke had done well, making her cum with nothing but the gentle massage, and hard smack of his hand. Now it was my turn.

  “Come here,” I growled, forgetting about Luke, or anyone else for that matter. All that mattered was Isabella, and making her feel exactly how I did. She slowly stood pulling herself up to the side of the couch. A soft smile showed on her face. Her eyes were filled with pleasure and desires that only I could meet. Once she was right in front of me I lifted my hand caressing one of her ass cheeks, bringing her chest flush to mine.

  “Do you want my eight-inch cock buried deep inside that virginal pussy of yours?” I had to know. I had to hear her say the word out loud.

  “Why don’t you check for yourself.”? The words slipped from her lips right before she kissed me, taking my hand and shoving it between her legs so I could feel for myself just how ready for me she was.

  My body was already on fire, my cock begging for something to sink into, and she wanted to do something as risky as play with fire? I smiled against her lips and slipped a finger deep inside her hole. She was tight, so fucking tight. It almost brought me to my knees how perfect she was.

  “I’m guessing from the juices dripping down my hand that you’re more than ready for me? And you’re aren’t you?” We were past foreplay. We were now in uncharted territory. Playing a game of cat and mouse that neither of us would survive. I gazed into her eyes, wanting to never leave the confines of such a tight, warm, space.

  “Take me.” She growled, her teeth sinking into my bottom lip. I pulled my finger from her pussy without even a thought, wrapping my arm under her ass, pulling her up into my chest. I could see the entire world in shine in those hazel eyes of hers. I wanted her, and I wanted her now but more than that I realized then that I couldn’t share her with my brother. I couldn’t share this moment with him. She was mine, and I wanted her for myself.

  “I will. I want too. But I can’t. Not here. Not when my brother is here. I want you, and only you. For myself, and no one else, and he knows that. So as badly as I wanted to take that sweet pussy of yours and deflower it I can’t right this second because it wouldn’t feel right to take you in front of someone else.” Her eyebrows furrowed in frustration.

  “But I want you.” She nipped at my lip, almost pleading. I shoved my forehead against hers, forgetting about the money, the work, and the fact that Luke was mere feet away.

  “And I want you too, more than you can even fucking imagine, but if I’m going to take you I’m going to take you the right way. How I see fit. Do you understand me, Isabella?” Seconds ticked by before she nodded her head up and down.

  “Good. Now I have to get to work, but I promise you by midnight your pussy will belong to me.” I released her, gently placing her back on the ground wondering if I had made the biggest mistake in the fucking world not taking her right here and now. As I turned around, buttoning my jeans I noticed the lingering of a smile on Luke’s face. Yeah, the need to punch him in the face had never been stronger.

  “I’ll be waiting…” Isabella’s sweet voice met my ears pulling me from the violent thought.

  “You better be.” I smiled as I made my way out to the truck. Now all I had to do was convince myself, and Luke that I wasn’t falling for Isabella.

  Chapter Five


  Watching him work out in the heat did nothing but make my pulse spike. Every single movement he made my eyes caught. When his muscles bunched together from the strain of moving the wood pieces or when he bent over to get something my entire body would clench including my pussy, which I was sure now belonged to him. No one had ever claimed it with two fingers like he did.

  “You stare at him harder than you do that Kindle of yours.” My mom’s voice startled me right out of the lawn chair I was sitting in. My hands lifting to my chest, as I tried to shove the organ called my heart back inside it.

  “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph you scared me.” I huffed out of breath my legs wobbly. My mother snickered like she had just said a hilarious joke or something.

  “See, if you weren’t so engrossed in him you would’ve noticed me coming from a mile away.” Her tone was all matter of fact like. The truth was, I was way more than engrossed in that man out there. I was falling for him. Completely smitten by him and neither him nor my own mother knew it.

  “Not true. I was merely supervising, anyway what are you doing home so early?” I lifted an eyebrow in questioning. I wanted to take Logan up on his offer later and have him fuck me in my bed. But I couldn’t do that if my mother was here. My eyes darted to the couch where Luke had spanked me until I came this morning. My insides turning to mush as relived the rush of pleasure that filled my veins with every smack of his hand against my ass.

  “I had to take a break between shifts. They want me to work the late night shift so I won't be home until eight tomorrow morning.” I wanted to jump up and down as soon as I realized what it was that she was saying. She wouldn’t be home. I would be alone. All night. A girl like me shouldn’t be so happy over something so small but I was elated.

  “That sucks, they must be short staffed?” I played dumb all while thinking about the dirty things that Logan would be doing to me later.

  “I wasn’t born yesterday child. Don’t be planning no parties, and don’t invite anyone over.” Her voice was stern, and her words were laced with a warning one that I didn’t want to find out about.

  “I will do nothing but sit on my Kindle for hours reading.” I smiled, lying through my teeth. I wanted to feel bad for lying, for breaking the rules but it was exhilarating, and intense to be doing things I know I shouldn’t.

od, now let’s have lunch before those twins get done working on the fence.” My mother’s eyes drifted past me and to them. I couldn’t tell what it was she was thinking as she watched them but I was almost certain it mirrored something that I too felt when I looked at them.


  “Uhh, Mom. You’re staring. Let’s go.” I cleared my throat, grabbing her by the arm and coaxing her into the house.

  “Oh yes, sorry. I was just trying to see what it was that they were working on. That’s all.” I coughed covering a laugh because I knew more than anyone that’s exactly the opposite of what she was doing. Once inside the house, I allowed myself one last glance at them, my eyes gliding up and down Logan’s body taking a mental picture of him saving it for later when I’m sure I would need it most.


  “I put the money on the counter for Dominos. I’ll be home no later than eight AM.” She scurried around the house grabbing her car keys, and wallet as if she had no idea where she had placed them.

  “Oh and please lock the door before you go to bed.” She placed a kiss on my forehead and stared at me for a long second before blinking away whatever it was that she wanted to say. Instead, she shook her head and made her way to the door.

  “I love you, Isabella.” The words came out almost like a whisper as she opened the door and slipped outside without another word. I waited until I heard her car pull out of the driveway to get up and walk over to the back patio door. It had only been a few hours since I last stopped to look at him, even if it felt like a lifetime. The sun was setting off in the West, making the sky an array of orange, pink, and purple colors. My mind drifted to the thought of having sex back here in the back yard under the stars, or the setting sun?

  Would it be as beautiful as it was in the books I read? I gripped the handle to open the patio door, feeling eyes on me before I even looked up. I knew Logan was watching me because I was doing the same, all the time, every second of every day that he was here.


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