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Girls From da Hood 8

Page 12

by Treasure Hernandez

  “Don’t go spreadin’ my business to her either. I’ma see her around sooner or later.”

  Keisha left without another word.

  Oh my God, why she even actin’ like that? She don’t know what the hell I’m going through. I gotta make shit work right now and I’ma use and do whateva to get what I want. LaRhonda stood there, contemplating her next move.



  “Keisha, what the fuck, I waited for yo’ ass like for an hour. Thanks for celebratin’ with me. ¡Lagarta! ” Shawna shouted into the phone.

  “Celebrate what? Guess who back?”

  “My promotion and the fact that I will be movin’ out soon . . . Who back?” Shawna wasn’t sure who Keisha was talking about.

  “Meet me on my floor in ten, in the back staircase,” Keisha insisted.

  “I ain’t meeting you in no back staircase. Last time I did that, fuckin’ stupid-ass Jerome walked up on me. You know how pervy he is. Just knock on my door.” Shawna hung up the phone. It was time for all that hood stuff to end. If she was going to make those changes Shore mentioned, they would have to start now.

  Keisha looked at her phone with her head cocked to the side. What the fuck is her problem? She threw her sneakers back on and headed out her room.

  “Keisha, where you going?” her mother asked, sitting at the dining table.

  “Um, I’m goin’ to the store, you need somethin’?”

  Her mother stared at her for moment. “I think we need to talk,” her mother said.

  “Ma, I ain’t—”

  “Look, KeKe, you older now and well . . . I need my space. I can’t have you walkin’ in on me like the other night,” her mother interrupted.

  “Ma, I told you I was sorry. I didn’t remember you sayin’ nothin’ ’bout havin’ company,” Keisha said, watching her mother closely.

  “KeKe, I can’t have that happen again.” Her mother’s voice turned harsh.

  “Ma, you can’t be serious. What’s really goin’ on? Is this ’bout when I cursed whateva his name was the other mornin’?” Keisha’s blood was boiling. I can’t believe this shit!

  “Oh, please, I didn’t give a fuck. Why can’t you stay at that girl’s house you had over here the other day?” Keisha’s mom sucked her teeth.

  “She wasn’t nobody, and you know that. Why you comin’ at me like this? What happened, yo’ new boyfriend don’t like me or somethin’?”

  “Listen, you causin’ me to lose money. You know how this works.” Her mother’s words were bittersweet.

  “Ma, I told you, you don’t have to keep doin’ that shit. I make—”

  “Do you really think that you can make enough money to handle all the shit we want or fuckin’ need? Don’t be stupid. Now that you older, you can be on yo’ own. I don’t need you cramping my style,” she said, cutting her eyes at her daughter.

  “What, you gonna start havin’ orgy parties and shit now? Since when you start bringin’ that shit home anyway?” Keisha asked with a slight disgust in her voice.

  “You don’t have a right to ask me that shit. I’m a fuckin’ grown-ass woman and I don’t gotta explain my business to yo’ ass,” her mother reminded Keisha.

  “Where the fuck am I goin’, Ma? You know I can’t get no place by myself. Fuckin’ one-bedroom apartment like almost a thousand dollars a month.” Keisha stood there with her arms folded over her chest.

  “Look, KeKe, I need yo’ ass outta here by the end of the month,” her mother said with some force.

  “Ma . . . Ma . . .” Keisha kept calling her, but her mother stood up and walked into her room, shutting her bedroom door behind her.

  Her mother’s words sliced Keisha’s heart like a surgeon—meticulous.

  Wow, this is new. Before Keisha blurted out her thought, she hurried out the door, slamming it shut behind her. Filled with anger she walked toward the back staircase, pulling out a cigarette. After a few puffs her anger settled for the moment. It’d been three years since she left school, got her GED, and busted her ass to get a job and help out. Never did she think her mother would turn on her because of some bullshit she wanted to do. I’m the one who kept shit goin’ when she wasn’t doin’ nothin’. This ungrateful bitch!

  When Keisha turned thirteen her mother’s big job in the city wasn’t a family secret anymore. Unfortunately, it became known by everyone in the hood. The night of her birthday party Keisha’s mother got real drunk and propositioned most of the men on the arms of her friends’ moms. When she returned to school Keisha had her first fight, because some girls were talking about her mother hoeing herself out to any man. It infuriated her that her mother didn’t care why she had the fight. Her mother was more upset that she had to stay home because of Keisha’s week suspension from school.

  A buzzing noise alerted her. SHAWNA flashed across the screen. Keisha sent the call to voice mail. “Fuck that shit, I ain’t tryin’ to hear ’bout nobody fuckin’ accomplishments when I need a place to stay before the end of the week is out,” she said out loud to herself.

  Scrolling through her contacts her thoughts were negative. Fuck, I screwed over half these chicks in here. Who the fuck I’ma gonna call to save me now? Keisha’s phoned buzzed again.

  “Where the fuck you at?”

  “Shawna, some shit just went down so I ain’t comin’ through. I’ma—”

  Confused by Keisha’s response Shawna interrupted, “What the fuck happened? Did somebody die or some shit?” Shawna let out a nervous laugh.

  Pissed off that Shawna felt it was okay to laugh when Keisha’s tone was nowhere close to joking she blacked on her. “Bitch, what the fuck you laughin’ at? You think you so fuckin’ perfect. Your shit stink just as much as anyone else in this motherfuckin’ hood. Do you know how many times I saved yo’ ass from gettin’ an X marked on yo’ face? Nobody don’t wanna hear nothin’ ’bout yo’ good fuckin’ news.”

  “KeKe, what the fuck did I do? You said you was comin’ to see me. You know what, fuck this shit. I don’t need you or Ronnie as my so-called friends anymore. Y’all don’t like nothin’ good for nobody else but yo’self. Fuck you!” Shawna hung the phone up.

  Keisha’s phone buzzed again. She picked up without looking at the screen, expecting Shawna to be on the line. “Why don’t you go fuck yo’ daddy again, bitch!”

  “Whoa . . . Keisha?” a female voice asked.

  “Who this?”

  “It’s Nicole. Is this a bad time? Sounds like you in the middle of something.”

  “Nicole . . . Nah, it’s all good. What’s up?” Keisha asked, trying to suppress her anger.

  “Umm, thought maybe you could swing by tonight and we could finish what we started. Besides, some of my girls want to meet you,” Nicole replied.

  “Meet me? Why? I told you I’m not out there like that. I don’t wanna meet yo’ friends.” Keisha’s anger resurfaced.

  “Damn, so what was all that talk about the other night? You said you were ready. You still scared about what other people going to say? Keisha, I told you I would help you get over your fear. Besides, who the fuck really cares about who you have in your bed anyway?”

  Keisha took a deep breath. “Fine, but I don’t wanna meet yo’ friends. Or at least not yet. I’ll be there later.”

  “Well, I guess that’s better than nothing. I’ll see you like in an hour?”

  “Yeah.” Keisha pressed END on her iPhone. It can’t be that bad. I gotta meet ’em sometime, might as well start now, her thoughts rolled in.



  Shawna’s mind was racing. She lay on the bed in her room, looking at her phone. Should I call? Why should I call? Oh my God, I can’t believe she played me like that, of all people—me. I can’t fuckin’ believe her. What the fuck was her problem? I’m so tired of both they asses, I swear. They don’t know any better than what they were taught and they weren’t taught much, like most of these girls living in these projects.

  She was in a
good place and no matter how she tried to fight it she couldn’t just shut them out. When she was younger LaRhonda and Keisha were the first girls to talk to her when she moved into the projects. Keisha only befriended her because of LaRhonda, but it didn’t matter; she talked and played with Shawna. They were always together; if you saw one the others were next to or close behind. As they were growing up Keisha and LaRhonda had it all. Every week they both had something new in the latest fashion, footwear, and the newest hairstyle out. Shawna always envied their style and closeness. All the gossip about them both didn’t make her shy away from them; it only made her want their friendship even more.

  Staring at her phone, she remembered when she was about eleven and her parents weren’t home when she arrived from school one afternoon. Thinking LaRhonda would have no problem having her hang out at her house until her parents came home she knocked on her door. She never thought it would be the wrong thing to do. Shawna closed her eyes.

  “Hi, Mrs. Miller, is LaRhonda home?” Shawna didn’t realize at the time her disheveled look and twisted lips were because she was drunk and high on crack.

  “Who you? What you want?” Millie leaned against the open door in a short tiger-print teddy, showing all her goods and slurring her questions.

  Millie was loud in yelling for LaRhonda. After a minute she could see LaRhonda behind her.

  “Shawna, what you doing here?” She was surprised that she was at the door. After years of knowing each other she never once got invited over.

  “Shawna? Oh you the super daughter. Tell yo’ daddy he can come on by—” Millie tried to get her words out.

  “Ma, shut the fuck up. Shawna, what’s up?” LaRhonda shoved her mother to the side and stepped out into the hall.

  Millie stumbled to balance herself. “Bitch, stay the fuck out!” She slammed the door shut.

  Shocked at Millie’s actions, Shawna was confused. LaRhonda portrayed her mother as the best. It was clear she wasn’t. Why would she lie to me? I thought we were friends.

  Before LaRhonda could say anything, someone opened the door. A man stood there, tall, skinny, with red pus-like blotches all over his face, scabs on his neck and arms. Creepy wasn’t the word or even close to it as he stood before them, showing his rotten teeth.

  Who the hell is that? He can’t be related. Shawna couldn’t believe her friend knew him.

  “Why you out here? Get your ass in this house. What the fuck I done told you ’bout talkin’ to yo’ mother like that?” he asked, indicating his annoyance.

  Without hesitation Shawna quickly pulled on LaRhonda’s hand and whispered, “Ronnie . . .” She stared at LaRhonda, waiting for her to say something brave. Shawna was uneasy, but knew that LaRhonda would protect her like she always did.

  Embarrassed by Shawna’s reaction she slowly said, “He’s my father.”

  Shawna stepped back. How can this be? “I thought you said your father was dead,” she said, revealing the ultimate lie in front of him. Afraid of what LaRhonda would do or say she quickly said, “Sorry, I—”

  “Why are you here anyway?” LaRhonda asked, irritated.

  “I’m locked out. No one is home,” she said with her eyes fixed on her angry father.

  “Where yo’ daddy at?” LaRhonda’s father asked.

  “Well, you can’t stay here. Let me call Keisha and see if she home. I’ll be right back.” LaRhonda cut her eyes at her father, walking past him, whispering, “Go smoke some more shit, crackhead.”

  Before she made it two steps, he snatched LaRhonda by her fake ponytail and slammed her face up against the open steel door.

  Water built in her eyes, but not one tear rolled down her cheek. More humiliated by his appearance, and that, since Shawna knew, everyone at school would know, she shouted back, “What the fuck? Leave me alone.”

  Shawna watched in horror as he shouted and slapped her around. She wanted to run and get help, but dared not to. Instead she slowly backed away, hoping she could just remove herself from the situation.

  “Where the fuck you think you goin’?”

  Shawna began to shake. One thought entered her mind: My father will kill you if you lay a hand on me.

  LaRhonda jumped in front of Shawna. “Don’t touch her, she ain’t yo’ child!”

  He raised his hand to strike her again, but stopped when Millie opened her mouth. “Why you even out here fuckin’ with these kids? I need some; you know I can’t do that shit by myself. Why you always gotta cause fuckin’ trouble, Ronnie?”

  LaRhonda looked at Shawna. “Let’s go.”

  “Yeah, bitch, go where somebody actually cares ’bout yo’ ass!” Millie slammed the door after pulling LaRhonda’s father inside.

  Shawna and LaRhonda never talked about what happened or even why she lied about her father. She could only remember LaRhonda threatening to destroy her social life if she ever said a word about the incident. At that time she was just coming into her coolness and having friends to protect her was most important; most females disliked her because they were jealous.

  Sitting up in her bed after her memories spun in her mind, Shawna decided to give Keisha a call anyway and send LaRhonda a text. She looked at the time on her phone: 1:31 A.M.

  Hey, Ronnie. If u up call me.

  Shawna already knew LaRhonda probably wouldn’t text her back. She dialed Keisha; the phone rang a couple of times until she heard her voice mail. She didn’t want to leave a message. Within a few seconds after hanging up, her phone buzzed with Keisha’s name flashing across the screen. Shawna picked up the phone. “Keisha . . .” Hearing muffled movement she didn’t know if it was a butt dial.

  She listened for a moment, and a faint female’s voice asked a question. “Why don’t you want to come out?” Before hanging up the phone she heard Keisha’s voice clearly. “I don’t want to tell every Tom, Dick, and Mary that I am fuckin’ gay, Nicole. Why can’t you just understand that?”

  Shawna let out a loud gasp. Then the phone disconnected. What the hell was Keisha sayin’? Who was Nicole?


  Shawna sent the message but didn’t know if she would reply.



  “Touch it, it ain’t gonna bite . . .” Nicole whispered a low voice in the dark bedroom.

  “I don’t know if I like it this way . . .”

  “Don’t you want it?”

  With the feeling of her nectar trickling down her leg, Keisha licked her lips and reached out in front of her.

  “See I told you it wouldn’t bite. Glide your hand up and down slowly. Keep your eyes closed,” whispered Nicole, kneeling on the bed with Keisha’s naked body lying between her legs.

  As Keisha glided her hand up and down the well-lubed, warm rubber ten-inch cock over her, Nicole’s soft fingertips rubbed on her hard nipples, causing her to moan and pull on her strap-on.

  “You like that? You want to taste it?”

  Keisha pulled Nicole closer by the strap-on; to her surprise it looked like it was glowing. Keisha eased up suddenly. “What the fuck is this?”

  “It’s my Henry; he glows as you get hotter.” Nicole smiled. “That’s why I told you to close your eyes first. He needs to be warmed up first.”

  Keisha smiled and lay back down into her previous position. Nicole spit on Henry’s slightly neon green glowing head. Slowly Nicole outlined Keisha’s lips with the tip before allowing her to lick it. Bit by bit Keisha opened her mouth to allow Henry warmth. Nicole swayed her hips back and forth, watching Henry’s glow become stronger.

  “You like him in your mouth? The faster you go the more he glows . . .” Nicole giggled.

  “Two tongues would be better . . . Take him off . . .”

  Nicole took Henry off then laid her smooth, pale body beside Keisha. Then she placed her ten-inch glowing Henry between them and enticed Keisha to suck on it together. Their tongues fought for each other and Henry’s solid tip. Keisha’s hand easily reached down to Nicole’s wetness and rub
bed on her swollen clit.

  “Yeah, baby, touch it . . .”

  Keisha held Henry by his base and teased Nicole’s tongue with him. She watched as the neon glow disappeared over and over again. Keisha’s sexual drive exploded; she took Henry, strapped him on, and opened Nicole’s legs far apart. Lowering her head she slowly kissed Nicole’s naked body until she hit her sweet spot. Stroking Henry’s head, she moved her tongue rapidly against Nicole’s flesh.

  “Oh yes . . . faster . . .” Nicole screamed out wrapping her legs over Keisha’s shoulders.

  Keisha picked up her head and quickly put Henry to work. She pushed until she didn’t see any glowing light.

  “Ahhh . . . you fuckin’ bitch . . .” Nicole shouted.

  Keisha pumped faster, holding Nicole’s legs up by her ankles. The feeling was amazing; it was control and passion she never felt before with anyone. It was the best of both worlds.

  “Oh yes, make him fuck me harder . . . I want to cum . . .” Nicole cried out.

  Keisha tried to hold her shaking legs up, but couldn’t. Instead she pushed her legs back toward Nicole’s head, exposing her wet flesh even more. Keisha lowered her body and drove Henry deep into Nicole again. Her moans and struggles turned Keisha on more and more as she pumped forcefully into Nicole.

  “Yes, yes, yes . . . make my pussy hurt . . . I like it like that . . .”

  Keisha pulled Henry out and motioned for Nicole to get on all fours. “Henry wants it from behind now.”

  Nicole’s eyes widened, surprised at Keisha’s request, not knowing if this was a breakthrough in Keisha’s comfort with her sexuality. Nicole didn’t hesitate and got on all fours, excitingly pushing her small, perfectly rounded ass out as far as she could. Times like these are worth all the pain and money I spent on those butt injections, she thought, looking at her dimmed reflection in the mirrored headboard of her bed.

  Keisha slapped her ass, watching the bounce. She was disappointed that Nicole’s ass did not jiggle or wiggle like most girls she’s seen in her porn movies. Keisha slapped her again, but harder. Nicole jerked a bit.


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