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Basic Chemistry: LOVE 101 - WILLOW BAY NOVELLA

Page 5

by Layne, Harlow

  When we’re both close to exploding, I bury my face in the crook of her neck and take in her vanilla and honey scent. She smells divine—like her usual self, but also with my scent mixed in.

  Pinching her clit between my fingers, I bury myself deep and shoot my load inside the condom. Her walls clamp down on me and don’t let go.

  She lets out a sob as she continues to milk me of every last drop. Bringing her down gently, I glide in and out of her at a leisurely pace, not wanting our first time together to ever end.

  Only once she’s spent on her desk do I pull out and place kisses up the column of her neck. Wrapping my arm around her, I pull her up and spin her around to face me.

  Dipping down, I take her mouth in a searing kiss, unable to get enough of her. When we pull apart, her red lipstick is smeared, and she’s never looked more perfect.

  It’s then I notice all the papers covering her floor. After tucking myself back inside my jeans, I bend down to clean up the mess we made.

  When I stand back up, I find Roxie straightening out her skirt. She keeps her head down as if she can’t look me in the eye. “Thank you, Mr. Landry. I hope you have a good weekend.”


  For a moment, I falter. What the hell? Did she seriously dismiss me like that? If anyone in this room is going to do a wham, bam, thank you, ma’am, it’s going to be me, and that sure as fuck isn’t going to happen. Not now after I’ve finally been inside of her and experienced the ecstasy that’s between her legs.

  When she turns around and notices I’m still standing in her office, her cheeks pink, and she looks to the messenger bag she’s packing up.

  “Can I help you? You got what you wanted, and now you can go on your way.” Her voice is stiff and sad.

  “Who said I got what I wanted? Because I know I sure as fuck didn’t. I’m not sure I could ever get enough of you,” I admit freely. Maybe if she realizes this isn’t a one-off, she’ll open up to me.

  “Mr. Landry—” she starts, but I interrupt her. While I once thought it was hot, her calling me Mr. Landry, now I see it as a deflection. She’s trying to make it all about business and nothing personal, and I don’t like that. Not at all.

  “For fuck’s sake, call me Merrick. I’ve been inside of you. The least you can do is call me by my first name,” I growl, unable to control my irritation.

  She looks away and blushes again. With the way she’s acting, you’d think she was a virgin before I slipped inside of her. I know for a fact she wasn’t.

  I’m not sure how to get through to her, so I decide maybe an ultimatum will work.

  “Tell me that wasn’t one of the best sexual experiences of your life, and I’ll walk out that door, and I’ll stop…” I can’t say wanting her because I know what will never be the case. “Pursuing you.”

  Roxie opens her mouth and then promptly shuts it as her big brown eyes stare up at me. It’s then I know she can’t. It was just as good for her as it was for me.

  “That’s what I thought. Let’s not play games here. It’s beneath us.”

  “Mister,” she starts but stops herself. She flops down in her chair and buries her head in her hands. “Merrick, this most certainly isn’t a game. Do you realize my career is at stake here?”

  “I know,” I say softly, making my way around her desk and crouch down beside her. I run my hand down her hair that cascades down her back. It’s so soft, and as my hand makes another sweep, the smell of vanilla springs free. “We can be discreet, and no one will ever find out.”

  When she lifts her head, her brown eyes hold so much sadness in them it hurts to look at them. “You don’t know what you’re asking.”

  “Maybe I don’t, but I know what I want, and I won’t stop until I get it.”

  Her hands come up to rest on my chest. “I thought you already got what you want?”

  “If that was the case, I’d already be gone. I want more with you. I have so many more fantasies I want to make a reality.”

  Again, she blushes, and I decide it’s my new favorite color next to the signature red she wears on her lips.

  Roxie Hart comes off as a strong woman, but for some reason, there’s also a weakness, and I plan to do everything in my power to help make her stronger.

  “Meet me this weekend. Tomorrow. We can drive down to LA, get a hotel, and fuck on every surface, and no one will be the wiser.”

  Looking at me, she gives me a sad smile. “I wish I could, but I can’t. Right now, my brother can’t be left alone for that long.”

  Tired of crouching by her side, I stand, pick her up in my arms, and then sit in her chair with Roxie on my lap. Taking her hand in mine, I rub soothing circles onto the back of her hand.

  “What happened to your brother?”

  “He got hurt, and now he’s in both physical and emotional pain. It took me so long to convince him to stay with me that I can’t leave him alone now. He thinks I don’t know the amount of pain he’s in, but I see what he’s trying to hide. No one should go through what he has.” Wetness fills her eyes as she bites her bottom lip. Every time up until now, it has been sexy as hell watching her bite down on her plump lip, but not now. Not when I know she’s doing it to keep from crying.

  “I won’t ask you again to leave your brother, but surely we can still find a time to meet up this weekend. I can come to you.” I barely get the words out before she’s shutting me down.

  “No,” she jumps in my lap, looking extremely uncomfortable. “You can’t. My brother can’t know.”

  I’m not going to lie, her words hurt, but I’m not going to give up. I can’t. Every fiber of my being is calling to make her mine, even if I have to put up with a little pain to get her there. Still, knowing she’s ashamed of what was, hands down, the best experience of my life doesn’t sit well with me.

  “He can’t know. Otherwise, he’ll think I’m not living my full life while trying to take care of him. If he thinks I’m holding back from doing things in order for him to not be alone, he’ll pack up and leave.” She hangs her head. “He’s not ready yet.”

  While I don’t like the thought of hiding in the shadows, I understand. We can’t get caught, and we can’t go to either of our houses. That doesn’t leave many places for us to meet up.

  “We’ll figure something out. Don’t cut me out of your life yet.” Grabbing a piece of paper off her desk, I scribble down my phone number and hand it to her. “Here’s my phone number. When you can get away, call me with a time and a place, and I’ll be there.”

  She stares down at the paper for a long moment, and for a minute, I think she’s going to crinkle up the paper and throw it away, but eventually, she tucks it into her bag. “Now, I really should be going. I need to get home to take my brother to therapy.”

  She must see the question on my face because she answers me.

  “If I don’t take him, he won’t go. I hate talking bad about him because I love him, but he’s so depressed it’s difficult to get him out of the house.”

  “I’m sorry you’re both going through this. I wish I could help,” I tell her honestly. If I could befriend him, I would.

  “Thank you. I bet he’d like you, or at least he would if he was his normal self.” She stands and puts her bag over her shoulder. “Have a—”

  I don’t let her finish her sentence. Grabbing her by the waist, I pull her flush to my body. My dick instantly responds to having her crushed against him. Dipping down, I crush my mouth to hers. I need one more taste to last me until I see her again.

  When my tongue sweeps inside, Roxie moans. Her hands grasp onto my biceps and then move up to my shoulders and back.

  A loud noise out in the hall has us jumping apart. Roxie’s eyes are wide as she pants, trying to catch her breath while I stand as still as a statue trying to listen if someone’s out there.

  It isn’t until now I realize how difficult it’s going to be to keep whatever this is under wraps. While fucking her in her office was a fantasy, if we continue,
it can also be the nail in the coffin forcing everything I’ve wanted to come to a screeching halt.

  Taking her hand in mine, I give it a squeeze before I bring it up to my mouth and kiss her knuckles. “Good night, Roxie. I hope to hear from you… soon.”

  She doesn’t respond. Instead, she stares at me with something like wonder in her eyes as I open her door and make sure the coast is clear. Once I make sure there’s no one out there, I turn and take her in. Her cheeks are flushed, lipstick smeared, hair a mess, and clothes rumpled. Roxie Hart looks like what wet dreams are made out of.

  With that thought, I leave before I have to take her again.


  Tapping my pen, I flip my phone over to look at the time to see it’s been only five minutes since I last looked. It feels like it’s been so much longer. I’ve waited all weekend for Roxie to call or text me, and it’s been radio silence. If I knew where she lived, I’d be outside her house seeing what the hell she’s up to because it certainly isn’t me.

  I know she didn’t promise me anything, but I thought she was going to call. Now it seems like she was just trying to placate me to get me out of her office.

  Little does she know that once Monday morning rolls around, I’m going to be waiting for her. Ready to pounce.

  Hitting play on my phone, The Weeknd’s Can’t Feel My Face starts to play. I keep turning the volume up until I can’t hear myself think any longer. I need to get Roxie out of my head and focus on my homework. I can’t let her derail my academic career, no matter how much I want her.

  Twenty minutes later, once all thoughts of my chemistry teacher are out of my head, my phone starts to ring with an unknown number. My heart rate picks up at the thought it could be Roxie’s number flashing across my screen.

  I scramble none too smoothly to pick up my phone and almost hit decline instead of answer as I grab it. I’m all but panting as I answer hello.

  “Merrick?” her voice is soft and unsure.


  “I’m sorry it took me so long to call you. It hasn’t been a good weekend, and when I realized I wouldn’t be able to get away, I thought I should call you. Are you busy?”

  Is she only saying she can’t get away because she doesn’t want to?

  “My brother,” she starts, her voice cracking. “I had to take him to the hospital, and we’ve been here ever since.”

  I almost ask if he’s okay, but obviously, he’s not. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be in the hospital.

  “Is there anything I can do for you?” I ask, even though I know there’s nothing within my power to help either of them. I’m not sure what exactly is wrong with her brother, but I have a feeling it has to do with his limp.

  “That’s very sweet of you to ask, but unfortunately, no. Anyway, I wanted you to know I’m not standing you up. Although, I don’t know why we should meet again.” She says the last part so quietly into the phone I barely hear her. If I wasn’t so attuned to her every nuance, I would have missed it.

  “Why?” I growl. “Don’t lie to yourself and pretend you don’t feel the connection we have together.”

  “It was nice,” she says just as quietly as before.

  Is she in the room with her brother?

  “I’m not talking about the sex, Roxie. I’m talking about everything else between us.” I can’t put it into words the way she makes me feel, but I know she feels it too.

  “I… I… I need to go. There won’t be a class tomorrow. I’m going to send out a message letting everyone know it will be canceled. Maybe I’ll see you on Wednesday. Goodbye, Merrick.”

  Before I can question her or even say goodbye back, she hangs up, leaving me in the dark once again.

  * * *

  The next few days are the longest of my life. I get up bright and early on Wednesday morning to check my email to see if Roxie’s canceled class again, but there’s nothing there. I’m not sure I wouldn’t have stormed the hospital looking for her if we didn’t have class again.

  If I knew where she lived, I’d be camped out in front of her house, waiting for her to get home.

  Wanting to get a word with her before class starts, I get dressed and make my way to campus. I arrive so early the doors to the building aren’t even unlocked yet. At least I know I’ll catch her on the way in.

  Sitting down on the closest bench, I wait for someone to unlock the doors. The sky is still dark, and the morning dew is still on the grass as I pull out my notebook, hoping I can get some studying in. I haven’t been able to concentrate much, but now that I know I’ll see Roxie, I need to get my head on straight.

  There’s pressure on my shoulder as I crack open my eyes and am met with the early morning sun.

  “Dude, what are you doing sleeping outside?” Walker asks as he towers over me.

  I look around to find the campus is buzzing with students. I pull out my phone to check the time to see I’m thirty minutes late to my class.

  How the hell did I fall asleep?

  Standing abruptly, I grab my backpack and throw it over my shoulder. “I’ve got to go. I’m late for class.”

  “No, shit,” he laughs but then sobers quickly. “Seriously, are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. I got here early and fell asleep,” I say as I start to walk away.

  He tips his chin up at me. “That’s why you shouldn’t take early morning classes.”

  He knows I didn’t have a choice, and I also don’t comment on him being up early. It’s a rarity unless he hasn’t gone to sleep yet.

  “Is everything good with you?” I call back, opening the building door.

  He gives me a chin nod. “It’s all good.”

  “We’ll catch up soon, but I’ve really got to get to class.”

  He gives me a knowing look but doesn’t say anything. Instead, he gives me a dismissive wave and starts to walk off toward the music building, where he spends most of his time.

  I race inside and pull open the door to class to have everyone’s eyes turn to look at me, including Roxie.

  “Nice of you to join us, Mr. Landry. Now, if you could take your seat so I can continue, I’d appreciate it.” Her normally soft voice has steel in it this morning. It makes me wonder if things are still not going well for her brother.

  With only fifteen minutes left in the class, I try to scribble everything on the whiteboard down in my notebook and barely manage it before class is dismissed.

  “Can I see you for a minute, Mr. Landry?” Roxie asks as I start to put away my notebook.

  I nod, wanting nothing more than a few minutes alone with her. We stand silently until the class is empty, and when the last student files out, I move to touch her, but she backs away like I have the plague.

  “Not here. Not now,” she says firmly. “If you can’t take what I have to lose seriously, then don’t bother meeting me tonight at the park.”

  The park?

  Is this her way of giving us a place to hook up?

  “I do,” I promise her. “But I’ve been miserable not being able to see or touch you.”

  “I don’t know what I’m thinking,” she says under her breath.

  Her words piss me off, and it takes everything within me to hold back from saying something that could damage us before we even start.

  “Tell me something. If you felt this way about a man who isn’t your student, would you put up this much of a fight?”

  “But you are my student, Merrick. When you say things like that, it makes me realize how young you are and why I should have nothing to do with you.”

  My nostrils flare, and I grind my molars as I try to rein in my emotions. When I can finally speak without yelling or getting in her face, I speak. “You didn’t answer the question.”

  “No, I wouldn’t, but that doesn’t matter because the simple truth is, You. Are. My. Student.” She pointedly says each word as if she wants to burn them into my brain.

  “Not always. Once the semester’s over, I’ll no longer be in your
class. It’s only for a few months.”

  “We don’t have time to discuss this right now. Meet me at the park tonight at five-thirty, and we’ll talk then. I’d ask if you know my car, but obviously, you do.”

  She’s so angry, and it’s unlike her. I chalk it up to worrying about her brother.

  “I’m sorry if I upset you. It wasn’t my intention.” Raising my hand, I lightly brush my fingertips over hers. “I’ll see you tonight, Ms. Hart.”

  For the rest of the day, I have a spring in my step, and I feel lighter than I have in days. Tonight, I’ll finally get to spend some time with Roxie.


  Pulling up to the park, I find it deserted of all other cars except Roxie’s. While I knew where the park was, I’d never been to it, and when I look around, I find it’s a little run down and sad.

  I park beside her and get out, expecting her to get out of her car as well, but instead, she continues to sit.

  Opening the passenger door, I sit down in the seat to find her on the phone with a pinched look on her face. I can hear the person on the other end of the line yelling, but I can’t make out what she’s saying.

  “I’ve got to go now, Mother.” She pauses and listens to something else. “If you cared so much, maybe you should think about visiting your son. Don’t put me in the middle because you won’t like which side I take.” Another pause, and then she says. “Goodbye.”

  She hits the end button on her phone and then throws it on her dashboard. She stays stiff as a board while she stares out of her windshield like the outside world has all the answers to her problems.

  Taking her hand in mine, I start to rub circles on the back of her hand. “I take it you’re not close to your mom.”

  “Not close would be an understatement. I’m not even sure why I answered the phone.” It’s then she finally looks at me, and I can see the anger and sadness reflecting in her eyes. “Maybe tonight isn’t such a good night.”


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