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Baby Mine (Hunter & Lennon duet Book 1)

Page 6

by Kennedy Fox

  “I wouldn’t quit your day job if I were you. Jokes are pretty stale,” he retorts with a mouthful.

  “Sadly, for you, that wasn’t a joke, considering you don’t actually know how to soak a bowl.” I flash him a go-to-hell grin, then walk out.

  Once I’m in the bedroom, I light a few of my favorite scented candles I keep on the dresser. The ambiance of the warm glow reflecting off the wall sets the right mood. A few moments later, Brandon enters and gravitates toward me. Our mouths crash together, and I instantly melt into his warm body. Without missing a beat, we greedily remove our clothes. His strong hands memorize my body, every curve, every inch that’s his. Moments later, he’s lifting me in the air, and my legs instinctively wrap around him. His skin feels hot against mine as we stumble to the bed, and he takes me, all of me. I need him more than I need air, feeling as if I can never get enough.

  “I love you, Lennon,” he murmurs, trailing kisses combined with bites over my heated skin that’s burning for more of his touch.

  “I love you too. So damn much,” I whisper. As we get lost in each other, I feel as if I’m falling into the abyss with him, and I don’t ever want to be found.

  Chapter Four


  Work was a total shitshow today. After going through bids for the pool added by the owner yesterday, I realized the project might go over budget, which he didn’t like hearing. It’s not like I can make a grotto like Hugh Hefner’s magically appear; everything costs money. Because of the adult fit he threw, I was late for two different meetings and didn’t have a chance to eat lunch. Thank God I keep shitty protein bars in my truck as backup because, without them, I would’ve starved today. Though it might’ve been better than eating what tasted like play dough mixed with rubber chocolate chips.

  I drive across town, sit in traffic for nearly forty-five minutes, and by the time I make it home, I’m so damn irritated that I find it hard to concentrate on anything. Bottom line is today sucked.

  After I park, I grab my laptop and head to the apartment. Brandon’s sitting on the couch with his feet propped up on the coffee table drinking a beer and playing on his phone. He always leaves early on Fridays; the life of an accountant. If only. He gives me a head nod and a smile when I enter.

  “Hey, how was work?” he asks.

  “Sucked assholes,” I tell him. “I need a drink or ten.” I go to the fridge and pull out a beer, then join him on the sofa. Though I know I should eat first, I don’t really care at this point.

  “Where’s your other half?” I ask, wondering where Lennon is because it’s nearly dark.

  He chuckles. “She’s with Sophie and Maddie until around ten.” He lifts his beer, then chugs it. “So I have a favor to ask.”

  I already have an idea what about, but I arch a brow at him as I drink. “What’s up?”

  “Can you go a little easier on Lennon?”

  I narrow my eyes, wondering how hard he’s going to be on me this time. Not that I’m a bit shocked. Lennon looked like she was about to blow a gasket yesterday.

  “I think you’re really starting to hurt her feelings,” he continues. “I mean, I know you don’t like her living here very much, but she’s stressed with work, and you constantly picking on her makes things miserable for her. Plus, I really want you two to get along. You’re my best friend, and she’s my girlfriend. We’re going to be in each other’s lives for a long time. I know it takes two to argue, but you fight like brother and sister. Honestly, you both have so much in common, it’s actually sickening. You’d probably be really good friends if you gave her a chance.”

  Dagger meet heart.

  I swallow hard, realizing what I’ve tried to accomplish has come to fruition. I’ve wanted her to feel the same as me, and now she does.

  “Okay,” is all I offer. I don’t deny my hatred for her, though what I feel in my heart is far from it. The fact he says we could be friends and have things in common is a punch straight to my gut.

  “Plus, you’re kinda killing my sex life,” he adds with a chuckle, taking a big swig of his beer, nearly finishing it.

  I let out a stifled laugh. “I seriously doubt that. We share a wall remember?” I nod toward his nearly empty beer. “You’re gonna be trashed by the time she gets home if you keep up that pace, and then it will be your limp dick killing your chances tonight.” I want to change the subject, but Brandon empties his bottle and slams it on the coffee table, then goes to grab another. “Get me one too,” I shout, thankful for the moment alone to compose myself.

  He comes back and hands me one. I twist off the top and press the bottle to my lips. The cool liquid goes down so easily, and I finish my second beer in no time.

  “Dude,” Brandon says, laughing. “Remember when we used to do some of the stupidest shit in college?”

  I laugh at his random comment. “Yeah, like sneak into the sorority house to steal girls’ panties so we could hang them on a clothesline at the frat party.”

  “Fuck! I forgot about that. I’m surprised we didn’t get suspended.” He shakes his head.

  “I’m surprised we graduated.” I chuckle at all the memories we’ve shared.

  “Oh yeah, I almost forgot. So about Valentine’s Day…”

  “Yeah, what about it?” I ask, grabbing another beer because I’m going to need it for this conversation.

  Just another day commercialized to hell and back and often comes with the price tag of selling your soul for flowers that’ll die within a week. It’s a sickening reminder that I’m alone and may never have a solid relationship.

  I’ve dated plenty in the past, even tried a stupid dating app after Lennon moved in because I was sick of not only hearing them all night long but having to see it every damn day too. Work keeps me busy, so going out to meet chicks isn’t as easy as it was in college; however, those often ended in one-night stands or waking up with regret. In fact, that’s how most weekends went as I tried to forget Lennon and push her out of my head, but it didn’t erase her. Every second date I went on ended with me avoiding them shortly after. If my own father could betray a woman as amazing as my mother, how was I even capable of love? Where was the trust? What was the point of giving your heart away? When Hayden lost the love of his life, I saw what it did to him. It shattered his heart, and I remember that dark time like it was yesterday. I don’t blame him, of course—he was only eighteen years old—but I never want to put myself in a position to feel that kind of pain. The risk doesn’t seem worth it.

  Until I met Lennon.

  You can’t fake that kind of chemistry, as instant as it was, and I swear she felt it too, though I’ve tried to convince myself it was one-sided. I’ve replayed it dozens of times in my head, but it doesn’t matter. Brandon’s like another brother to me, and his happiness matters more to me than my own. I’m glad he’s found someone who makes him happy and truly cares for him, but I can’t help feeling a tinge of regret, a tinge of bitterness that I should’ve done things differently.

  If I could go back to that night, I would’ve asked Lennon for her number right away. I should’ve pushed my self-doubt away and listened to my heart. We shared something special, and I allowed my insecurities to stop me, leaving the ball in her court. She never returned. Hell, I should’ve chased after her.

  It’s in the past, though, and all I can do now is accept what is and move on, even if I’m failing miserably.

  “Well,” Brandon lingers, and I wait for him to ask me to get lost for the night so they can spend Valentine’s Day together alone. “I kinda wanted to make sure we had the place to ourselves. You know, don’t want my headboard slamming against the wall and interrupting you or anything.” He sets his beer on the table and grins, telling me exactly what I predicted.

  I cough out a pained chuckle, already done with this conversation. That reminder that I’m alone repeats in my head again. “I can disappear. No problem.”

  “Thanks, man. I owe ya one. Let me know when you want Lennon and me to giv
e you some privacy, and I’ll make sure it happens.”

  I nod. “I might take you up on that soon.”

  I wake up and immediately head to the gym. When I get back home, Lennon is standing in the kitchen in the tiniest jean cutoffs cooking her and Brandon a late lunch. She might as well be bottomless the way they show off her ass cheeks. Her slender legs go for days, and they’re distracting as fuck. It’s annoying how she flaunts herself around here as if I don’t exist.

  Last night, I stayed awake staring at the ceiling wondering what I could do today to stay out of the apartment for their stupid special Valentine’s date. Just as Brandon said, Lennon came home right at ten. I heard her muffled voice on the other side of the wall, and I wished she’d just go away. Out of sight, out of mind, right? I know us living together isn’t forever, so I’ll deal with her for now even if it slowly kills me.

  Eventually, they’ll move out, or I will, and we’ll go our separate ways. Maybe then, I’ll actually be able to get over it without having to see her or smell the sweetness of her skin. All I want right now is for her to hate me; to hate me so much she won’t look in my direction or talk to me. By what Brandon said last night, I think I’m on the right path. After eight months of pushing her to the limit, she’s still so goddamn relentless it’s exhausting, but eventually, she’ll crack.

  I don’t give her another glance as I walk down the small hallway leading to my bedroom. Before I take a shower, I text Liam and Mason and ask them if they want to meet up at the bar.

  Every Valentine’s Day is “singles night,” and it’ll be the perfect distraction. I’m going to try to walk into the place with an open mind, and whatever happens, happens.

  After my shower, I see they both texted me back, and we decide to meet up at five to pre-game. I’ll more than likely make myself disappear sooner because I don’t want to get in the way of whatever the hell Brandon has planned.

  I go to my room with a towel wrapped around my waist, and Lennon stops walking toward the bedroom when she sees me. I notice the way her eyes linger on my body and trail across my tattoos and abs, just as they did that night at the bar, but the fantasy vanishes as soon as she rolls her eyes at me. Perfect. Glad I can get that kind of reaction from her. Makes being around and living with her that much easier.

  I shut my bedroom door and change into some jeans and a nice shirt. When I walk into the hallway, I can hear Lennon and Brandon laughing in the living room. Instinctively, I groan.

  “I’m heading out,” I tell them, grabbing my keys and not looking in their direction.

  “Got a hot date tonight?” Brandon asks. He sounds somewhat hopeful, considering I haven’t dated anyone in years. At least not anything serious.

  I nod with a grin and feel Lennon’s eyes boring into me, but I don’t give her any attention.

  “Don’t wait up for me,” I tell him with a forced laugh as I walk out of the apartment and head toward my truck. The downtown bar sits in a heavily trafficked area on a strip surrounded by restaurants and nightclubs. Considering it’s a Saturday and a fake holiday, I decide to drive over early and look for parking. It’s usually a clusterfuck, and tonight will be worse than usual.

  I park on the street a few blocks away and walk to the sports bar where I’m meeting Liam and Mason in a couple of hours. I’ll have to pace myself even though all I want to do is lose control. Instead of texting the guys and letting them know I’m here, I go inside and sit at the bar. Since I didn’t eat earlier, I order food and a beer. Bernie, the bartender on duty, has been working here for as long as I can remember.

  “Can’t believe you’re here alone on this special holiday,” he says, his sarcasm not lost as he wipes down the countertop. He’s in his mid-thirties and is as single as I am. When I worked at the club a few buildings down, I’d often come over here and hang out before my shifts.

  I let out a small laugh. “Surprised you’re surprised, honestly.”

  “With a track record like yours, though?” He smirks.

  I roll my eyes, wanting to change the subject. “Can I get another beer?”

  Bernie pops the top of the bottle and slides it across the bar. He picks up my empty plate and carries it to the back. My phone vibrates in my pocket, and when I grab it, I see a text from Liam.

  Liam: I’m gonna head that way. Want to meet up early?

  I grin and send him a picture of the current situation. Me with my second beer.

  Liam: You bastard. Shoulda texted me.

  Hunter: I had to get out of the house so Brandon and Lennon could bang on every flat surface we have.

  Liam: The visual…gross. I’ll be there in fifteen.

  By the time I finish my beer, Liam walks through the door wearing a shit-eating grin. He sits on the stool next to me, and Bernie comes around the corner carrying a tub of margarita mix. Three more bartenders arrive to help prep for the busy shift they’re about to endure. I don’t envy them whatsoever. Though my job can be stressful, I’d rather do it over bartending any day.

  “Hey, man. Two shots of whiskey,” Liam says.

  I glance over at him, noticing he’s starting with straight liquor. “Tonight’s gonna be interesting, isn’t it?”

  Sometimes when he and Mason drink, they go wild and crazy. We’re supposed to be mature adults now that we’ve graduated from college and have real jobs, but I don’t see that happening for a long time. At least not until we’re all settled down, and even then, I’m not so sure.

  When the shots appear in front of us, Liam slides one over to me. “It’s always interesting when the three of us are together. I texted Mason, and he’ll be here within the hour.” Liam and I take our shots, and it burns going down. Considering I was a bartender at one of the hottest clubs on this side of the state, I know how stupid it is to mix my alcohol, but I can’t find it in me right now to care.

  I look at the time on my phone. It’s barely four in the afternoon, and in just a short few hours, we’re gonna be a trio of hot fucking messes.

  “So,” Liam says, “how’s living with the happy couple these days?”

  I groan. “Miserable as ever.”

  He orders us another round of shots. At this pace, we won’t make it until Mason shows up. “I’m sure it’s not that bad.”

  “Oh, it’s really fucking bad. Lennon bitches all the time about every little thing. I miss the simple life when it was just Brandon and me,” I admit because I do.

  “You just need to get a girlfriend and have her move in too.” He barely finishes his sentence before he laughs at his own words.

  I shake my head. “The apartment is too small as it is. I’d probably just move out and let them take over the lease. I have a feeling things are getting pretty serious with them, considering the constant fucking I have to listen to and the sickening lovey-dovey nicknames they have for one another. But who knows?”

  Our next round of shots appears in front of us, and we hear our names called behind us as we take them. This time it doesn’t burn, which means I’ve officially drunk too much too fast. Liam and I turn around and see Mason. I realize they’re both dressed in dark blue button-up shirts and dark wash jeans.

  “Look at you two, dressed like twins. You call each other and agree to match on purpose?” I ask, giving them as much shit as possible.

  Mason looks at Liam and chuckles, though Liam doesn’t seem too impressed.

  “Who knows, maybe your periods will sync this month too,” I tell Liam as Mason sits on the other side of me. They’ve been roommates for as long as Brandon and I have, and can basically finish each other’s sentences at this point.

  “Are you two assholes already drunk?” Mason asks before ordering.

  Liam shrugs. “Traveling on a one-way street toward Wastedville.”

  “If you keep it up, you’re gonna have whiskey dick and be crying for your mama.” Mason takes a pull on his beer as soon as it’s set in front of him.

  We continue drinking until it’s dark, and I haven’t laugh
ed this much in weeks. Hanging out with them is exactly what I needed. By the time we leave, we’ve had so much to drink, we’re essentially invincible. Stumbling out, we weave through the happy couples filling the restaurant and walk the few blocks to the club, but all I can think about is taking a piss.

  Most of the people working still know Liam and me since we worked here throughout our college years, so we don’t have to pay the cover charge and go right in. The club is jam-packed; I wouldn’t be surprised if the fire marshall shows up to shut the party down. People crowd around the bar, and I tell the guys I have to make a pit stop first. I move across the club, making my way through hordes of bodies to the bathroom. I have to stand in line, which is annoying as hell, but thank God it’s not as long as the women’s bathroom.

  As I lean against the wall, I log into Facebook and see pictures of the flowers Brandon got Lennon for Valentine’s Day, along with the giant red velvet heart full of chocolates. Stupidly, I give it an angry face emoji and continue scrolling through my feed to pass the time.

  “Hunter?” a female voice calls my name.

  I look up and see Jenna Crosby wearing a low-cut shirt that leaves no room for the imagination and a skirt so tight it looks as if it’s painted on. I flash a charming smile at her.

  “Hey, babe,” I say, and she leans forward, giving me a big hug. The line moves, and it’s my turn to walk inside. “Can you hold on one second? I’m about to piss myself.”

  She nods with a chuckle. “Yeah, I’ll wait right here for you.”

  I hurry and go, wash my hands, and walk into the dark hallway where Jenna patiently waits. She’s a pretty girl with dark brown hair and blue eyes. When I worked here, she was a cocktail waitress. I figured she had a thing for me by the way she flirted with me, but I never allowed the idea to cross my mind. She had a boyfriend anyway, and though she was a freshman in college, they seemed pretty serious. She’s a few years younger than I am, but tonight, she looks like a woman who knows exactly what she wants.


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