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Baby Mine (Hunter & Lennon duet Book 1)

Page 11

by Kennedy Fox

  She immediately responds, sending me smiley emojis and heart icons. Jenna’s a gorgeous girl, and she’s fun, so maybe I can actually try this time with someone who wants me. I only hope I can reciprocate those same feelings.

  The next morning, I wake up with a major headache. Jenna’s body presses against mine, her arms snaked around my waist as my dick comes to life. Last night, we met up at a bar, danced, and drank until all my inhibitions were gone, and I ended up in her bed. I want to feel something for her, something more. I focused my attention on her all night long, making actual conversation to get to know her on a deeper level as I waited for that spark. There’s no reason I shouldn’t have feelings for her, but I’d be lying if I said I did. She’s a brunette bombshell—all tan legs and perky tits—so any guy would be lucky to have her attention. I kissed her on the dance floor as if my life depended on it. Cupping her face, I poured everything I could into a deep, sensual kiss that left me feeling like absolute shit. As she moaned against my mouth, her arms wrapped around my waist and tugged us closer together. My cock felt it, but my heart? It was dead.

  Carefully, I slip from under the sheets and pull on my jeans and shirt. It smells like beer and sweat, but I don’t have any other options at the moment. I sit on the edge of the bed and grab my shoes to put them on. Jenna rolls over and looks up at me, smiling with anticipation.

  “Last night was so fun,” she purrs. “You should stay for breakfast. And then we can do it all over again.” She bites down on her lower lip, and my heart drops. She deserves better than this—better than me. I should’ve stopped when things escalated last night, but I kept hoping something would spark inside me. That I could let Jenna in and have some emotional response besides our physical connection. But I realize now that’s not in the cards for us. I can’t keep leading her on to think we’ll be something more.

  “No, I can’t,” I tell her, standing. “We shouldn’t have done this.”

  Her face drops, and I feel like shit for hurting her. I know exactly how she feels too because having feelings for someone who doesn’t return them hurts like hell. I don’t want to do that to her.

  “You’re cutting me off again, right? Is this how things are going to be between us?” She sits up, pulling the sheets over her bare breasts. “You text me when you want some and then bail on me the next day? We only meet up when it’s convenient for you.” I hear the pain in her voice, which makes me feel like the dick I am.

  I look at her, my eyes softening. “I wish I could like you the way you like me, Jenna. It’s not you. You’re everything, the whole package, and I don’t want to lead you on. I’m in this really fucked-up place, and it’s not fair to you. I tried, thought I could let you in, but—” I shrug, feeling defeated and even a little vulnerable that I’m sharing this with her.

  Jenna frowns, reading between the lines. “Who is she?”

  I feel bile rise in my throat because I didn’t think I was so transparent. Apparently, I was wrong. Shaking my head, I refuse to acknowledge that Lennon is the reason. “No one.”

  “You know, if you keep lying to yourself, you’re just going to end up hurt and alone. If this ‘no one’ doesn’t have the same feelings for you that you do her, then why are you still hung up on her? I’m here, ready to give you anything you need. I like you, Hunter. A lot.”

  “I know you do,” I admit, squeezing the back of my neck because the tension is building between my shoulders. “That’s why I wanna be honest with you. I thought I was capable of forcing myself to move on, but I realize now I can’t.” I release a deep breath, partly relieved to get that off my chest and partly terrified.

  “Let me help you move on,” she says with a seriousness that has me feeling like a piece of shit. “If that’s the only way I can have you, Hunter, then I’ll take it until you get over her. Okay? I’m fine with it.”

  “You deserve more than that, Jenna. More than being a second choice.” The irony of this whole fucked-up situation isn’t lost on me. “And at this point, I’m not sure I’ll ever get over her,” I admit honestly before leaving. I schedule an Uber and wait outside, thinking of all the ways I’m fucked. Jenna doesn’t give up easily, and I wish I could give her what she wants and needs, but I’m tired of pretending.

  I think back to my sex bucket list I told Hayden about and wonder if that whole thing is what got me into trouble in the first place. I can’t fuck around to get over my feelings for Lennon, and I was a fool for ever thinking I could.

  Chapter Nine


  “Mmm, why do you always smell so good?” Brandon hums as he buries his nose in my hair. His arms wrap around my waist and slide under my shirt as I rinse the dishes in the sink.

  I arch my neck, smiling when his palm grabs my breast and squeezes. “Maybe because none of my students threw up today.” One of my students is always sick, so I consider that a win for a Monday.

  He chuckles against my skin and presses a soft kiss under my ear. “What do you say we go for a joyride tonight? It’s gonna be a nice evening. Maybe we can ride up the coast, grab some dinner, and watch the sunset?”

  “Brandon Jude Locke…” I singsong, drying my hands on a towel. “That sounds awfully romantic.” Suspicion rings in my ears.

  He spins me around and cups my cheeks. “Do I need a reason to be romantic for my amazing girlfriend?”

  I bring a hand up to his forehead and brush the hair off his face. With a wide smile, I pull his lips to mine. “Of course not. Let me go change real quick, and we can go for a ride.”

  He arches a brow with a devilish smirk.

  “Not that kinda ride. Down boy,” I tease, dropping my eyes to his crotch. He wraps an arm around my hips and smacks my ass, then takes a handful in his palm.

  “But you make it so hard.” He winks, and I burst out laughing.

  “You’re relentless.” I push him back slightly, creating space between us before his sex-filled brain takes over, and we never leave.

  “You like it.”

  I slip out of his grip, laughing, and walk to our room. I change into a pair of jeans, a sweater, and put on socks and boots. It can get chilly on the back of his motorcycle, especially once the sun sets.

  Just as I’m about to tell Brandon I’m ready to go, I get a phone call and see it’s Sophie.

  “Hey, what’s up?” I answer.

  “Lennon.” Her voice cracks, and I instantly know something’s wrong.

  “Soph, what is it? Are you okay?” I immediately panic.

  “Yeah, I-I’m just having some roommate issues. Figure you were the best person to talk to about that.”

  I snort, nodding in agreement, though she can’t see me. She knows all about my troubles with Hunter.

  “What kind of issues? I thought you and Maria got along great.” They’ve been roommates the past few years, and she’s never complained about her.

  “We are, we do. It’s…well, she’s asking her boyfriend to move in with her. With us.” I hear the struggle in her voice.

  “Carter?” I ask, knowing exactly who she’s talking about. She gets along with him as well as I get along with Hunter.

  “Yep. I don’t know what I’m going to do. Or can do rather. The lease is in her name. She took me in, so it’s not like I can really say anything. Him moving in here is going to make my life a living hell, and I do not have time for his bullshit. I’m swamped with private lessons and orchestra practice as it is. The last thing I want is to come home and deal with his lazy ass.”

  “Sounds all too familiar…” I groan. “What about getting your own place?”

  “I can’t afford it right now or in the near future. Not when they’d want the first and last month’s rent along with the security deposit up front.” Her voice softens, and I know she’s defeated.

  “Want me to come over? Brandon and I were going for an evening joyride, but I can have him drop me off instead. We can drink wine and eat ice cream.”

  She releases a choked laugh, wh
ich makes me smile because I was hoping that suggestion might lift her spirits a bit. “I don’t want to ruin your date night.”

  “No, it’s okay. We can do it another night. I’ll come over, and we can talk,” I insist, and she finally agrees. “I’ll be over in twenty.”

  Once I explain the situation to Brandon, he’s understanding, as usual, and tells me it’s no problem. We hop on the bike, and he drives us to Sophie’s apartment. Once we’re there, I swing my leg over and get off the back. The engine continues to run as I take off my helmet then strap it to the back and give him a big smile.

  “Sophie will bring me back home. I have a feeling we’re going to be chatting for a while, so I might not be home until late.”

  Brandon takes off his helmet and pulls me close, smiling against my lips. “You girls have fun. But not too much fun,” he says, giving me a wink.

  I lean forward and steal another kiss. “Don’t worry. I need to get her mind off potential asshole roommates, so romantic comedies and junk food it is since I might know something about that.”

  I give him a pointed look, and he chuckles. “I love you, baby. Have fun.” He wraps a hand around my neck and pulls me in for one last deep kiss.

  “I love you, too.” I hum against his lips. “Be careful on that thing. I’ll see you when I get home,” I tell him.

  “I always am.” He winks, then replaces his helmet and revs the engine. I wave as he drives out of the parking lot and watch as he slowly turns back to the road.

  I walk to Sophie’s apartment and knock. She answers almost immediately, and the defeated look on her face has me giving her a big hug.

  Moments later, we’re on the couch watching 10 Things I Hate About You with a bottle of Merlot and a pile of snacks.

  “So things are still World War III for you?” Sophie asks after our second glass of wine.

  I groan loudly to emphasize my point. “Yep. Every damn day. He’s a slob, disrespectful, arrogant, selfish, and rude. All of the above.”

  Sophie chuckles, then sips her drink. “Still blows my mind, considering he was hitting on you that first night you guys met.” She waggles her brows at me, and I playfully shove her shoulder.

  “Stop. It was nothing. He was hitting on half the bar. Brandon swept me off my feet, and I’m supposed to be with him, and I’m happy!” I reassure her.

  “I know you’re happy, which makes me happy! I just can’t help wondering if you hadn’t dated that douchebag who cheated on you in college if you would’ve pushed your insecurities aside and pursued Hunter?” she asks, and it takes me by surprise. “You told me all about spring break week afterward and mentioned him but then ended up dating his roommate. I mean, that’s why you chose Brandon, right? He was the ‘nice guy’?”

  “What?” I furrow my brows. “No! I mean, yes, Brandon’s nice. But it wasn’t like that. Nothing happened between me and Hunter, so it’s not like I chose between the two. Hunter’s the total playboy cliché—panty-melting looks, knows exactly what to say to seduce you, and flirts like you’re the only woman in the world. Trust me, he knows exactly what to do to charm the panties off any woman and get them into his bed. He’s a player, and I think my heart knew that. It also knew Brandon was the one.”

  Sophie laughs. “Always the hopeless romantic.”

  “So even if my ex didn’t cheat on me, I wouldn’t have wanted to date a guy like that anyway. It had nothing to do with choosing between the two because the moment Brandon and I met, I was captivated. Yes, I was attracted to Hunter, and we had chemistry, but I’ve been attracted to other guys before. You know how Mom always said to find a guy you can see a future with? How we should date with purpose? That’s what I saw in Brandon.” My thoughts are all over the place, and I blame the wine for that but continue anyway. “His ridiculous pickup line had me cracking up, and it was easy to see he was a genuine guy. It made me feel like giving him my heart was right, and that he’d take care of it and never break it, if that makes sense.” I take another drink to stop myself from rambling.

  “I’m really glad it worked out,” Sophie says with a dazed look in her eyes. “He looks at you like you’re his whole world,” she adds with a goofy grin. “Which is kind of sickening for us in the single girls’ club.”

  “He really does,” I agree, smiling. “Even if I’d pursued Hunter, I can guarantee you it would’ve ended in heartbreak by now, considering the way he acts. I don’t think I could’ve handled his mood swings and attitude.”

  “Well, when a guy like Hunter looks like he could barge through walls and lift anyone over his head, he’s bound to catch some attention,” Sophie says with a laugh.

  “Yeah, playing football all those years and going to the gym religiously helped make him so muscular, and he knows it, too. I’m actually surprised his brain hasn’t exploded from how big his ego is.”

  Sophie and I both giggle, and soon, we’re laughing so hard we start crying. We continue drinking and cracking jokes, and by our fourth glass of wine, I know she’s no longer worried about Maria’s boyfriend moving in. Though she can’t do much about it now, I’m glad I could offer some comfort and distract her, even if only temporarily.

  I realize it’s getting late, and I should go home since I have to work in the morning. “My first spring concert is this Friday, so I need some sleep since it’s going to be another hectic day. We’re practicing in the auditorium tomorrow, and then Thursday is the stage rehearsal. I’m super nervous.”

  “I’m so proud of you, Lennon. I’m positive it’ll run perfectly!” She flashes me a sincere smile. “I wish I could come and watch it.”

  “I know you do, but you’re also really busy, so don’t even sweat it.” I lean over and give her a hug. “I’m going to call an Uber since you’re a little tipsy.”

  She giggles, agreeing.

  “Brandon’s probably passed out already, so I don’t wanna bother him,” I explain, opening the app, knowing he doesn’t stay up super late during the week. I put on my shoes and jacket and tell Sophie goodbye. “We’ll chat again soon, okay? If it becomes unbearable, I’m sure Brandon wouldn’t mind you crashing on our couch while you look for another place.”

  “Thanks, sis. I doubt it’ll resort to that, but thanks for the offer.”

  Thirty minutes later, I’m back at the apartment and look for Brandon, but I see the light is off in our bedroom.

  “You fall in a wine cellar? Damn.” Hunter’s loud voice makes my ears ring. I turn and see him lounging on the couch without a shirt. Ugh. Why?

  “Can you keep it down? Brandon’s sleeping.” My head pounds, but I don’t admit that to him.

  “He’s not home. I thought he was with you.”

  Hunter’s words have me frozen in my tracks. “Are you sure? He went for a motorcycle ride like four hours ago. He dropped me off at Sophie’s before he took off.”

  “I’ve been home since five,” he tells me. “Did you call him?”

  “No, I figured he’d be in bed already.” I pull my phone from my pocket and call him. It rings five times, then goes to voicemail. “No answer.”

  “Let me try,” he says, shifting his weight to one side and grabbing his phone.

  “You really think he’s going to ignore my call, but answer yours? He’s probably still out cruising, has lost track of time, and doesn’t feel his phone vibrating,” I tell him, but I wait anyway to see if Hunter gets through.


  “He did say he wanted to watch the sunset, so he probably went for a longer drive.” I shrug, making my way down the hall to my bedroom. I change into some yoga pants and a tank top and decide to make myself something to eat, hoping it’ll soak up the wine.

  “I see you finally figured out the dishwasher,” I call out when I’m in the kitchen and see the sink isn’t full for once.

  “No, I just put everything back in the cabinets,” he immediately retorts.

  “You better be joking!” I scold, instantly opening the doors to call his bluff.<
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  I hear his feet pad against the floor as he makes his way into the kitchen. “I’m not completely incompetent. I had a date over. She did it.”

  I slam the door I left open and avoid his gaze. I can’t tell if he’s messing with me, but if his dates want to do his chores, then I’m all for it. “Well, whatever.”

  Turning, I walk toward the fridge and grab the ingredients to make a sandwich. I think back to the conversation Sophie and I had about Brandon and Hunter and how she’s basically going to be Hunter in her situation—the third wheel roommate.

  I’d feel bad for Hunter, but he’s the reason things are so tense between us. If he wouldn’t make my life a living hell, maybe help out a bit, and stop being an arrogant bastard, we’d get along just fine. Part of me wonders if he acts out because he feels I stole his best friend from him. Or that I invaded his space. Whatever the reason, it doesn’t merit acting the way he does toward me.

  “Where’s the deli meat?” I ask, looking in the fridge.

  “Uh…” Hunter stands close behind me, and considering he’s almost a foot taller than I am and shirtless, I don’t dare turn around. “In my belly.”

  I look over my shoulder to scowl at him when he rubs a hand over his stupid abs.

  “I literally bought two pounds of turkey last week,” I say between gritted teeth, slamming the door.

  “Guess you’ll learn to buy double next time,” he says smugly, flashing a grin.

  “Ugh!” I crash into him as I walk by, but it doesn’t even faze him. But damn, it makes my shoulder throb.

  “I don’t know what you’re getting so worked up about. Untwist your panties and chill.” He strolls back to the couch and plops down, spreading his legs out like an animal.


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