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Wren's Song: Volume One

Page 8

by Addison Cain

  The Alpha stopped short. Narrowing his eyes, nostrils flaring on a deep inhale, he took in what her scent might offer… calculating. “You think I tried to kill you yesterday?”

  She nodded, but using the heel of her hand wiped the chalk and wrote over the smear. Pointing to her tattooed cheek, she showed him her words: I did something wrong.

  She thought it was her fault...

  It hadn’t occurred to Caspian the Omega failed to understand what had almost taken place. Hell, he’d expected she’d be a conceited handful now that he’d almost bonded them forever. But she didn’t know, and he had no intention of giving the exotic Omega any power in knowing.

  “Come here, pretty mouse.”

  She set the slate aside and did as he ordered.

  Nervous and no longer meeting his eyes, Caspian ran the backs of his fingers over her cheek and jaw. Fragile. He could break her in half with no effort, shatter her bones with ease. Not good traits for a mate. “You want me to fuck you sweet and slow? How Kieran took you yesterday?”

  Of course he’d watched it. Watched it while Rosie bobbed her slut mouth on his cock. He’d come quickly, and he’d come hard. And then he’d come again watching Toby have his fun.

  The releases had taken the edge off, but the itch had not been scratched, no matter what Rosie or any of the others he’d had sent in from the pen offered.

  He wanted sweet purrs and soft touches from a raw little mouse.

  He wanted the blushing girl who nodded her head at his question. The girl who took his hand again and put it around her throat and rose on tiptoe to put her nose back to his throat.

  Caspian was more than willing to see where this game was going. “What does my good girl do when I want to fuck?”

  She purred, and by God, the Omega met his eyes.

  Her stomach rumbled.

  The moment was ruined by her obvious embarrassment and his unexpected laughter, but Caspian found no displeasure in it. “There is food and water. I expect you to bathe when you’re done. I like seeing their cum on you, but I’m First-Alpha. They get my seconds, I don’t get theirs. Afterward, you will build a proper nest to host me and I will be gentle.”

  Chapter 13

  If this was gentle, Wren never wanted to know what Caspian considered rough. She’d done all he’d asked, trying her damnedest to perform. It had been easier when he’d first arrived, when the tail-end of spectacular drugs had helped keep the edge off.

  Food and a great deal of water had dulled the buzz. Sponging her body off with chilly recycled water had cleared the rest of the high. He’d wanted to watch her brush the tangles from her wet hair, slipping his fingers through the dripping tresses as if fascinated with it.

  When he got bored of watching her grooming, he took her by the wrist and dragged her back to her room.

  He shoved her forward to the bedding. “Build the nest.”

  Wren had never done so with an audience. It made her nervous. Heck, the freaking hulk of man caught in a continuous growl made her nervous!

  Leaning against the wall, he complained. “It’s cold in here.”

  Considering he was dressed in that hideous coat and she’d been kept naked for days, he had

  some nerve. Knowing that if she acknowledged his words, if he saw her face, he’d see her spite, she kept her head bowed over her work.

  “Don’t you have heat? Turn it on.”

  Before she could stop herself, she laughed. This was the Warrens, not a penthouse mansion.

  The brute picked up on her scoff and began to strip. “You have to the count of ten to finish your work. Ten. Nine. Eight...”

  With an angered Alpha egging her on, Wren rushed to place the final touches. He hit one, and leapt upon her. She yelped from surprise, but found instead of mauling, he was pulling blankets around them to wrap them up in one another’s heat.

  Twisting under him, gooseflesh rubbed away by over-large hands, Wren sniffed at his neck. It was the only trick she’d found so far to calm herself when the killer was too near. The smell of him and the effect it had on her offered a much needed distraction.

  She could reduce him down to the simplicity of Alpha. Not Caspian, the gangster with all power over Alec and Mikael’s future, who shared her with his men, and almost strangled her the day before.

  He seemed to like her little habit, the way she would root and pant in air. Stilling, he did the same, inhaling sharply at her ear until his chest puffed and all that warmth whooshed out over her cheek.

  It set her skin to shivering, Wren offering a purr in gratitude.

  Screwing up her courage, she kissed him just like he’d asked before.

  A single brush of her mouth and he jammed his tongue in, chasing after hers until she figured out the rhythm. It matched the hips rocking over her, the Alpha grinding his dripping cock into the soft skin of her belly.

  He’d already had her, his men had already had her, there was nothing left to lose since her pride was gone and her cause was fresh. Everything she did was for the future of her family.

  She spread her legs and in synchronicity, he crawled between them.

  “Did my good girl just offer her pussy?” Sucking a trail down her neck, Caspian set his teeth to her flesh. “It better be wet if she did. Bad girls tease and get fucked dry.”

  It was flooded, the nearness of the male as she’d built her nest, his scent, what she knew was to come… all of it having done the job of the growl.

  Easing back so he might line up his glans with her slit, the male found the scent wafting up from her was heady with Omega slick. He didn’t spare her a smooth entry, his body seeming to lurch forward once alighted.

  He fucked in hard.

  Breath caught, Wren arched and bore it—bore him in that animal, violent spearing all the way to the hilt.

  Clenching his jaw, he hissed at the clamp and flutter that had already begun. “Fuck! Don’t you dare come yet, Omega!” He snapped his hips in sure, rough strokes with each word, scything into her belly so deep she lost control. “Don’t. You. Dare. Fucking. Come!”

  It was too late. The clench and ripple milked at this cock, leaving her moaning a pathetic breathy purr that called to him to give her what she craved. It was too far gone to stop, Wren distantly aware her body had run wildly free of her mind.

  She clung to him, chasing after hips that pulled his cock away and left her cramping around nothing.


  Why did hearing him say that make her insides squeeze all the harder?

  She sprayed out slick where his cock bobbed just out of reach, whining and writhing and denied. When the waves of needy distraction began to pass, Wren found him watching her, hovering so his cock was just out of reach.

  “Didn’t Kieran and Toby give you enough attention? Is your pussy really so greedy, naughty mouse?”

  Dazed, unsure if she was still coming, if she needed to come, or if she wanted it all to end, Wren made a soft sound of capitulation.

  “Come again before I’m ready and I’ll let them both fuck your ass while my knot owns your cunt.” The growl came, unnecessary at this point except to gush a fountain over his swollen cockhead. “Is that what you want, pretty mouse?”

  God, was he trying to kill her with that tone? It didn’t even matter what he said, her body responded… and from the smug look on Caspian’s face, he knew it.

  “Do you want both of them at one time while I watch?” He groaned out his fantasy, teasing at her fluttering entrance while denying the wriggling Omega what she craved. “While another woman’s mouth is sucking me off?”

  The heat in the nest turned ice cold.

  Caspian took advantage of her alarm, slipping back in to find her pussy open and as far from orgasm as she could be.

  Rocking against her, feeding her his fat dick, he murmured, “You don’t need gentle, little mouse. You need to know your place and I need to enforce it.” When she wouldn’t meet his eyes, he caught her chin and pressed the subject. “
Your place is to please me in any way I tell you to.” Running his fingertips over the bruises on her neck, he murmured, “Mine is to make sure this doesn’t happen again. You’ll be grateful if another woman blows me. You’ll purr when I fuck you afterward, knowing she took the edge off—because my pretty mouse excites me to the point I want to wrap my hands around her throat…”

  Wren didn’t think it was possible to find there was something lower than whore… but there was.

  She cried as he took her gently, until Caspian grew frustrated with her lack of response and fucked into her with passion instead. It didn’t take long for his tricks to fool her body into a mind-numbing release. She gave him what he came for, the bloom of his knot throbbing large and hot inside her cunt, thick ropes creamy white trapped behind it.

  While he was contented and purring above her, she lay still, forced to accept what still spurt at random intervals from his dick.

  It shouldn’t have mattered. Logically she grasped that, but it did.

  It hurt.

  “It’s easier if you understand before you come back with me.” He caught her chin, something in those mud brown eyes almost repentant. “This place you live in isn’t fit, and I am tired of slugging through the mud just so I can fuck you and freeze.”

  Then why had he brought all this stuff here? Why were they even wasting time knotted in a nest that was soon to be abandoned?

  “You won’t lack for attention.” Voice hardly above a whisper, Caspian soothed, “Toby is already preparing your room and Kieran demands to share it. Obey them just as you will obey me.” His gaze grew unforgiving, his voice sharper than razor blades. “But never forget, you are mine first and foremost. When I call, you come.”

  She nodded, tears drying up and heart growing hard.

  Appeased, the Alpha purred, the vibration catching as another wave of filth ushered from his knot to pool in her belly. As his pleasure peaked, Caspian pressed what might have been a sweet kiss on Wren’s slack mouth. “I’ll be good to you.”

  Silent Captive

  Wren’s Song Book 2

  Chapter 1

  “Welcome home.”

  This place was beyond imagining and as ugly as sin.

  “Here.” Toby urged her to step deeper into the room. “Come see what I chose for you.”

  Despite her reluctance to abandon her home, the males had made her carry an armload of the new bedding Caspian had dumped in her room. They had refused to let her bring anything personal.

  They had made her march with their First Alpha’s cum dripping between her legs.

  They had brought her back to where it all began.

  Clean water flowed through the pipeworks like drugs in a junkie’s veins. It was everywhere, raining down until the air was too damp to breathe. Coughing, a deep, wracking wheeze did nothing to clear it from infected lungs.

  Two minutes in, and Wren hated it here.

  More importantly, she was terrified swamp-lung would fester in this environment before Mikael might be healed. She needed dry air. Needed it. And this place was humid with wet.

  “Pretty, isn’t it?”

  Toby grinned as he pushed open the door, bouncing his eyebrows as if everything in Caspian’s wasteland might impress her.

  She made the sign for yes.

  It was a lie. Her blank expression gave her away.

  Expression suddenly frosty, Toby said, “You don’t like it?”

  Carefully placing the folded bedding on a nearby chaise, Wren took it all in. Everything looked clean, but under the smell of furniture polish was the saturated aroma of many, many males’ cum and many, many females’ juices. All three of her owners’ scent markers were pungent.

  This was their brothel where they fucked their whores. Of which she was now one.

  The furnishings were rich and silly. Leather couches with deep purple pillows, a huge bed.

  Wren couldn’t even remember the last time she’d slept on a bed. Her nests had almost always been arranged on the ground. No way was she building one on that thing. Nope. The spot by the windows would suit her much better.

  The bed could be used for other things, and maybe they would leave her nest alone.

  Toby was still waiting for an answer, the disappointment at her lack of enthusiasm palpable. She gestured slowly, so he might see the distinct movements and possibly understand. “It’s big.”

  And needed to be scoured with bleach.

  “Is it the color you don’t like?” He crossed his arms over his chest, leaning back to the wall to glare. “I chose purple to match your eyes.”

  Well, that was… sweet? She gave him a smile, hoping it would be enough to smooth ruffled feathers.

  A big purple room in which to have her body and life fucked over.

  “There’s clothes for you in there.” He gestured to an honest-to-god armoire.

  Like a good little plaything, Wren marched over, opening it up to find it was indeed stocked full… of clothes that smelled like other women. This was dress-up and she was the latest doll.

  “Do you like them?”

  Not even a little bit. Yet, she nodded, careful to keep her face turned away. Wren even went so far as to run her hands over random articles, pretending to admire the fabric.

  She felt Toby ease up behind her, startled that she hadn’t heard the Alpha cross the room. He took handfuls of her hair, holding the white strands up to his nose for a sniff.

  “I like to spoil my girl. Tell me one thing you want and you’ll have it.” An arm slipped around her middle, his hand spreading to palm her belly. “Something pretty? A special thing that will be our secret? Hell,” he chuckled, “you keep smelling like you do and I’ll kill a man for you.”

  She let him paw and sniff, turning in his arms to motion what she needed: something to write with.

  He jerked his chin toward the desk. “Write down what you want. There’s paper in the desk drawer.”

  He let her wander over to another piece of ostentatious furniture that had no place in a random room atop the pipeworks. Coughing into her hand as she searched, Wren wrote down a simple request.

  I want to see Mikael.

  Scowling down at the paper, Toby pursed his lips. “I meant something special for a girl. Jewelry? Something shiny you can wear that I gave you so everyone knows that I think you’re special.”

  Then it wasn’t much of a secret was it…

  There was so much more at stake here than just a shiny bauble she didn’t want or need. Alec knew she’d struck a deal for his life, and when he got over his temper and returned home to find it empty… and reeking of sex, he’d sort out how to find her. But Mikael had been so sick he might not remember a thing. What if the doctor released him and he wandered home only to find it abandoned? He’d think she didn’t want him.


  Wry smile tugging at his lips, he tossed her pad aside. “We’ll talk about the kid later. Scout’s honor.”

  Budding anger was warring with much wiser caution, yet it still thinned her lips.

  “I have something that might cheer you up.” Toby cocked a grin, the sort of grin a smart girl knew not to trust. From the satchel slung over his shoulder he pulled out repurposed drapes.

  Her dress.

  Gesturing at the hastily donned flannel shirt and grimy pants, he purred, “I want you to take that off, and put this on… wear your special dress for me.”

  The memory might have been foggy, but Wren had pieced enough together to know what this man had done to her prone body while she’d healed. He wasn’t waiting for a reply they both knew he’d never get. Fingers to her shirt buttons, he began to work them free.

  Flannel spread, a pair of snow-white breasts unveiled. Slipping the old fabric down her arms, appreciation sparkled in overeager eyes as he licked his lips.

  Palm cupping a breast, he murmured to himself. “It’s almost a pity to cover these up.”

  After the morning she’d had, Wren was in no mood to even pretend she desi
red male attention. Taking the dress, she pulled it over her head and let the torn garment cover what Toby wanted to grope.

  Seams had split in the days-ago tussle with Caspian, the dress no longer hanging as she’d designed it. The fabric could be mended, but, looking down at where even the skirt had rent, Wren knew it would never be the same.

  Just like her.

  Toby didn’t seem to mind. He took her fingers and spread her arms wide, looking over the figure she cut. “You’ll wear this when it’s just us, huh? For me only. The others won’t understand.”

  Wren nodded.

  Grin going wider, he leered. “And the room? You really don’t like it, do you? Tell me what you want and I’ll have it changed.”

  Was he being playful, or was this some kind of duplicity? He’d taken her pen and paper, leaving communication closed.

  Winging her answer, Wren took a step back, gestured between them, and began to slowly sign the alphabet. If he really wanted to give her something, he could give her a way to communicate.

  After all, of her three owners, he was the only one who’d asked what signs meant and actually watched her hands when she spoke. Making a game of it, just as when she’d taught the boys, Wren teased with little pokes and sly smirks, shaping his fingers into the sign for ‘A’.

  Toby was a fast learner, one who stole a kiss every time he got a gesture right. By the time they reached ‘Z’, the lesson took on a different aim. Armoire at her back, panting Alpha pressed to her front, the shaft trapped between them began to thicken and grow.

  “He’s going to let me fuck you tonight,” the male breathed over her neck, licking at the remaining bruises like a cat cleaning his young. “You’re gonna like it. He thinks you won’t, but I know you will. My playful ray of sunshine can handle Toby’s knot in your sweet little pussy. She can take all I give her.”

  A growl rumbling from his ribs, Toby hiked up her skirt to slip his fingers into her panties. The fabric stuck to where warmth flowed at his call, peeled away so he might prod the source.

  “Caspian likes them obedient. Kieran likes them fawning. Me? I like you. Just like this. Honest, wet, and ready for me.” Fingers squelching through the trickle, he fed her pussy as much as he might. Rubbing at her insides, pushing almost to the point of pain, he said, “I won’t touch the other girls like they will. You’ll get all my attention.”


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