Wren's Song: Volume One
Page 19
A sound of distress came from the beautiful blonde in the pretty blue dress. It was not the sound of a woman getting fucked, it was the sound of a person shoved to their knees then choked on a fleshy length of meat.
And it was enough to draw lavender eyes from the uneven ceiling to the eyes of her living, breathing tormentor.
He looked as if he suffered the most terrible kind of pain.
Staring down between her legs. To the dry slit. To pink inner labia that fanned out from chalk-white skin. To the cunt he’d previously penetrated, filled with filthy cum, and tasted.
And for some unknown reason, knowing he was skull fucking another woman, and staring at a thing he would not let himself have, Wren almost felt sorry for him. Which made little sense, considering the man had no real regard for her welfare beyond that of a favored toy. Knowing that the marks he’d left on her would prove this whole thing pointless.
She felt sorry as he did things to Rosie’s throat that would have made Wren vomit.
She felt sorry that no matter how often or hard he fucked his favorite Omega, he’d never know joy.
She felt sorry that she hated his guts and wished to see him destroyed.
And she felt sorry that she grew wet to the sounds of another woman gagging on his cock.
One tiny pearl of slick, that was all it took to shatter Caspian’s composure.
One second he had been little more than a perverted voyeur. The next he buckled over and set his mouth to the very part of her he’d demolished two days prior.
Lapping at her like a madman. Trying to drink up the sad offering a disinterested body might offer. He growled, whined like a dog, then rested his head on her sunken belly as he gushed his seed down the throat of another.
None of it had been for Wren’s pleasure. No, he’d swallowed her up in greed.
But as the male panted, bent over, rubbing his scruffy face on her belly, she took pity and stroked his head with splinted hands.
“You need to eat more, pretty mouse…”
Softly spoken words that made no sense.
Lavender eyes drew down just in time to see small, female hands grasp Caspian’s knot and massage it in a way that would milk him almost like a cunt. She saw the wheat colored hair peeking up from the edge of the bed she’d been forced to “nest” in. She saw the travesty this would be if she’d loved this male.
But she didn’t.
And she didn’t care.
That did not stop her gasp when Caspian stopped licking her for his pleasure and doubled down his effort for hers. Light airy flicks over her clit, swirling, pointed laps of a tongue over labia and slit.
It should have been humiliating how quickly she came. Her empty cunt flooded with slick so quickly the room spun. It drenched his face and set the Alpha into a fit of long groans.
“Thank you.”
What the actual fuck?
Kicking back, scooting away from the mouth on her parts, Wren needed to be anywhere but this room. As far as possible from an existence where a shrinking penis was slipping from the loudly sucking lips of a foreign woman.
She needed to be home, in her beloved nest, surrounded by her boys and salvage.
“Shhhhhhhhh, darling mouse.” Soft kisses came over deep scattered wounds that ached the most. “Be still, I don’t want to hurt you. I’ll fuck this sweet pussy as soon as you might handle me. I’ll fuck you so hard you’ll forget your name.”
Coughing up the excess cum that had overcome her throat, Rosie wiped at her running mascara.
Her face red, her eyes on the cracked cement floor she stood, straightening her dress and smoothing her hair as if this horrible treatment meant nothing to her.
It wasn’t just Wren who’d been degraded.
And that, that is what broke a bitter Omega’s heart.
Chapter 4
“Mmmhh.” Drugged by deep sleep, a breathy hmmm escaped Wren’s parted lips.
A rocking sensation drew her further from muddled dreams—a gentle bump, bump, bump that jostled just enough a sleepy Wren’s lashes parted. She nearly gasped.
At her side, braced, the naked beauty of the only Alpha male who’d yet to intrude into her nest.
Not quite near enough to touch, not even looking at her in the dark. His sculpted body—defined muscles rippling—caught up in pleasure.
But it was why muffled grunts were kept locked behind his teeth that left her frozen still.
Fists clenched in the covers, sweat gathered on Kieran’s brow.
He was being fucked… by a softly whispering Toby. “Look how pretty she is, our sweet Omega. Smell her eager cunt. Fill her up with a feast for me.”
One word grunted impatiently passed Kieran’s parted lips. “Harder.”
To hear him breathless, to see him mounted by a lower ranked Alpha… for pleasure… Wren didn’t know what to make of it.
What had been rolling hips, Toby hardly visible in the dark, became rough, dedicated thrusts that jostled both bodies closer to where she laid. Shrouded in shadows, Wren spied from slightly parted lids, and saw little of Toby’s naked form beyond where his hands stroked Kieran’s back, or where his pelvis shoved a lube shined cock straight into the Alpha’s body. But she sensed through their link that he was fully aware of her regard.
And was pleased by it.
She could even feel his pleasure, his building release in the base of her spine.
She could hear him silently calling to her, tempting her to be braver and show them her attention.
That was his game.
And where she refused to engage, the bed began to shake with more force, knocking back against the wall so roughly that there was no way she could pretend to be asleep.
Caspian’s massive form was pressed to her back. Unsure if he slept or if he too had his eyes on the scene, Wren had her answer a moment later.
He gave an approving grunt right before something thick and wriggling borrowed between her thighs.
They slipped and danced as her clit peeked from its hood and her labia bloomed with unexpected slick.
There was no hiding her response. For the first time in the presence of these men, Wren was aroused by something other than an Alpha growl, desire perfuming the air with the scent of honest slick.
Hooking his fingers behind her pelvic bone, Caspian rubbed hard at that secret spot. Teasing the nerves, milking her slick glands until a wet squelch of noise squished with his hands’ every movement.
She should have been scandalized at the taboo scene taking place beside her, not readily spilling slick.
She should have shut her eyes so hard she’d never have to see Kieran’s pupils expand when he got the first breath of her arousal.
She should not have moaned when Caspian began to thrust his slippery fingers in and out of her hungry hole in tempo with Toby’s cock disappearing into Kieran’s ass.
And she definitely should not have looked to see the engorged prick hanging down from Kieran’s hips, dragging a trail of precum over the sheets.
She’d never seen his dick so big. So angry looking.
Face almost hostile in its hopeless pleasure, Wren couldn’t deny this act was something the Second Alpha enjoyed.
Not when his fat cock rocked back and forth with the swing of Toby’s hips, a pendulum that left her mouth watering. Kieran was uncut, the swollen head having burst past his foreskin to shine as it dripped beads of delicious fluid.
Unsure what drove her, Wren desired to reach out and suck that dangling organ. To wrap her hands around the hint of his knot just as she’d watched Rosie do to Caspian the last several days.
More slick gushed from her slit.
Toby fucking Kieran before her eyes. The daily display of Caspian sitting in his chair, staring at Wren’s naked body—staring into her eyes—while Rosie labored to suck him dry. Rosie who may as well not have been there for all the heed he paid her. She was a hole, one he could use while his mous
e was still in too much pain to bear his sexual aggression.
These thoughts blended into one pornographic mess, stirred up her sleep-labored brain into a whirlwind of carnal craving that hit Wren like a punch in the gut.
With a strangled cry, she gushed all over Caspian’s hands, her leg shaking when she kicked and cried out a disgusting release.
“Naughty girl, I didn’t say this pretty pussy could cum.” Grainy, his voice slurred with desire, Caspian whispered equal parts chastisement and filthy praise in her ear. “Now you’ll have to be punished.”
With mouth and hand.
Teeth took to her shoulder, biting down with enough force that she hissed. Where his calloused hand forcibly moved between her thighs, Caspian increased the pressure and speed of his fingers, fucking into her so hard slick squirt out and sprayed her legs.
Where was her blanket?
Why couldn’t she think straight?
And why didn’t she protest when Kieran reached for her, flopping her around like a rag doll and dragging her under his rocking body?
One moment she’d been flush with Caspian, a second later she was spread-eagle, prone directly under Kieran’s pulsating cock.
Impaled without so much as a kiss or sweet word, that instrument burrowed its way deep.
Though it had only been days since she’d been filled, the burn and stretch reminded her so much of that first time Caspian had mounted her in her home that Wren could almost smell the mildew dank air.
A smile bloomed on her lips.
And then Toby drove all three of them forward.
“Fuck!” Kieran lowed as the veins in his neck pulsed.
Toby made his own animal sounds and he reached past the man who sheathed his dick and fisted a handful of Wren’s hair. “Look at her, Kieran! Tell me there is not a more beautiful female on this planet!”
Hooded eyes, mouth slack from over-sensation, Kieran seemed beyond anything but the feel of squeezing cunt and invasive cock.
Already knotting her, Wren’s needy pussy fluttered in protest as the bulge of flesh grew too large to give her the friction a starved womb desired.
Still she came, her body unable to deny such pressure, or to deny the chance to feed off warm soupy cum that dumped from the beautiful male straight into her.
Toby, however, was not yet ready to release.
As if to punish the Second for such selfishness, or as if to laud him for swelling the Omega’s belly with so much sperm, Toby began an all-out assault on Kieran’s ass.
Tied to her by his knot, there was nothing the Second could do to stop him. Though he snarled, and threw back his head with threats of death, dismemberment, revenge…
Through it all, Toby laughed.
Until he too was swept away, breath caught in a grunt, face twisted as he jetted the Second full of his first burst of cum.
Pulling out, spraying over Kieran’s back, Wren’s face, her nest… everywhere.
The force with which creamy fluid shot out of him, the way he continued to beat at his throbbing meat and mangle his knot. Wren had never seen anything like it.
Testicles drew up tight, swelled, shrank, swelled. Over and over like a living thing. A fountain of cum that speckled his pecs, ran dripping down his straining thighs.
As his ushering wound down, a panting Toby announced to the Alpha who’d yet to fully participate. “She still wants more.”
With a grunt of agreement, Caspian shifted his weight. “I feel it too. Our pretty cum-slut doesn’t think one knot is enough.”
Tawny hair hanging in his eyes, the tips spiky with sweat, Kieran hoisted a stiffening Wren upright.
“Don’t be nervous. Shhhhh,” Caspian whispered, his chest sliding over her back. “This one time, I’ll go easy on you.”
Cockhead to her second hole, pressing forward before she’d grasped what this was, Wren clung to Kieran, her splints digging into his back as her asshole was breached.
It hurt, gravity pulling her down Caspian’s aching organ.
She could sense his impatience, how much he needed friction to alleviate a pain he’d been carrying in his cock for days.
No amount of Rosie’s mouth had fully satisfied him.
Not one of the cunts he’d used in the pen where Wren couldn’t see.
He’d been a walking, disgruntled erection.
His knots has been insignificant, the usherings he’d poured in his women meager.
The tight ring of her ass squeezed him so tight, her guts felt his pleasure.
Perverse groans vibrated from him to her. They echoed through the bones Toby had claimed, left her resonating with them.
One sated. One in desperate need.
And her trapped in pleasure and pain—realizing that this whole event had been staged.
Kieran’s knot gave a mighty pulse, he emptied another great spurt just as Caspian found himself fully seated. There was only a small bit of flesh between their cocks, and she was such a small girl to be speared so relentlessly.
Sweating from the urge to force them both out, head lolling back against the First Alpha who always took advantage, Wren felt a tear leak from the corner of her eye.
Toby kissed it away. Just as he murmured words of encouragement and love to her when Caspian began to thrust.
There was slick enough to smooth Caspian’s invasion. There was cum enough still pouring from Kieran to keep Wren’s cunt contracting. And there was Toby incessant kisses on her mouth, his breath mingling with hers until all three of them filled her up.
The orgasm that twisted from her toes and locked each muscle up tight, left her screaming like a woman caught under the knife. Any who heard would have thought they’d tortured her. Beat her. Broke her down bit by bit.
They would have seen the tears that rode those cries, and not known them for what they were.
Matching the intensity of her dirge, Caspian erupted. A volley of warmth shot so deep inside her the sensation would never fade. He came, his knot outside her tender ring, yet threatening the gate.
He came.
And so did she.
As if it was the first time, ever.
And when it was over? When the men gently disengaged and a flood of their seed dumped from her cunt and ass? When she had to sit in the mess and realize that she was awake, that this thing had happened between them. That she still thrummed with their pleasure and completion?
Wren sat dumbstruck.
Chapter 5
It was Toby’s voice that finally broke through the ringing in her head. “You’re okay, sunshine.”
“Come here.”
As in move? No. She couldn’t do that. Everything was still buzzing, swirling, and pinching under her skin. A flood still leaked out of her, staining her legs with slippery scented ownership.
And this room smelled terrible.
Like other women. Like years of sex, and pain, and… Longing?
Wren wanted to shout out that word. But she’d never been able to speak. No matter how many times her father had slapped her for willfully remaining silent. No matter how much her flustered mother had begged.
Help me.
Fingers threaded through her hair, kneading a head grown cottony. “I’m here, sunshine.”
My nest is all wrong. This room is too dark. My chest hurts. I’m frightened!
“Let’s get you cleaned up, hmmm?”
I’m drowning. You’re killing me.
“There’s nothing like a bath after a hard fuck up the ass, eh, Kieran?” A good natured slap bounded off the lolling Second’s chest.
Arm thrown over his handsome face, Kieran growled a spent, “I’m going to castrate you with a rusty spoon.”
How could this be nothing to them? How could they tangle their limbs with hers and press their heated flesh to her body as if ready to find slumber in the cooling pools of their shared ejaculate?
“Up you go.” Arms came under knees, crad
led her shoulders, and Wren was carried away from the scene of her destruction.
“When you look at me with those big eyes, I know you can see me.” Toby nuzzled her nose with his. “A little fear, a little wonder… Someday you’ll even learn to smile. And it won’t be from the gifts, or the fucking, or the babies that will swell out your belly. It will be because you just can’t help yourself, sweet pea.” With a chuckle, he added, “Well, some of those grins will be from the fucking. I’m going to keep you so clogged with cum that it will never stop dripping from those fleshy little petals between your legs. Everyone will know I was Alpha enough to claim a mate.”
With the heat in his last words, the snarling challenge as he bit out each syllable, Wren grew smaller.
Alphas didn’t claim mates unless they wanted to breed, or were growing old and wanted the constant companionship of a bonded female slave. Young males, men of power, would never!
Yet Toby had bitten her. Purposefully, brutally. And, stupid as Wren was, she had not realized it until after she’d faced the three of them down in the Waterworks.
And lost.
Caspian had done far more than bitten her. He’d mauled her flesh, scarring her for life on every last place anyone might see.
Except her face. That had already been ruined by the tattoo that marked her as defective.
But at least Caspian had also said his claim would only last until her Estrous. It almost made this madness seem reasonable. But Toby, he wanted to keep her.
Yet he let the others have their fun. Built a malformed nest around her and played on her fears for his benefit.
A good mate would bring her her boys.
A good mate wouldn’t have seen her ripped from her home and degraded.
Good mates did not exist.
And that horrible truth was something all Omegas learned young.
Having missed the sound of water filling the tub, Wren hissed when the thing she’d been clinging to lowered her down. A drowned Warrens rat swimming in a pool of fluids, and pain, and inner disgust.
Help me.
Those two words would never be heeded in a place like this.