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Kholvaria (The Color of Water and Sky Book 2)

Page 12

by Andrew Gates

  “And now?”

  Iris shook her head.

  “Not sure, but the lack of communication would suggest otherwise.”

  “And how are you-” Dan seemed to stop mid-sentence. Iris looked around but could not figure out why he stopped.

  “How am I what?” she urged.

  Dan chuckled.

  “How are you nothing. I just wanted to know how you’re doing. You, Iris,” he explained.

  Iris felt a bit embarrassed for misunderstanding.

  “I’m fine,” she replied. “It’s good to be with you.”

  Dan smiled back to her. He reached out to her and she grabbed his hand, intertwining her fingers in his. Dan looked over his shoulders one more time and then into her eyes. They stopped walking and stood still.

  “You’re right,” he said. “It’s good to be with you. The mantises don’t seem to be nearby. Grey even said we could take our time. Maybe we should just have some time together.”

  “I’m not sure that’s what he meant when he said that,” Iris replied, jokingly.

  “I know,” he said with a snicker. “But you had a good point earlier. The mantises don’t seem to be coming. Maybe we should make use of that.”

  Iris was not sure what he was getting at. She certainly missed spending one on one time with him, and enjoyed having this time together now, but wondered what they could possibly do in the middle of the forest. They still had a ways to go before reaching the cave.

  Dan took a deep breath. Iris looked back at him, wondering what he was planning to do.

  There was a strange twinkle in his eyes, an alluring twinkle she did not expect. Iris did not know what caused it, but she felt drawn to his gaze. It was a look she had not seen, or indeed welcomed, so much in years. She felt something stirring inside of her. With Dan’s smile back, it was clear he felt it too, whatever it was.

  Not saying a word, he placed his hand on Iris’s hips. She briefly looked around, making sure this part of the forest was clear. Her excitement grew as he slowly led her to an empty patch of dirt and grass, free of any bushes or sticks. He stopped, reaching up to touch the soft skin of her face. Iris closed her eyes and smiled, leaning into his warm hands. She could feel his fingers running through her dirty hair, his other hand sliding back to grip the nape of her neck. Iris had no idea what was getting into her, but there was a warmth growing inside her, a growing need that had to be filled.

  Still keeping her eyes closed, Iris felt his lips press onto hers. Despite the cool air, his mouth felt warm against hers, and welcome. The rough scruff around his chin brushed gently against her skin, his beard thicker now than ever before. Her own hands were rising to hold his face against hers, to keep his lips from ever leaving. He pressed his body tightly against hers, pulling her closer into him. She could feel his bulge pressing into her.

  “Wait,” Iris said, moving her hand in front of Dan’s mouth.

  Dan pulled away.

  “Do you really want to do this… here?” she asked.

  “The others are in no rush,” Dan answered, his voice low and yearning, “Don’t you miss me? Don’t you want this?”

  Iris could not deny she wanted him. Her body craved him and was making itself heard. They hardly had any time together as a couple anymore. But something seemed odd about sharing their first time in the woods of all places.

  “I want you, yes. But here?”

  “Where else will we go, Iris? There is nowhere else to go, not anymore.”

  He was right. There were no more walls, no more private rooms or soft beds. Even if they went to the cave, the floor would be cold and hard. I guess he’s right. This place is better than any.

  She had dreamed of these forests her entire life. There was something poetic to be said about doing it here. And as thick as those walls were down in the station, they never were truly soundproof, not as soundproof as kilometers and kilometers of isolation.

  Without waiting for her answer, Dan grabbed her by the waist and pressed his lips against hers once more. She committed to his grip and pulled herself into him, melting into his kiss under his touch. This was it. There is no better place, she thought, and no better time.

  She reached for him with her hands this time. Dan exhaled as her palm found its way around his member. Iris could feel him reacting to her touch and the excitement flared inside her, unwilling to wait any longer. His hand clutched tightly at her hair. His other hand clutched the back of her leg. Her knees slowly gave way. Dan leaned her gently to the ground, his lips never leaving hers.

  She didn’t even notice her back was now touching the soft earth until Dan’s hand suddenly left her scalp. Her head almost fell against the ground, but she was able to catch herself at the last second before hitting the dirt. His free hands were fumbling blindly for her jumpsuit zipper now. She let him make his discovery, never leaving his lips the entire time. Iris could feel the cold air brush against her exposed skin as the zipper finally came undone in one swift motion, the sound a snap in the otherwise silent air.

  Dan removed his lips from hers as he slipped his hands under her grey suit. His hands felt warm against her skin, which tickled in the chilly air. He cupped her small breasts. Her nipples had risen from the cold, but this only made them easier for his fingers to find. He tugged at them, smiling devilishly as they twisted and pulled a moan from her lips. Iris could feel a rush flow through her body, a feeling she hadn’t felt in years. She leaned back, closing her eyes, and let out a deep exhale as he worked his delicate magic on her breasts.

  Iris slid her body up, shakily propping herself up on her hands. She introduced the rest of herself to him, welcoming hands across her skin. His fingers felt rough and calloused, but strong all the same, making her body pulsate in the wake of his touch. She wanted them all over her at once.

  But suddenly, it stopped. Dan removed his hand and repositioned himself. Iris looked up, waiting in eager anticipation to see what he would do next. He stood up now and began removing his own jumpsuit.

  “No,” Iris said, leaning forward. “Allow me.”

  She reached for his clothes and started stripping him. She cast the suit and boots aside. It did not take long before his naked body gleamed in the light. His pale chest stood out as a stark contrast to his sunburned arms and face.

  She quickly removed her own clothes and threw them aside into a bush. Why did they put up such a fight to get off? She slipped onto her knees, wanting him like never before. She traced her chin with his erection and felt her heart race with an insatiable need. She had not tasted a man in a long time, but eagerly opened her mouth, accepting him. The unsavory taste was a small price to pay for the exquisite moan that escaped his mouth as hers wrapped around his member, loud enough to hear even over the muffle of her damaged ears.

  After a few moments, he pulled away.


  He was grinning ear to ear, a look that could almost have been loopy except for the burning passion in his eyes. Iris found herself smiling back at him, wondering if he could somehow feel just how hard her heart was pounding.

  “Your turn?” he asked.

  Iris nodded enthusiastically. She could not wait.

  He got down on his knees, gently leaning her back on the ground. She had thought the earth would be rough on her back, but it was extremely soft, the grass tickling her skin like a delicate blanket. But her focus was on Dan, on Dan leaning over her, on Dan exploring her body with his lips, on Dan spending some time around her breasts, teasing her gently with soft kisses and gentle licks of his tongue. The trail he left there was made cold by the air, but that only made her want him more.

  Ultimately, he found his way to the wetness between her legs. She closed her eyes as his tongue traced everything but where she wanted him. She felt another moan escape her lips, a moan of want, of need, willing him to find her. And he did, the very tip of his tongue contouring the little bump, then finally giving it an ever so gentle flick. Her body jolted with excitement, ju
st as Dan’s had. With every touch of his tongue, she felt like she was lost in a spell, unable to control her own body.

  “Dan!” she heard herself scream. Calling his name seemed to invigorate him more. His tongue moved faster and faster. “Dan!” she screamed again, over and over until she no longer noticed the world around her. There was no dirt or grass. There was nothing but pleasure.

  Ecstasy flowed through her body, coursing through her veins, every touch building to something radioactive. It grew and grew until it exploded and Iris lost all control. Her heart fluttered like an engine running on high. She closed her eyes and let out a shriek.

  The feeling only lasted for a few seconds, but when it was over, she was still breathless. She pushed herself up delicately on trembling palms. Dan removed his face from her pelvis and smiled back as she caught her breath, his glance smoldering.

  “Wo… wow,” was all she could say.

  Dan didn’t need to reply. His hand, which had been resting on her hip, slid back down the line of her leg, slipping between the thighs. Her heart pounded against her ribcage and she was sure the entire forest could hear it. Iris knew what was coming next. She kissed him again and leaned back. She closed her eyes and rested her head back against the dirt, waiting in anticipation. Her legs slipped open under his firm touch.

  He found his way inside her right away. It had been a long time since she felt this feeling, but never without a condom before. It was rougher than she was used to, but the feeling was still indescribable, the rush unlike anything else.

  He pressed into her once, then again, then again. With one more thrust of his hips, Dan seemed to lose all control. He moved faster, pounding into her like a savage creature. The man gasped for air and reached onto her body. His hands found her nipples once more, perky and stiff in the cool chill.

  Dan bellowed uncontrollably as his body moved forward and back, forward and back.

  “Finish soon!” she exclaimed.

  Dan seemed excited by her words. He started thrusting faster and deeper. He closed his eyes and fell on top of her. His hands grabbed onto her wrists, stinging against her sunburn. Dan started to spasm and moan as he finished.

  Then everything stopped.

  The breeze brushed against her skin. The grass scratched her arms. The cold air was lost to the warm sun.

  Dan sat still on top of Iris for a few seconds, but then pushed himself up and rolled onto his back, lying right next to her on the dirt and grass. He exhaled deeply, then inhaled again, slowly and methodically, cooling down. Then he stood up.

  Iris got a good look of him. His skin shone with perspiration, his face red from the effort. His hair shot out in every direction. I probably don’t look much better, she thought, suddenly feeling incredibly bare.

  Neither of them said anything for a few seconds, both trying to catch their breath. But then Dan’s face started to show signs of worry.

  “Iris,” he said as he looked down upon her.


  Dan raised an eyebrow, as if making a hint. He held his hand to his stomach and stared between her legs.

  Iris understood. She simply nodded back to him.

  “As long as you understand,” he said.

  “I know,” she replied quietly. “I know. Let’s not worry about that now. Get dressed. The others are waiting for us.”

  “Iris,” Dan said, retrieving her clothes from the bush and giving them a good shake. It seemed he did not want to let the conversation go. “I want you to know, if it comes to that, if there is a baby, we can take care of it. We trust each other, right? We can do this.”

  His words were eerily similar to Trace’s.

  Iris, you take care of her. I trust you. Can you do that for me?

  Ophelia was almost killed by a mantis only a few hours ago. If Iris could hardly protect Ophelia, how could she possibly protect a baby?

  Iris did not know how to respond. She simply nodded her head.

  “Let’s just get the food back before dark,” she replied. She stood up and took her jumpsuit out of his hands.

  Dan sighed.

  “Alright. Let’s go.”

  SLEEP. WHAT IS SLEEP? JALLAH could hardly remember anymore.

  He felt tired enough, but his heartbeat had hardly slowed down since the mantis attack. He found himself tossing and turning on the grass. Bugs crawled across his skin, even inside his clothes. The wind blew against his face, raising goose bumps on his skin. And when he wasn’t coughing, someone else was.

  I can’t take it, he thought, wondering how he could do this every day for the rest of his life.

  He closed his eyes and tried to forget about everything. He tried to forget about the mantises, the forest, the bugs, the wind and the loud coughs all around him.

  Forget, he told himself. Forget.

  The boy returned to a memory.

  He was back in the station a few months ago. Middle school had just started. It was his first day. The halls were busy with kids like him, not sure where to go or who to talk to. Jallah did not know many of them. Louis was there, carrying a candy bar in his hand.

  “Louis!” Jallah shouted, walking over to him.

  His chubby friend looked up in excitement.

  “Jallah!” he replied. He reached out his arms and nearly smacked a girl in the face by accident.

  Jallah laughed. Louis was so clumsy.

  “Middle school, huh?”

  Louis nodded.

  “It’s cool, right?” he said.

  They met by his locker and gave each other bump on the elbow. It was strange seeing his old friend in this new school with him. So many things were different, but Louis was still the same.

  “Want a bite?” Louis asked, offering Jallah the candy.

  “You’ve already eaten some of it!”

  Louis pulled the bar back and inspected it.

  “Oh, I guess you’re right.”

  How could you forget that?

  “I didn’t see you earlier. How long have you been here?” Jallah asked.

  “I just got here. It took me like 15 minutes! That’s such a long trip.”

  Jallah chuckled. 15 minutes was nothing for him, but Louis used to live five minutes away from their old school.

  “It takes me longer than that to get here. I’d love 15 minutes!”

  Louis shrugged.

  A short blonde girl walked by, pulling Jallah’s focus. Her neatly combed hair rolled down along the side of her head like a frame for her face. She seemed shy by the way she kept her head down and her eyes away from everyone. She held her pod tightly against her body as she walked past. Jallah turned his head and watched her.

  “What are you looking at?” Louis asked, obviously noticing his distraction.

  Jallah turned to face his friend.

  “Uh, nothing. Hey, what class is that?” he asked, pointing to where the short girl was walking.

  Louis shrugged.

  “I don’t know. I think history, maybe? Vineeska’s class?”

  “Vineeska? Do you mean Vitneskja?”

  Louis shrugged as if to indicate he did not know.

  “Whatever. Do I look like I work here?”

  I hope it’s Vitneskja’s class, Jallah thought, thinking about this mysterious girl. That way we’ll be in the same class together!

  Jallah turned to look at her again, but by the time he turned, she was already out of sight.

  “Ooh, someone has a crush!” Louis joked.

  “I do not. I don’t even know who she is!”

  “I’m just teasing,” the chubby friend said with a smile. “Anyway, I have to get going. What time do you have lunch?”

  “Fourth period, I think. I have to check my schedule again,” Jallah answered.

  “I have fourth period too! If you do, let’s meet for lunch.”

  “Okay,” he said.

  The two of them parted ways and Jallah walked into his class: history with Ms. Vitneskja.

  The room was bland and undec
orated, unlike a lot of the other classrooms he’d walked by. He stood at the entrance, searching for a seat. That’s when he saw her. There she was, sitting at the desk, reading something on her pod.

  The light of her screen lit up her face. He could see her cheeks and lips and soft uncolored eyes. She was beautiful. Just the sight of her made him smile.

  Little did he know, this would be the start of something amazing.

  The boy held this memory for a few moments but slowly realized that something was not right. Back in the real world, there were no more bugs, no wind, no coughs from others around him. Confused, he opened his eyes.

  Light blinded him.

  No way, I slept!

  Jallah stood up and looked around. It seemed like half the group was awake and the other half was still sleeping. I can’t believe it, he thought. I thought I’d never fall asleep.

  His muscles were so sore that it was almost impossible to move. He felt as stiff as a tree. He kept his legs straight as he walked. He reached around and pressed on his shoulder blades, massaging them, hoping that just a bit of pressure would help.

  “I see you’re aching too,” Dan’s voice said from behind. He spoke quietly, clearly trying not to wake anyone.

  Jallah turned to face him and nodded, not saying a word.

  “Find some potassium bars. They’ll help.” Dan looked tired, yet focused.

  “Were you the lookout?” Jallah asked.

  Dan nodded his head.

  “Just for the last few hours,” he answered.

  Up until last night, everyone had just gone to sleep whenever they felt like it. But after the mantis attack, the group decided it was best to keep someone awake at all times as a lookout. Jallah was fully capable, but the adults didn’t trust the kids to be on watch. Grey, Selena and Dan all took turns. Iris was left out since her hearing was not very good.

  “Where are the potassium bars?” Jallah asked, trying to keep his voice down.

  “I saw some at the bottom of that box there,” Dan answered, pointing to one of the boxes.

  Jallah turned and walked towards the box like a baby taking his first steps. He nearly tripped a few times. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this sore in my life.


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