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Deserts Of Naroosh

Page 48

by Bradford Bates

  “It was wrong of me to question you. It will never happen again.” Phandar lowered his head in submission.

  If she was going to relegate him to the position of a servant, then he’d be the best damn servant he could be, right until he found a way to get rid of her. For now, it wasn’t his job to ask questions. He’d done that, and it almost cost him his life. All he had to do now was wait until the resistance quieted down, and she went home with a smile on her face.

  “It was wrong of you to doubt.” Vitaria lounged on his throne. “Now that you have seen the errors of your ways, I like that you are quick to amend them.”

  Phandar looked up and met her eyes. It was a bold choice, but they knew each other well enough that deceits between them never lasted long. He needed to show he was willing to serve but also had the backbone to lead. “Your command is my greatest desire.”

  “Then sit and do nothing.” Her smile looked more like she was mocking him than about to tell him some good news. “I have taken control of the army and have them arranged around the city. Only a fool would attack us here.”

  She sipped her wine and ate a bite of cheese. “So all I ask you to do is nothing.”

  The Pharaoh thought about what she was asking for a moment. Vitaria was right to make the resistance come to them. Khalid’s army of farmers was better trained than he thought, but his army was bigger and full of Vitaria’s minions.

  With the goddess’ monstrosities aligned outside the gates, Khalid would have to be a madman to come here. In this case, necessity would drive the desert warrior into action. For Khalid to succeed, he had to conquer Naroosh. For Phandar to win, all he had to do was stay put. Maybe there was a way out of this for him yet.

  If he could do what Vitaria asked everything would be fine. All Phandar needed to keep going was a little glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel. He didn’t want to die and would do just about anything to prove it.

  “I will build our strength here, and when our numbers are large enough, we will take back Nar’ha and complete control of this land.” Vitaria stood from the throne and made her way down to a table laden with fresh fruits and cured meats. “Until then, we sit, we wait, we grow stronger.”

  She turned to look at the Pharaoh while eating a grape. “You have what I requested?”

  Her abrupt change of subject caught him off-guard, but for the goddess, their conversation on the matters of war was over. “I would not have dreamed of returning without it.”

  Phandar rose from where he had been kneeling by the throne and moved to stand next to Vitaria. He reached inside his robes, handed her a sealed package, and took a respectful step back.

  He had no idea what was inside the package. If there was one thing he knew for certain, it was that poking his nose into Vitaria’s affairs was a sure-fire way to end up dead. All Phandar knew was that whatever was inside was worth more to her than the hundreds of lives that were lost collecting it.

  It was kind of sad that this was what he’d been reduced to after his climb to the top. The goddess merely had to clap her hands, and he was like a dog willing to do anything to make her happy. He wasn’t the ruler of a nation anymore. Phandar was only a first-class ass-licker. It was starting to grate on him, but unless someone could kill the goddess, there wasn’t much he could do about it.

  At least for the moment, his continued survival meant keeping his ego in check. Phandar had never excelled in that department. It was how he ended up in this situation in the first place. So for now, he would sit and fetch her things when she asked like a good dog. When she finally left, he would find a way to end her.

  And they said enemies couldn’t be friends.

  Vitaria took the package from him, and it vanished in an instant. “That will be all.” She walked back to the throne, dismissing him as if he were worthless.

  It was a mistake to dismiss him so callously.

  Being embarrassed inside his palace was an insult Phandar couldn’t live with. How could he command the respect of his men if they all saw him as weak? As a leader himself, he understood exactly what she was doing. Vitaria had set a boundary between them, reminding him that he was only there because she wished it to be so.

  “On your way out send in Ruban and George.” She thought about it for a moment. “And that girl with the brown hair and chocolate eyes.”

  Phandar bowed low. Now wasn’t the right time to do anything but serve. He kept his head down as he backed toward the door. “It will be as you command.”

  But maybe not for as long as you think.

  He left the room shouting commands. It felt good to have some semblance of control, even if it was a lie. Fuck, he needed a drink. Maybe that was how he would spend the rest of this war—drunk on wine or high on that stuff they peddled in the back alleys. Surely his contributions from here on out wouldn’t make much of a difference.

  “Wine!” He strode to his new quarters to wait for his next summons.

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  Brilliant white light flooded the theater.

  Tim took a step back and covered his eyes, but even peeking through his fingers, it would have been hard for him to miss what was happening. The damage to the palace was repairing itself. He could hear the people outside screaming in joy as the entire city transformed before their eyes.

  Eternia had come to Nar’ha and reclaimed the city from the darkness.

  While he couldn’t see outside yet, he’d experienced these types of changes in other games. The city of Nar’ha would now be a place of light. Eternia would protect the men and women, or at the very least, Khalid would find good people to protect the citizens. Gods were too busy to be everywhere at once. That was why they gave people the tools to protect themselves.

  The theater they stood in was now fully restored. Paintings on the walls had changed from scenes of warring armies to farmers in the fields. The room itself felt more inviting somehow. Maybe it was a trick of the light, but Tim didn’t think so. The theater felt the way it did because Eternia had claimed Nar’ha for herself.

  Even Cassie stopped her mad dash toward the chest to watch the last of the transformation. Now that it was over, she looked at the chest. “We should probably get this out of the way before Eternia shows up.”

  “Do you really think she’ll come?” Neema sounded worried.

  “I don’t think she did all of this not to make an appearance.” Cassie laid her hand on the chest, then broke out in a happy dance so epic it would have made Spice Adams jealous. “Leather Cuirass of the Bold. Basically certifies that I’m a badass.”

  “You know how we do it!” JaKobi strutted up to the chest.

  Lorelei laughed. “Stick with the bookworm thing. It works better for you.”

  “I am kind of good at being me.” The fire mage placed his hand on the chest. “Staff of the Burning Phoenix.”

  JaKobi broke out in a weird little shuffle that might have been considered a dance if the person in question was blind, with a bad sense of timing.

  “I take it back. You can say whatever you want. Just don’t do that again unless you include me.” Lorelei was grinning ear from ear as she tried to repeat his moves.

  ShadowLily broke tradition and went to the chest next. “I don’t know. The dance is kinda starting to grow on me. Maybe it’s one of those things where it looks better if more people do it.”

  The assassin reached out and touched the chest. “This must be the best loot we’ve ever gotten from a single chest.” She spun some new daggers around. “Daggers of Silent Night.”

  Tim grinned. “Creepy and cool, I like it.”

  He never really minded going last when it came to loot so he motioned for the ranger to go next. “It’s all you.”

  “Don’t mind if I do.” Lorelei stopped dancing and walked to the chest to claim her share of the loot.

  The ranger took a shocked step back, looked at the chest, and back at the group with a bewildered expression on her face. “I got two things. Gloves of the F
alcon, and Boots of the River.”

  “That’s fucking awesome.” Tim was happy for her.

  One thing he was learning to do more often was celebrate others’ success with them. It didn’t matter if they climbed a small hill or an entire mountain. When one of his friends did something or won something, he wanted to cheer them on.

  Did a small part of him also hope for double loot? Of course, it did.

  Now that it was his turn to touch the chest, Tim didn’t know what to expect. There could be one great item in there for him, or a couple of good ones. This game never stopped surprising them. It felt like something new was happening all the time. If it wasn’t loot, it was the fights. If it wasn’t the fights, it was the location. It made it easy to want to keep moving forward when every day presented new and unique opportunities.

  Item Received: Belt of Divine Inspiration

  Sometimes working hard isn’t enough. A person also needs the right idea to sink their teeth into. This belt will help you do that.

  Wisdom +4, Intelligence +2, Endurance +1

  Tim was excited to see that endurance was dropping on some of his gear and not so excited about only getting a belt. He’d been so busy going over the stats he also missed the fact he received a second item. He’d been joking with himself about getting two pieces to drop, and now it happened.

  Item received: Wristband of the Faithful

  Eternia has watched you fight for her cause time and time again. This wristband is not only a symbol of your devotion to her but of hers to you. Welcome to the big leagues, warrior of light.

  +1 Endurance

  Special Ability: Recharge

  Once every ten minutes, the wristband can double a player's mana regeneration for ten seconds.

  That was pretty sweet.

  There were a couple of times where his mana was almost gone recently, and the ability to pick up a little extra during a boss fight would be a huge bonus. It was a damn good item, and with it, his endurance also went over the first threshold of twenty. He was finally there. No one needed to mention what his strength looked like compared to his other stats. Lifting heavy things was never going to be his strong suit while inside The Etheric Coast.

  That’s why he kept the women around.

  Tim equipped his new items and would check out his stats a little later. He knew after their recent battles he’d have a few skills to go over as well, and that was always something that took a little time to do right.

  The chest in front of him disappeared, and Tim turned to face Khalid. “So what now?”

  “Now we get to sleep in a palace.” JaKobi started doing his little dance again. “Don’t hate the moves.”

  Neema came over to stand by him and joined his dance. “I like the way he moves.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Lorelei laughed.

  JaKobi was grinning like a fool. “Come on, do it with us. It’ll change your life.”

  They were saved from hearing her response as the room filled with light again. Eternia made her presence known by floating down from the royal seating area above them. She descended as slowly as a feather, her feet stopping inches from the floor. Now that the goddess was on their level she looked over their party, her eyes settling on Khalid.

  “You have won a great battle here, but there is still work left to do. Even now my sister Vitaria gathers her forces in hopes of defending Naroosh.” Eternia frowned, and the room seemed to dim.

  Khalid fell to his knees. “Goddess, we don’t have the men to take Naroosh by force. I don’t know what else I can do.”

  Eternia reached out and laid a calming hand on the back of Khalid’s bowed head, then gently lifted the warrior back to his feet. “You’ve done enough. No one in this land has done more for the light than you have. There have been many horrible sacrifices, but in the end, I hope you found the future in something new.” She let her eyes linger on Neema for a moment before returning them to the warrior.

  Khalid stood and moved to the Desert Wolf, pulling her into a fierce hug. All of them could feel the fatherly love he had for her. “We’re a different kind of family, but family all the same.”

  “Damn right we are.” Neema blushed. “Sorry.”

  Eternia smiled down at them. “A little swearing never hurt anyone, and after such a monumental victory, one should be allowed a few liberties. This is a fucking theater after all.” The goddess winked. “I have much to discuss with this band of adventurers. Then we’ll celebrate your victory together.”

  She turned to Khalid and gave him a warm smile. “See to your men and share with them the news of our victory. Tell them the goddess of light stands beside them.”

  “It will be done.” Khalid looked ready to spring into action. “If you wanted to say something as well, I’m sure the resistance would appreciate it. This victory and all that comes after it is because of your guidance.”

  Eternia gave them that all-knowing smile and a tiny bow. “The people of Nar’ha watched me descend from the heavens and rebuild their city from the ground up. For now, that will have to be enough to satisfy their curiosity.” She motioned for him to go. “I will find you later tonight. There is something I’ve meant to give you, and now seems like the appropriate time.”

  “Neema, with me,” Khalid ordered and walked toward the door.

  The Desert Wolf pulled the goddess into a quick hug and stepped back, looking almost shocked at herself for being so bold. “Thank you for looking out for us.”

  A tear dropped from Eternia’s eye. “It has been my pleasure to watch you grow into the woman you have become, Neema. I do hope you will join us at the party. There is also something I have been saving for you.”

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Neema turned away from the goddess and went to Lorelei. “We’ll talk soon.” She kissed her and left the room in a hurry to catch up with Khalid.

  Tim felt pretty good about how things went, but he wondered what the next step would be. Khalid told the goddess they didn’t have enough soldiers to take the fight to Naroosh, and they couldn’t camp out here and wait for the Pharaoh to decide to come and kill them all.

  They needed to end this fight sooner rather than later.

  “Brave adventurers, you have done much for the people of this land, but I must call on you to do more.” Eternia looked over their group with an appraising eye.

  Another quest from the Goddess was what they needed. Saving the city was awesome, but Tim had started to crave the experience boost that came from turning in quests more than he cared about loot. Once he reached level twenty, there was the chance to change his class again, and he wanted to see what other options being a Battlesworn had to offer.

  Without hesitation, Tim dropped to a knee and lowered his head. “We are yours to command.”

  He might have been laying it on a bit thick, but when dealing with a goddess, it was probably better not to take chances.

  “There is a secret way into the Pharaoh's palace, but the challenges waiting within will be numerous and daunting. Are you willing to risk your lives to save the people of Naroosh from the same fate suffered by those in Nar’ha?”

  Quest Received: The Tomb of Nemset

  You must enter the pyramid of Nemset and find the key to unlocking the secret entrance to the palace. Many dangers await you inside, and the journey will not be easy. Once you make it to the palace, use the portal stone I’ve given you to open the way for Khalid’s army of resistance fighters.

  Reward: The Goddess Eternia will let you select an item from her hoard.

  Her plan made sense to Tim. Why fight an army when you could sneak right past them? This upcoming battle felt like it was an all-or-nothing thing. It wouldn’t do them any good to fight their way to the Pharaoh and not be able to finish him. Having an army behind them swayed the odds significantly in their favor.

  Plus, the goddess said something that had his mind buzzing with excitement. Pyramid. That was what he’d been waiting for since they came to
the desert. He’d been so jealous that Lorelei got to go to an actual tomb. Now they got to go to one together, in a real pyramid.

  Tim accepted the quest, but one thing was bugging him. “If the Pharaoh has an army guarding the city, how will we get to the pyramid?”

  “I’ll take you there myself.” Eternia looked over their group. “We’ll leave in the morning. Tonight we celebrate, and tomorrow you help save the world.”

  “No pressure.” JaKobi mimicked knocking back a drink.

  Cassie looked ready for a real drink. That fake nonsense wasn’t going to cut it for her. “Partying is what I do best.”

  “She’s not lying.” Tim couldn’t stop his smile from spreading. “Imagine how good we’d be if Cassie cared as much about tanking as she did about drinking.”

  The tank rounded on Tim. “I’d beat your ass if the goddess weren’t standing right behind me.”

  With a mischievous look in her eyes, Eternia's smile slowly spread across her face, and she winked at Cassie. “Don’t stop yourself from following your heart on my account.”

  Oh shit.

  Tim ran for the door. “See you at the party.” Then he activated Quick Feet and hightailed it out of there.

  Some things were worth dying for, but snarky comments weren’t one of them. It wasn’t the most graceful exit he’d made in front of the goddess, but when an angry lady with a big stick was chasing him, it was better to just get the fuck out of Dodge.

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  Before the party, he really wanted a bath.

  It was funny. After all his bitching about needing a shower, the bath was becoming Tim’s happy place. After spending an entire day getting his ass kicked and getting pulled through clouds of stinky gas, he wanted a bath. The warm water took a lot of the sting out of his sore muscles, and there was no better place in the world to go over his stats and skills.

  As long as he didn’t fall asleep.

  Skill Increased: Appeal to the Goddess

  Rank: Novice level three

  Whenever this spell is off cooldown, you should consider using it. Not everyone is fortunate to have a direct lifeline to the goddess. Use it or lose it, bub.


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