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Cheap & Classy (Hide Your Crazy)

Page 13

by Hardenbrook, T. A.

  “That’s it, you’re done for.” I laughed, tossing a handful of bubbles at the man and crashing our lips into each other again. My insides lurched as our skin connected, instantly sending a pooling heat to my nether region.

  “We need a condom,” Reid mumbled between our lips.

  “I’m on the pill,” I panted, reaching below the water to stroke his hard member.

  “Fuck, Woman, why didn’t you tell me that earlier?”

  Chapter 20

  Spanx. Making the world look better since the year 2000.

  The sun started to rise and creep into the large bedroom, giving the city a soft glow out the massive windows. I could feel Reid breathing softly against the back of my neck, as I cradled gently in his arms. I doubted that the man was actually asleep, since our bodies were too wound up from the night’s escapades. But there was something magical, lying in bed, watching the sun come up with the man that meant the entire world to you wrapped around your body.

  “You still awake?” Reid asked, his lips gently pressing against the small of my neck.

  “Yes,” I replied with a smile, tightening my hold around his arms. “I wish I didn’t have to get back on the bus this morning.”

  “I wish I didn’t have a plane to catch,” Reid grumbled. The life of rock and roll, being famous, and being on the road really sucked for having a love life. I hated leaving this man again, but had to remind myself that we were going to continue whatever we had going on, not taking little moments like this for granted. I was going to be content with however long I was blessed with. A day, a couple hours, phone calls, and even texts were going to keep us together.

  “Alright, spill it.”

  “Spill what?”

  “I know that little blonde head of yours is spinning. I can feel the wheels turning from the tense nature of your body,” Reid urged, giving my body a quick squeeze.

  “Just reminding myself to be thankful for this moment. Who knows the next time we will get to see each other.” I sighed and rolled over in his arms, placing a soft kiss on those wonderfully full lips of his.

  “Well, what do you say if next week we were able to do it all over again?”

  “I don’t think we have any stops next week in the tour, and do you really think you can call on Steph for another favor?” I babbled as he grinned at me.

  “The music awards are next Thursday night. Come with me?” Reid asked.

  Shaking my head at the moronic thought of me attending an award show, I kissed the tip of his nose and laughed. “There is no way I can get the time off, let alone take the time to hang out at an awards show while you stroll down the red carpet with some supermodel.”

  “It’s one night, Molly Anne; and you wouldn’t be working, you would be my date.” Shock registered on my face as I pulled out of his grasp, instantly shooting up from the insanely comfortable bed. Grabbing the top sheet, I wrapped it around my body and started to pace the small area next to the bed.

  “I can’t be your date, Reid! Have you lost your damn mind?”

  “Molly Anne, what is your deal? It’s just an awards show. You get the excuse to get all fancied up for the evening, get some awesome man candy for your arm, and another night away from the tools in PD. I don’t see what the problem is.” Reid sat up in the bed, letting the remaining covers fall and pool in his lap. Sitting back down on the edge of the bed, I shook my head and stared out the window.

  “Reid, I haven’t the slightest idea about getting all dressed up. My mother and sister did that for me for years, and my favorite thing in my wardrobe are the plethora of colors of my Chuck Taylors.”

  “You have Danielle. I’ll just send her a quick text and that woman will be chomping at the bit to style you for this little event,” Reid commented as he reached over to the nightstand to grab his cell.

  “I can’t be your date, Reid. People would start talking, and I’m not ready to be out in the spotlight.”

  Sitting his phone down next to him, Reid grabbed my hands and forced me to look at him. “Molly Anne, there is no reason people shouldn’t know about us. Your name is going to be all over Google when the video premiers, so why not beat it to the punch and debut at the awards show? You mean absolutely everything to me and I want to honestly make this work. No more hiding, no more being scared about commitment; it is you and me from here on out, Molly Anne McGlenister.”

  Fighting the tears that started pooling in my eyes, I sniffed to hold back the cascade of them falling all over my face. “Reid, this is insane.”

  “Probably, but when have I ever done anything that was normal?” Reid cracked a smile and hauled me into his lap, gently wrapping his arms around my small body.

  “Reid?” I questioned, pulling back slightly from his embrace to look at his face. Reid gave me a questioning glance, lifting his eyebrows slightly.

  “My vagina is really sore, so just deflate the monster you have growing under the sheets please,” I laughed, resting my forehead against the bottom of his chin.

  “You’re going to have to tell him that,” he roared, instantly pinning me on my back and nipping at my lips.

  “Not going to happen, Buddy,” I threatened, wiggling my way out from under his grasp. “Besides, I have to find a dress now,” I teased while making a sprint for the bathroom. Did I just agree to be his date to the awards show? And I called him insane. I’m pretty sure I just booked my reservation at the nut house.

  Single room, please; roommates give me the creeps.

  “I wish we didn’t have to leave,” I groaned as the elevator door closed. Reid locked our fingers together and lightly kissed the side of my head.

  “I’ll see you next week. Besides, I don’t want you getting sick of me.” Reid laughed, bumping his shoulder into mine.

  “Ground floor,” the elevator chirped as the doors slid open. Quickly, I pulled my hand away from Reid and took a step to the side.

  “What are you doing? Get back here,” he demanded, reaching over and grabbing my hand once again.

  A small smile spread across my lips when our hands locked together again. In the past we didn’t normally show public affection, knowing that it would only lead to the tabloids and made up bullshit stories on being his lover, mistress, or hell, even an escort.

  “This is our future, Molly Anne. Don’t run from it,” Reid stated while bringing my hand up to his lips.

  “I’m not running…………………..skipping maybe, but definitely not running.” Reid tightened his grip on my hand and pulled me through the lobby. There were a few people lurking about, but none of the crowd I was used to when around this man. How in the world did he elude the paparazzi and be one-hundred percent camera free? “Alight, I give. How in the world do you manage no press?”

  “Oh, Molly Anne, don’t underestimate my abilities.” Reid winked at me, dropping my hand to hold open the front door. Two black town cars sat parked on the street, with their drivers waiting by the backdoors.

  “So, I guess this is where we part,” I said gloomily, looking up into Reid’s eyes.

  “Don’t get all emotional on me now Molls.”

  “Ah, you called me Molls.” Reid shook his head and headed over to the first parked car, nodding politely to the driver as he opened the door.

  “What, no goodbye kiss………….or maybe an I love you or something along those lines? Shit, I would settle for a ‘thanks for a good time’ kind of deal.” I pouted, folding my arms underneath my chest.

  “I love you, see you next week, and knock it off,” Reid replied with a smile.

  “Don’t think I won’t hunt you down, Reid Chambers. I swear, if it’s the last damn act I do; there is no running away this time, damn it,” I yelled after him as he ducked into the car.

  “Wouldn’t dream of it.” Tears sprang from my eyes like a hooker getting a clean bill of health. Sure, he normally wasn’t the most romantic kind of creature, and he really did suck at goodbyes, but he was my unromantic creature and I refused to ever say
goodbye ever again.

  Stepping out of the car, I smiled when I caught sight of the boys’ bus waiting in the parking lot. No matter what lines they threw at me, what ass backward jokes they cracked, what wise comments they managed to spout off, nothing could dull the high I was riding. Grabbing my bag from the driver, I punched in the code on the bus and gave the go-ahead to the driver to leave.

  “Please tell me it was the most romantic thing in the whole world?” Danielle shrieked as she popped up from the far couch.

  “Shouldn’t you be on the crew bus?” I laughed, flopping myself down next to Eric.

  “Please tell me you showered. I don’t want Reid and Molly sex juices all over our furniture,” Eric taunted, slapping his hand down hard on the top of my thigh.

  “Go eat a pop tart, you goon,” I sneered, pushing his hand off my leg.

  “Seriously, spill the details. I get this text from Reid all ass early stating you need a formal dress, and I am to help you get all beautimus and shit. One can’t just simply tell a stylist the bare details, then not respond to her again!”

  “Stop getting your panties in a twist. Reid just asked me to accompany him to the music awards next week,” I replied in a monotone voice. I refused to let the guys see how absolutely freaking excited I was to be going.

  “You get to go to the awards and we don’t? What kind of horse shit is that?” Chance whined as he tossed the controller over to Brantley.

  “That sounds like so much fun, Molly!” Ashley piped up. Her voice startled the hell out of me; I completely forgot she was on the bus with us for another couple days.

  “Yeah, thanks, Ashley.” I forced a smile and sent a save me kind of glance at Danielle. “Where is Megan?”

  “I said I would babysit the kids so she could leave early with the crew bus. Said something about the radio things not working out, or maybe I just wasn’t listening. But more importantly, we need to go shopping!” Danielle clapped her hands together like a damn two year old excited to sing the hokey pokey.

  “You guys good?” I questioned the boys, glancing around at each one of them. A couple grunts came from the one’s glued to the television screen, and Ashley smiled and nodded her head. Apparently, she spoke for Brantley when around. I now knew who wore the pants in that relationship. Brantley might like to think he was the boss, but clearly Ashley had a tight grip on his dangly bits. Poor boy.

  “Well then boys, I’m going to steal your fabulous manager as we have lots of things to discuss,” Danielle squealed, grabbing my hand and dragging me back to the bunks. “We have so much to discuss and seriously not enough time to get it all done in.”

  “It’s not until next week, Danielle; don’t get all crazy over it.”

  “You really don’t have a clue about fashion. Things like this should have been scheduled months in advance. I’m going to have to call in some of my personal favors with designers to see what they have left in their collections.”

  “If it’s that big of a deal, I don’t have to go,” I stammered, sliding the curtain back on my bunk and tossing my bag inside.”

  “Are you delusional? You will be attending this red carpet opportunity, and you will be the most stunning woman on that damn runway. So stop worrying. Come next Friday, your name will be splashed all over the blogs and tabloids. Now, what size spanx should I order?”

  Chapter 21

  Do they make nipple pasties in extra, extra white?

  “So I phoned a couple designers I’m friends with, and while they aren’t huge names yet, they really have some kick ass pieces to their collections,” Danielle said as she arranged clothing on one the racks in the dressing room.

  “I don’t care whose name is on the label, Danielle. I just want it to look and fit good.”

  “Well no shit, dummy. Of course we are going to tailor it to make it seem like second skin. This is why I asked for your spanx size last week. I had twenty different styles shipped in, in extra-small.”

  “You bought how many?” I gasped, almost choking on the coffee I had been sipping.

  “Oh darling, we don’t have to buy in this world. You really need to brush up on your celebrity perks; soon your ass is going to be thrusted into it.”

  “It’s not the only thing I hope gets trusted,” I said in a low voice, snickering lightly to myself.

  “Oh darling, we will make sure of that, don’t you worry.” Danielle laughed as she gave me an air kiss.

  “You’re naughty,” I said with a grin, pretending to be shocked at my best friends comment.

  “Bitch please. You were the one talking about Reid’s penis slamming into you.”

  “I did not use the word slam. I believe it was trusted.”

  “Tomato, potato, however the saying goes. Either way, we will make you so damn good looking that Reid won’t be able to keep his hands off you all night long.”

  “Should I be scared?” I asked Danielle.

  “Yep. I think so.”

  “Are you sure the door is locked?” I called out again from behind the clothing rack. Standing in the wardrobe room buck naked wasn’t exactly my idea of a fun time. Not to mention apparently these dresses were not made for wearing undergarments. Shit, I even had small boobies and was totally doubting the dresses ability on keeping the bad boys up where they should be, and hopefully not making any surprise appearances.

  “Stop your bitching,” Danielle snipped as she walked around the corner with a bright red floor length number. “Alright, cross your arms and hold on-to your tits. I’m going to have you step into the dress, and when I’m pulling it up lean forward and release the girls.”

  “Okay,” I said in confusion as I awkwardly wrapped my hands around my breasts. Danielle bent down and helped me step into the dress, sliding it slowly up my thighs.

  “Hey, at least your wax job has lasted this long. But you really should go get it touched up today. A fresh pussy is a happy pussy.”

  “Danielle!” I shrieked, dropping my boobs and covering my mouth.

  “Hold the girls up and lean forward,” she demanded, pulling the dress slightly out for me to fall into. I did as I was told as Danielle slipped around the backside of me. “Alright, suck it in, Darling.”

  Taking a deep breath in, Danielle slid the zipper up the back and patted my butt softly. “There, that wasn’t so bad now was it?”

  Danielle pursed her lips together as she came around to the front of me. Scrunching her nose up in question, she placed her hands on her hips and cocked her head to the side.

  “Is it really that bad?” I questioned, my confidence combusting as the seconds ticked by.

  “It’s not bad, Molly; just not right for you. The color isn’t working with your skin, and the square neckline does nothing for your bust.” Danielle dropped her hands and turned back to another rack, carelessly flipping through the massive amounts of dresses. “Maybe you just need a spray tan?”

  “Hell no, Danielle. When you are this white, spray tans turn into oompa loompa shades, and I refuse to be the woman who was following Reid down the yellow brick road all night.” Biting the side of my lip, I contemplated looking in the mirror, but knew the instant I did I would refuse to go with Reid for my sheer social awkwardness. My mother had a hard time dressing me up and making me presentable, so how in the hell was Danielle going to master the task?

  “This,” Danielle babbled while unzipping the black garment bag around the number. Sliding the bag off the dress, she immediately placed it upon the rack and stepped back to admire the choice.

  “I’m going to wear that?” I questioned, my eyes large as saucers as Danielle silently smiled at me.

  “Yep, that is the one.”

  “Are you sure?” My body started to flush, and my chest began to tighten. I could feel the verge of a panic attack starting to attach itself to my wellbeing.

  “Molly, breathe,” Danielle’s voice reassured me as her hand gently touched my bare arm.

  “Can’t,” I whispered, my hands s
tarting to claw at the base of my neck. There was no talking me down from this moment; I was falling head first down the rabbit hole with no option of saving myself.

  Suddenly, my head cracked sideways and my cheek felt warm from the touch. “You slapped me!” I stated, instantly bringing my hand up to cradle my cheek.

  “Well, you were taking the express train to crazy land. I had to do something. Besides, you still have that Marten gown on, and I need to send it back to the designer,” Danielle said with a smile. Maybe it was the contact of her hand, or the sheer shock that she didn’t coddle me and rather smacked some physical sense into me before I let the panicked state overtake my body. Whichever it was, it worked.

  “Thanks,” I muttered, rubbing the side of my face.

  “Don’t worry about it. I just hope it won’t leave a mark. Think of the field day the press would have if you showed up bruised and swollen. No matter how fantastic my dressing skills may be, no one would give two shits as to what you were wearing.”

  “Always thinking of the best,” I replied with a small giggle. At least I was still upright.

  “Have fun tonight,” Megan said with a smile.

  I knew I could count on this woman getting the job done, but for some reason I hated not being here. I loved the fact that I got to spend the evening with Reid, but those were my boys that were going on stage. This was the tour I was in charge of, the first time playing ball with the big kids, and I was leaving for the day to play beauty parlor and get my picture taken.

  “You have everything you need? The guys are set for sound check this afternoon, and Vivian knows exactly what she is doing?”

  “Go have fun, Molly. It isn’t every day you get to declare your love for that man on national television.”

  “Forget the man; wait until you see her in the dress. The whole world is going to stop spinning when she comes into focus,” Danielle butted in, carrying the long black garment bag that contained the dress. Magically it was only the second dress I had to try on. It fit me in all the right places, with the only exception being the length. Unfortunately when you are short, everything needs to be altered, no matter how high the damn heels were. “Vi has got wardrobe down, and besides, I left like five million notes for her.”


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