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Cheap & Classy (Hide Your Crazy)

Page 15

by Hardenbrook, T. A.

  “Cheeseburgers, got it.”

  “You know I love you, right?” Leaning over in my seat, I quickly brushed my lips across his and pat the side of his cheek. “But I really need some grease right now.”

  Sitting buck ass naked in the middle of our massive hotel bed, I had a cheeseburger in one hand, and a strawberry shake in the other. I had already inhaled a full cheeseburger and a large fry in the limo, making Reid take the sack away from me and promising that he would give it back once we got to our room. Like a hooker to a crack rock, I followed that man quickly through the back service entrance of the hotel, shoeless, and my dress half way unzipped, trailing the smell of the delectable goodness Reid carried in his hand. I didn’t care what it looked like as the staff looked at me, wondering why I looked like a hot mess scampering after a rock star carrying a fast food sack. But, I didn’t care. All I wanted was the sack back from Reid, getting naked, and a hot bath to soothe my aching muscles; in that exact order too.

  “Taste good?” Reid wandered into the bedroom, freshly showered and in a pair of dark charcoal sweats. My mouth was stuffed with another bite of the greasy wonder, so all I could do was smile and nod. Eating these bad boys was sheer bliss. “You want some clothes to put on?”

  “I’m good,” I mumbled, taking a large sip of my shake to clear my mouth. “I am so full.”

  “Well, you should be. I don’t know where you managed to put all the food, but damn Woman, you just put down a ton.” Reid chuckled, grabbing the little remaining burger from my hand and stuffing it into his mouth.

  “Do you not see the food baby taking up residence in my belly?” I groaned, falling backward onto the bed and rubbing my extended stomach.

  “All I see is that stunning creamy white skin of yours.” Reid reached over and ran his hand over my naked breasts. His heavily tattooed arms were a stark contrast against my pale, plain skin.

  “I think I want a tattoo,” I blurted out, propping my head up on the side of my hand.

  “Why do you want to mark your body, Molly Anne? It’s perfect just like that.”

  “One could say the same about your skin at one point. I don’t know, I just think I want one finally.”

  “What would you get?” Reid’s hand stopped over my left nipple ring, flicking it lightly with his finger tip.

  “I haven’t really thought that far. I just know I have always wanted one, and now seemed like a better time than waiting forever.”

  “Well, I’ll take you if you want,” Reid commented, his gaze still hooked on my nipples.

  “Thanks, Babe,” I said with a grin. Permanently marking my body with something kind of made me excited. It wasn’t like another piercing that I could take out when I got bored. This ink would be there for the rest of my life. It had to be something special, so I didn’t hate myself twenty years down the line when the cute leopard I got on my chest turned into a fucking long neck giraffe due to gravity.

  “I need to take a shower,” I announced, pushing Reid’s hand away from my breast and rolling off the tall bed. “Want to join me?” Flashing Reid a naughty smile, I skipped off to the shower, knowing that man was not far behind me.

  “I can’t believe you told the reporters that I was the love of your life.” I laughed, rolling over in bed to face Reid. After gorging myself on straight grease and carbs, and a long shower with a little sexual tension release, we spent the next couple hours playing in bed. I knew our time was short together this morning, as I was getting back on a plane to embark on the last week and half of the tour, and Reid was heading back into the studio. There was never enough hours in the day that we got to see each other, always getting tore apart by other requirements. I swore, once this tour was over, I just wanted to spend a week straight with Reid in my apartment. No clothing for the entire week, only nakedness, delivery food, and lots and lots of sex. Well, maybe we should stay at Reid’s place, considering I shared the small apartment with Megan, and well, having her take a peek at his pecker would be entirely too weird for our friendship. Then again, she did sleep with Chance, so obviously she could handle a little promiscuity.

  “Want to order some breakfast?” Reid spoke as he gently pushed my hair behind my ear.

  “You have got to be kidding me. Did you forget how much I stuffed in my face last night? I’m pretty sure I plowed my way through an entire farm last night.”

  “Old Miss Molly had a farm,” Reid began to sing.

  “Stop right there, you ass. First, I’m not old. Second, do you really think I would ever have a farm? And third, I ate beef and potatoes last night. No chicken, no duck, no horse, no pig, and definitely no cock.” I managed to say cock with a straight face, while completely dying inside of laughter. Reid smirked at the comment and pressed his lips into mine. Slowly, I pulled back and began to sink lower under the covers.

  “What are you doing, Molly Anne?” Reid wondered, lifting the white sheet to look underneath.

  At that point, I was dick to face with his impressive member. I wasn’t hungry for any meal, but could definitely put a little something in my mouth this morning. Pushing his hip down to make him lie flat on the bed, I made myself comfortable between his legs, letting the softness of the sheets caress my backside.

  Firmly, I grabbed his cock between my hands and eagerly lowered my lips around it. Instantly his member hardened in my mouth, letting the hardness fill my eager lips. Methodically, I began to suck, letting his dick slide further and further down my throat. I wasn’t going to be able to take all of him, but I knew working the little remaining shaft with my hands would send the boy into a tizzy of euphoric release.

  “Oh god, Molly,” Reid moaned, arching his back to force himself further in my mouth. Pinning his hips back into the bed, I lightly ran my teeth down his shaft, forcing Reid to shiver in bliss.

  “You like that, Baby?” I asked before shoving his cock back into my mouth, licking and sucking the tip of his head.

  “Fuck Molly, you are going to make me blow.”

  Smiling as my lips slid down Reid’s cock again, I felt his member tense as I bobbed my head up and down over the length.

  “Molly, seriously, you need to stop if you don’t want me to cum in your mouth.” Hearing that this man was so close, feeling the hardness between my lips, knowing that soon I would taste his salty goodness made me wet between my legs. Swiftly, I pulled his cock out from my lips, and forcefully grabbed his shaft with my left hand. Licking the head of his member with my tongue, I waited for that first taste of him releasing himself into my mouth.

  “Damn it, Molly……………………..” Reid moaned as his body became rigid and a warm mess came gushing into my mouth. Normally, I wouldn’t swallow. I had never liked the taste of cum before; always being a little too bitter or salty for my liking. But, this was a completely different moment. Releasing my grip around his cock, I carefully wiped my lips with the back of my hands, letting a satisfied smile spread across my face. Carefully, I crawled up his body and poked my head back out of the covers.

  “Molly Anne, that was fucking fantastic,” Reid said, dropping his head back on the pillow.

  “I’m kind of hungry now,” I revealed, tossing the covers from around my body and swinging myself out of the massive bed.

  Reid grabbed my wrist and pulled me back onto the mattress. “It’s my turn for breakfast.” He smiled wickedly while pinning my body back to the bed.

  Oh praise the lord.

  “I’m going to miss you,” I muttered into Reid’s chest. Saying goodbye was always the hardest thing to do. Well, technically not getting to say goodbye was harder, but this truly took a close second.

  “I’ll see you back in Seattle in two weeks. We are wrapping up the studio time, and then back to the home office to start planning the launch of the album.” Letting out a gloomy sigh, Reid rubbed his hand up and down my back in comfort, trying to ease the pain of the situation. It wasn’t like this was a goodbye and see you never again type deal; like the final days wi
th your summer camp romance. There would be no promising to write and email, because you knew this time it was the real deal. People had to spend time apart to make things work. Being away from each other gave us time to be appreciative of the little amount we got to share together. Sure it sucked massive donkey balls, but it was something that just had to be dealt with.

  “Alright, break up the love fest, you two. There is a plane on the tarmac with our name on it, and I swear if I don’t get some fucking coffee a major bitch attack is going to happen. Forget shark week, we are going to have our very own Jaws movie unfolding in five minutes,” Danielle ranted from behind her large sunglasses.

  “Hung-over a little bitch?” I growled at her, pretending to drop kick her tall scrawny ass.

  “Fuck you, little miss sunshine; not all of us got laid last night.”

  “Now girls, maybe you should kiss and make up,” Brody commented, coming up next to Danielle and wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

  “Seriously, get your diseased, dirty, nasty smelling, douche pancake self off of my body. Get your brain checked, Brody, because no one wants to touch your Slim Jim. You’re welcome.” Danielle shrugged his arm off her shoulders and stomped away, leaving us standing there trying to refrain from laughing.

  “Is she always that cheerful?” Reid questioned, letting one of his eyebrows crinkle against his forehead.

  “Actually, that was pretty tame for her. I’m impressed how well she held back.” I laughed, looking over at Brody, who stood there in shock from getting verbally punched in the balls.

  “Bitch, we have to go,” Danielle shouted as she shoved her way out the large glass door.

  “I think I’m being beckoned.”

  “I’ll see you in two weeks,” Reid said cheerfully, pulling my body back into his quickly and pressing his lips into mine. Groaning as his tongue slid into my eager mouth, I knew I had to pull back swiftly. Otherwise, we would end up naked in public, and probably arrested. “Take this,” Reid added, shoving a hard plastic card into my hand.

  Taking a peek at what he had placed in my hand, my ears got hot when I realized what it was. “I don’t need your fucking card, Reid,” I threatened, slamming the plastic credit card into his chest.

  “Just keep it for emergencies, Molly Anne. It would make me feel better knowing that you were taken care of.”

  “Did you fucking hit your head on a rock recently? Do you not remember where in the hell I came from? My parents had money, Reid. I have money, and a job, and I don’t need you playing some sugar daddy to me when I can make it on my own just fine.” Seething, I spun on my heels quickly and stormed my way to the door.

  “Molly Anne, it wasn’t meant like that,” Reid called out as my hand slammed into the chrome handlebar. Turning around as the door closed, I flipped Reid the finger and snorted. Fuck that man if he thought he was going to be taking care of me with his money. I wasn’t some whore who could be bought with the swipe of his damn credit card.

  “What crawled up your pussy so quickly,” Danielle grumbled as she waited for the cabin doors to be opened.

  “Fucking Reid and shoving a credit card in my face.”

  “What color was it?” Danielle questioned.

  “I don’t know; fucking black or some other shit like that.” I refused to look back at the building, knowing that Reid was still probably inside wondering what in the world he did wrong.

  “Girl, if that man gave you his black American Express card and you refused it, well then you are a dumbass.”

  “A fucking credit card does not mean our relationship is solid. That’s stupid, Danielle.”

  “A black credit card in this world is basically the step before he puts a ring on it. Seriously, Molly, you better be sucking a lot of dick to make up for this screw up.”

  Snorting at Danielle’s comment, I impatiently waited for the crew to open our small private plane. That man had a lot of nerve trying to buy me off with a credit card. Who was he turning into now, fucking Jefferson?

  Chapter 24

  “It’s raining men, or plastic, or condoms, maybe even some lube.”

  I stewed the entire plane ride to St. Lewis. Grumbling at the fact either Reid was being a chauvinistic pig, really believing that the man made the money and kept everything good, or he simply wasn’t thinking it was that big of a deal sharing his finances with me. Either way, I knew I had overreacted in a big way. Once again, my mouth just started dumping verbal diarrhea before my head could realize what words were even forming.

  “I fucked up, huh?” I asked Danielle, who sat next to me nursing her fifth cup of coffee.

  “Well, let’s just say you didn’t bake him a cake or anything. I’m sure you’ve done worse than throwing a little tantrum out in public and flipping the man off.” Sliding her sunglasses up on the top of her head, Danielle looked directly at me with her blood shot eyes and scoffed. “There was this one time, I caught my ex cheating with some bar skank who danced in tiny ass little nasty shorts and tape over her nipples in the bed we shared. Now, I went postal, flipped the fucking crazy shit, and started trashing the apartment with his prized Babe Ruth baseball bat that cost him a small fortune to buy from some collector. Now, that, Molly, was excessive. I’m guessing Reid will get over the little stunt you just pulled by the time you call him.”

  “Next time, will you just throat punch me when I start off on a tangent like that? Seriously, punch me in the throat and remind me to stop being a stupid hussy.” Danielle agreed, and slipped her sunglasses back over her eyes, slouching further down into her seat.

  “One of these days I’m going to learn,” I reminded myself.

  “Yeah, just like you claimed you were going to start wearing panties when you tore your pants and let the world see your crack?”

  “Yeah, not like that, you angry bitch.”

  Danielle and I both get a chuckle out of our madness. There was no way either of us was ever going to change. I had always been impulsive, crazy, and short tempered. Sure, we may alter our mindsets to propel us further in life, but in the end we would still go ape shit at the drop of a hat. Was it logical to live my life that way? Probably not, but I did have a man that loved me and normally put up with my random outbursts of anger and stupidity.

  “Remind me to never drink again,” Danielle complained, rubbing her fingertips forcefully into her head.

  “Maybe you should just learn your limit when you drink.”

  “I know that limit, but after drinking past my ‘fuck it limit,’ one no longer cares.” I reached over and patted the top of Danielle thigh in slight compassion.

  “Consider this payback for making me use those damn petal things over my nipples. You could have at least warned me to take out my hoops before slapping them on. I swear, duct tape would have been gentler.” Soft feminine petal flowers my ass, more like skin shredding adhesive monsters that eat people’s nipples for a fun time. I swear I’m going to have bruises for weeks after getting those bad boys off. Stupid little flowers of sunshine.

  As many times as I sat there and contemplated my upbringing, nothing ever changed. Why I continued to beat myself over the head with the boring details, the cruel facts, and horrible memories was something that I just could not understand. I wanted to just move on, get past all the shit, and be a stronger person. But somehow, my heart and mind always drug me back into my own personal hell. Not to mention the mental torture I put myself through each time I decided to take a trip back down memory lane. I had become a whiny little bitch. One full of talk and promises, yet never actually doing anything about it.

  I freaked the fuck out over a plastic credit card. Most girls would be excited to have that kind of resource. A little black card was an ultimate status symbol, opening doors anywhere alone the road. Even my parents never acquired that little diddy. However, it wasn’t from the lack of my father trying. He worked hard to afford the life my parents lived. The fancy mansion, beautiful cars, wardrobes larger than some people had in their
entire lifetime, and we still couldn’t make our family unit work. So did I panic when Reid handed me that card due to my misfortunes with my parental units? My father’s quick fix for life was throw money at it, and my mother used the tool as bribery to try and get me to conform. Money wasn’t everything, yet at the same time you had to have it in order to survive.

  I made a very fare wage being on the tour. It paid the bills several times over, and I did have some to put away in my ‘little black rain cloud’ fund. Anything I really wanted or needed was already provided for with my paychecks, so why in the world did Reid think I needed his fortunes? I sat there on the bus for the last hour racking my brain as to the underlying meaning behind the gift of the card. He knew I was capable of paying my own bills, yet he still handed over that card. I wanted to believe that he did it for another reason, one of wanting to take care of me. I seriously hoped he didn’t think that little of me in the sense I needed the funds, but once again everything seemed so unclear for the time being.

  “Molly?” Megan called as she wandered up the bus steps.

  “Yeah?” Sitting Simon back down in his case, I closed the lid and flipped the locks. Normally a little session with my old best friend could clear my mind. These days I felt like the cloud had never lifted, leaving me desperate for a little bit of sunshine.

  “Sorry to interrupt you, but I thought we should go over the next couple shows. The guys are adding some pyrotechnics to their encore and we have a meeting with the fire marshal in a half hour.

  “Lay it on me.” Sinking back into the couch, I really tried to focus on the words coming out of my assistant’s mouth.

  “Well, during the song Street Walker there will be a set of these sparker things going off behind them. Almost like a wall of twinkling lights I’ve been told.”

  “Like Christmas lights? Why are we paying for this effect if it’s just like a bunch of plug in lights? I’m totally confused,” I stated, giving Megan a puzzled look. I swore the guys were getting more extravagant with their requests as the tour raged on. Sure, they were still pretty hot on the charts, but good lord, we didn’t need to spend thousands every night for a little flash and bang on stage. “Who authorized this little upgrade?”


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