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Cheap & Classy (Hide Your Crazy)

Page 17

by Hardenbrook, T. A.

  After several minutes watching the families load onto the giant wheel, I pushed myself off the railing and decided to head on up to the market. Walking around in the crisp open air, watching the people mill about, looking at all the vendors smiling, and maybe even picking up something fresh to eat sounded like a winning plan for me. After all, I still had five hours and twenty-three minutes until I took a cab over to Reid’s house. It seriously would be easier if my mother hadn’t sold my precious baby. Today would have been the perfect opportunity to take her out for a little mother daughter spin. God, my family sucked.

  “Aren’t you going to get going?” Megan asked as she cooked something in the kitchen. Whatever she had in the frying pan smelled delicious, causing my mouth to salivate as I looked for my apartment keys.

  “On the counter by the coffee pot,” Megan stated without even asking what I was looking for.

  “Thanks,” I rattled, squeezing by her in the small galley style kitchen, and giving her a quick hug.

  “Have fun tonight,” Megan called out as I opened the door.

  “You too. Just make sure Chance wears a rubber!” Megan’s spatula dropped to the floor as her mouth shot open in shock. “Did you really think you could hide something like that from me?” Smiling, I blew her a kiss and slammed the door, skipping all the way to the staircase.

  It was a little before six when the cab pulled up to the tall iron gate. Rolling down the window, I punched in the code Reid had given me and watched as the heavy thing slowly slid open. “Just follow the driveway down, please,” I instructed the driver, nervously fidgeting with my empty hands. I really shouldn’t have been nervous for something this insignificant. Just two people, who were casually screwing, saying I love you, and yearning after each other while having a simple dinner. Looking over at my small bag in the seat next to me, I began to worry about being presumptuous about staying the night. I know I did last time, but what if this was really just dinner? Bringing that bag inside the house would indicate I was staying, and well, Reid never mentioned anything like that.

  My hands started to sweat as I wiped them on the tops of my purple skinnies. How I could get so worked up over staying the night was beyond my comprehension. Reid and I were two adults, in a kind of relationship, and if I wanted to have sex tonight with him, then so what. If he wanted me to leave afterward, I could be a big girl and put my panties back on, so to speak, and head out. There was no need to worry about the small stuff, and having a bag with me was definitely the small stuff.

  The cab started to wind its way down the long driveway, and Reid’s stunning place came into view. Holding my breath, I mentally counted to ten before releasing the air. I was going to appear like a damn jack rabbit on steroids if I didn’t calm my ass down.

  “Ma’am, where would you like me to park?” the driver asked, turning around slightly in his seat.

  “Here is fine,” I stuttered, panicking as I looked around for my small purse. Shaking my head when I realized it was in my hand already, I took out my debit card and slid it through the reader.

  “Thank you, ma’am.”

  “Yep, thanks,” I replied awkwardly again. Someone really needed to punch me in the baby maker. I was all over the place with nerves, and wandering into Reid’s place like that was going to send off all the wrong vibes. Grabbing my bag from the seat next to me, I jerked open the door and climbed out, slamming it behind me. Glancing around at the large entry way, I wondered if I should leave my bag out here. That way, if I did happen to stay, I could just sneak out and grab the bad boy, thus not seeming like I assumed I was staying. It’s not like someone was going to snatch the thing off the steps, considering you had to have a gate code to get in the damn place.

  I stood there and chewed on my lips for a few more seconds, pondering on what I should do when the door opened.

  “Miss Molly,” Tiny called out as he hurried off the steps and wrapped his arms around me. “It hasn’t been the same around here without your shining face.”

  “You must be joking, Tiny, because I don’t think anyone has ever called me shining.” I laughed as the giant of a man spun me around.

  Setting my bag on the ground, Tiny instinctively grabbed it and motioned for me to come inside. I guess that takes care of my whole bag issue, I thought to myself.

  “Want me to go place this up in Reid’s room?” Tiny asked innocently, flashing me a genuine smile.

  “Um…………..sure?” I stammered, giving him a not so confident smile back.

  “Reid’s out on the back deck by the grill,” he shouted as he disappeared down a long hallway. Tentatively, I took a few steps through the living room and headed back to the kitchen area. Everything was just as I remembered from last time. Absolutely perfect.

  “Hey Reid,” I managed to croak out as I stepped out on to the back deck. The night was clear and the moon was shining over the lake once again, turning his back yard into some kind of Wonderland.

  “Molly Anne,” Reid’s voice cheered, quickly hooking the large cooking tongs back on the grill and hurrying over to me. My heart melted along with my nerves the moment that man had me in his arms. All the worries over a bag and if I was staying the night seemed to disappear the moment we connected. How my mind got me so worked up at times had me shaking my head. Everything seemed to fall into place whenever we got into close proximity with each other. Like Romeo and Juliet, Reid and I were made for one another. We just had some age on the couple, and didn’t plan on killing ourselves. But eh, semantics.

  “Did you have any trouble with the gate?” Reid asked as he pulled back from our embrace.

  “Nope,” I replied, shivering slightly from the lack of body heat we generated together.

  “Steaks are almost done, and then we can take them inside. It’s too cold out here to eat anyhow.” Nodding my head, I smiled at the man who had once again captured my entire being.

  “Go inside and grab some wine from the cooler. It’s to the right of the fridge,” Reid said playfully, turning me at the shoulders and swatting my ass. I couldn’t resist a giggle as I glanced over my shoulder and came undone all over again. That man had really made a difference in my life. Sure, some lines were still a little fuzzy between us, but for moments like this nothing really mattered.

  “Go,” Reid stated firmly, giving me a little push.

  Chuckling to myself, I headed for the large glass door and into the kitchen. That man knew me well. Meat and wine was a solid way to win me over, and, well, an easy way to get me to drop my pants. Was I a little too easy to get naked? Yes. But for this man, any time with my clothes on seemed like a fucking eternity.

  “How is your wine?” Reid asked as we sat at the bar that separated the massive kitchen from the living area.

  I had just stuffed my face with another bite of the delicious steak when I nodded. It never failed that someone would ask me a question the moment I got something in my mouth. It was never like that during sex, though, but I guess that’s because there isn’t much talking that happens when getting dirty. Taking a small sip of my wine, I swallowed and flashed Reid a smile. “When did you learn how to cook?”

  “I’ve always known, but never really have the chance to do it. I had to cook my own meals while growing up. My mother was always working double shifts at the hospital to make ends meet, and since the sperm donor didn’t stick around, I was by myself most nights. If I wanted to eat, I had to cook, thus making me learn at an early age.

  My heart instantly broke with Reid’s admission. I never learned how to cook, but it wasn’t from my mother being a domestic wife. We always had maids that did the cleaning and the cooking for as long as I could remember. Even if I got hungry in the middle of the night, there was always something in the fridge I could munch on. “Well, you are a wonderful cook,” I stated, swiftly popping another bite of steak into my mouth.

  “I’m glad you like it,” Reid said with a smile. How easy the conversation flowed at dinner. There was never a forced moment
between the two of us. Even the silence was comfortable.

  “How was the rest of the tour?”

  “Oh, good, I guess. The guys wanted to add some pyro stuff to their set, and we only caught one venue on fire,” I said while shrugging my shoulders. Of course we had the fire extinguishers ready to go if something were to happen like that, thus eliminating the danger immediately.

  “They let those bastards have fire? Fuck, we didn’t get that kind of shit till our third tour. Those lucky dicks.” Reid laughed as he stood up from his barstool and began to clear his plate. Setting my fork down, I quickly stood and followed suit. “Sit down, Molly Anne; finish your steak.”

  “If I eat anymore, Reid, I won’t be able to fit into my pants in the morning,” I moaned, rubbing my very full and satisfied belly.

  “Who said you were going to be wearing pants?” Reid asked playfully, rinsing his dish off and sitting it in the sink.

  “Well, I guess that could be arranged.” Catching my bottom lip between my teeth, I had to will the massive throbbing that had taken over my vagina. It was going to take everything in me to not just toss the dish aside and hop over the counter to mount the poor soul. I needed to take control of my vagina before she made a complete fool out of herself, and me too, damn it.

  Chapter 27

  “Is it weird that I want to quote Ludacris during sex?”

  Nothing could stop the tidal waves of hormones surging through my body. I wanted that man naked, on top of me, and thrusting hard. There was no need for passionate love making, as we had plenty of time to do it later. I wanted him to take me right there in the kitchen. I didn’t care if most of my clothes were still on. As long as his cock was inside of me, that was really all that mattered.

  Still biting my lip, I let out a heavy sigh. I knew he wanted me; the lust was evident in his eyes. But for gosh sakes that man must have thought I wanted some romance. Dinner was nice, the wine was even better, but what I needed now was his cock. Stop doing the damn dishes and take me on the fucking countertops.

  “Molly Anne, stop biting your lip,” Reid said in a low husky voice. Tingles ran through my body like an electric current, causing me to bite down harder. Maybe he was finally getting the hint, that I no longer wanted something sweet for dessert.

  Setting my plate back on the counter, I took a couple steps back and slowly unzipped my tight black hoodie. The zipper was warm as it glided down my bare skin, falling open slightly to expose my small black bra. I held my breath as Reid stopped the water, his eyes focused on the small space between my breasts. Yep, I had this man’s full attention now.

  “Reid,” I suggestively called out while shrugging the hoodie off my shoulders.

  It quickly fell into a pile on the cool floor, leaving me standing there in just my bra and jeans. That man was in for a treat, as I took another step back and popped the button on my jeans, slowly shimmying the fabric down my legs. Reid’s eyes grew huge when he realized I had on a matching black thong. It had been driving me nuts the entire night, but it was well worth it from the look on his face.

  Carefully, I stepped out of my jeans and licked my lips. It’s amazing the sexual power you feel when capturing a man’s full attention. Reid knew exactly where I stood on tonight’s activities, and I wanted it to start right then. Turning around gradually, I let him get a clear view of my ass before walking through the living room, glancing over my shoulder only once as my feet hit the marble on the stairs.

  “Are you coming?” I asked, letting my hand glide up the banister as I took each step slowly.

  I could hear a rustle of activity behind me, and it brought a smile to my face like a damn idiot. Take that fucking music director James. There was nothing stopping me tonight from being sexy and alluring. Like a Siren calling her mate, Reid Chambers was going to fall head over heels into my trap tonight.

  Reid caught up with me at the top of the stairs. My arm was grabbed and I was spun around quickly, pushing me up against the wall. “Such a tease tonight,” his voice whispered next to my ear. The feeling of his breath made me instantly wet, knowing the release we both craved wasn’t far behind.

  “Don’t you like it when I tease you, Reid?”

  “Fuck Molls, I like it when you wear panties,” he growled, taking his hand and running it inside the band of thong. I whimpered as his thumb grazed across the top of my pussy, making my body jerk in anticipation. “Are you wet, Molly Anne? Does all this touching make you want me?”

  I nodded my head quickly while squirming underneath the weight he had pinned me with. There was nothing sexier than a man who took control. I liked the rough sex; I wanted it dirty, I needed his cock right then.

  “Fuck me, Reid,” I moaned, turning my head to the side as his lips found the soft spot behind my ear.

  His lips began to assault my neck as his hand continued to tease my pussy. The feeling of sheer bliss racked with the annoyance of him not fucking me had my body going different directions. His mouth felt so good on me, yet I knew that shoving that massive cock inside me would feel much better.

  “Reid,” I gasped as his hand slipped a little lower, now dangerously flirting with my undoing.

  “Fuck Molly Anne, you are so wet,” he groaned, slowly trailing his kiss down my neck and past my tits.

  His knees hit the floor and I knew what would happen next. My body was close to crumbling, begging for me to stop the torture and make this man take me. Reid forced my legs apart a little wider, and hooked his finger under the crotch of my panties, yanking it to the side. Suddenly, his tongue assaulted my folds as my hands shot into his hair.

  “Fuck,” I squealed as he slipped deeper into me, plunging his tongue deeper inside my body with each flick. My legs began to shake as he sucked on my clit, forcing him to place his hand on my stomach.

  “You like that, Baby?”

  This man was going to make me cum even before he got his cock into me. Reid looked up from my pussy and flashed me a naughty smile. Grabbing a tighter grip in his hair, I shoved his face back down, letting the man know he wasn’t done yet. With every lick, every suck, and every flick my body rode the sensation to the point of breaking. My knees were trembling as I fisted my hands into his hair again, this time knowing that sweet release wasn’t far behind.

  “Reid, I’m going to……….” Pleasure began to take hold of my body, just as he forced my lips apart and plunged his tongue back into me, racking my body with careless emotion and paradise.

  “Fuck,” I wailed, as the high began to die down, gently letting the poor man’s hair go. Reid softly kissed the top of my pussy and stood up. He crashed his lips into mine, letting me taste the juices he created seconds ago. “I don’t think I can walk,” I mumbled, still trying to catch my breath from the orgasm.

  Reid just smiled and scooped me up in his arms. Carrying me down the hallway, he kicked open his door and deposited me on the bed. Grabbing the back of his shirt he hoisted it over his head and crawled over top of me.

  “You better start recovering fast Molly Anne, because it’s my turn now.”

  I had no clue what time I had fallen asleep, but the sun was starting to rise over the peaceful lake. Stretching my very sore body, Reid’s hand began to travel down my side, slowly reaching around to the front of my body. “I will break your picking hand, Reid. My vagina is closed for business; you broke her.”

  Reid let out a soft chuckled as his arm rose higher and looped me around the waist.

  “So you’re saying I won?”

  “I didn’t know it was a contest,” I stated, snuggling deeper into his chest. The things that man could do to my body were absolutely incredible. I doubted I would be able to walk today, but even if I had to crawl on my hands and knees it was fucking worth it. Reid rested his chin on the top of my shoulder and let out a soft sigh.

  “Whatcha thinking?” I asked.

  “Just that it seems so right, having you here in the house.”

  “Wow, aren’t you just getting so sappy
. Don’t let the guys here you say all this crap, I’m pretty sure they would kick your ass out of the band,” I joked, rolling over in his arms.

  “Molly Anne, I am the band,” Reid replied all cocky. Snorting, I shook my head and broke free of his embrace. Rolling off the bed quickly, I tried to stand before my legs went weak and I had to crouch lower.

  “You hurting?” Reid smirked, resting himself up on his elbow.

  “Nope; just practicing my dance moves.”

  Hobbling over to the bathroom, I winced when I tried to take a bigger step. Fucking Reid and his five million different weird positions. Sucking in a deep breath, I scowled as I opened the bathroom door.

  “It’s okay to admit I worked you last night,” Reid shouted from the bed.

  “Nope; just singing me some Luda ‘How low can you go,’” I yelled out the door.

  Did I really just pretend to be singing Ludacris to get out of sex? There was something seriously wrong with me.

  “What are your plans for the day?” Reid asked while I was in the shower.

  “I didn’t really make any,” I replied, smiling as one of the five jetted shower heads gently massaged my backside.

  “Are you up for an adventure?”

  “I guess? Just as long as this adventure does not involve sky diving, swimming with sharks, eating seafood, or running. I really fucking hate running.”

  Reid let out a laugh and flipped the bathroom fan on. “Well, hurry up and get ready then,” he commanded while walking out the door.

  I really should have been alarmed that he didn’t tell me what said adventure was about. With my luck, we would be shooting an amateur porn video in a studio full of people. Not that I would mind having a private sex tape with Reid, but I don’t think my vagina could take another beating anytime soon. Rinsing my hair quickly, I shut off the water and climbed out to grab a towel.


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