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Fateful Italian Passion

Page 22

by Olga GOA

  “Milano is the most dangerous man for me…” Veronica darkly spat out, adjusting Francesca’s dress’ petticoat.

  “No, Veronica. Mateo is a man who is really more dangerous than anyone else! Trust me!” Francesca assured Veronica, fully confident of Mateo’s unhealthy mental state.

  “You can’t conceal such facts from Lucenzo! He’ll find out anyway. Better let him hear the truth from you, Francesca! Why do you need to risk your happiness?”

  “It’s too late,” Francesca whispered, hearing her parents’ footsteps. They entered her room, cutting off the girls in mid-sentence. The Lascatti’s were amazed and couldn’t get enough of Fracesca’s undeniable beauty! Their daughter was fascinating even though her eyes radiated uncertainty.

  “Nostra figlia è veramente carina!”[24] her parents complimented Francesca in Italian. “Lucenzo will faint when he sees you!”

  “I have no doubt,” Veronica supported them, winking at Francesca.

  “Veronica, you’re like a dandelion! This dress so fits you.” Bruno Lascatti appreciated her outfit when Veronica smiled at him sheepishly. Her long dress was a light lemon color, made of beautiful chiffon fabric and hung in soft folds freely. It emphasized Veronica’s shape from her breast but hid the pregnancy. Francesca suggested Veronica choose this outfit for her wedding.

  “Mille grazie, Signor,” Veronica thanked him as Francesca’s mother put a bracelet of white rose petals on her hand. Francesca’s parents went out into the hallway so that Veronica could help their daughter to finish getting ready. Veronica was supposed to put a white openwork garter on Francesca’s leg.

  After completing the image of the bride, Veronica raised her thumb, showing that everything was super! But a smile did not visit her friend’s face. She was sad.

  “You’re as pale as a sheet, Fra! If you’re afraid that Mateo might come for you, I’ll inform Milano about this situation. I’ll be watching you too; I won’t leave you alone for a second. And Pietro and Mario will protect you.” Veronica informed Francesca, trying to help her feel tranquil.

  “No, Nike!” Francesca shook her head. “It will leave you all defenseless! I shouldn’t be putting you in danger, especially. You’re pregnant. I won’t forgive myself if something happens. If anyone is destined to experience Mateo’s vengeance, then let it be me!”

  “I put my number in your phone, my dear. Take it and don’t say no,” Veronica handed Francesca’s mobile phone to her, and Francesca took it willingly. “You can call me or just write the word ‘help,’ and I’ll come to you right away!”

  “Let’s go, girls!” Andrea Lascatti called Veronica and Francesca in a high tone and peeked into the room, interrupting their conversation. “Otherwise, we are going to be late to the cathedral!”

  Francesca squeezed Veronica’s hand as a chill of reality pierced her to the bone. Not knowing what was in store for her, Francesca trembled with fear. But she overcame her intuition and followed Veronica out of her house.


  The street was quiet; all the guests went to the cathedral. Francesca saw that her parents were sitting in the car, waiting for her and Veronica. Francesca went forward, accidentally hearing the conversation between Veronica and Pietro. Veronica asked him not to tell anyone about Mateo, especially Milano because her Demon will rave about. The bodyguard reluctantly agreed but he didn’t like to keep his boss in the dark. If his boss finds out that Pietro had deceived him, Pietro will get into trouble.

  Francesca looked at Pietro and then noticed how he gently straightened his jacket, under which appeared the leather holster of a pistol. She was terrified of any possible upcoming events with Mateo, and she was already thinking about canceling the wedding. But time was lost when she and Veronica were seated in a white BMW, and Pietro closed the car door behind them. He sat down with Mario in the Chevrolet Camaro, and they drove slowly behind the car, where Veronica, Francesca, and her parents were.

  Francesca clenched her teeth, her stomach twitching with nerves. Will this day be the happiest day of her life or not?


  After reaching the crème colored Catholic cathedral, Pietro and Mario helped Francesca out of the car. It was quite difficult for her to do it alone since the lush petticoat interfered with Francesca’s movements. So the help of bodyguards was useful.

  Veronica followed Francesca’s parents, carefully leaving the saloon. Pietro and Mario followed Veronica and Francesca, seeing them off to the beautiful cathedral.

  Relatives and friends of the bride and groom were already inside the cathedral and were waiting for the wedding ceremony to begin. There also, the parents of Milano and Lucenzo, Alessandro and Gabriela Veneziani, held their little son Luigi. The kid quickly blinked his eyes, staring at the ceiling with a wonderful mural of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. As well as Gabriela and Alessandro, their daughter Daniela whispered secretly with her ex-nanny Gloria.

  Lucenzo stood at the sacred altar and was wildly nervous about the upcoming ceremony. He imagined he was about to make a jump that was thousands of meters high, without a parachute, and he did not know when he had to pull the ring. The wedding was a very important step in his life.

  Milano was anxious as well, looking at his wristwatch and realizing that the bride and her bridesmaid were late. Where are Francesca and Veronica? He grumbled to himself. He wanted to be sure everything is all right.

  Milano went outside, searching for Veronica and Francesca with a worried glimpse. But seeing his goddess on the street, discussing something with Francesca, Milano smiled and settled down. For him Veronica was like a sunny miracle and shone like a star among others.

  Milano quietly approached the girls, after greeting the older couple, the Lascatti’s, who were on the move.

  “There you are!” He called out in a loud voice, putting his hands on the two ladies’ shoulders.

  “Damn you, Mino! You scared us!” Veronica threw up her hands, looking at her Demon with a disapproving gaze.

  “Hi, Milano. You appeared like a demon,” Francesca burst out laughing nervously. “I’ll go and fix my dress, Nike. When you’re done with Milano, come to me. I have something to tell you...” she said to Veronica with a forced smile, trying to hide her inner state. She lifted her gorgeous wedding dress from the ground and skirted the cathedral on the other side. There was a room reserved for the preparation of brides and bridesmaids for wedding ceremonies.

  Milano became perturbed after watching Veronica act strangely. She constantly ruffled the frill of her dress’ cutaway shoulders, and Milano guessed something was wrong.

  “Everything is as clean as a whistle. Sei d’accordo, vero?”[25] Milano asked, carefully studying her behavior, trying to take her at her word.

  “Mmm?” Veronica asked him in her emotional turmoil, distracted by his elegant suit. It was made of expensive thin fabric and had the color of malachite which so suited his demonic eyes.

  “I bet something weird is going on. What are the skeletons in my brother’s future wife’s closet? Speak up!” Milano took a step towards Veronica, grabbing her by the elbow.

  “I can’t say. I promised Fra...” Veronica replied haltingly, touching her fingers.

  Milano didn’t let go of his Amazon, forcing her to look him straight in his eyes.

  “Either you tell me now, or I’ll call off Fra and Lu’s wedding! I’m not kidding!” he warned her menacingly.

  “But—” Veronica attempted to twist out of his arms, but Milano did not loosen his grip.

  “Veronica, answer me!” Milano growled at her, no longer holding back.

  “Bene...” she said, determined not to argue with her Demon. “I promised Francesca I’d keep an eye on her because one crazy guy from her past might be looking for her here. Mateo beat and tortured Francesca, and threatened to destroy her! I have notified Pietro and Mario about this development too.”

  “That’s the problem!” Milano gasped in response to Veronica’s explanation. “Then let’s go together
. I won’t put you in danger!”

  “But if Fra finds out that I told you, she won’t trust me anymore! And I do not want to lose our friendship.” Veronica told him honestly.

  “I’ll tell her that Pietro let it out... don’t think about it. You better think about our child.”

  “By the way, where are Mario and Pietro, Milano?” Veronica panicked; her eyes bulged from the realization of what could be happen. “I thought they were with you.”

  “I don’t know, darling.” Milano breathed out. “I called them... They’re not answering…”

  Veronica swallowed, sensing that something terrible happened; the bodyguards Mario and Pietro were never silent if Milano called them, they always called back. But Milano distracted her, taking her hand and walking in the direction Francesca had gone.

  As they entered the preparation room they found that there was no one; only Francesca’s handbag but the window was left open.

  Veronica’s heart sank, and she felt a cold sweat. Francesca disappeared without a trace. Was Veronica late with her help? And she promised that she wouldn’t leave her alone! Oh my…

  “Milano, I’m terrified...” She mumbled, scanning the empty room.

  “Shit!” Milano cursed, checking all the cupboards. “Where is she?!”

  “I guess Mateo did this to her, and Pietro... and Mario...” Veronica’s tears gathered on her eyelashes; she could not speak. What did this scoundrel do?

  “Do not think about the bad...” Milano comforted her, hugging her figure with a protective embrace. “I’ll find Francesca; you go to the guests. Not a step without my permission!”

  “No, Milano!” Veronica cried out, catching his arm, worried for the safety of her beloved. “This Mateo could do anything. We must call the police!” She tried to keep Milano with her, but he was adamant.

  “And the police will seal off the whole cathedral. My brother’s wedding will be ruined,” Milano disagreed with her suggestion.

  Veronica yelled at him. “We must save Fra first before thinking about the wedding!”

  “Just go to the main hall of the cathedral. Tell Francesca’s parents she has nausea, but she’ll be better. Don’t say anything else. Understand?” Milano told her domineeringly.

  “I can’t lie, Milano. We must notify Lucenzo about it. This is only fair to him.”

  “Do you want to make my brother suffer from the suspense, Veronica?” Milano didn’t want to tell Lucenzo the truth. He wanted to decide everything by himself.

  “If we don’t tell him, he’ll never forgive us!” Veronica was sure of that. She would feel the same way in Lucenzo’s shoes. Although, she knew that Milano was correct. He wished only good things for his brother.

  Milano threw back his head, sniffing the air. He continued to digest his plan on how to capture the villain Mateo.

  “If I don’t come back, call the police,” Milano said seriously.

  “I can’t let you go alone!” Veronica squeaked plaintively, endeavoring to contain him. How could she let her Demon get away without her protection?

  “Time is going and it’s hindering us from being able to find Fra unharmed. You’re clever, and you know that I am right,” Milano supported his goddess with a hug, helping her calm down.

  “Yes, my beloved... I know…” With eyes full of misery Veronica looked at Milano. What if he doesn’t come back? She thought with horror.

  As usual, as if reading her mind, Milano replied, patting her shoulder. “I promise, I’ll come back with Francesca.”

  “Be careful.” Veronica spoke, but her words were lost in the wind as Milano disappeared around the corner of the cathedral. She worried with horror, thinking where Mateo could have imprisoned poor Francesca? In the prayer room? The confessional? Or perhaps in other buildings? She could only guess.

  As Veronica went a little forward to return to the main hall of the cathedral, someone’s strong hands grabbed her tightly. She couldn’t make any sound when her mouth was covered with a black handkerchief. The handkerchief was soaked in chloroform, and in some minutes Veronica involuntarily hung on the hands of the kidnapper. She lost consciousness and the feeling of the ground under her feet.


  Veronica woke up in a dimly lit basement. The room was full of wooden crosses and small stone statues of saints which were located on big shelves. Veronica immediately realized that she was imprisoned in a Catholic cathedral. Although the main question was, where is this Catholic cathedral situated? How far away was Veronica from Milano? Did she have any chance of escaping or not?

  Veronica’s attention was attracted by a stranger sitting on a chair and nervously lighting a cigarette. His eyes showed that his mind was not healthy―his pupils darted from a corner to the other; his right leg was constantly twitching. The man had a solid build; his muscles resembled carved figures in rock. His body was like a wall, and Veronica had no hope of beating him. Perhaps, nothing was able to shake his assurance of what to do to her.

  Feeling her wrists and ankles tied to the legs of the chair, Veronica was alarmed. Only a monster without a heart and conscience could bind a pregnant woman and torture her. What man in his right mind could do that?

  “How did you find us?” Veronica questioned him boldly in English, not knowing if Mateo could speak in English as well.

  “I read in the newspaper about this whore’s wedding!” The man contemptuously spoke in English about Francesca without sympathy. It looked like he puked after each word that he pronounced for her. “Well, it was a matter of technique to reach you all. With brass knuckles, I knocked down my psychiatrist and equally beat the idiot security guard in my house. I came here thereafter by taxi; I’m Mateo Kalani, for fuck sake! Everything is possible for me!” He laughed, studying Veronica’s appearance and answering her in English. He was smart to understand she didn’t know his language perfectly.

  “What did you do to Francesca? You bastard!” Veronica spat. She despised him for daring to hurt her dearest friend.

  “I did what I had to. I punished her for her willfulness!” Mateo enunciated his words harshly. “Now I think… What do you deserve, baby?” he licked his lips, lustful eyes studying the feminine forms of Veronica. “Your skin is velvet, and such skin has the quality of being delicate in any hands. Don’t you agree?”

  Bursting into devilish laughter, Mateo stroke helpless Veronica. She had no idea what he wanted. But Mateo desired to tear Veronica’s dress and immediately drag her into his bed.

  “You can’t take me by force! You’re not like that!” Veronica told him nervously, trying to regain her composure.

  “If you resist, I’ll rape you! Believe me!” Mateo said growling louder.

  “You fucking son of a bitch!” Veronica insulted him as much as she could.

  “One more damn word and I’ll hit you,” Mateo threatened her, impatiently dumping the gray ash tray he was holding. “I'm not used to being attacked by women and their arrogance.”

  “Let Francesca go! She doesn’t deserve this!”

  “You’re not the boss here who can give me orders!” Mateo grinned as he extinguished his cigarette with his boot. He slowly got up from his chair, scratching his beard. “Francesca had no right to leave me, that bitch!” He spat to the side, waving his dark brown hair. “But a good commodity like you, I have to test—”

  “If you touch me, my fiancé will kill you!” Veronica didn’t let him finish, starting to rock the chair and trying to get free from the painful ropes.

  “He won’t know where we are, because priests have not visited this place for a long time. I’ll get you and Francesca out of here, and then I’ll fuck you both anytime! Soon you will love it without a doubt!”

  “You trash! Your filthy soul will rot in prison!”

  Mateo became furious and, coming closer to Veronica, gave her a hard slap on the face. The blood suddenly rushed to Veronica’s face; her cheek caught fire. She stopped moving on the chair; the pain cooled her for a while.

sp; “You’re not intimidating me!” Veronica hissed as he returned to his seat.

  “I have a lot of time,” Mateo continued, chuckled and crossed his legs. “If I like having sex with you, maybe I’ll have a change of mind concerning your punishment. When I get Francesca pregnant, her dilly fiancé will forget about her, and she’ll stay with me. And I’ll sell you to the brothel―I need money to get out of here. I will go to another country!”

  Veronica shook her head at Mateo’s plans. Every moment his decisions changed, and she remained silent, unblinking. She stared at the wall where the cross with Jesus Christ hung and didn’t know what to do. How could she make a deal with such a madman like Mateo?

  “God will not help you,” Mateo said as he followed her gaze toward the cross.

  “God always helps people who ask him sincerely,” Veronica responded to him with inspiration. “But you certainly need medical treatment!”

  “One more word and you’ll regret it!” Mateo shouted at her viciously.

  “I’ll scratch your lousy eyes out if you come any closer, Mateo!”

  Mateo realized that it would be challenging to persuade Veronica because of her natural belligerence. Jumping up from his chair, he kicked it with his foot, and the chair flew away in a second. Mateo came close to Veronica and grinned at the idea of what he has on his mind. He knelt in front of her and began to lift her long dress, caressing her legs. Mateo paid no attention to how Veronica resisted his audacity, moving her hips in different directions. He ruthlessly squeezed Veronica’s toes, and a sharp pain pierced her heels.

  “I’m not your gay boyfriend!” Mateo came closer to Veronica with foam in his mouth. He was ready to do everything so that she would take him seriously. “I will tear your flesh, and then you will sing another song!” He gritted through his teeth as his eyes burned like eyes of a cruel animal.

  “Beast!!! Leave me alone!!!”

  When he reached her intimate place, Mateo tore her underwear and roughly pulled Veronica to himself. His eyes greedily devoured her nakedness, and his hands held her knees tightly. Mateo had undermined all of Veronica’s resistance.


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