Mrs. Keppel and Her Daughter
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and Violet Keppel:
in Florence; doge’s ring; first meeting; visits to Portman Square; Violet declares her love; at Duntreath; Violet kisses her; warns Violet to be true; declines her invitation; on Violet; at Knole; Violet’s jealousy; present for Violet; Violet at Long Barn; sex; love affair; and Violet’s probable marriage; Julian and Eve; at Grosvenor Street; ‘Julian clothes’; autobiographical ‘confession’; in France; consents to elope with Violet; Violet’s wedding; tells Violet she has reneged; together during the week; emotional dilemma; they plan to leave England; agree to elope; extracts herself from responsibility for Violet; in Amiens; considers Violet has betrayed her; questions Violet and Denys about sex; sexual jealousy; wants her to come to England; in Avignon; loses Violet’s ring; at the Dower House; reluctantly with Violet; their love ‘debased and corrupt’; telegram for Violet’s birthday; and Vita’s affair with Dansey; refuses to see Violet; brief meeting at Berry’s dinner party; St Loup; affectionate letters; renounces relationship; they discuss writing their story; at Sissinghurst; reluctance to have Violet to stay; Ombrellino
and Harold Nicolson:
first meeting; her invitation to; describes him to Violet; unofficially engaged; marriage; his venereal infection; writes to him; love letters to Harold; in Paris; reparation of marriage; cocker spaniel from Harold; he summons her home; her affection for him; reassures him; confides homosexual affairs to him
Challenge; The Dragon in Shallow Waters; The Edwardians; Heritage; Orchard and Vineyard
Salisbury, 4th Marquess of
Scey-Montbéliard, Prince Louis de
Schiff, Jacob
Scott, Geoffrey
Scott, Sir John Murray (Seery), and Victoria Sackville-West; wealth; his Paris apartment; death; bequest
Scott, Sybil
Sert, José Maria
Shand, Annabel
Shand, Camilla see also Parker-Bowles, Camilla
Simpson, Wallis, later Duchess of Windsor
Sinclair, Sir Archibald
Singer, Paris
Sitwell, Edith
Sitwell, Sir George
Sitwell, Sir Osbert, on AK’s Grosvenor Street house; adores AK; and Violet; at Knebworth
Somerset, Lord Arthur
Soveral, Marquis Luis de
Stavordale, Lord, later 6th Earl of Ilchester
Stephenson, Henry Frederick
Strang, William
Sturt, Gerard
Terré, Helen
Torrigiani, Marchesa
Trefusis, Beatrice
Trefusis, Betty
Trefusis, Denys Robert, family background; war service; writes to Violet; appearance; suggests talking to Vita; proposes; in Paris; AK and; promises never to displease Violet; personality; interest in Russia; ill; letter to Vita; agreement with Violet over sex; warns Violet; Military Cross; Violet tells him of her relationship with Vita; honeymoon; wants a separation; in sympathy with suicide; indifferent to Violet’s movements; and Vita; sex with Violet; returns to London; to Amiens; anguish for Violet and; motoring in France with Violet; terms for divorce; rows with Violet; asks Violet for trust; discharge from army; Violet’s attitude to; talks of suicide; threatens to dissolve marriage; Sonia and fiancé call; marriage worsens; at Clingendaal; leaves Violet; applies for legal separation; drops legal proceedings; with Violet in Paris; affair with Russian model; and Princesse de Polignac; interest in music; at Ombrellino; condemns Bolshevism; shooting; La Prisonnière; in USA; revisits Belgian battlefields; death; Sonia and
Trefusis, Kerr
Trefusis, Mitty
Vertova, Luisa
Vicky, see Frederick of Prussia, Crown Princess
Victoria, Queen, and Prince of Wales; power; and Albert; death of Albert; and Princess Alexandra; and Prince of Wales’s wedding; and Princess of Wales; ‘invisible’
Victoria, Princess
Vincent, Lady Helen
Voigt, Margaret
Wales, Albert Edward, Prince of, see Edward VII
Wales, Charles, Prince of
Wales, Diana, Princess of
Wallace, Sir Richard
Wallace Collection
Walpole, Sir Hugh
Warhol, Andy
Warre, Bear
Warwick, Countess of called Daisy
Wellesley, Dorothy, Vita and; holiday with Sackville-Wests; her marriage breaks up
Wellesley Gerald, later 7th Duke of Wellington
Wellesley, Valerian
West, Rebecca, later Dame Rebecca
Wilde, Oscar
William II, Kaiser
William III, King
Williamson, Lady Elizabeth
Wilson, Lady Sarah
Woolf, Leonard
Woolf, Virginia, on Margot Asquith, 7n; and Vita; Orlando; and Leonard; Harold on Orlando; and The Well of Loneliness; in Violet’s roman à clef; on Violet
World War I, outbreak of
World War II, war declared
Wright, Mrs, AK’s cook
York, Duchess of, later Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother
York, Duke of, later King George V
Young, Sir Allen
Zaharof, Sir Basil
Also by Diana Souhami
“Detailed and fascinating … a rich, engrossing study of a mother and daughter who both flirted with scandal.”
—Chicago Tribune
“Souhami writes about [Violet Trefusis] with refreshing enthusiasm.”
—The London Sunday Times
“… a must for anyone interested in the remarkable sexual license which Edwardian couples afforded themselves.”
—Daily Telegraph (London)
“Souhami is an entertaining writer, with a fluent, almost hypnotic prose style … her book is well worth reading.”
—Royalty Digest (London)
“A wildly entertaining portrait of scandal and society from Victorian times to the 1970s.”
—Literary Review (London)
“Souhami has a Midas touch with words. Her narrative sparkles.”
—Nigel Nicolson, Sunday Telegraph (London)
“A brilliant and witty chronicle of one of the happiest marriages in modern literary history. Not only star-studded but light-filled.”
—John Richardson, author of The Life of Picasso
MRS KEPPEL AND HER DAUGHTER. Copyright © 1996 by Diana Souhami. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
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First published in Great Britain by HarperCollinsPublishers
First St. Martin’s Griffin Edition: November 1998
eISBN 9781466883505
First eBook edition: September 2014