Dear, Carson McDermott (The Dear letters Series Book 1)

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Dear, Carson McDermott (The Dear letters Series Book 1) Page 2

by King Ellie

  “You’re with Kat?” Miles asked, making me take my eyes off that sweet ass as she sashayed back to the table she was sitting at.

  The things that I would do to Katerina if she let me. She wouldn’t even question a thing that I said to her after that but for now, I would wait until she let me. I licked my lips before I looked away from her ass. Katerina wasn’t skinny and even though there was nothing wrong with skinny, I wanted someone that didn’t make me feel like I was breaking them whenever I fucked them. Katerina could handle it; I just knew it. She had those thighs that I knew could suffocate me if she let me eat her pussy. I shuddered, forcing myself to stop thinking about her like that right now when I knew I couldn’t have her just yet.

  “What’s that Miles?” I asked him again because I damn sure didn’t hear him the first time.

  “Kat? That’s your girlfriend or something? Or are you two just going to prom together because Tony is kicking everyone’s ass that asks her?” He smirked as if he found out the answer.

  I knew that Miles still had a thing for Katerina, but their time was already up. They broke up sophomore year, he should’ve moved on but since he didn’t, his poor little heart was going to be broken. Do I truly care though? Nope.

  “What do you think, smartass?” I was irritating him, and I didn’t care.

  His eyebrows furrowed.

  “There’s no way Tony would let you and his twin date. Not ever. So, it must be because he keeps trying to fight everyone that asks her to prom.”

  I sniffed, eyeing Miles from head to toe. I didn’t hate the bastard, instead, I felt bad for him. I would’ve never let her go not even if Katerina threatened me. That was where he was a fool and I wasn’t. I looked at him in the eyes wanting my point to get across.

  “She’s mine, Miles. You know what that means right? She’s my girl. She ain’t available to go to prom with nobody else.” I gritted my teeth.

  There was a side of me that I never wanted to let escape ever since we moved out here. I promised my dad that I would do better. Even my grandparents back in Hawaii, I told them that I would do better, be better and get my country ass into college then go pro.

  “Wow,” was all Miles said as he stood walking in the direction of Katerina.

  I knew he was going to go confirm with her. I pulled my phone out, moving a bit from Becca who seemed to not understand personal space.

  Me: Would you rather be my girlfriend or jump off a cliff?

  Kitty Kat: I’d rather push you off the cliff.

  I couldn’t help it as I chuckled like a fool in love.

  Me: Well then, I guess it’s settled.

  Kitty Kat: What is?

  Me: You’d jump off that cliff knowing you couldn’t be without me.

  Me: We’re in a seriously abusive relationship. I should tweet that my gf abuses me.


  Me: Oh yeah?

  I looked up just in time to see Miles sit down next to her and start talking to her. Of course, he was asking about our status. I snickered as her eyes widened, she turned my way glaring at me. I blew her a kiss and she rolled her eyes again.

  Me: Told you, you’d jump off the cliff to save me.

  Kitty Kat: I hate you.

  Me: Not enough since you didn’t deny what I had to say this time around.

  Me: I think you look nice in blue, like royal blue.

  Me: Should we tell Tony?

  Kitty Kat: You wouldn’t even know what to do if I was your gf, you big dummy.

  This time, I laughed just like the big dummy that she called me to be. I stood, walking away. I made sure to discard my lunch into the garbage. I popped a mint into my mouth as I got closer to her table where Miles seemed to still be. I pulled one of Katerina’s antics as I pulled a chair out sitting opposite of her. She narrowed her eyes at me, and I smiled.

  “Am I still drivin’ you home after practice, darlin’?” I asked her.

  I was driving her because her jeep was in the shop. Something was going on with it and her father wanted her to get a ride with Tony or me. At least, he trusted me and knew I would protect his daughter with my life. She scoffed,

  “I figured maybe I’d get a ride with Cassie since practice for you guys take a good while.” She shrugged acting all innocent.

  I cocked an eyebrow, “You must’ve forgotten that you and I don’t work like that, little darlin’. I’m your boyfriend and I damn sure know what to do with my girlfriend. Would you like everyone around us to find out?”

  Katerina tried to play the shock off by coughing and slowly getting up. She grabbed her backpack,

  “I’m good,” She said to me. “I’ll talk to you later, Miles. Cassie, come on.”

  I bit my lip letting her get about a couple of steps away from the table then I stood, jogging to her and stopped in front of her. Before she could say anything, I bent my knees and scooped her up over my shoulder. She shrieked causing me to laugh then I took off running with her through the courtyard officially embarrassing the hell out of her.

  “I hate you; I swear to God!” she yelled.

  “Nah little darlin’, you love this big ol’ dummy. I know it and you know it,” I said to her and when we got to the empty parking lot only filled with cars, I placed her on her feet.

  As she was getting herself steady, I lightly gripped her chin making her look up at me, “how’s about we stop playin’ around with each other and try this out for real, Katerina?”

  Chapter 3


  If I said yes right away, would I be seen as desperate or would it be okay? I really wanted to be with Carson more than anything, but I didn’t like that he was playing around with me. I slapped away the hold that he had on my jaw, I squared my shoulders glaring up at him,

  “you’re annoying, you know that!” I yelled and he flinched at the sudden sound.

  “How so?”

  I didn’t want to keep doing this anymore. I was getting tired of our back and forth. We poked fun at each other. He chased guys away from me and I tried to chase girls away from him, but they seemed to like him more when I painted him to be a fuckboy even if he wasn’t one. I sighed; I liked this boy way too much to keep letting him make my heart flutter like this. Maybe I should give Miles another chance, at least he actually likes me. I wasn’t blind, I knew that Carson thought I was attractive, but he never outright told me he wanted to be with me. Joking was one thing but at this rate, I was going to fall in love with him and he’d go off to a different out of state college. He’d get him a cute ass girlfriend then he’d go pro and there I’d be harboring feelings for a man who doesn’t want me as I want him.

  I took a deep breath.

  “Look, sometimes, what we do, how we joke around… It’s all fun and games until someone who really likes me thinks he doesn’t stand a chance. You take it too far, Bubba.” I said calmly looking away as if something other than his amber eyes were interesting.

  Carson’s laughter brought my eyes back to him. Was he laughing at me? I shook my head at him and began walking off glad that my last class was a free period. Maybe I’d walk somewhere and get some food. I can’t believe he actually laughed when I was being serious for once.

  “When have I ever taken it too far, Kitty Kat?” Carson caught up to me.

  “Why would you tell Miles and Becca that we were together? I’m not your girlfriend. We don’t like each other like that. Our families are just close. You’re my twin’s best friend. What if Miles wanted to ask me out again or go to prom with me? Have you thought about that, you complete jackass?”

  I didn’t even take a couple of steps before Carson grabbed my arm. I turned to face him; the unmasked anger took over his flawless features. It caused my breathing to get lodged in my throat for a moment. I have never experienced Carson’s anger for myself. I’ve seen it displayed at the house parties when someone did something stupid but never towards me.

  “Get in the car, Kitty Kat,” although his v
oice was soft, his tone was laced with venom.

  I tried to get out of his grasp but the more I pulled, the tighter he held on.

  “Fuck Bubba, let go!” I pushed at his chest, yet he didn’t budge.

  If anything, he seemed to be getting angrier.

  “Just get in the fucking car, Katerina. You’ve got two options, either I lift you up and throw you in my truck or you walk your pretty little ass there ya self.”

  I knew that I was supposed to be upset but how could I not falter with the way his accent deepened and the fact that he called me pretty? I wasn’t going to admit it right now, but I was, in fact, turned the fuck on. I rolled my eyes at him and stomped my pretty little ass to his truck. I got in his all-black F-150 making sure that after stressing my ass to hop in, I slammed the door hard. He flinched before he turned to walk towards his car too. I almost laughed but decided to hold it in. I knew it was brand new, but he could kiss my ass. Carson climbed in and didn’t say anything nor drive off for a minute. I didn’t like the silence, so I decided to say my peace and get the fuck out.

  “Look asshole,” I started turning to face him. “Just because I got in your truck doesn’t mean I forgive you for manhandling me and yelling at my ass like you’re my father. Sweetie, I have one father and let me remind you that his name is Matthew Angelo Di’Maggio. Don’t ever yell at me again!” I didn’t realize that I was yelling.

  “Hop.” Was the only word he said to me as he still stared at something straight ahead.

  “What?” I was confused.

  “You didn’t get in my truck, you hopped in.” He turned to face me, and I could tell he was holding in his laughter.

  I rolled my eyes breaking too as I smiled.


  “But,” Carson began as he suddenly moved into my space. I tried to lean all the way back hitting the inside of the car door. He eyed me from my rising chest to my lips and back up to my eyes. “Let me be clear here, Katerina. I won’t say it again so hear me well, will you?”

  Carson licked his lips before he continued,

  “I don’t fucking joke around too much. What I say, I fucking mean. I want you and you are mine. No one can have you but me. These pussy ass boys don’t know what the fuck to do with you, but I do. All that sass you throw at me, I eat it all up because darlin’, it drives me wild.” He gripped my jaw, this time he tightened his hold making sure I didn’t look anywhere else but him. “I won’t ask you to be my girlfriend because you’ve already given me your answer the first time I moved here and laid my eyes on you. I can see how much you want me because I want you just the same. I’m yours just the same.”

  I didn’t know what to say because my heart was beating so damn fast. I had never had someone talk to me like Carson was talking to me, but I didn’t hate it. It was crude, disgusting the way he was ordering me around but damn it; I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t love it. I failed every feminist out there and we all knew it. Surely, my father was loading his guns already to shoot this country boy and his brothers would join him. Uncle Mike might actually slit his throat and as for Uncle Gabriel, sure he likes Carson but he’d just as much whack him over the head repeatedly with a baseball bat for gripping my jaw so tight.

  “Are you though?” I gazed into his eyes, this time facing him as boldly as he was facing me.

  “I am.” He replied.

  I opened my mouth to protest but Carson took this moment to pull me into a kiss so scorching I thought my panties were burned and I wasn’t even wearing any. I moaned into his mouth as his tongue slipped in. I shuddered as I wrapped my arm around his neck, my fingers trapping themselves in his hair. I tugged as he bit my tongue then sucked on it like his life depended on it.

  Carson pulled away from my lips, but I felt his nose buried into my neck as he inhaled. I felt his lips on my neck as they formed a smile which I just knew wasn’t up to no good.

  “You just jumped off the cliff, Lil’ darlin’.”

  “Fuck.” I groaned and he laughed, the sound frizzing whatever sense was left in my brain.



  I knew better than to do more than lock lips with Katerina. I wasn’t ever going to push her for more unless she wanted me to do more. I shook my head as I focused while we were about to run another play. I smiled not wanting to but having to put Katerina to the side so I could concentrate. When it came to football, there was nothing else that I loved more. I played football just like my grandfather. I got the skill from my mother’s side of the family. Even though she wasn’t there to watch me play any games, my grandparents tried to make the important games and I loved them for it. I knew where I wanted to go to school and I was not hesitant at all, my dad sent me a text letting me know that the mail came in today. I could feel it that one had to be from USC.


  After practice, we hit the locker room so we could shower. I was getting ready when Tony clapped my back,

  “You taking Kitty home?” he asked as he got dressed.

  “Yep. Said I would.” I replied as I got dressed as well.

  “Alright cool. Guess what?”

  I could tell that Tony was excited by his tone, I put on my last material of clothing and looked up at him as he stood there with his gym bag.

  “What’s up?” I asked.

  “I got in!” He screamed.

  “No fucking way dude! You’re officially a fucking Gator?”

  “Hell fucking yeah!” Tony replied.

  I walked the little steps to him and hugged him. I was proud of him. He always wanted to be a Gator and I was so glad he got it. After the hug, I collected my stuff so that we could walk out.

  “Have you told your parents?” I asked him as we walked to the parking lot.

  “My Dad is so damn happy and Mom is just glad that I’m staying close by instead of leaving like the rebel, Kitty.”

  I pulled my phone out to text her so she could meet me at the parking lot.

  Me: Ooo Kitty Kat…

  Katerina: Already here, pussy.

  I chuckled, shaking my head as I showed Tony the text that she sent. He laughed right along with me.

  “Something is off about this one. I’m telling you; she learned this behavior from Unc.” I laughed some more because I knew he was referring to their Uncle Gabriel, he was a funny man.

  I texted Katerina back.

  Me: Meow Lil Darlin’

  Me: Speaking of pussy…

  I knew that would have her wondering what I was talking about. I tucked my phone into my pocket as I continued to talk to Tony.

  “I’m so nervous because I really want to go to USC. Dad said there is some mail for me at home, but I mean if not USC then Tennessee, baby.”

  “Bro, you’ll get in. It’s you! You’re Carson Bubba McDermott! You’ve been big news before you even moved out here. Shit, I don’t think they’ve seen such a great ass quarterback at your level. Dude, you’re only in High School. Just imagine how much better you’ll be playing College and then BOOM! Pro.”

  “Damn brother, when ya put it like that, it makes me feel all special inside and whatnot.” I chuckled.

  Tony clapped a hand on my back,

  “I bet you it’s USC,” he said as he began walking towards his Navigator. “Thanks for dropping munchkin again.” He nodded towards Katerina who was hanging back on the phone leaning on my truck.

  I smiled, looking at Tony and winking.

  “Now you know I’m a southern gentleman, we always make sure that our Lil’ Darlins are good to go.”

  Tony shook his head,

  “Southern bullshit is what it is.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh with him.


  I pressed my fob so that the doors unlocked for Katerina. She glanced up at me, she didn’t stop her phone conversation but the way she eyed me made me want to lick her from head to toe. I licked my lips thinking of how hard it was for me to stop kissing her and go to practice. I have never had
a dry humping session that I could remember. She was hard to resist. She followed every movement my tongue made, and she smirked as she made her way into the truck.

  When I finally got into the truck, she was off the phone and putting on her seatbelt. I eyed her from her pretty little head to her canvas shoes covered feet. Between practice and now, she had put her hair up in a bun. I wanted to reach out and touch the back of her neck.

  “Take a picture, it lasts longer.” She said as she focused her attention on her phone.

  “So childish,” I said which caused her to snicker before I started the truck. I drove out of the school parking lot driving in the direction of my house instead of hers.

  “Where are we going?” She asked.

  “My house, I’m way too nervous. I have to see what mail came in today.”

  “Please tell me there’s food. I’m so hungry, I could eat an entire horse.” Katerina exclaimed.

  I laughed,

  “I’m sure we can order something. What do you want? Chinese?” I teased.

  I looked her way while we were at a red light. I was glad I did because she placed a hand over her heart and peered at me through her eyelashes.

  “Oh darlin’, a man after my own heart,” She attempted her best Tennessee accent.

  “I do not sound like that,” I knew I had a goofy smile on my face from the way she was smiling at me.

  “You do,” she said. “Now, drive. People are starting to honk at you, crazy boy.”

  “You haven’ seen crazy jus yet, darlin’,” I said still refusing to drive off.

  The cars were really honking at me thinking I was going to move when I didn’t feel like it.

  “Why are you not moving, Carson?” Katerina asked me.

  “I want a kiss,” I said as a matter of fact.

  Katerina laughed.

  “What in the entire hell? Okay, I’ll give you one when we get to your house. What I won’t do is get cussed out because you think you’ll die if you don’t taste my lips.”

  I gave her my best puppy dog eyes which she threw her hand over her mouth to stop from laughing even louder. I knew it was good and silly when she snorted.


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