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Dear, Carson McDermott (The Dear letters Series Book 1)

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by King Ellie

“Did I pull it off?” I asked her.

  She nodded, trying to get her laughing in control.

  “Just drive before I slap the shit out of you.” She threatened through her laughing fit.

  The light thankfully turned green again, I began driving off.

  “You promise, darlin’?”

  She scoffed.


  When we got to my house, Katerina went straight to the pantry. She knew where we kept the good stuff.

  “You want something?” She called out.

  “No, I’m good. I’m trying to cut down a Lil’ bit,” I dropped my backpack near the door as I checked the mail on the little side table we had near the front door.

  I didn’t even hear anything else she said as the USC envelope was there. I opened it not caring about the other envelopes that fell to my feet.

  I bit my lip as I pulled the paper out and read the contents. My eyes widened as I screamed, causing Katerina to run back to where I still stood.

  “What? What?” She asked.

  I dropped the paper, picking her up as I spun us both. She started laughing, still wondering what the hell was going on. I placed her on her feet as I ran throughout the gigantic house. Finally, I made it back to where Katerina was which was sitting on the kitchen island with one leg over the other while eating some chips in one hand and probably ordering her Chinese food in the other on her phone. I didn’t think before I acted. I walked overtaking her leg off the other and making space for me to stand in between them.

  “Can I get one?” I asked just as she finished eating one and was dipping her hand back in the bag.

  “Sure,” she said as she took a chip out to hand to me.

  “Uhn uhn,” I shook my head. “I want what you promised me.”

  “I have chip breath and you want a kiss?” She teased.

  “Mhm, that I do darlin’. We’re celebratin’,” I didn’t wait for her to say anything this time as I leaned in kissing her just like how I’ve been wanting to since the first day I met her.

  I pulled away knowing that it was best to stop. Katerina slowly opened her eyes and smiled at me,

  “I don’t think I’m going to get used to you doing that. I feel like I’m dreaming.”

  I gave her a couple of quick pecks,

  “well wake the fuck up darlin’ cause I’m gon’ keep kissin’ the hell outta ya.”

  She lightly chuckled.

  “I like that. Now, tell me, what are we celebrating?”

  “USC baby!”

  Katerina’s eyes widened.

  “Holy shit!”

  “What? I mean if it’s about us, I’ll come back and visit, and you can always come to see me. Or whatever university you go to.”

  She shook her head,

  “no, no that’s not it,” she said. “I just accepted their offer of admission in Occupational Therapy! I got an early offer of admissions because of my grades!”

  “Holy Fuck!” It was my turn to realize that Katerina and I were going to the same college.

  Chapter 4


  I was going to the same university as Carson. I couldn’t believe it, but I knew one person who would be just as ecstatic as me. I couldn’t wait to hop out of Carson’s truck, I knew him, he wasn’t going to leave instead he was going to come in and hang around with Tony hence why I didn’t bother saying goodbye. I ran in the house like a maniac,

  “Mama! Ma!” I yelled for my mother and I knew she was somewhere rolling her eyes, a gift I got from her.

  “She’s in her office, Carina. Must you yell for her?” My dad smiled at me as he came out of his home office dressed in jeans and a t-shirt.

  “Papa,” I walked into his open arms and hugged him tightly.

  “I’m going to miss you when you’re gone, Munchkin.”

  I inhaled his scent.

  I would never stop hugging my father as if I was still that little girl. Well, in a sense I was, he was much bigger than I was, he’s always been. Even though we just celebrated my father’s forty-fourth birthday, he still looked like he was in his early thirties. Mom hated the fact that young women in their twenties hit on my father. It wasn’t his fault that he was handsome and those signature Di’Maggio blue eyes took over. I blame mom for not letting him cut his hair. He appeased her by not cutting all of it off. Now, it stopped at his jawline, but he always had it up or pulled back with a band over it.

  My father still looked like he could fight every boy that came my way, but I was pretty sure he wanted to fight the men that hit on mom even more. Mom was now forty but ask me if she looked it. The term black don’t crack was very much true, she didn’t look a day over twenty-eight. She was still so beautiful and youthful even after having five kids. You wouldn’t even think she had that many kids. Most people thought she was my older sister and I had to let them know that my daddy wouldn’t appreciate that shit being said.

  “So, what is this? Giving your dad all the love when you know I’m your best friend?” I heard mom say from behind dad.

  I chuckled, giving dad one more tight hug as he kissed the top of my head. I let him go and poked my head out to the side. Mom was smiling at me, she looked beautiful. She was more relaxed because she was working from home today. She wore her yoga pants, a big tee which I was sure belonged to dad and her hair was up in a bun. Mom looked passed me and I knew she was looking at Carson then she eyed me with the biggest smile on her face. I had called her and told her all about what happened today, she truly was my best friend.

  “Mama, I have got some news for you!” I exclaimed and moved to her forgetting all about the boys. “We’ll be back!” I announced as I dragged mom out of the kitchen to her home office.

  “Bring me my wife back, Munchkin!” Dad shouted.

  “Yeah, yeah Old man, I’ll bring her back in one piece.”

  “Appreciate’ it,” he said, and I shook my head at how corny he was.


  When we got to her office, Mom shut her door and then she clapped her hands.

  “So, you and Bubba are finally a couple huh?” She said as she sat us both on her couch. “How do you feel?”

  “Oh sweet, sweet mama, it gets better.”

  “How so? Do tell munchkin,” she teased.

  I shook my head, laughing.

  “Mama, you and I are practically the same height.”

  “You’re the shortest one in the house Kitty, so you can’t even fault me. You won the name fair and square.”

  She was right. Gabriella was turning fourteen and she was taller than both of us. Even the twins, who were twelve years old looked me in the eye. They were taller than me by an inch. It ticks me off sometimes when the boys including Tony and dad gang up on me. They put all the food that I like on the higher shelves, and one time, they stuffed me in a damn box thinking it was funny, but I was pissed. I fought the twins and almost killed Tony, but dad pulled me into his arms calming me down and promised me that he would buy me a new gun. A custom made one too, I had never calmed down so fast before but that was because I was thinking of shooting Tony with it.

  I snapped out of the memory and concentrated on Mom once more,

  “True,” I agreed. “Oh yeah, so guess who’s going to USC with me?”

  “You’re lying! Bubba? I knew he would get in! he’s so damn talented! I never doubted him. Do you know how many schools wanted him? That kid is going to be something else.”

  I eyed my mom with a fascination.

  “Are you a McDermott fan, Ma?”

  She had the nerve to giggle.

  “What? It’s not my fault he’s talented. I’m telling you; he’s going to make it far as hell. Further than his grandfather did. Did you know that his mother’s father was a great football player and so was Bubba’s uncle? Now, it’s his turn to make them proud. I’m so proud of him.”

  I pursed my lips shaking my head,

  “you weren’t even this happy when I got in. You barely pay attention to when th
e band that I’m in performs at the games,” I rolled my eyes.

  Mom leaned in, kissing my forehead.

  “Aww, don’t be jealous honey. I’ll always be proud of you unless you drop out of school. I’m not about to be cool with that.”

  I laughed,

  “Mama, now you know how much I want to be an occupational therapist. I’ve been wanting this since Unc got injured and couldn’t play anymore. He was so sad about it that I made it my mission to always go to physiotherapy with him. Through that, I fell in love with it. I want to be there not just for Tony but also for Carson. If he ever gets hurt, God forbid but if he does, I want to be there. I want to help him and all the others. I’m just glad that we’re going to the same university! I’ll use him as my dummy.”

  Mom laughed,

  “that better be the only way you use him. I am too young to be a grandma.”

  I blushed.

  “Mama!” I screeched. “I am not having sex with anyone, oh my God! Who said anything about children? Jesus.”

  Mom had the nerve to shrug her shoulders at me as if she was all innocent.

  “What? I’m just saying.”

  I groaned, standing to leave her office before she asked me if I’m still a virgin or worse, she has the sex talk with me again.

  “Let’s go, Mama, I’ve got to return you to your husband before he comes in here crying me a river.”

  Mom had the nerve to gasp,

  “My man does not cry. He grovels a little bit but never does he ever cry. Respect him, will you?” she winked at me as she took my hand that I extended to her.



  When Katerina left me there with her father, I quickly said my hellos and made my way to Tony’s room. I knocked before coming in because I learned my lesson by seeing his bare ass. I had no desire to see Tony naked, ever.

  “Come in,” he answered.

  Tony was already playing Assassin’s creed on his gaming console without me.

  “Really?” I said as I bypassed his bed, took a left and sat on the couch next to him. “You couldn’t wait for the five minutes I told you to wait?”

  “Uhh… Five minutes is a long time for me especially when it comes to you.” He answered without taking his eyes off his game.

  I decided to wait until he was done with the game to announce my big news. He finished up and turned my way,

  “you said you had something to tell me? Don’t tell me…” He didn’t say anything but the look on my face definitely gave it away.

  “Yeah man!”

  “Holy shit!” Tony shouted as he jumped off his couch and left the room running down the stairs.

  I followed him, hearing where he was causing a commotion.

  I found him in the living room, letting his entire family know where I chose to go! When Mr. Di’Maggio spotted me, he stood and Lil.

  “Congrats son. This is what you wanted Bubba and you got in! You deserve it. You worked hard.”

  “You did it, Bubba,” Mrs. Di’Maggio hugged me next, and as I was about to let go, she whispered in my ear, “I’m glad you’ve finally asked my daughter out instead of just looking at her from afar.”

  When we got out of the embrace, my eyes were wide. I wasn’t sure what to say to her but the smile she gave me, reassured me that she was team Bubba. I smiled back wide, glad for the two accomplishments that I had achieved today. One, for finally making the only girl that made me drool over her my girlfriend and two, for getting into USC.

  Next, the twins congratulated me along with Gabriella, who honestly couldn’t give a shit but because every time she called when she wanted to do a new YouTube video for her channel, I never hesitated to say yes, she smiled brightly at me giving me the biggest hug ever. Last came the one girl that I had to pay attention to when I was hugging her in front of her father and brother since they didn’t know yet.

  I eyed Katerina; she had changed. Now she was wearing baggy sweats, a t-shirt, and sneakers. Where the hell was she going? I opened my mouth to ask but she beat me to it by hugging me causing my thoughts to be jumbled. She hugged me tightly making sure I felt her entire upper body on me. I started wrapping my arms around her forgetting about where we were, and she let me go abruptly.

  “Alright, everyone! I’m spending the rest of my day with Cassie. Don’t miss me too much!”

  Katerina winked at me and walked out.


  Hours passed by and I was ready to get my ass home before I passed out at Tony’s. I stood going to the guest bathroom before I came back to say goodnight. I didn’t even make it all the way out of Tony’s room when I was pulled into the opposite direction. I didn’t even have to guess who it was; I didn’t speak until we were safe in her room. Katerina slammed her door, locking it in the process. She crossed her arms over her chest,

  “why didn’t you text me back? I’ve been texting you for hours.” She scowled and it brought a smirk to my face.

  “Hold that thought,” I said to her as I went into her bathroom.

  Did she think I was signaling her when I needed to use the damn bathroom? After finishing my business and washing my hands, I made it out to where she was.

  She had changed and was ready for bed. She was under her covers with what she called a bonnet covering her hair.

  “You’re so damn cute,” I said to her as I got closer and crouched down so that I was eye level with her laying her head down on her pillow. “You mad at me, baby? Don’t be upset with me Lil’ darlin’. I’m not used to having a girl, I’ll do better next time. I promise.” I reassured her.

  “Don’t ignore me,” she said in a small voice. “I hate that feeling.”

  I really took her in this time. This was another Katerina, one that not too many people have seen. This one only came out when she was drunk, and her walls were down. I reached out caressing her face with my thumb. I lingered on her cheek.

  “I missed you today,” I admitted to her. She scoffed trying to play it off, but I saw the ghost of a smile on her face. “Did you miss me, baby?”

  She nodded,


  “Say it,” I asked her as I traced over her lips with my thumb.

  “Say what?” She asked not sure what I was asking.

  “Call me baby, I wanna hear it.”

  This time, she did smile.


  You would think she told me that she was going to marry me and never leave with the way my heart soared. I leaned in forgetting about everything else and kissed her. I didn’t deepen the kiss knowing that I wouldn’t leave after it. I reluctantly pulled away, as she kept her eyes shut.

  “Have a good night, my Lil’ darlin’.”

  “Goodnight, baby. Text me when you’re home and maybe I won’t ignore it,” Katerina teased even with her eyes shut.

  I lightly chuckled trying not to indicate that I was in her room. I gave her a couple of pecks not wanting to leave but then I gave her a kiss on her forehead, taking my final leave for the night.

  Chapter 5


  I heard my phone vibrating, what time was it and who the hell was calling me? I groaned as I fought my way out of my bedsheets. Dammit, I hated how tangled I got in my sheets. Finally, I reached out for my phone, opening one eye and pressing the green button without even reading over the name. It was probably Cassie calling about the same college guy that she’s been hooking up with. I sighed,

  “please don’t tell me he stood you up again and you have no ride back home. I told you to drop his ass a million times, bitch.”

  A burst of laughter infiltrated my ears and I instantly woke up,

  “This sounds like a situation I wasn’t supposed to know about, Lil darlin’.”

  I smiled at the sound of Carson’s voice.

  “Weren’t you supposed to text me when you got home?” I asked.

  “I did and when you didn’t reply, I figured you were asleep. Couldn’t wait to dream about me huh?” He te

  “I couldn’t wait to dream about Brad Stevenson, he was the last person to text me tonight before I fell asleep.”

  Carson made a sort of growl sound,

  “Please, don’t make me headbutt Brad with my helmet on. I really will and I’ll choke him until he passes out. Then, I’ll wait until he wakes up so I can give him a good ole’ country ass-whoopin'. Darlin’ chill out, alright?”

  I couldn’t help it as I started laughing and I had to cover my mouth so that I didn’t wake the entire house,

  “I’m just playing with you. Don’t hurt him, he’s my lab partner and he texted me about our final project that’s all,” I clarified before laughing again.

  “So, I can’t hit him tomorrow?” He asked me.

  “No, Bubba, you can’t hit Brad Stevenson.”

  “What about Miles? Can I hit him?” he asked.

  My eyebrows shot up even though he couldn’t see me.

  “Miles? What does he have to do with this?”

  “I don’t like em’. I don’t like the way he looks at you. The way he thinks he can ever be with you again. No one’s ever gonna have that chance again. We’re it for each other darlin’.”

  I tried my best to breathe but what he was saying to me was what I always wanted to hear from him. I didn’t think that this was ever going to happen between us, and it felt like a dream for me.

  “I,” I almost told him I loved him, but I knew it was too early. I didn’t want to scare him off or rather jinx it when we hadn’t even been dating for more than twenty-four hours.

  “Me too, darlin’.” He answered making me smile.

  There was a feeling, one I didn’t think could ever be gone. I felt like someone lifted me off my bed and had me floating on a nonexistent cloud. I never wanted to get off it and I don’t think I could. I was scared because I knew deep down, no one could take this feeling away from me. I don’t think I could ever feel this way about anyone else. Wasn’t I too young for this feeling? What was I going to do about it? What were we going to do?


  I cleared my throat,

  “what did you call me for again?” I asked trying to avoid what just happened.

  “I just couldn’ believe that you actually said yes to being my girlfriend, so I had to call and double-check.”


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