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Rodeo Summer: A Camden Ranch Novel

Page 9

by Jillian Neal

  “No,” she defied. The fire in her eyes exploded in a fierce blaze. “No, I don’t want to slow it down. I don’t want your sweet, gentle side. I know it’s who you are. You’ve been showing me ever since you bought me dinner last night, but I know there’s another side to you, too. I know there’s a beast inside of you. I can see it when you ride. I can see you try to tame it when you look at me, when you touch me. That’s what I want. I’m not some delicate little flower that wants you to be a gentleman in bed. I’m a fucking cowgirl, even if I don’t ride anymore, and I want to see you raw, and wild, and being a man. Believe me, I can take it, so give it to me. Let it all go. Show me the side you keep hidden from everyone else. I want the beast.”

  A low, ravenous groan thundered from his chest. All orders he’d been giving himself to slow it down were vanquished by her requests. Never before had a woman demanded what he so desperately wanted, what he craved. “Just remember you said that, baby. Cause I’m about to give you exactly what you asked for.”

  “Yes,” she hissed as he lifted her into his arms and tossed her on the bed, removing her boots, socks, and jeans in three split-second steps. He ripped the cheap satin panties from her. They were already half-torn, and impatience drove his every move.

  “I’ll buy you some more,” he managed in a husky grunt. A loud moan of approval rang from Summer. Her body writhed and rolled against the sheets, so anxious. His mouth watered as he watched her tits bounce from the motion. His laser-focused eyes tracked down her body. His mind listed every single thing he longed to do to her. He’d fuck those beautiful tits, squirt his cum all over her chest. Mark her thoroughly with his bites. Taunt her throbbing nipples until she begged. Show her who she now belonged to. Make her drink him so he could taste himself in her mouth. Suck and tease that sweet clit, make her scream until her throat was raw. Turn her over take her tight, puckered little ass slowly, gently, until she opened for him. Show her how intimate it could be between them. And, my God, he was gonna own every centimeter of her slick fevered pussy over and over again until she couldn’t remember her own name, until all she knew was his.

  He traced his fingers along her pouty slit, wet, full, and perfect. The essence of her, wild and ripe, filled his lungs as he fell to his knees and jerked her ass to the side of the mattress. “Legs over my shoulders, right now.”

  Austin’s gruff commands sent another rush of wetness over Summer’s pussy. They’d barely gotten started, and she’d never been more aroused. She’d never felt more beautiful or more willing.

  “I said now, honey.”

  Lost in what he might request next, she’d forgotten to obey. Looping her legs over his broad shoulders, her body writhed in unbearable desperation to be owned.

  “Watch me,” he ordered. She lifted her head and simultaneously felt the wet rasp of his tongue bathing her slit. Barely able to breathe, she stared at his darkened eyes. His expression was loaded with undiluted sin as he began to coax and suckle at her clit.

  A whimpered moan shook through her body. So close. She’d needed this for far too long. Just a little more. Unable to remain up on her elbows, she slid back to the mattress, entranced by his ardor for her pussy. His sucks grew in intensity and length. Drawing her clit into his mouth he allowed her one suck and then slowly, keenly pulled away, making her distend fully. He blew cold breath over her, making her exhale in racked groans as he denied her the orgasm she so desperately craved.

  “Oh my God.” She couldn’t remain still. He rendered her mindless.

  His hands clamped tight over her hipbones and ass. The boundless strength of his arms anchored her to the mattress. She couldn’t move. “Be still and let me enjoy you, then I’ll give you a taste of your candy.”

  Another intense moan was all she could manage. His inquisitive tongue tasted at her opening, slicked upwards for another drawing suck of her clit, then dipped lower to spin around her perineum. “Oh, God, Austin, please, please.” She had no idea why that felt so astoundingly good, but she knew she couldn’t take much more. Apparently there was no spot on her body that he didn’t want to claim. That knowledge alone nearly brought her.

  A persistent hum rang in her ears. His tongue reversed its path from her ass back to her opening, then to her clit where he indulged her with hot lashes.

  “Please,” she whimpered again.

  A hungry growl reverberated against her. His eyes flashed with uninhibited carnality. She shook with need. Finally, mercifully, he sucked until she was certain she was flying. Her soul unhinged. Everything in her life that kept her shackled and bound sprung free. Pure, unadulterated pleasure erupted from her core and sizzled outwards through her veins. She quaked, tightening her thighs against his five o’clock shadow, letting the friction amp her to unexplored heights. Every nerve ending from her top of scalp to the bottom of her feet exulted in the orgasm. She cried out in broken syllables of gratification.

  She became aware of the audible friction of Austin releasing his belt from its trappings and his jeans hitting the floor. Time seemed a variable concept. She was lost in elation. Awareness came back to her slowly. She felt his hot breath travel up her thighs as he crawled over her like a lion slowly tracking its prey.

  “You taste so damn good, darlin’. Makes me fucking hungry for more. Taste us together.” He fused his mouth to hers, parting the seam of her lips forcefully until she accepted and sucked her own flavor from his tongue. A hum of erotic approval purred in the back of her throat from the order. She wiggled when his fingers moved back and forth from her clit to her opening, gathering more of the dew he was able to draw from her with ease. Their tongues tangled in an erotic dance until he lifted his head and traced her lips with his wet fingers. “Take more.”

  She accepted his fingers, sucking and enjoying the salty resin flavor of him more than her own essence. Liquid heat dripped down her thighs.

  He pulled his hand away and gently stroked along her cheek bone, brushing her hair from her face. “You come so sweet, darlin’. So pretty. I want to watch this time. Show me how you bring yourself. Show me how my girl likes to be touched.” With that directive, he took her hand in his and proceeded to suck her fingers until they were wet enough for his purposes.

  Summer’s stomach jolted at the thought of touching herself while he watched. Nervous energy twisted up her spine. She started to refuse, but chickening out was definitely not her style.

  “Show me,” his orders became more and more gruff when she didn’t comply. Damn if that didn’t just make her wetter. He placed her his hands over hers and laid them on her breasts. “Imagine me doing every single thing you’ve ever fantasized about. Show me where you want my hands and where you want my first mark, so you know you’re mine. Right now, honey.”

  The lust in his graveled tone mixed in a seductive cocktail with the wild girl she’d once been, the desire to be with him in every possible way, and the seductress she always wanted to be. Her many selves seemed to unite in him. He released her hands, and she began to grope her breasts. She wasn’t gentle, showing him exactly how she wanted to be manhandled. A low, rumbled murmur escaped him. “You like it rough like that, sugar?”

  Her body bucked off the mattress. She spread her legs further, knowing he watched her every move and wanting to give him one hell of a show. “Yes,” gasped from her lips.

  “You’re driving me wild. Where do you want my mouth, Summer? Show me.”

  She centered in on her nipples, stoking over them, twisting and pinching before moving back out to grasp the heft of her breasts.

  “Am I sucking or biting?”


  “That’s right, honey. Now keep going.”

  She let her hands glide down her abdomen, lost in the rumbled thunder of his moans. When she separated her swollen, tender pussy lips, getting her fingers wet and stroking her clit, a guttural growl echoed around her. She stroked faster. Her thighs tensed. She got closer, imagining Austin’s dick moving back and forth instead of her fingers.

  “So damn beautiful. My God. I can’t wait much longer.”

  “Good,” her breaths tensed with the word.

  “Inside now. I want to watch.”

  Too far gone to argue, she slipped her ring and middle finger inside her overly-sensitized channel and used her thumb to continue tempting her clit.

  Fucking hell, his little vixen was going to make him come long before he intended. She put on one hell of a show, but he could tell she was still nervous. “You ready to come for me, honey?” He was unable to halt the commands that continually poured from his mouth, and damn if she didn’t love to comply. Every word he spoke made her body twist with need. Her moans were intoxicating. That pretty little pussy was so wet he could fuck her all night long.

  With another few strokes, she grunted in frustration. “Relax. Just let it come.” She obviously needed a little help, and he was only too happy to step in. He spun his tongue over each of her nipples, then nipped them forcefully. She gasped for breath. He left fiery trails with his tongue up her chest until he reached the apex of her shoulder, to the sweet spot where it joined her neck. He brushed a kiss there and she thrust her hips upwards, desperate to be owned. Perfection.

  “All mine.” He sank his teeth into her satin skin and sucked until her body bowed. She came with a harsh cry of relent. “That’s it.” He watched her body tremble from the climaxes. “So damn beautiful. I need to be inside of you right fucking now.”

  Austin had intended to provide a little more foreplay. Next time, he told himself as he quickly rolled on a condom and centered his hips between her legs. He lowered his head to her right breast and drew it into the heat of his mouth as he spread her legs and thrust into her fully.

  Her sweet little gasp was yet another thing he found perfect about her. She trembled against his size. “So tight aren’t you, honey? It has been a while. I’m gonna go slow, just relax and let me make it feel good.” He pinned her arms over her head and slowly entered her again and again, gaining ground with each fervent pass, slicking his cock with her dew, feeling her wet curls tease at his sack. She drowned his cock in that warm honey she made so good for him. The silken walls of her pussy cradled tightly around him and began to nurse him rhythmically. He was fairly certain he’d died and gone to heaven.

  Ignoring the momentary pressure and slight pain of being opened for the first time in far too long, Summer flexed her muscles around him. His eyes flashed as another loud growl thundered from low in his chest.

  “Keep doing that, honey, and this’ll be over way too soon.”

  “Then give me more.”

  “Gladly.” He transitioned and began pistoning his hips, stroking that spot deep within her that she couldn’t ever seem to reach with every rapid thrust. Her entire body quaked. He kept her on the constant brink of another release. It hovered just out of reach, and he knew it.

  She stared up at him, letting her eyes beg since he’d robbed her of words.

  “Not yet, sweetheart. Not yet.”

  She wiggled back and forth, trying to provide her own friction. She was so close. It was right there.

  “I said not yet. Stop trying to make yourself come. Don’t think I won’t stop and paddle your hot little ass. I’m gonna take good care of you, but you’re gonna let it build for me.”

  A shuddered moan quaked from her lungs. She obeyed, giving herself over to the all-consuming feelings he provided. Euphoria sizzled in her veins. Every cell in her body pulsed, desperate for the explosive release he endlessly built. Raw masculinity filled her lungs, primal and decisive. She ran her hands over his shoulders, loving the way his muscles rippled under her fingertips. Sweat dewed on his back. She pulled him closer, running her hands down the long, lean muscles contracting with the effort of his thrusts. She grasped his ass leaving marks with her fingernails, making him groan in elation. He loved it. She knew he would.

  His commands in no way dampened the sense of security being in bed with him provided. She’d never experienced anything that felt so right. The connection between them grew with every thrust. She never wanted this to end.

  Suddenly, he gripped her hips and thrust hard, burying himself to his hilt, and she spiraled over from the apex of the highest mountain. Her muscles cinched tightly around his cock. Her climax pulled his from him. A roar of satisfaction barreled through him. His lips took hers with greed as he gave another thrust deep within her.

  When he lifted his head, they both gasped for breath, staring at one another in disbelief. Summer tried to decipher what she was feeling beyond the bliss-filled haze of euphoria he’d so generously provided.

  “I’m not finished with you, honey. You make me so fucking hard. I told you I can go all night. You up for another round?”

  Dear Lord. He wasn’t kidding. How was this even possible? Her entire body had taken on the consistency of a jellyfish. She’d never in her life felt more bone-deep satisfaction, and he wanted to do it again. Summoning strength from somewhere she didn’t even know existed, she managed to tense her pelvic muscles slightly. Indeed, he was rapidly stiffening inside of her. “Can I have just one second?”

  “No problem.” Gently, he withdrew and threw away what she assumed would be the first of many used condoms, given that he’d placed an entire box on the bedside table. Slipping back down in the bed, he drew her up onto his chest and cradled her in his arms. All sense of her hard-lined lover disappeared, and her sweet, protective, cocky Austin returned. She had no concept of being cared for like this. All she knew was she wanted more.

  “That was amazing. You are amazing.” He cossetted her closer and whispered kisses in her hair. His callused hands gently moved over her body, settling her, contenting her. “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of this, Summer. I’ve never been with anyone that made me feel this way.”

  Apparently, if you wanted Austin Camden to confess his true feelings all you had to do was show him your deepest darkest secrets and then provide him with a mind-blowing orgasm.

  “I feel that way too, Austin, but after Cheyenne, J.J. and I have to …”

  His index finger over her lips halted any further communication. “I don’t want to hear about after Cheyenne right now. We’ll deal with after Cheyenne later. Right now, I want you again. Minute’s up, doll baby. I need more.”

  He turned her on her side and brushed kisses on the tender nape of her neck. A sigh escaped her as she closed her eyes. Every square inch of skin on her body was fevered and overly-sensitized. Once again, he knew. He was gentle this time. Blowing cool air along her shoulders before he peppered them with soft kisses. With a great deal of finesse, he positioned his right thigh between her legs, granting himself access to her pussy, still wet from her multiple releases.

  “It’s tender isn’t it, baby?”

  A nod was all she could manage. His fingers traced back and forth along her slit, not entering her, just preparing her for more.

  “So sweet, you feel so good. I’ll be gentle this time. I promise. Relax and open for me.” Her body relaxed at his request. She seemed to have no control over any of her own responses, and she willingly allowed him to guide her every move. Settling back against him, she felt his left arm tunnel under her side and gently grasp her right breast. He tucked her back safely against his chest, as his talented fingers entered her with a gentle explorative touch.

  She trembled against him. A low thrum of approval sounded in her ear. He pressed in further, and she was once again lost in the way he made her feel. Desired. Beautiful. Sexy. Loved? Maybe. She wasn’t sure if that’s what this was, and currently, she had no brain capacity with which to decide. Austin added another finger and located G-spot.

  “Oh, right there,” she gasped.

  A devilish chuckle sounded from him. “I know, sugar, and I’m gonna figure out where every single sweet spot is. I’m gonna know them all intimately.”

  As he continued to strum with his fingers, his lips returned to her shoulders and back. He suckled at her should
er blade until he’d left a mark of ownership there as well. She came a moment later.

  “Mmm, you like that don’t you? You like it when I mark you?”

  “Yes,” she panted for breath, “more.”

  “My God, you are perfect,” he grunted.

  Before her mind stopped spinning from the confessions that came from her mouth and the orgasms he drew from her body, he had another condom on. “Nice and easy this time.” He entered her slowly, just as he’d promised.

  She still couldn’t believe that he was hard again. Long, and stiff, and throbbing fiercely with need. All man and all hers. In and out, in perfect rhythm. When his fingers stroked over her clit, she cried out for him and for more. His thrusts picked up pace. She pressed back against him, letting him have her. This time his climax drove hers.

  She shook with it, trembling constantly, unable to open her eyes or do anything but be consumed by him. He gripped her tightly, tensing with his release. When it freed him, he continued to cradle her tenderly in his arm, kissing over the hickeys he’d left on her shoulders, then got up to dispense with the condom and turn out the light.

  Still dizzy and weak, she let him guide her up onto his chest. That sinfully-sexy chuckle of his made her grin, though she remained unable to open her eyes. She’d heard of being fucked to sleep, but it wasn’t something she’d ever experienced before. Sated exhaustion overtook her.

  “Go to sleep, sweetness. I’m pretty sure you’re already about halfway there. I’m driving you to Cheyenne tomorrow, so get some rest.”

  Summer wanted to argue. He wasn’t driving her. She was driving her. But she had no capacity with which to disagree, and she suspected that had been his plan. She’d deal with him in the morning. With a deep yawn, she passed out on his chest, certain her dreams couldn’t be any better than what she’d just lived in reality.


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