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The Boss's Fiance Box Set

Page 27

by Amanda Horton

  In New York, a uniformed chauffeur would be behind the wheel while she lounged at the back of the limo with her laptop on her knee. But that was her old lifestyle. Here in Spain, she drove herself. Simply slipping behind the wheel of her brand new Infiniti QX80 felt liberating. It was one of the perks of her exciting new life. Unlike being caught swimming in the nude by a complete stranger...

  She refused to even go there. Diane sized up her reflection in the car mirror and smiled. Dressed in an elegant pinstriped pantsuit paired with brown leather wedges, she knew she exuded the right amount of confidence.

  Today’s meeting was important. Honoring her husband’s memory was at the heart of her decision to move to Spain. Martinez had assured her that all legal documents were ready for her signature. Her checkbook was equally ready and she was eager to sign on the dotted line. In a few hours, the medical facility would be legally hers.

  She found a parking spot a street away from the office. She eased the Infiniti into the narrow slot and exited the car. Crossing a tree-lined boulevard, Diane spotted a brass plate with the facility logo. She stepped through the doors.

  “Buenos Dias.” The receptionist stood to greet her. “Señor Martinez will be with you soon.”

  Diane glanced at her watch. It was exactly eleven in the morning. “Soon” in Spain could mean a few minutes or hours. She certainly hoped it wasn’t the latter as she took a seat and flipped through a magazine. She hated waiting.

  When another door opened and revealed the presence of the balding lawyer with horn-rimmed glasses it was a relief. Martinez appeared to be highly strung. He constantly wiped his brow with a handkerchief, extending a raspy palm in greeting. “Señora Hawkins, it’s wonderful to see you again.”

  “Good morning, Martinez.” The lawyer was probably worried she might change her mind. To reassure him, Diane spoke confidently. “I’m ready to sign the deed.”

  “ So are we. There is just one small item that we need to discuss before we can er...proceed.”

  “What item? Your office signed the legal document stating that you are selling and I am buying. I’m here to sign the final document for the sale. I trust you have that ready for me?”

  “Yes. But there is someone I’d like you to meet before you make up your mind.”

  “I have made up my mind, Martinez. I don’t need anyone else to convince me to buy.”

  The lawyer paled. He dragged his handkerchief wildly across his face. “Please, Señora, this way…”

  Why is he acting so strangely? Diane followed him into a large meeting room. It had a long conference table and big windows that allowed the sunshine in. A man stood by one of the windows with his back turned towards them. Diane had an impression of a tall man wearing a crisp white linen shirt smartly tucked into tailored pants. She recognized the Versace palazzo belt cinched around his waist. She’d bought her son Wolfe that same belt for his birthday.

  But the belt wasn’t the only thing familiar about the man. Diane frowned at the brownish black hair styled in a man bun. But it wasn’t until he turned around and she saw the rest of the striking features that her world tilted. “You!”

  Martinez was startled. “You have met before?”

  He spoke first. “No, Martinez.We have never formally met but it’s a pleasure to meet her now. My name is Leon Alvaro.”

  Diane sucked in a deep breath. She would not allow herself to be intimidated. “Diane Hawkins,” she replied reaching for the hand Leon formally held out in greeting. His palm felt warm as he grasped hers firmly.

  Diane was certain of two things. One. Leon Alvaro had no intention of embarrassing her in front of the lawyer. Otherwise, why would he deny having met her? Two. He was even more gorgeous in the light of day. His eyes were green, not brown, as she’d initially thought.

  Martinez launched into a circuitous explanation about Leon Alvaro’s presence. He peppered his explanation with Spanish phrases, half of which meant nothing to Diane. She realized Leon Alvaro still had her hand in his. His eyes glinted and an ironic smile painted his lips.

  She tugged her hand free. “What is the meaning of this? I presume Mr. Alvaro has something to do with the small item you mentioned?”

  “Si…si, Señora. We promised to sell the facility to you. But the mayor of Torrevieja promised the same thing to Señor Alvaro. There was a miscommunication somewhere and I’m afraid…”

  “Why don’t you leave us for now?” Leon said. “I’m sure Mrs. Hawkins and I can come to an agreement about this, er...misunderstanding?”

  The lawyer left with a sigh of relief.

  Diane was tempted to call him back. She had no desire to be alone with this man. “Señor Alvaro, I’m sure you’ve had your fun. I wish to finish my business with the lawyer if you don’t mind.”

  “But I do mind, Diane…May I call you Diane?”

  Diane bristled.“No, you may not.”

  “Alright then, Señora Hawkins…I assure you this is not a joke. If you allowed me to introduce myself last night, then maybe—”

  She gave him a chilly stare. “That is not something I wish to discuss.”

  “I only meant that if we had talked then, perhaps we could have gotten to know each other. We would have sat down and talked and eventually discovered things like normal people do, instead of finding ourselves at cross-purposes in a meeting room.”

  “There was nothing normal about how we met,” Diane replied. “I intend to forget it. I suggest you do too.”

  “I will.” He ran a hand across his forehead and clicked his fingers. “There. Forgotten.” His green eyes stayed on her throughout the entire exchange.

  Diane felt defensive. “So, Señor Alvaro—”

  “Leon, please…”

  She squared her shoulders. “Señor Alvaro, would you like to explain how my business is now your business?” If William Hawkins had taught her anything in business it was to always be in command. This man was obviously not some local fisherman. He exuded power, something she was familiar with. Her dead husband and son Wolfe exuded that same aura of authority.

  “Let us talk.” Leon ushered her to a chair.

  Diane was very aware of his hand on her back. He sat next to her. She would have wanted him seated across from her with the table between them. His proximity bothered her.

  Leon recounted his side of the story, from his earlier offer, to the Mayor’s negligence. He dwelt on the pain of losing his mother and his determination to make sure no child suffered that loss unnecessarily. “So you see, I have a promise to fulfill to my mother.”

  Diane found it hard to focus on his words. Her eyes kept moving down to his lips as he spoke. And even more compelling was his perfect teeth, and the beard she suspected would feel soft to the touch. She wanted to reach out and see if her intuition was correct. “I’m touched by your motivation, Señor Alvaro. But I am propelled by the same need to honor my late husband. William spent his entire life improving the health of others, but when he fell sick, there was nothing medicine could do.”

  Leon tugged at his beard. “I hoped that I could make you change your mind about buying the facility.”

  Diane shook her head. “We are at an impasse Señor Alvaro. I have the same intentions. My husband was the most wonderful man I’ve ever met and I owe everything I have to him.”

  A meaningful silence ensued.

  “You are not backing down?” Leon asked.

  “No, definitely not.”

  “Then I fear you will encounter difficulties. A project of that magnitude will require permits to construct and operate. And it is the mayor of Torrevieja you will deal with for those. I am afraid the Mayor will make it hard for you.”

  Diane looked up sharply. “Are you threatening me?”

  “No, that was not my intention. But you have to understand the Spanish culture. We are men of our word. The mayor promised I would have it. It is the mayor’s pride, his word of honor that I am worried about.”

  Diane was stumped. Tha
t possibility was real. In a country whose culture was steeped in diverse influences, business was based on emotional rather than financial decisions. Diane wavered—but only momentarily. “I am not backing down. If I have to bring the entire law firm of my company in New York over here, then I will.”

  “I was afraid you’d say that. I can see that you are a very determined woman, Señora Hawkins. A lawsuit will take years to settle. We both lose in the end.” Leon let his words sink in. “I might have a solution.”

  Diane raised an eyebrow. “And what might that be?”

  Leon pushed back his chair and stood. “I’m afraid I do not have time to discuss it now. I have an appointment with the Prime Minister.”

  Diane narrowed her eyes. Was he playing some kind of joke? He reeled her in on purpose then dropped her like hot tamale.

  “I will see you tonight for dinner. We can discuss my plans then.”

  Diane’s eyes widened. What? Surely he’s not serious! “Señor Alvaro, I am not having dinner—”

  “You want the facility?”

  “More than anything in the world.”

  “Then we’ll discuss how you get what we want over dinner…” Leon’s eyes sparkled. “Under two conditions.”

  Diane crossed her arms. She had no intentions of being persuaded by this smooth-talking Spaniard. “And they are?”

  “First, you call me Leon. Second, you will be ready by 7:00p.m. I will come and fetch you.”

  Diane stared speechlessly as he moved to the door, opening it with a flourish, bending low to allow her to pass. She stalked through the door, refusing to be impressed by his gesture. Her head spun, as she tried to make sense of this turn of events. That man is impossible! The cheek of him... Does he really think he can take away my facility? Diane took a deep breath. She marched to her car, her head held high. If Leon Alvaro thought he could sweet-talk her into surrendering her dream, he was in for a big surprise.


  Inside his Ferrari, Leon whipped out his phone and googled William Hawkins. He tapped his fingers on the dashboard as he waited for information. The screen flashed and revealed to him a wealth of information. Most of them were obituaries, heaping praise on a man who had succeeded in both the business and humanitarian worlds.

  “Jesus…” he muttered as he read. William had not one, but three degrees. He’d founded the world’s leading pharmaceutical company, and despite donating millions to various charitable endeavors, had amassed a great fortune. “No wonder she wants to honor his memory. This man’s achievements would be hard to equal.”

  The thought was like an acrid taste. It surprised Leon. How on earth was he, a football player, supposed to compete with a man like that?

  Chapter Four

  Diane drove through the streets, her mind buzzing. Her cheeks still burned. I can’t remember ever being so flustered. How did Leon Alvaro have such an effect on her? She forced herself to focus on the road ahead and caught a glimpse of a striking mansion and slowed. Looking around her, Diane realized she was on an unfamiliar private road. Did I miss a turn? She urged the car forward, slowing to a stop beside the gate of an imposing residence. I wonder if I can turn around here...

  The sound of a dog barking caught her attention. Diane glanced at the wrought iron gates and flinched. “The dog from last night!”

  The dog straddled the gate. In the daylight, he didn’t seem as ferocious, more like a cuddly lion cub lost in a bear’s body. He seemed to recognize her, pawing the decorative metal work of the gate and barking again.

  “And if it’s the same dog...” Diane gulped. This is where Leon Alvaro lives!

  She looked behind her, as if expecting to see him. What if he showed up? He’ll think I’m stalking him. She backed out of the driveway hoping to avoid attracting more attention. Just my luck... The one man standing between my dream and me lives a stone’s throw away.

  She made it home without further incident. Tossing her jacket over the back of a seat, Diane headed straight for her laptop. She fired off an email to her secretary in New York with a request for information. In less than an hour, she had everything she needed to know about the man she’d reluctantly agreed to have dinner with.

  Leon’s profile was impressive. A millionaire at the age of twenty, he parlayed his earnings as Spain’s former premier league football player into a billion dollar industry. The football team he owned played matches in La Liga, the top-tier of Spain’s football league and were top-favorites in the upcoming European League Tournament.

  Diane’s eyes widened. He lived nearby. The men she’d seen jogging along the shore must be his players. We’re practically neighbors. There’s no way to avoid him...

  Perhaps the dinner wasn’t a bad thing after all. She could get the meeting over with quickly and get focused on the truly important part—starting work on the medical facility.

  Diane strolled over to her bedroom closet. She knew the power of clothing in setting the right tone. Leon Alvaro had rattled her that morning, but he wouldn’t have the chance again. This dinner is a business meeting—nothing more. Diane’s eyes widened at the inadvertent thought. Do I want it to be more?

  She ran her thoughts back over the man she’d encountered at the lawyer’s office. Leon was charming and polished, and obviously determined to get his way. He’s just a man—even if he is a devilishly attractive one. But I’m not going to lose my head for a man obviously much too young for me. The dinner was a calculated compliment, nothing more. Clearly he meant to butter her up, charming her into relinquishing the medical facility. That’s all it is. I’m foolish to read anything else into it.

  Hours later, she stood aghast at the pile of garments on her bed. Nothing in her extensive wardrobe was right. Either the outfit was low-cut and therefore too revealing, or too conservative and dull. I don’t want him to think I’m taken in by empty compliments...but at the same time I have to show him that I’m not intimidated by him.

  Eventually, she settled for a simple Valentino white blouse paired with classic slim trousers and nude heels. Stylish and age appropriate. Diane smoothed her hands over her hips. I’m sending the right message.

  And what message is that exactly? Margaret’s voice echoed in her mind.

  Diane rolled her eyes. I’m not the least attracted to him. She could imagine Margaret’s cocked eyebrow perfectly. So how do you explain the flurry of butterflies in the pit of your stomach? The report did say he was divorced...

  Nerves! Nothing more! Diane took a deep breath, looking at her face in the mirror. She was no longer young. Leon was not interested in her beyond gaining the medical facility. No doubt he’d prefer a hot young thing to share his bed. And if that report is true, he will have no shortage of women clamoring for his attention.

  Diane shook her head. She could never be a ‘hot young thing’ ever again. She doubted she ever was.

  Sighing, she picked up the brush and swept her hair up using a clip to hold it in place at the back of her head. A pair of diamond studded pearl earrings complimented the up-do. She completed her look with a Philip Stein Classic watch.

  At seven p.m, the doorbell rang. Diane’s heart leaped. Magdalena would open the door. She hesitated. Let him wait a few more minutes or go out to welcome him?“For crying out loud, this isn’t a date.”She grabbed a purse and walked out to greet her guest.

  Leon stood in the foyer, Magdalena gawking at him.“ElCarnicero…Dios Mio…ElCarnicero.”

  “Butcher? What are you talking about, Magdalena? ” The girl must have had too much sun. Dressed in casual jeans and a shirt topped with a light leather jacket, Leon Alvaro could never be mistaken for a butcher.

  Leon looked up at her voice, his green eyes travelling lightly over her ensemble. “She is referring to a nickname from when I used to play in the Spanish League. El Carnicero de Barcelona. Commentators said I left bodies on the field just like a butcher. I hope you don’t take it literally.”

  Diane shooed the awestruck maid back to her work. “I�
��m sorry about that, Señor Alvaro.”

  Leon held up a finger. “You agreed to call me Leon, remember?”

  “Okay...Leon.” Too late, Diane realized that she’d given him the first point. It won’t happen again.

  He led her to his car and opened the door. Diane recognized a Ferrari. It was similar to one of her son’s cars. As she settled herself on the passenger’s seat, Leon reached in and snapped the seatbelt across her chest.

  “Oh,” Diane exclaimed in surprise.

  “We have strict rules about using seatbelts. I hope you don’t mind.”

  He was so close she could smell his cologne. “No, of course not. It’s fine.”


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