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The Boss's Fiance Box Set

Page 32

by Amanda Horton

Diane nodded. “I promise, this time I won’t laugh.”

  Leon gathered her into his arms, scooping her up. “Trust me, when I get my hands on your body, you will not want to laugh.”

  I know. Diane pressed a kiss to his neck as he carried her to her bedroom. And I will never have enough of this.


  Leon took her to dinner dates, the cinema and concerts. She was a relative unknown in Barcelona but Leon was a famous personality and their appearance together often attracted the local paparazzi.

  Leon brought her to a charity event at the Grand Hotel Central, a black-tie affair where he planned to introduce her to the Prime Minister. Flashing light bulbs greeted them when she stepped out of his car. Leon assisted her up the steps. He was relaxed as they paused to have their picture taken, his arm around her shoulder.

  “You look so at ease. The cameras don’t bother you anymore?” Diane kept her voice low.

  “You found the perfect solution,” he whispered back. “Let’s do it again tonight.”

  Heat bloomed between her legs. Diane struggled to maintain a perfect smile for the media. She knew that it wouldn’t take long before they traced her background. A twinge of alarm appeared in the pit of her stomach. She brushed aside the prickly feeling as Leon took her arm and led her inside. Good thing everyone who knows me is four thousand miles away in New York City.


  Soon, Diane had an even bigger problem than the media to deal with: what to wear to Aunt Isabella’s birthday party? She was torn between an Elie Saab lace paneled silk crepe that showed some skin or a Versace cap sleeved dress that hugged her body.

  The Versace won. She looked simple yet elegant, with just the right amount of allure. The pearl-pink shade enhanced her sun-kissed skin. She let her hair hang free around her shoulders. Leon preferred it that way instead of severely tied to the back of her head.

  “Not bad for an old woman.”

  She heard the door open and knew Leon must have arrived. He had his own key. He’d once suggested she move in with him in his hilltop villa. Diane was flattered by the offer, but she declined offering him a key to her place instead. Leon understood.

  He came into the bedroom and stopped short.

  Diane held up her arms, allowing him to see the dress. “Is this okay?”

  He whistled. “You’ve never looked more beautiful. I’ll be the envy of every man at the party.”

  A frown creased her face. That was the last thing she wanted.

  He noticed her expression. “You look beautiful, querida. Even if you wore a jute bag, I’d still be the envy of every man. Of course, I prefer you naked...” He glanced at his watch. “We still have some time to spare...”

  “Oh no we don’t!” Diane scurried to the door.

  Leon laughed, followed her to the car.


  Sitges was a charming coastal town with mountain ranges towering in the distance, less than an hour’s drive from Barcelona. The journey mostly passed in silence, except when Leon told Diane the story behind Casa Alvaro, the place where Tia Isabella lived.

  “My mother and father grew up there. Their parents promised them to each other even when they were still children. When I started earning, I bought the surrounding properties and built a house for Tia Isabella. An assortment of uncles and cousins live within the property. That’s one great thing about having a huge family. Tia Isabella is never alone.”

  “Exactly how big is your family?” Diane asked.

  Leon shrugged. “About thirty to forty family members...but three of my cousins are expecting babies.”

  Diane’s nervousness increased. “That’s a whole village.”

  Leon smiled, reaching for her hand. “Don’t worry. They will love you.”

  “Do they know about me?”

  Leon shrugged. “My love life has always been a source of interest for my cousins.”

  “Oh god…” Diane groaned.

  Leon chuckled. “A Spaniard will only bring you home to meet his family if you’re truly special.” A frown crossed his face. “The last woman I brought over to meet them was my ex-wife.”

  Diane glanced at him. “I am special then?”

  “You know you are, querida.” Leon kissed her hand.

  The car slowed down to travel a gated driveway, following a winding path lined on both sides of the road with oak trees. Colorful paper lanterns swung in the breeze interspersed with countless fairy lights.

  A grand mansion stood apart from the other well-lit houses. As they drew near, Diane noted the red-tiled roof, stucco walls, and small patios with heavy wrought iron railing. Lights blazed in every nook and cars were parked everywhere.

  They halted at the end of the driveway. Distinctively carved columns led to the mansion’s foyer. Leon disembarked, tossing his keys to a uniformed valet before opening the door for Diane. They joined the stream of guests that entered the palatial home.

  Leon was greeted warmly as they made their way past the main hall and out into the back. White tents dotted the wide green lawn. Music from Spanish guitars mingled with the sound of laughter.

  “Leon!” His relatives descended upon them in a rush. There was a lot of exclamations and kissing from the women, and easy banter and childish shoving from the men. Easy to see where Leon gets his exuberance from.

  As Leon made the rounds of introductions, the women were particularly drawn to Diane.

  “Is she your girlfriend?” An elderly woman with heavy make-up asked unabashedly.

  “Si,” Leon replied.

  “Ah, then she should meet your third cousin Lucia. She always hoped you would marry her someday.” The woman put an arm around Diane’s elbow and led her away.

  Diane cast him a helpless look, but Leon simply rolled his eyes, shrugging to indicate his helplessness.

  Unlike Diane’s parties in New York where every seat had an attached nameplate, guests at this party could sit anywhere. The men sat together in a large circle, while the ladies pooled in smaller groups and gossiped.

  Which of them is Aunt Isabella? She turned to the girl seated beside her, one of Leon’s many cousins. “When will I have the chance to congratulate my hostess?”

  “Aunt Isabella will come down when dinner is served. In the meantime, have some cava.” The cousin beckoned a waiter who was passing drinks around.

  Diane took a glass with thanks. The wine was exactly what she needed to boost her confidence.

  As the night progressed, Diane found the company easy. The women teased their husbands or boyfriends in a deprecating manner. After the initial inquisitiveness, they accepted her as part of the group. The banter about her and Leon’s relationship was raunchy but strangely assuring. She felt accepted.

  Diane looked around and discovered Leon was gone. Service tables started being filled with food by uniformed waiters. It appeared dinner would soon be served.

  I must make a good impression on Aunt Isabella. Diane murmured apologies and headed for a bathroom. She wanted to retouch her makeup before the birthday celebrant appeared.

  She walked into the main house hoping to see Leon. He was nowhere in sight so she asked a passing waiter directions for the powder room. The man didn’t speak English. She mimed powdering her nose. He broke into a huge smile and pointed upward.

  Diane went up a flight of stairs leading to a hallway. She opened the door nearest the landing. Hopefully I won’t run into the birthday celebrant accidentally! She sighed with relief at the sight of the guest bathroom.

  As she removed her compact and touched up her face, the sound of voices floated in. Where is the sound coming from? The bathroom had another access door she’d overlooked. The voices came from that direction. This bathroom must be attached to a study. One of the voices caught her attention. Leon! He sounded annoyed.

  Diane hurriedly packed her make-up, intent on returning to the party. Suddenly, she heard her name. She stopped in her tracks.

  “Very well. If you’re so worried about being ov
erheard, we can talk in English.” Leon’s voice sounded exasperated. “But you must understand, I brought Diane here because I want you to meet her. She is important to me.”

  “Of course,” a woman’s voice replied, “And I’m glad that you did.”

  This must be Aunt Isabella! Diane’s eyes widened and she inched toward the door.

  “What did you want to speak to me about so privately?”

  “Don’t take this the wrong way. Remember, I love you like you are my own... But have you checked her background?”

  “I don’t need to. She has a list of accomplishments longer than my arm. If you are afraid that she is after my money, then you can rest easy. She probably has more than I do.”

  Diane’s mind whirled. Leon’s confidence in her made her heart soar. She waited breathlessly for Aunt Isabella’s response.

  “The last woman you brought here, you married. I had my doubts about Amy because she was so young. But you said you were in love so I gave you my blessing. I was proven right. She cheated on you, dragging you through a difficult divorce.”

  A muffled expletive from Leon followed.

  “I know you do not like talking about Amy,” Isabella continued. “But you brought this other woman here for a reason. I know you have been lonely. You need someone to take care of you.”

  “I take care of myself.” Leon replied coldly.

  “Si, I know you do. But you need a woman to do that for you. But that was not the only reason you married. You wanted a family, to have children of your own. Has that changed, hijo?”

  Diane tensed. Her breath caught in her throat.

  “No, Aunt Isabella. I still want children.”

  Diane’s heart dropped.

  “I thought so.” Isabella’s tone was measured. “Having children of your own to continue the Alvaro legacy is important. This woman that is here with you tonight… I understand there is a big difference in your ages.”

  “I don’t see how that is a problem.” Leon replied.

  “Can she give you the children that you want?”

  Diane shivered. She didn’t want to hear Leon’s reply. She hurried out, running down the stairs. Her heart beat like it would explode. Her knees felt weak. I need some time to recover. She turned away from the crowded lawn, dropping onto a wooden seat in a deserted flower garden.

  Aunt Isabella didn’t approve of her—and they hadn’t even met.

  The stigma of a relationship with a much younger man stared her in the face. She’d struggled with that fear at the start of their relationship. But Leon never seemed to care so she eventually shrugged it aside to be forgotten - Until now.

  What did I expect? From the very start I knew this affair with Leon would lead to nothing. I lied to myself that I didn’t want anything except the excitement that a lover would bring. Someone who made me feel young again, who gave me experiences I’d never had before... Leon brought that excitement into my life. Except that…

  Diane stopped in her tracks. A tremor passed through her body.

  Except that…I’ve fallen in love with him.

  She staggered forward, her knees all but buckling. I can’t fall in love with him. An affair like ours is not meant to be forever. I can’t have a permanent place in his life. I can’t give him the children he wants. Tears pricked her eyes. Aunt Isabella is right to be worried about him. Everything he worked for, all his achievements… There was no one who would carry on his name.

  Diane felt no resentment towards the old woman. Remembering the joy of having her newborn son placed in her arms, gazing at him for the first time, her heart ached for Leon. Denying him the chance to be a father... No, it’s too cruel!

  The thought didn’t ease the tightness inside her chest. It was like a clamp, constricting her and making it difficult to breathe. Leon and I have no future. All they had was now—and she was no longer confident it was enough. Without realizing it, she was in deep. Leon was her whole life now. The idea of giving up the bliss that had cloaked her since they first made love during the storm…It was so painful that it made her gag.

  “There you are, querida.” Leon hailed her. “I have been looking everywhere for you.”

  Diane avoided looking into his eyes. “I wasn’t feeling well. I think I’ve had too much cava.”

  Leon lifted her chin. “You look pale. Do you want me to bring you home?”

  Diane summoned a tremulous smile. “No! I haven’t even met your Aunt Isabella yet.”

  “We can do that some other time if you are not feeling well.”

  Diane hesitated. The offer was tempting. It would save her from having to meet someone who did not approve of her. Whether tonight or some other night, nothing will change. I need to do this. Why add to the old woman’s list of what not to like about me?

  “You brought me here specially to meet her. Let’s do it.” She grasped Leon’s arm and stood.

  Leon squeezed her hand. “She is eager to meet you.”

  Diane bit her lip. She couldn’t confess to him everything she just heard. She summoned her New York cool. She needed that now to get her through this night. “I’m eager to meet her too.” Plastering a smile on her face, she let Leon lead her back to the party.

  Chapter Ten

  Surprisingly, the meeting with Aunt Isabella was easier than Diane expected. The old lady was a gracious hostess. In fact, the grand matriarch reminded her of herself.

  Leon was ecstatic. “She likes you,” he announced on the way home.

  Diane smiled but didn’t reply.

  The days that followed were the most difficult. She struggled to keep from telling Leon she’d heard the conversation. Spending time with him was torture. She knew the right thing to do was to call off their relationship. But she couldn’t bring herself to do it even though she knew the longer she delayed the harder it would be in the end.

  The medical facility renovations proceeded at a frenzied pace, keeping Leon preoccupied. Diane was glad for the temporary reprieve, justifying her delay by telling herself the timing wasn’t right. She constantly battled with her decision, becoming depressed. She tortured herself by running over the same arguments over and over again in her head.

  Eventually, Leon noticed. One afternoon, he joined Diane in her office, leading her over to the window. “You have been strangely quiet today. Is something wrong?”

  “I’m fine,” she lied. “It’s just been a hectic week.”

  “I know what’s bugging you,” he teased encircling her with his arms. “It’s because I’ve been so busy. You miss me when I’m gone.”

  “Of course I do.” Diane rested her head against his chest. The smell of his cologne was a scent she would treasure forever. This is where I belong.

  “I miss you too Diane…more than you know.” He whispered.

  Diane looked into his eyes. The message of love clearly written there made her dilemma even more poignant. She lowered her gaze.

  “Talk to me, querida.”

  Diane shook her head. “It’s not the right time.” It’s never going to be the right time.

  Leon sighed. “There’s something I want to tell you.”

  Diane waited.

  “My ex-wife tried to call me. I refused to take her calls. I wanted you to know. There should be no secrets between us.”

  Her heart burst with happiness that Leon trusted her with such painful news. Then she remembered the decision she had been putting off. Guilt washed over her. “You know that big game you’ve been working so hard for? I’d like to come and watch your boys play.”

  “You would?” Leon’s eyes lit up. “I hesitated asking because you don’t seem to like football…and you are uncomfortable when we’re surrounded by other people.”

  She was touched by his thoughtfulness. “It will give me a chance to see you in action.”

  “I will be even more inspired knowing that you are there watching. There’s a VIP lounge where you can watch the game away from the crowds. You will have the best seat in the ho
use!” Leon said with his usual exuberance.

  Diane smiled and nodded, listening as he talked about his players and his hopes for the game. She didn’t understand the football lingo, but she understood his enthusiasm and delight only too well. Her heart sank at the thought of telling him their relationship had to end.


  Football was evidently very important to the Spanish people. Streets were jammed with pedestrians and traffic crawled to a stop. A holiday feel filled the air with people carrying banners and waving flags. Home team scarves and t-shirts were a common sight. Everyone headed towards Camp Nou, the site of the night’s game.


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