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The Boss's Fiance Box Set

Page 41

by Amanda Horton

  “Dance with me, Ana,” he said.

  “I-I don’t really know the tango that well,” Ana, replied.

  “Follow my lead,” Ricardo insisted.

  From beside her, Jonathan spoke and said, “Go Ana. Now’s a good time as any to find out if you two look good dancing together.”

  Ana had no choice except to concede as Ricardo led her to the dance floor. She knew the basic 8-count steps but that was it.

  “How difficult can this be,” she thought, as Ricardo’s arm slid across her back. His other hand clasped her right hand in a firm grip. He pulled her close to him so that his nose was only a few inches away from her face in a basic tango position.

  The dancer in Ana took over as Ricardo led. Ana found herself matching Ricardo’s timing and speed. There was no specific pattern to follow but his arm across her back signaled the measured and slithery movements, sometimes slow and sometimes quick. Ana began to enjoy the dance as her confidence built.

  “This is like auditioning again for the first time,” the thought occurred.

  Jonathan needed to know if there was chemistry between them. Besides, it would be one less worry in Lash’s mind if he saw how well they danced together, Ana assumed, stealing a glance at her boss. He was looking at them intently from where he sat.

  Ana imitated Ricardo’s sharp head movements adding her own drama to the dance, sensually swaying her hips, as Ricardo ran his hand across her back. He tipped her backwards holding her close, before stealing a quick peck on her check. Ana giggled as he led her across the floor, their legs working together in perfect rhythm. When the music reached its crescendo, Ricardo spun her around then held her close chest to chest. Ana wrapped one leg across the back of his thigh as the music ended.

  “That was fun,” Ana said turning to her partner who pulled her close and gave her a hug.

  A round of applause greeted them as they faced the guests and curtsied. Ana searched for Lash wanting to see the same approval that the crowd displayed. . His chair was empty and he was nowhere in sight. She felt disappointment wash all over her.

  Ana joined the circle of dancers who were talking with Jonathan.

  “Ana, that was great. I know you and Ricardo will make a perfect pair,” he enthused.

  The rest of the dancers seemed to approve as they applauded and hugged her. Ana looked around hoping to catch a glimpse of Lash. He was still nowhere to be found. Jonathan asked to speak and made the announcement that there would be some changes in the routine that everyone had been working on. A cry of displeasure erupted among the girls. Sudden changes in any routine meant additional hours of practice, something no one really appreciated.

  “Don’t you worry,” Jonathan assured them, “Lash decided that the changes will affect mostly Ana and Ricardo’s parts in the program. The rest of you bitches can rest easy and have a good time tonight,” Jonathan said shooing them away with a laugh.

  Ana wondered what changes Jonathan referred to. But since she and Ricardo still had to rehearse together, she didn’t really put too much importance on Jonathan’s announcement. She headed for the powder room wanting to repair her make-up as the rest of the cast and crew hit the dance floor.

  As she exited the powder room, a waiter approached and handed her a note. The note read, “meet me at the solarium. There’s something I need to show you. L.”

  “L” could only mean Lash, Ana thought.

  But where the hell was the solarium, she wondered as she passed the glass alcove overhung with vine trellises. She noticed that one of the paneling she thought was part of the wall was ajar. Ana stopped and peeked inside.

  “Lash?” Ana called out as she entered.

  She gasped as her eyes were greeted by rows upon rows of plants, shrubs, and various flowers of multicolored hues in pretty wicker baskets. She looked up and was surprised to see the stars. The roof of the greenhouse was retractable tent cover and was pulled back.

  “Over here,” she heard him call out.

  Ana followed the sound of his voice and saw him near foliage with stunning colors of red orange, purple and magenta. He had a shot glass in his hand. He raised it to his lips and drained the contents.

  His face was unreadable as she approached him.

  “You wanted to see me?” Ana asked. She thought he looked anxious and appeared to be struggling with an inner turmoil she couldn’t understand.

  A few seconds passed. “Ricardo… dancing with him tonight…do you think you can work with him,” Lash asked.

  Ana breathed a sigh of relief. Was Lash worried she wouldn’t want to work with Ricardo after knowing how desperately he needed Horne Calloway’s endorsement? Silly, she thought.

  “Yes, of course. I can work with him,” Ana replied adding enthusiasm to her voice and hoping he would be reassured. “I promised you, didn’t I? I’ll do everything I can to make opening night a success for you…for your mom’s memory,” Ana added softly.

  “Thank you,” he replied distractedly.

  A strange look crossed his face. One that Ana couldn’t understand. “What’s wrong Lash? Are you having doubts about Ricardo and I?”

  “No. No, it’s not that,” Lash replied as he came closer.

  In a room that was heady with the smell of vegetation, he stood close enough for Ana to breathe in his scent. It was like a drug she had consciously been battling and constantly losing. The look in his eyes confused her. It said he desired her, wanted her somehow. The thought was scary and she wanted to pull away but found herself helpless to do so. Instead she found herself sucked into it like a relentless tornado that wreaked havoc along its path. But she was absolutely certain about one thing -that there was nothing she could do to stop him from getting whatever it was he wanted. His nearness was like a heady spell, one that she had needed for quite some time now.

  Ana closed the distance between them as his arms wrapped around her back. The feel of his skin on hers was scorching. His hands moved up her cheeks and she felt him caress her face.

  Ana’s arms moved to his waist. It was a perfunctory act that resonated the desire to be held even closer. Ana raised her face and felt the stubbles on his chin graze her cheeks. He was so close she could smell the brandy on his breath. She offered her lips to him as she stopped breathing, anticipating the touch of his lips on hers.


  “Lash, are you in here?” The voice of Jonathan bellowed from the door.

  Ana and Lash stepped away from each other like two startled rabbits.

  “Oh good. Ana is here too,” Jonathan said. “We’re ready for the traditional toast to the success of opening night. C’mon everyone’s waiting,” Jonathan added.

  Ana stole a glance at Lash. His face was a mask. Whatever there was between them before Jonathan barged in was gone. Her spirit fell knowing that the spell had been broken.

  Ana wondered how she made it through the rest of the party. Part of her body was still back there in the garden. She wished she had the power to go back in time. She would have shut the panel door behind her when she got his note and went in search for him. She would have found a way to lock Jonathan up in the bathroom so he didn’t come looking for them. Her mind was whirling with all the what “ifs”. She even wondered if she didn’t just imagine the whole scenario in her head.

  When Lash made a toast, she marveled at the confidence he displayed. The words he spoke, the praises he heaped on the whole company, they all made everyone feel special. They were one big family, he said, who belonged together, worked together towards making opening night a great success. Ana felt it too, that sense of belonging that she was a part of something grand. They were all a part of him as he was to them all. So, she tried to ignore the voice that wished it was only she that belonged to him alone.

  Chapter EIGHT

  “It’s all about the body sway, Ana, the rise and fall, giving the illusion that you are standing on air,” Jonathan coached.

  The choreographer’s voice held a tinge of exasperat
ion even as she tried to follow his instructions. She bent backwards one more time trying to keep her back parallel to the floor as she held her head regally sideways. She knew that Ricardo was holding her. She could feel her partner’s hand on her back. Unfortunately, that did not stop her from slipping. She grabbed on to Ricardo’s shirt to avoid falling down completely.

  “I’m sorry…” Ana stammered.

  Ricardo came to her rescue. “We can try this again tomorrow. We’re both tired anyway, right Ana?”

  Ana nodded.

  Today marked the second day that she and Ricardo had been rehearsing as a team. So far, the male diva was pleased… except for the waltz. Even Ana had to admit her performance was sub-par compared to her performance in the other dances they did together.

  “I’m sorry Ricardo,” Ana muttered. “I’ll practice after you’re gone. I promise I will be perfect tomorrow,” she said.

  “I’m sure you will,” Ricardo replied blowing her a kiss as he headed out the door.

  Hours later, Ana groaned. She ignored the pain in her neck that had intensified during the last hour. Her back felt like there were a million fire ants nipping at her.

  She didn’t know how long she had been rehearsing all alone in the studio. The rest of the crew had left hours ago. She had spent the time twirling around the room, elevating and lowering down on her toes until her feet felt numb. She studied her reflection in the mirror as she attempted the pendulum-look required by the dance, swinging her upper body left and right.

  It frustrated her to realize how such an elegant and beautiful dance could be so complicated, challenging even, because she needed Ricardo to help with her balance. But she promised she would have this darn dance down pat even if she threw her back in the process.

  She cued the music determined to give it another go when she noticed someone standing by the studio entrance.

  “Lash,” she called out in surprise, as he came into the light, “what are you doing here?”

  “I saw the light was still on and wondered,” he replied.

  “It’s just me. Jonathan isn’t very happy with the waltz so I thought a few extra hours would help me improve,” Ana confessed.

  She was alarmingly aware that they were the only two people in the entire building.

  Ever since the aborted kiss that night in the greenhouse of his apartment, she had been feeling very apprehensive. Even after they all left the party that night, a part of her hoped he would ask for her again. But he disappeared after everyone said their goodbyes. She was torn between relief and disappointment. When morning came, anxiety took over, thinking they would see each other at rehearsals. But he had been away the past two days that she had been rehearsing with Ricardo.

  Standing there as he came closer, she wondered if she should take the initiative and mention it or just pretend it never happened.

  Lash solved the dilemma for her.

  “Ana, about the other night…”

  “Forget it. It was a mistake. We both had a few drinks. I guess it went to our heads,” Ana said softly. She was desperate to restore the camaraderie that existed before. She missed him and didn’t want the incident to spoil whatever friendship had developed between them.

  “You think it was a mistake?” he asked.

  “Wasn’t it?” She retorted quickly.

  Lash stared at her but didn’t answer. Instead he asked, “What is it you’re practicing and why do you think Jonathan is unhappy?”

  Ana noticed that he didn’t answer her question, just as she answered his question with another question.

  She sighed. “It’s this waltz. I cannot get the posture right. I keep thinking I am going to fall. My neck hurts and my entire back feels like it’s on fire,” she whined.

  “Come here,” he commanded her.

  Ana wondered if he was going to try and kiss her again. Instead, he turned her around facing away from him and began to massage her neck and back.

  “That feels good,” she sighed in bliss as his fingers kneaded and pressed against her aching muscles. He went about it for a few minutes and then stopped.

  “Show me what the problem is?” He said to her.

  “Oh, you mean the dance,” Ana asked.

  Lash nodded. Ana cued the music and walked to the center of the room. She appreciated his effort in helping her. His observation would surely guide her until she fully memorized the dance. Ana waited until he took a seat as he watched her. Instead he joined her on center stage and spread his arms wide mimicking the opening stance for the waltz.

  “You’re gonna dance with me,” Ana asked in surprise.

  Lash nodded saying nothing.

  Ana tried to ignore the wild beating of her heart as she took her place facing him. She didn’t even know he could dance. They waited for the soft music to start. When it began, they each took a step forward and bowed. She was surprised Lash was familiar with the basics, even more amazed that he was light on his feet. He could dance, she thought.

  They circled each other just as she would have done with Ricardo as her partner. But this was Lash. And he was dancing with her. Their gaze remained locked as Ana played in her mind, the series of steps that would follow next making her feel anxious. She was being too methodical she realized. “Relax Ana,” she coached herself.

  Lash placed his hand on her back as her hand reached out for his shoulder. Then both their free hands came together and finally touched. Together, they swayed and twirled and turned to the music, their limbs in perfect sync like they were made to dance together.

  As the music played on, Ana relaxed and smiled visualizing them both in the elegant clothing that the dance required. She was in a flowing gown and he in a formal tuxedo. They both looked perfect together, she imagined.

  Lash was graceful on his feet. He danced to the music like he was born to do so. Ana too was light on her feet like she weighed nothing. . She wondered why Ricardo didn’t evoke quite the same sensation that dancing with Lash did. Everything that he was – his kindness when he offered his own house for her to stay her first night in New York, their common legacy, his thirst for knowledge for the culture of their past, and his desire to honor the promise he made to his dying mother – all these made her feel light as a feather, like she was dancing on air. She was being carried higher and higher in a powerful gust of wind that left her breathless but not wanting to stop. Ana knew exactly why.

  “I’m in love with him,” the thought arrived uninvited.

  She gasped inwardly as realization struck, defying her to deny the truth.

  She had no intention to persist in denying the fact any further. It would be an exercise in futility. The conflicting emotions he managed to evoke within her that swung from happiness to anguish, optimism to defeat, boundless energy to profound despair – these were all familiar sentiments she experienced in past relationships. But with Lash it was magnified a thousand-fold.

  “I’m in love with him.” There was no question mark. Only an exclamation that came from the depths of her being.

  Ana was amazed at how she could still maintain her equilibrium as these thoughts whizzed through her mind. One thing was for certain, she felt like the luckiest girl in the world dancing with him tonight.

  The heat between them grew more intense as each second passed. Her heart was beating madly along with each of those every second. Lash guided her across the stage as if they owned it, every step seemingly planned well in advance. His eyes never once left hers. Ana knew he could bring her anywhere he wanted and she would follow. There were no hesitations because both knew exactly where they wanted to go. It was the only excuse Ana needed to recognize why it wasn’t the same way with Ricardo. She wanted Lash, wanted to belong to him in a way she never felt for any of the men in her past.

  “I’m dancing, Lash. I’m really dancing,” she whispered breathlessly.

  “Really,” he chuckled softly, “I didn’t notice.”

  He didn’t have to tease her. Her heart, her entire being
knew that from now on, she was his and his alone.

  It was at that very moment that Ana decided to set herself free. She had never felt more alive, more keenly aware of whom she became in his arms. The dimly lit studio could have been flooded with spotlights. There could have been a thousand eyes watching. The audience could break into a resounding applause. Ana didn’t care. Right there, right now, was all that mattered.

  As the music came to an end, a tinge of heartache appeared because she would no longer be basking in the warmth of his touch. But Ana refused to be sad as she grinned happily up at him. Her breath was coming in waves as she panted.

  “That was amazing,” she declared, playfully collapsing down to the floor beneath him.


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