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The Boss's Fiance Box Set

Page 52

by Amanda Horton

  Chapter SEVEN

  The message from Julia Saint was brief. The note simply said the older woman would appreciate it if Killian could come to her house as soon as possible. The first thing that entered Killian’s mind was that Max never brought her to the house he shared with this mom. It would be awkward if she went without him. But this was his mom asking her to come.

  The second thing that worried her, what if there was something wrong with Julia. But if that was the case, then she would have called for Max, not her.

  These intricacies never used to bother her before. They weren’t important in her life, PRE-Max era. But it seems to be Maxwell Saint’s fake fiancée required her to follow a protocol that didn’t seem that important in the past. It didn’t matter that this was all just pretend until Max got what he wanted from the Board.

  After that particular dinner at the Country club with his mom and Uncle Tony, word eventually spread that they were a couple. Killian expected that. What she didn’t expect was the change in the attitude of people at work. She sensed it the moment conversation among the nurses went down a notch as soon as she entered the room. They must have been gossiping about her because of the look of unease and guilt on some of their faces.

  Others were downright bitchy and made sure she heard their comments about preferential treatments which Killian was not even aware of. Others sucked up to her making her suspicious about anyone’s true intentions.

  Each time she wanted to renege on the deal between her and Max, she would think of the cottage and the way it was slowly transforming into the cottage in her dreams. She just wasn’t very sure if her dream was worth all these aggravations that came with Maxwell Saint.

  Each time she remembered the way he treated her like she was some kind of idiot during the dinner at the country club, her annoyance would go up a notch.

  She had been deliberately avoiding him since that night on the pretext that her workload had doubled and the cottage repairs were occupying all of her time. But the truth was, she missed not seeing him these last few days.

  Killian sighed remembering the message from Julia Saint.

  Surprisingly, her schedule eased up allowing her to leave the hospital and head for the house Max shared with his mom.

  As soon as the cab driver deposited her at the gate, Killian saw that calling it a house was an understatement. It looked huge even from where she stood. She calculated the distance from the wrought iron gate down the winding driveway to the main house to be at least a hundred meters long. She didn’t mind sprinting all the way to the house except that she needed to be able to enter first.

  She noticed the doorbell with the mounted security camera in one of the pillars holding the gate. She pressed the doorbell and waited. She noticed that a golf cart emerged from somewhere back of the house and it was driven by a maid in uniform.

  “Miss Killian Church?” the maid asked.

  Killian nodded. The gate buzzed open and she hopped on to the cart and was ferried to a courtyard with a fountain shooting water into the air. The double door leading inside was made of intricately carved wood. The inside of the house was luxurious without losing its homey feel just because it was expensively styled. One can immediately spot the good taste of the lady of the house. Two matching carved staircases flanked both sides of the house leading to the second floor where a crystal chandelier dropped down from the ceiling.

  “Mrs. Saint is in her bedroom. She asked that I bring you to her as soon as you arrive,” the maid announced, leading her up the grand staircase.

  They reached the landing to the second floor as Killian followed the maid through a hallway with thick carpet and muted overhead lighting. The walls displayed assorted paintings, modern and contemporary, intermingled with family photos.

  At the end of the hallway was a console table decked with fresh flowers and antique bric-a-brac arranged tastefully together. The maid stopped beside a door, knocked, and ushered Killian inside.

  Julia was seated in an ornate high back chair looking out the window. The room was dark because of the drawn curtains. Killian instantly noted that she was still in her robe although it was past noon. Something told her Julia never made it a habit to be wearing a robe this late in the day. Women with Julia’s kind of character was ready to face the day even at the crack of dawn, all made up and coiffed.

  “Julia,” Killian called out, “are you alright?”

  Her instinct kicked in. She wanted to make a physical assessment but couldn’t do so properly because the room was dark.

  Julia looked up at her. Killian noted the wet streaks on her cheeks. Julia had been crying. Anxious, Killian went down on her knees in front of the old woman and took both her hand.

  “Julia, what’s wrong?” She asked softly. “Are you sick? Do you want me to call an ambulance? Have you called Max?”

  Julia shook her head vigorously. “No. Please don’t call Max because that is exactly what he will do, call a damn ambulance, and then I have to stay in the hospital and undergo all kinds of tests only to be told after a couple of days that there is nothing wrong with me.”

  Killian pressed two fingers against the inside of Julia’s wrist to determine her pulse. It appeared to be regular. She checked out the old woman’s complexion. She wasn’t pale in any way. Her eyes didn’t look dilated and she was breathing normally.

  “Okay, we won’t call Max,” she reassured not wanting to cause undue worry. “But, tell me what happened. Why are you crying?”

  Julia sighed and replied, “Because I am a silly old woman who feels like I am not doing anything significant to give my life any meaning. When I die no one will remember me.”

  Killian understood. Julia was depressed, a common ailment that affected the elderly. In Julia’s case, she felt it more because she was still healthy and strong for someone her age to feel absolutely useless.

  “I want to have a more active role at the hospital but Max refuses to allow me to work with the Board saying it will be too much stress for me. I know those men that make up the Board. They are my friends. Max thinks my life should be about going to the salon or spa or attending art classes or whatever the heck old people like me should be doing…and I hate it. I want to be able to do more for the hospital,” Julia lamented.

  “Have you tried telling Max how you feel?” Killian asked.

  “More than once. I suspect he thinks it is just a whim and doesn’t take it too seriously,” Julia replied.

  “You have to make him understand if it means that much to you,” Killian advised.

  “I know. And seeing me like this will only make him think I am not capable,” Julia replied, then added, “I’m glad you’re here though,” she said, rising to her feet.

  She headed for the bed. “I want to take a nap. Will you stay with me for a while?”

  “Sure,” Killian replied, helping the woman out of her robe. “Would you like me to give you a backrub?” Killian asked. “All my patients swear by it,” she teased.

  Julia nodded not really giving it much thought, turning over on her back, more to humor the younger girl than anything else.

  Killian immediately worked to loosen the tight knots along Julia’s shoulder, concentrating on the muscles below her nape, kneading and applying just the right amount of pressure. She heard Julia sigh in contentment.

  Killian knew her “magic fingers” were doing its magic. She worked on the entire backside all the way to the soles of Julia’s feet. Julia turned over willingly as Killian began massaging the front side of her body. Before Killian could even finish, she noticed from the gentle rise and fall of Julia’s chest that she was fast asleep.

  Chapter EIGHT

  Killian scooted gently out of the bed so as not to awaken Julia. She covered the older woman with a thin blanket before stepping out of the room.

  She wondered if she should leave now that the mistress of the mansion was fast asleep. Then she remembered Julia’s request for her to stay. Killian decided she would stay until
she was sure that Julia was okay.

  She headed down the stairs and made her way to the kitchen. She thought of asking the maid for something to eat. She glanced at her watch and realized it was nearly dusk and her last meal had been breakfast.

  The maid was more than happy to serve her food and asked for a couple of minutes to prepare. When she returned, she had a plate of the most delicious roast pork and pickled cucumber mini sandwiches on a plate. Killian asked for freshly squeezed lemonade and proceeded to devour the sandwiches. She poured herself a tall glass of the refreshing juice which the maid brought.

  “Miss Church, do you need a ride later? I have to go in a few minutes. I’ll be back tomorrow. But I can make arrangements for a car to pick you up,” the maid, whose name was Rosa, informed her.

  “It’s alright, Rosa. I’ll be fine on my own. I promised Mrs. Saint I’ll stick around till she wakes up,” Killian replied.

  “You might like to see the inner courtyard that Mr. Saint has done at the back. He’s really proud of it. It's quite charming if you want to do some reading,” Rosa volunteered.

  “I’ll check it out later, Rosa,” Killian promised.

  After eating, Killian made her way to the kitchen and deposited her plate and glass on the sink. She worked her way back to the living room and tried to remember where she left her backpack that she brought earlier when she came to see Julia. Killian remembered she chucked her phone inside the bag with the rest of her stuff. She hadn’t checked any of her messages since she arrived there hours ago.

  The backpack on a table and Killian went to retrieve it. She rummaged inside for her phone as she made her way towards the back of the house in search of the inner courtyard Rosa mentioned.

  She felt the outlines of her cellphone inside the backpack just as she stepped into the open doorway leading to the courtyard. What she saw took her breath away, making her meander slowly as she took in the sight.

  The courtyard was like a miniature forest of exotic bonsai trees and flowering shrubs with the floras in full bloom sending exotic perfume into the air. The steps leading towards it were lovingly flagged with pavestone the color of honey where assorted flowers had been planted in circular beds.

  The elevated portion was made with wooden slabs and was accessible by a series of flattened boulders made to simulate a two-step staircase. On the elevated portion were sofa sets strewn with colorful pillows.

  Rosa was right. It really was a charming and hidden oasis which was all hers for now.

  She chose a lounger and plumped up two pillows and plopped down on it as she checked her cellphone. The first thing she noticed was all the missed calls…all 12 of them…and all from Max.

  “Jeez,” Killian muttered as she scrolled to her inbox. Again, all her messages were from Max asking her whereabouts.

  Killian scrambled on to her stomach and was about to text a reply. She felt guilty for not answering any of his calls and messages. She really forgot all about her phone because she was so caught up with Julia.

  She was about to text a reply when she suddenly stopped. How on earth would she tell him she was in his house at this very moment? She rose from the pillows and crisscrossed her feet, thinking. She looked up and almost screamed in fright when she saw the outline of a man watching her from the doorway.

  “Jesus,” she exhaled in relief as she recognized Max.

  He walked slowly towards where she sat Indian squat on the lounger. Killian saw the angry glint in his eyes and the stiff way he carried his body. Instinctively she knew he was angry with her. He didn’t sit beside her but took the lounger opposite hers. He didn’t say a single word.

  “Max, I-I am sorry about missing all your calls. I didn’t realize that time had gone by so fast.” Killian said. Maybe if he knew why she was here, he wouldn’t be so angry, she thought. “Your Mom, she…”

  Max sighed deeply and said, “I know. I met Rosa outside before she left. She told me you were here. I didn’t understand until Rosa mentioned about Mom not feeling well. She called you to come over because she knew I would insist on bringing her to the hospital instead. Then I remembered what day it was.”

  “Day?” Killian asked confused.

  Max sighed but didn’t address her question directly. Instead, he asked, “Have you eaten? Are you hungry? I can call for takeout since Rosa has already left for the day.”

  Kilian said she was fine and that Rosa gave her food before she left. She got to her feet and said, “I’ll take a quick look at Julia....”

  “No need. I just came from there and she is still sleeping.” Max assured her.

  He walked back inside the house and returned with a bottle of cabernet and two flutes. He poured the red into both glasses and handed one to her. He joined her on the sofa and touched her glass with his before taking a sip.

  Killian took a sip from her glass then said, “Max, we need to talk about your mom. I won’t presume to know her more than you do, but there are some things you need to hear.”

  She proceeded to tell him she suspected Julia was depressed and was feeling useless and how she wanted to take a more active role in the Board.

  “Yes, I know that and I would gladly give her what she wants if that is what will make her happy. One week from today is my dad’s death anniversary and every year she goes into this depression. I try to find ways to make her forget. I send her on trips abroad but it never works. She gets really depressed and has anxiety attacks. Her doctors say we just need to ride it out until it passes.” Max explained.

  “I see…I’m sorry, it must be hard for you to see her that way,” Killian supposed.

  “I’m glad she called you,” Max replied.

  “I’m glad I came,” Killian whispered, then added. “I have some time off from the hospital. I was thinking of spending it at the cottage. I can pass by every day and see how Julia is doing,” Killian volunteered.

  “I have a better idea,” he remarked thoughtfully. “Why don’t you stay here instead? We can both go to the cottage anytime you wish. It would make me feel better knowing you are here with Mom.”

  Killian never expected things would move in that direction. Living in the same house with Max? She supposed it would be better than trying to get a ride coming here every day.

  “Okay,” Killian agreed, “Let's drink to that,” she toasted.

  It felt like a good decision because Max became less anxious.

  It may have been just the wine taking effect but he was such great company regaling her with of stories of his childhood and the devious ways he tried to get out of trouble. He recounted stories of when he was sent to a military school and ended up spray painting the walls in his bedroom in a drunken spree. He was expelled and sent back home. He spent his college years in Harvard earning a degree in Business because his dad was grooming him to take over the responsibilities of running the hospital.

  “Now tell me all about you,” he encouraged her.

  “N-nothing much to tell,” Killian replied realizing she was having difficulty forming her words. And why did she feel like the grin on her face was plastered permanently? Was she slurring too, she wondered?

  “I think you’ve had enough to drink,” Max said rising from the sofa. He offered a hand to help her up. “I’ll show you to your room.”

  Killian took his hand, tried to rise, and immediately felt the world spin on its axis. She swayed on her feet trying to find her balance.

  “Oops,” Max said trying to steady her.

  Killian giggled for no reason except that she was really drunk. She thought she had probably fallen into space because suddenly, her feet were no longer on the ground. Then she realized Max was carrying her. She placed an arm around his neck to keep from slipping off.

  “Where are we going?” she asked confused.

  “I’m taking you to bed,” Max replied, his face so close she could feel his hot breath on her face.

  “Okay,” she replied meekly entwining her other arm around his neck and resting
her face against his shoulder. “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to sleep with you,” she added.

  Half her brain was horrified at what she just said, while the other half couldn’t tell a lie even if she wanted to.

  Her mind was fuzzy she lost track of where they were inside the house. She knew they were going up the stairs then walking down a hallway and then Max stopped, opened a door, walked in and deposited her down on the bed.

  “Are we in your bedroom?” Killian slurred, unable to keep her eyes open. Her entire body – arms, legs, torso, hips, and waist – all felt like they were stuffed with cotton… and so heavy she couldn’t even lift her hands to touch his face.

  “No, we are not in my bedroom,” Max answered with a laugh.


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